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Thread: Ideas For New Pokemon

  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Cool Ideas For New Pokemon

    So yeah what would you think would make an interesting Pokemon.

    for example here my idea for a Pokemon based off of the Chupacabra, the Grays and Aliens in general...

    Choni (Chevy = harass + Oni =Demon)
    Type: Dark Species: Star Child Pokémon Ability: Bad Dreams Egg group: None
    Dex: It is not skilled at abducting Children and Pokemon as it’s parents are, It is said that there bones are made out of Crystal.

    Onivon (Oni=Demon + Chevon = Goat Meat) also Pun on Onion)
    Type: Dark/Dragon Species: Alien Pokemon Ability: Bad Dreams Egg Group: Dragon and Humanshape
    Dex: Ranches who find Dead livestock in their fields often blame Onivon, This Pokemon is often fond in areas that a Magnezone last landed at.

    oh and it's signature move is called Icicle Probe type: Ice Power:50 Accorcy:100 Other: 100% Paralyzed; The user sticks a Probe made of ice up an opening usually It’s the Opponent’s Butt.

    move set

    -Aura Sphere* - Dark Void* - Night Shade - Disable - Teleport, 10 Dragon Rage, 20 Hypnosis, 30 Icicle Probe 40 Nightmare, 50 Dragon Breath, 60 Haze, 70 Psychic , 80 Dream Eater, 90 Dragon Pulse, 100 Dark Pulse

    *= requires move re-Lerner)

    Aliens are known to probe the people they Abduct, after which the victims usually thinks they had a bad dream/nightmare hence why I gave it Darkri's Ability and moves of both Darkri and Giratina...

    Ok now now then here are a few other Ideas of mine that are more down to earth. ^_^

    Cave Swift (common Bird)
    Porcupine Comon Rodent) Normal then Normal/Poison
    Cockroach (common bug)

    Fruit Bat (Grass/Dark) I am sick of zubat, bat's are not poisonous, well not unless they have rabies..
    A non Poisonous snake such as a grass snake.

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  2. #2
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Ideas For New Pokemon

    All I have to say is Anaconix, Minsir, Mime Sr., Fosforail, Hakking, and Scraggler.

    Soon to come: Sinsir, Sunnispyde, Tyrantula, Twentacrul, Luminail, and Necrogeist, as well as a to-be-named line of Water starter Pokemon.

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  3. #3
    Electon,Lord of splices Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Ideas For New Pokemon

    I think a new pokemon could be a evolution of a Ledendary Pokemon.
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  4. #4
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Ideas For New Pokemon

    Hey, that's actually original since Mewtwo isn't Mew's evolution after all. But perhaps it would contradict the idea of a Legendary Pokemon. I mean they are divine already, like if Articuno had an evolution it wouldn't be the absolute God of Ice.

    My own problem is that whenever I get an idea for a new Pokemon, it appears that it's there already. Like I wanted a rabbit Pokemon years ago but then remembered Wigglytuff and even Pikachu looks a bit like one.

  5. #5
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    here's my pokemon cards. i'm clearly an awesome pokemon.

    edit: my whole newspaper office is one giant pokemon name. hence,e ditors... and you can be buttsecksed by a lemur if you are not careful. ooh our game is fun. and causes drama since people we hate become clam lords.
    Last edited by Magmar; 15th September 2012 at 06:11 PM.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Electon View Post
    I think a new pokemon could be a evolution of a Ledendary Pokemon.
    Ehh, Phione-Manaphy and Regis-Regigigas already sort of do this... it's honestly an idea I find difficult to support, though, even in its present form. Like Mikachu said, legendaries then wouldn't be the "ultimate form" of whatever they were supposed to represent. I think that was part of why the early legendaries (such as the birds) were so awesome, and why they've been increasingly disappointing since. There's no mystery, no fascination about them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  7. #7
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    I always really wanted an evolution of Farfetch'd that dual- or triple-wielded leeks. It could be named R'duckulus.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  8. #8
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    I would really like to see an official jackalope and wolpertinger Pokemon. Maybe a cheetah and another elephant.

  9. #9
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    Mewthree would result in ending a 10+ year hype and an awesome storyline in regards to the animé. Create that shit.

