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Thread: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

  1. #1
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    Like in the the first version and the second version, instead of asking your own favourite animes, mangas and videogames, I reverse the idea and ask your opinions on anime series, manga series or videogame series I've chosen.

    Note that some of these are in all the three formats (anime, manga, videogame) so you may decide what format you tell us about or you can tell your opinion on all the formats, if you like.

    1. Death Note
    2. Inuyasha
    3. Akira
    4. Trinity Blood
    5. Transformers
    6. Case Closed
    7. Street Fighter
    8. Megaman
    9. Kingdom Hearts
    10. Resident Evil
    11. Metal Gear Solid
    12. Tomb Raider

    My answers:

    1. Death Note

    They began to translate this awesome manga to Finnish last summer. I'm hooked by the great story, only some useless thinking phases like "If he thinks I know he's Kira, he'll blah blah..." annoy me a bit. Absolutely one of my favourite mangas.

    2. Inuyasha

    Read the first three volumes in Finnish. Sadly more blood and darker than in Ranma1/2. Not bad anyway.

    3. Akira

    An oldie in this list. When there was no other manga in Finnish I used to read some, but if I was given one volume in my hands today, I'd perhaps ignore it.

    4. Trinity Blood

    In fact, in the hand-written version of this thread, I planned to take Beyblade here, LOL, but I changed my plan and this is another one I know very little of and unlike Beyblade, I'm actually a bit intersted in it. I saw a rating in a Finnish pop culture magazine and laughed: "Hey that's from War Of The Forums!".

    5. Transformers

    Haven't watched this one too much. I might mention now that the anime offerings have terribly declined here in Finland. We used to have a dozen or so anime series, but now only Pokemon and last time I checked Yu-Gi-Oh!

    6. Case Closed

    We have this manga in Finnish. I know a girl who likes it, but I have only glanced at Conan.

    7. Street Fighter

    I want to hear your opinions on it. Played only a little of it myself, found it funny. In the good sense.

    8. Megaman

    Played it for like one minute. I know it's popular, but I used to have only one ROM and I don't want to play such a great game illegally.

    9. Kingdom Hearts

    Never played. This comes from a person who LEFT Disney for Final Fantasy. Actually all the games I chose this time are somewhat unfamiliar to me. I can learn something new about these in any case.

    10. Resident Evil

    Tried only a little of it. I don't like most horror movies too much, boring and laughable in my opinion. This game, however, has no good playability and the graphics are bad, I think.

    11. Metal Gear Solid

    Enjoy more watching a friend playing this than playing it myself. Graphics are awesome in my opinion, too, and people praise the controls. But for some odd reason I'm not interested enough to play it seriously myself.

    12. Tomb Raider

    I hate this game! Lara is ugly. Controls stupid. One of my friends used to play this series a lot long ago, but stopped playing videogames altogether long ago as well and I blame this game for that.

    Your turn.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 25th October 2008 at 12:52 AM. Reason: links, Sreet Fighter -> Street Fighter

  2. #2
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    So uh...instead of "Ctrl-V"ing the same answer over again, I will only give my opinion of those that I've played. The rest...heard, but never seen nor played it.

    5. Transformers
    I saw part of the series (Burning Fingers) and played Gundam Battle Assault 2 (loved that game)

    7. Sreet Fighter
    The classic street fighter 2 turbo is an unforgettable fighting game (hadouken) and well...the "real" movie wasn't so bad. (I guess "so" is what makes a difference here)

    8. Megaman
    Normal series =played some. X series = played and beated almost all of em(except X4, X,7, X8). Zero series, played and beated all except Z3 and ZX. EXE series (AKA: Battle network. I've only beated MBN3Blue. Love all of the series.

    9. Kingdom Hearts
    You have almost never seen such a successful game combining to great companies into a series of masterpieces. (KH1=done KH:com=done KH2=done, waiting KH:bbs. No one where I live believes that I beated Sephiroth in KH1, even when I was at level 99 with Oblivion)

    10. Resident Evil
    I've only played Code:Veronica and I loved that game.

    11. Metal Gear Solid
    Snake, what happened? Snake.....SNAAAAKEEEEE!!!

    I've played MGS1 and MGS4, but haven't beated any of 'em. Good games, though.

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  3. #3
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    1. Death Note
    Very good anime. I like how they made the main character not only a villain, but an insane villain. And Ryuk is one of my favorite anime characters. The music rocks too. It adds to the dark atmosphere.

    2. Inuyasha
    After seeing this on Adult Swim a million times I got sick of it. Sick of Kagome's moodiness, of Inuyasha's stupidity, and Kikyo's....I just got sick of Kikyo. Still love the openings and endings though.

