Yeah, I watched Pokemon anime one year before starting to play the games. Of course playing the games had a big impact, it made my obsession stronger and stronger. I have wondered whether games or anime is the main reason I love Pokemon, perhaps it's the combination of those two.

I like also other animes and videogames, but for me, there's no other trademark that has got me so hooked. I say I like Final Fantasy, but know how to play just VII and VIII, for example I suck at IX. I do have 16 episodes of Final Fantasy Unlimited anime but haven't even watched them all. I say I like Super Mario, but I am not too interested in the cartoon aspect there.

Yesterday, I was in a big shop in a village called Tuuri and I didn't want to buy two games (what the heck, didn't want?) so I had to choose between Pokemon Diamond and Final Fantasy XII and I chose Pokemon. Eventhough it costed 48 € (euros) and I didn't know if I could have bought it cheaper somewhere else.