  10. #10
    Electon,Lord of splices Beginning Trainer
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    I don't really think Regigigas is a evolution of the Regi's because they are 4 different pokemon,And I always thought Phione/Manapy counted on gender.And If you compare Moltres to Heatran,It turns out the Moltres is not the "God of Fire" if you think about it.So it would turn out that Legendaries are not divine,just hard to find.So they could make a evolution of a "Legendary".
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  11. #11
    The best weapon is my marker Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: Ideas For New Pokemon

    Ohh, great!! I have always think to use my small brain to do something really usefull. Inventig pokčmon..I remember I used to love when I was smaller. XDDD

    Mewthree? Oh, no, please not another mew, it is a nightmare. I still believe there is only a real mew: the one in the (fantastic *W*) first pokčmon's movie. Why to invent others? -_- It had to be unic

    My brother knew about Regigas in first, so about Regirock and then he began to think it was Regigas's evolution. When he had the wonderful surprise of Registeel it became the second stage of Regigas -_-''
    Usually legends have no evolution, maybe it is a way to put some differences more beetwen normal pokčmon and legendary pokemon.

    Actually every year appear some new legendary. In the end they will become really a lot and always less legendary according to me.
    Behind every tree of all woods there is a Jigglypuff who looks at you as an angel because of course Jigglypuff is an angel..and every time you treat it as a ball, it always tollerates.
    Be careful because one day you'll can prefere to sleep instead to listen at it's sweet voice. To close your eyes in front of life.

    Well then..

    Keep away from Jigglypuff's rage!

  12. #12
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Y'know what completely original, not stolen from Heald new Pokemon I think we need? A mole that is blind but uses its mind to see. Then we have a neat Ground/Psychic type!
    ...What, I thought it was a sweet idea, so I stole it. So making it happen and taking credit for it.

    Well, since I can't justify taking credit from my misc. mod brethren, I'm resurrecting my absolutely feasible though imminently less cool idea of having a fly Pokemon. In the interest of avoiding yet another bug/flying hybrid, it's a horsefly; ie. a fly with a horse head. That's some freaky stuff. It's normal/bug and its ability is levitate. It's also bottom tier, because it sucks and nobody wants to use it. Poor unloved... Nuzz. Yup. It's a Nuzz.
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  13. #13
    The best weapon is my marker Beginning Trainer
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    Quote: That's some freaky stuff.

    O.O mmmmmmmmmm...Yes, I think so...If it should exist I'll choose my new pokčmon spotted flycatcher U.U And so it was that I became a pigliamosche..
    (do you remember them? The old days of pigliamosche you bored for the first 2 hours of playing in the Kanto region .. XD)

    Oh, Nietzsche, wait, maybe the weak trainers of the routes at the beginning at Pokčmon Green, Red etc have another name in english. -_-''

    What do you think about a pokemon shaped screen with glasses of Harry Potter on the neck and a beard like Santa Claus to the ground? Of course, all connected to the roller skates adorned with yellow phosphorescent seaweed instead of the side wings. The terror of all bug tipes XDDDD (ability: it Cancel all the attacks of bug pokemon)
    Behind every tree of all woods there is a Jigglypuff who looks at you as an angel because of course Jigglypuff is an angel..and every time you treat it as a ball, it always tollerates.
    Be careful because one day you'll can prefere to sleep instead to listen at it's sweet voice. To close your eyes in front of life.

    Well then..

    Keep away from Jigglypuff's rage!

  14. #14
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Yes they were called "Bug Catchers" cause thats what they did. Also what are you smoking to come up with that midly yet not wildly insane idea?

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  15. #15
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    I had this weird idea. Why doesn't Game Freak make a do-it-yourself Pokemon game? You could create your own Pokemon and battle both with and against them. This would bring endless possibilities. Of course an increasing number of fakemon too.

  16. #16
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    Ew, I don't think I had the mind to create so many different new Pokémon to make it worthwhile. And you could never catch them all as everyone would be making his own brand of Pokémon. Sounds a bit like RPG Maker to me.
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    Yeah, I'm not sure I can get behind that one, either. It sounds a little too much like Spore. And we all know what happened with Spore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  18. #18
    Cloyster Moderator
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    PENISAUR used Harden!

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
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  19. #19
    Im a Nerd Beginning Trainer
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    i've always wanted a (lava,water,grass) type pokemon mushed together you know

  20. #20
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    New New Pokemon up.

    Sorry for the sucky camera quality. The piece of junk didn't wanna cooperate this time...

    Anyway, we got 2 old evolutions, 1 new evolution, 1 new evolution of an old evolution, and 2 new lines, including a Water starter line. new types this time, too: Bug/Fire and Water/Fire for the final Water starter.

    I'll try and color the next set. Once I decide which ones to include...

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    oh and magmar your a fatass

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    I love you.