    3. Akira
    Never seen it. I would love to see it though.

    4. Trinity Blood
    I loved the anime...but would've liked it even more if they hadn't stopped it in mid-plot! Damn, I need the manga!

    5. Transformers
    There are so many Transformers series, but I haven't seen the original version. I do like the latest one, and the movie.

    6. Case Closed
    One of the anime Adult Swim shouldn't have cancelled. I like mystery stuff, ever since I read Encyclopedia Brown.

    7. Sreet Fighter
    I assume you meen Street Fighter. I only have played Street Fighter II: The World Tournament, which I enjoyed. Vega was my favorite character.

    8. Megaman
    I've played Megaman X (which was cool, especially Overdrive Ostrich), and watched my brother play Megaman 64 (I think that was the game). Other than that, the series is unfamiliar to me.

    9. Kingdom Hearts
    Is it possible to love a game series I've never completely play through? Because I love it. I love the characters (except Donald and Goofy, they need to boot those two out), especially Organization XIII. I'm looking forward to 358/2 Days. Oh, and I can't believe they managed to make Mickey into a kickass fighter.

    10. Resident Evil
    Never played any of it. I liked how they made RE4 one of the best in the series though (whoo Gamecube!).

    11. Metal Gear Solid
    Never played the games. Love the music.

    12. Tomb Raider
    I remember watching my stepbrother play the first or second Tomb Raider, and he came across a T-Rex in a cave or ruins. I thought that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a video game.

    EDIT: shinypkmnchaser, are you talking about the Transformers series or Gundam? Because they're different.
    Last edited by classy_cat18; 25th October 2008 at 12:07 AM.
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  4. #4
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    1. Death Note

    I'm quite honest with you, I've never even heard of this one.

    2. Inuyasha

    I didn't enjoy this one much, I don't like the "hero" of the show at all (something happening with many of the more recent animes shown here) so I stopped watching it regularly after a few episodes.

    3. Akira

    Never seen it but it was the first real anime movie ever shown in German cinemas. A classic.

    4. Trinity Blood

    Nope, sorry, don't know that one either.

    5. Transformers

    I used to watch that show when I was a little kid in the early 80s on english children programme "Fun Factory". I really loved this one and remember always rooting for the Decepticons. Their leader Megatron transforming into a big gun was kinda dorky though while all his underlings would transform into fighter planes.

    6. Case Closed

    Now I really like this one eventhough they always draw conclusions and evidence out of their hats. As the viewer you never have any chance to actually "solve" any cases yourself. Well, I guess that's what Conan is there for.

    7. Street Fighter

    I was never a pro when it comes to beat 'em ups. A friend used to have SF2 on the SNES back in the days. I was just good enough in solo mode to see Zangief dance with general secretary Gorbachev.

    8. Megaman

    I loved the original series and got all its games, having beaten them so many times I can't even count them. I also loved the X series at first but it plummited with Mega Man X5 and from there it only got worse. The "latest" MM game I own (except of course MM9) is X7. What a complete disaster that one was.

    The cartoon show was pretty weak. The animation wasn't state-of-the-art and it was pretty much always the same. I guess I would have enjoyed it a lot as a kid though.

    9. Kingdom Hearts

    Never played this one I'm afraid.

    10. Resident Evil

    A great series, defined a new game genre too and that's a rare thing in these days. I liked the first few titles who weren't that full of action like Resi 4 a bit more. They were creepier and made me jump now and then. Especially the remake of the original on the GCN was awesome.

    11. Metal Gear Solid

    Yes, that one was awesome. I even played through it on Extreme and I usually never bother with such high difficulties in games. I just wish there were a bit more playing and bit less watching videos in this one (and the entire series).

    12. Tomb Raider

    I hate that series. I played the first three games a friend lent me and didn't enjoy any of them. The controls were awful! The Tom Raider series survives through Lara Croft's big boobs only. The movies blow too by the way.
    Last edited by Austrian ViceMaster Alex; 25th October 2008 at 02:22 AM.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    1. Death Note

    A strong series. Brilliantly executed for the most part. It ranks among the best anime I've seen. However, you can clearly divide the series into two "arcs." They really should have ended the series after the first one. Frankly, I don't even consider the second part to be the same series, because they really botched some of the logic that made the first battle so amazing.

    For me, the thing that made the first arc stand out as being spectacular was that the strategy by both sides was essentially flawless. That was the true test of this series... any mistakes, and it would be drivel. In the second arc, the players in this game made clear errors - especially the final move that decided it all.

    2. Inuyasha

    Nothing too special. The anime had just enough interesting elements to make it stand out from the crowd, but it wasn't anything revolutionary. That said, maybe the manga was better. It certainly avoided the non-ending of the anime, so maybe the original form was significantly superior. I can't speak to that, as I haven't read it.

