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Thread: Frustration on understanding CLANNAD? *spoilers*

  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default Frustration on understanding CLANNAD? *spoilers*

    For every CLANNAD fans out there feeling outrage of the abrupt ending to the second installment of CLANNAD, do not be despair. Besides feeling both outrage and despair, adding onto these, your fellow OA moderator is just as confused too. There are many questions that is left unanswered.

    (Spoiler:) 1) Why did both Tomoya and Ushio died in episode 21 of S2, only to be revived in episode 22 without any reasonable explanation given?

    2) Isn't Nagisa supposed to die after episode 15 and how on earth did she came back during the last episode?

    3) What was the relationship between the girl and the robot that exist in another world and how are they related to CLANNAD storyline in anyway?

    Even there are promises of two extra OVAs to be released, none of these episodes actually seek to explain on the doubts left behind. However fear not, your fellow otakus from 2chan actually went all the way to draw up a timeline on explaining the story plot.

    Surprised? Astonished by their remarkable thinkings? I didn't thought that someone in 2chan actually went all the way to explain the story plot in details. Their conclusion is that CLANNAD isn't your plain ordinary high school romance but life itself. How happiness is obtained and how each world are related to each other! I myself did not expect time travel to be included in the plot.

    But then, the mystery are more or less solved! Rejoice folks!


    For more information on the anime, CLANNAD, please click the sites below,

    Wikipedia- Clannad
    Animenfo- Clannad
    Animenfo- Clannad After Story
    Timeline explanation for Clannad

  2. #2
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Frustration on understanding CLANNAD? *spoilers*

    I've never seen this show, but any show you need a flowchart for must be complicated. *goes to go find someone it, clinking all up on your links*
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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