  23. #23
    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    2 things need Evolutions:

    1. Farfetch'd
    2. Pachirisu

    Why? (Pachirisu)

    If you look at Pachirisu's speed stat you'd know why, and it's a special wall, it's special attack isn't that bad either, unfortunately it's hindered by a crap movepool and lacklustre defenses (except for special). An evo would probably make that squirrel a freakin' maniac

    Why? (Farfetch'd)

    I was looking over things to mess with and I came across the little duck, the movepool's actually pretty nuts. The downside? It's stats absolutely TOTALLY SUCK, and evolution would definitely fix this little thing up. But what's to say it won't be much better? Oh well, we can hope.
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  24. #24
    Wierd Gyarados Beginning Trainer
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    How about a samurai duck evo for Farfetch'd?

    Pinsir needs an evo..

    I have left Pokémasters forums...

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    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperial Flare View Post
    Pinsir needs an evo..
    I'm guessing you skipped the links in my posts.

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  26. #26
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    I personally don't think Pinsir needs an evo, it might be slow, but it's got monstrous attack and defense, if they make an evo for Pinsir, I'd feel exactly the way I do about Electivire and Magmortar. I don't like either of them.

    Electivire because, god dammit the thing looks like a fucking pedophile and Magmortar because it looks like a Netnavi on crack, meth, ecstasy and any steroids put together. Oh and both of them suffer a speed drop.

    And IMO I don't think Honchkrow was a good Evo for Murkrow, while the attack stats are Nice the freakin' speed drop is what kills it, at least Magmortar's and Electivire's aren't SO HUGE (10 each). Honchkrow, however, dips by almost 20 points iirc.
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  27. #27
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    I just want to see either a Light-type Pokémon, for Light vs. Dark reasons, or the following type combinations for the 5th Generation:

    Water/Fire - They've done every Water pairing besides Ghost and Fire, so why not?
    Water/Ghost - See above.
    Fighting/Flying - Similar reasons for Water/Fire and Water/Ghost.
    Psychic/Ghost - Would love to see how they come up with this one.
    Rock/Electric - It worked as a powerup in Kirby 64.
    Fire/Ice - See above.
    Ice/Rock - See above.
    Dark/Dragon - I'm honestly surprised they haven't considered making this one yet.
    Fire/Dragon - Charizard looks like a fire dragon, so logically there should be an actual Fire/Dragon.
    Ice/Dragon - To look cool. (No pun intended.)
    Fire/Ghost - Will-o-Wisp is a Fire attack many Ghost-types know. Makes sense to me.
    Flying - Just pure Flying is all.
    Fire/Poison - Maple Story Wizards.
    Ice/Electric - See above.
    Fire/Psychic - Pyrokinesis.
    Last edited by DivineAll; 7th April 2009 at 06:50 PM.

  28. #28
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Blade's Pokemon are too cool to be Pokemon.

    Or perhaps just enough cool. And DivineAll, I didn't realize there were such a lot unused type combos.

  29. #29
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    I still think that there will never be a pure Flying type. The idea of making Flying always be the second type is so strong that pokemon that would otherwise have been just plain-old flying types were made Normal/Flying, just so that Flying could be put second. I don't see them breaking that tradition unless they go back and retcon a bunch of pokemon types (Like make Moltres Flying/Fire instead of Fire/Flying, and change the Pidgey line to pure Flying).

    Oh and as for the type combos. I wrote a script a while back that gives the average damage multiplier for the damage taken by each type combo and pure type, and sorts them based on that number. The lower the average multiplier, the less damage the type takes on average. So defensive-wise, here's the top and bottom 5 types. The numbers from left to right after the type are: average damage multiplier, number of immunities, number of .25 resistances, number of .5 resistances, number of types that give normal damage, number of x2 weaknesses, and number of x4 weaknesses. It doesn't take abilities like Levitate or Thick Fat into account though, I'll probably tweak it later on to take care of that.

    1 Ghost/Steel: 0.691176 3 1 7 4 2 0
    2 Flying/Steel: 0.705882 2 2 7 4 2 0
    3 Dragon/Steel: 0.720588 1 1 10 3 2 0
    4 Water/Steel: 0.764706 1 2 9 2 3 0
    5 Ghost/Dark: 0.794118 3 0 1 13 0 0
    149 Ground/Rock: 1.36765 1 1 4 5 4 2
    150 Ice/Bug: 1.38235 0 0 3 10 2 2
    151 Grass/Ice: 1.41176 0 0 4 6 6 1
    152 Grass/Bug: 1.41176 0 2 3 6 4 2
    153 Ice/Rock: 1.47059 0 0 4 7 4 2

    So yeah, Ghost/Steel aside from being a the best possible defensive type, would also be pretty interesting.
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