    3. Akira

    Another one in which I've only seen the anime. This may irritate some otaku, but I actually thought this was overrated. Maybe it'd be better if I had some context for it. For instance, DBZ obviously changed the world of anime (and moviemaking) forever, but compared with modern fighting anime, it's very cookie-cutter. Maybe Akira falls into the same situation where it created the stereotype rather than just being part of one... not sure. It's been awhile since I've seen it, so I don't remember a lot, but I do recall not being quite as impressed as I'd expected.

    4. Trinity Blood

    What is it with recent series and non-endings? I'm not talking about ambiguous things that can be interpreted like End of Evangelion... I'm talking about "This will continue" nonsense. That's my biggest qualm with TB. Do something decisive! Also, the plot's a little convoluted at times. There are a lot of political entanglements that are rather hard to follow. I watched it twice, so I know I caught all the episodes, yet I still only understood what was happening about half the time. Very confusing. You've got to be dedicated to follow this one.

    5. Transformers

    Full disclosure: I have not been a Transformers fan all my life. That said, what I have seen was... passable? Transformers Animated is horrible, while Cybertron is okay. The movie was pretty dang cool, but I suppose we're not talking about that in this thread, judging by the title.

    6. Case Closed

    Ergh... haven't seen enough of this to really have an objective opinion. I watched a few episodes and it was worthwhile, but I didn't feel like tracking it down again when the timeslot changed. That pretty much sums up my opinion of it.

    7. Street Fighter

    I wasn't much for fighting games when I was little (still don't care much for most of them), but I remember that this one ranked alongside Mortal Kombat. From what I saw, it was of fairly good quality, even if it wasn't my favorite genre.

    8. Megaman

    I assume we're talking about the games and not the anime... in which case I know next to nothing. Sorry.

    9. Kingdom Hearts

    See, I asked for this game for two or three consecutive Christmases without receiving it. I played a bit on a friend's copy and it seemed cool... probably still have the save data on my memory card, actually. This always seemed like a good game/series, but lack of funds and parental cooperation kept me from getting into it.

    10. Resident Evil

    Another game that didn't really fall into my genre of choice. Um... I may have played part of one of the games once. Not entirely sure. If I remember correctly, the one I played seemed alright for its time. Nothing special, though I may have just formed that opinion out of disinterest.

    11. Metal Gear Solid

    I got into the Playstation trend too late to really pick up on this one. However, what I have seen always seemed solid, even for the system. And the last of the series was utterly fantastic - I have never seen such a rave review on G4. If you have the required consoles, this series is probably worth trying.

    12. Tomb Raider

    It's an adventure game. The only difference from the rest is that the main character is a woman with big breasts. Thumbs down for pandering.

    Looks like I gave some pretty harsh reviews this time around. Hmm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    1. Death Note

    Watched both the live action movies and the anime series. Also read the mangas. This manga's plot is detailed and keep you most of time in suspense. Also for certain portions of both the manga and anime series, you would have to think hard to how Kira was going to step up his plan and how he outwits L. Although in contrast, the movie is somehow disappointing. I do not care what the fangirls have to say but all three movies relating to Deathnote is not worth watching. This is just a sum up version of the anime series, even though they did change the ending.

    2. Inuyasha

    Read some chapters of the manga and also finished up on the anime series. This anime is overrated. Personally, I see no point in continuing on an anime that should have ended its entire plot in 50 episodes. But no, they continue on with the story for another hundred more episodes before calling an end to it. The real ending of course comes from the manga itself. Watched the movies, they are more entertaining than the series.

    3. Akira

    Nope. Although I bought the T-shirt for this series because it looks trendy.

    4. Trinity Blood

    A vampire that feeds on the blood of other vampires. This is one anime series that I would highly recommend to those who are really fans of the supernatural genre. Little did many of the fans that watched this series loyalty, expected the priestess to be the Queen. Yes, and also the writer somehow insulted the Pope by portraying the Pope as a timid, useless guy. Manga- wise, I have not really got into it.

    5. Transformers

    I only watched certain episodes of its original cartoon during my younger days. No real solid memories of this cartoon at all. However, I have watched the movie. It is worth the ticket price I must say. Look forward to the second movie if ever there is any.

    6. Case Closed

    No idea.

    7. Street Fighter

    Only saw the American made movie. And I played some arcade games with them. The last arcade I remember for Street Fighter would be Street Fighter versus Capcom. Ryu and Ken combo is good.

    8. Megaman

    Watched a few episodes of the anime. And played a few games that had relations to it. Did not really make a big impact for me.

    9. Kingdom Hearts

    No idea. Only saw the game preview once in V Jump. So game that had Micky Mouse, Goofy and Shaman King together? Not very sure on that.

    10. Resident Evil

    Saw the movie. Never played the game before.

    11. Metal Gear Solid

    No idea.

    12. Tomb Raider

    No idea. But a character resembling Lara Craft is good. ^.^ The new Lara Craft just does not attract me much.

  7. #7
    Rl #32:Enjoy The Little Things Master Trainer
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    Quote Originally Posted by classy_cat18 View Post
    EDIT: shinypkmnchaser, are you talking about the Transformers series or Gundam? Because they're different.
    Ugh...My brain was turned upside-down.

    Sorry, confused the series... ^_^;

    About transformers...I've seen the original series and one similar to it, but with animals(can't remember the name, though). I would like to see the movie.

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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    Quote Originally Posted by shinypkmnchaser View Post
    About transformers...I've seen the original series and one similar to it, but with animals(can't remember the name, though).
    Beast Wars and Beast Machines. My favorite versions of the show.

    9. Kingdom Hearts

    No idea. Only saw the game preview once in V Jump. So game that had Micky Mouse, Goofy and Shaman King together? Not very sure on that.
    Didn't have Shaman King. You could be thinking about Sora.
    Last edited by classy_cat18; 25th October 2008 at 02:33 PM.
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    1. Death Note
    Haven't watched it, but I plan to someday.

    2. Inuyasha
    The first 400 or so episodes I caught, along with the first movie, but I lost interest after awhile.

    3. Akira
    Dunno it.

    4. Trinity Blood
    Dunno it.

    5. Transformers
    Wasn't born early enough to watch the animated series, but as a middle-schooler, I watched a CGI version of the show sometimes before school. You know, the one where Optimus Prime and Megatron were a gorilla and a T-rex (respectively) instead of a fire truck and a jet.

    6. Case Closed
    Watched the first season... Then, Adult Swim started fucking things up in their line-up; I never saw it again.

    7. Street Fighter
    Tried it on XBL; too difficult.

    8. Megaman
    Have only played the main series (1-6 and recently 9); they're good games. Shame that so many crappy spinoffs have muddled the Blue Bomber's name a bit.

    9. Kingdom Hearts
    Overrated Squareshit garbage.

    10. Resident Evil
    Never played; it's on the 'To Play Before Death' list, along with Silent Hill, Prince of Persia, Metal Gear Solid, and a shitload of other big names I've missed over the years.

    11. Metal Gear Solid
    See #10.

    12. Tomb Raider
    Never saw the appeal. Wario's a better treasure-hunter, and Samus is a cooler (and hotter ) female protagonist.

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  10. #10
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    Default Re: POLL: Animes, Mangas, Games VERSION 3

    There were more blanks than I expected this time, so I'll omit those. After all, the most useful thing I offered while trying to come up with anything was Chicken and Duck Talk.

    5. Transformers
    I wasn't taken in by the craze back in the 80s, though I did watch Beast Wars a little in the 90s... Interestingly enough, I find that most people I talk to enjoyed the movie except for people who were fans of it in the 80s. Sucks that the movie appeals to everyone but its fans, but oh well. I thought it was a pretty good movie - so what if the humans were the main characters, it made for a better movie than two hours of robots sparring. If you want fan-service, watch Advent Children.

    7. Street Fighter
    I'll never know why I never got this game way back in the day. I rectified this by getting SFII Turbo on Wii (idiot me didn't think to wait for The New Challengers...), was kind of okay at it. It wasn't until Street Fighter 4 hit work that I've been playing it more seriously. It's kinda neat just beating customer after customer, especially the ones who think they're awesome. On weekends we get some serious competitors, though... I haven't played a lot of the top flight players, reckon I'd get mauled though. I use Ken. Practically everyone uses Ken, he's by far the most used character (followed by Akuma) - and it's not hard to see why, that Shoryuken is so cheap, for one!!

    8. Megaman
    I've never played one before. Tragic. Will probably fork out the dough for the new WiiWare one... Up for a bit of oldschool gaming... I would really like to try some of the X series.

    9. Kingdom Hearts
    Eh, it's okay... I must admit, I do love the feeling of companionship having active allies gives. Though hearing Goofy shout 'Peter Pan!' somehow sounds wrong to me.

    10. Resident Evil
    Didn't really get into it - not my kind of genre. I have RE3 and have yet to finish it.

    11. Metal Gear Solid
    Geez, I really haven't played a lot of things, have I? As a confessed Nintendo fanboy (though not early enough to play the original Metal Gears), I've missed out on the series. Will refrain from making mention of Snake in Brawl. Oh crap, I just did.
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