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Thread: Heart Gold/Soul Silver Announcements

  1. #1
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    Default Heart Gold/Soul Silver Announcements

    Next Saturday there is supposed to be a huge announcement as shown on Bulbapedia today

    The hints are: "worldwide first announcement and a worldwide first big scoop" and "much-talked-about big title". Depending on where you are in the world, this announcement could come out for you early Sunday morning, or some time next Saturday.

    Possibly a Gold/Silver Remake? The Next Pokemon Generation? We have one week till we find out!

  2. #2
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    As much as it pains me to say it, if it was indeed a G/S remake I'd probably end up getting it. They were my favourite titles of the series, and besides I never got a chance to plant a Meganium on my team (hehe plant).
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    i hope they're remakes of gold and silver. best games in the series, imo.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Ooh, that's close. Come on GSDS!

    Nintendo has denied the possibility of GS remakes in the past, but I guess with all the fan speculation, including the fact that several people said they'd buy the games if they were released, pushed them to do this. I'm definitely picking up the Silver remake!
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    That and the fact that there is evidence in the game coding of Diamond/Pearl that Nintendo was planning a 4th-gen GS remake. The data for where you first met a pokémon has a possible value of "Johto".

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    True but the speculation dates all the way back to FireRed and LeafGreen. Nintendo probably decided to do this during Diamond and Pearl's development, thus all the hints thrown into those games.

    By the way:
    -Several recent references to Pichu
    -This announcement being referred to a widely discussed game
    -Gold and silver balls

    All signs seem to be pointing to this being GS remakes.

    Also, what does everyone make of this? Would Christmas be too soon after the announcement? Nintendo has been quicker with releases lately. After all, Animal Crossing was announced at E3 last year and had a Christmas release. It would be nice, I've been waiting for this for a long time.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    I saw this on /v/ earlier. Everyone was hoping for G/S/C remakes, but they're not putting much stock in anything so far. This could be G/S/C DS, or it could be Pokemon Snap Wii...

    Or it could be Pokemon Battle Revolution 2.

    Don't raise your expectations and you won't see them toppled like Jenga blocks. That's all I'm saying, crew.

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Don't forget that the Johto Starters are in the new movie Jeff

    But Blade is right, it could be anything, although the words used to promote it. All I can think of is Pokemon G/S, or a Pokemon Wii Game. They have had enough development time to do either one really, and still have it out by Christmas. Hopefully the hype is worth it!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Or it could be a definitive proof of the Legendary Birds' existence.

    OK, lame joke. But I'm looking forward to this. May 10th will also be 6 years since I had the only date in my life.

    OK, off-topic. It seems I have nothing to contribute. Years ago, when Nintendo was announcing something, TPM went down because it was too crowded. At least that won't happen.

    When I looked at the article, my first impression was "What the heck is the game named Pokemon Sunday" but then realized it's just the name of the big day.

  10. #10
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Maybe they've done something really amazing and made a new game that doesn't have Water/Grass/Fire as the starters, and doesn't have the first 5 hours filled up with Pidgey-clones and Rattata-clones.

    But that's really unlikely.

    Otherwise, maybe a GS remake. However, if they make it so it is DSi only, that will be a masterstroke of a marketing move. Think how many they'll sell.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    That would be both hilarious and... well, for me it'd just be hilarious some more given that I'd have a chance to laugh at everyone else that'd be going apeshit over having to buy the DSi.

    I on the other hand still have yet to fully complete Fire Red (Gotta catch 'em all, you know.) and even get a second Badge in Platinum, so I'm sure I can wait the four month until my birthday to get the thing if it IS a GSC remake and it's on the DSi.

    But that's still all speculation at this point.

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  12. #12
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    I have yet to get a single badge in any 3rd gen game. I have just 3 badges on Diamond which has taken me 8 months to do. Mind you I got stuck on seven badges for RBY and just one badge in GSC. I dont really care just as long as I'm fully caught up by 5th gen.

    BTW the Pokemon Sunday preview for next week showed a gold and a silver ball.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    It's about bloody time! I've been waiting for a GS Remake for ages. Now I can do my dream teams.

    I suspect you'll be able to trade from Gen III to GSDS using some sort of Pal Park, compatibility between D/P/P will be likely. I'm happy now.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Pokebeach has pictures of the party balls

    Also! This November is the 10th Anniversary of Gold/Silver.... Hmmmmmmm.....

  15. #15
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Well if it really is the long-awaited G/S remake, there's only one real thing I want them to do, and that is not half-ass it on the soundtrack like they did with FireRed/LeafGreen's soundtrack. G/S/C's music rocked, and I want it to sound just as awesome now as way back then. FR/LG's soundtrack was such a disappointment. It sounded like they took R/B/Y's music and copied it to FR/LG, leaving the GBA's sound hardware to fend for itself.

    Aside from that, there's not too much. If they include the Sevii Islands, that would be a nice touch. Maybe finally give the US Celebi (preferrably WITHOUT an event for the damn GS Ball)? Oh yeah, leave the Safari Zone and those fun things in that were missed so much in G/S/C originally.
    Last edited by Pokemaster Ash; 3rd May 2009 at 08:18 PM.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Yeah, they need to flesh out Kanto in this game. It's like how they added the Sevii Islands to FR/LG. The MIA sections of Kanto would be the extra things that can fit in because of increased storage.

    It's like I said in another thread, they should still respect the story by keeping Cinnabar destroyed, etc., but anything that was cut back without an explanation should be brought back. Make the caves bigger, replace that patch of small trees that was supposed to represent Viridian Forest with Viridian Forest, etc. I would like to see them bring back the Safari Zone though. Maybe they could keep it closed at first, but after you have reached a certain point, have the warden come back and reopen it.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Why even wait? You had to wait through all of Johto to get the Safari Zone. Isn't that enough punishment time?

    Having the bug contest and the SZ would be great, IMO, as would finally having easy access to Ho-Oh and Lugia again. I hope it is GSDS--as Jeff said, I'm not going to get my hopes up no matter how obvious it might seem (remember the Pichu?), but GSDS would be great. Amazingly enough all of my Gen 2 games seem to have held out this long, but the poor old dears are probably on their way out... and every time I try to restart Crystal I lose interest part of the way through, mostly because going back to the old graphics and the old systems is so jarring. :/ I could really use some GSDS right now, man.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

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  18. #18
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    o.O My god really..

    I'll have more substantial posts once I go to sleep and let my body rest x_X

    I'm leaning toward GSDS only cause of Movie 10 and the refocus on the Johto starters.

    But a new Pokemon game for Wii wouldn't be bad

    OMG DSi only-yes I would lead the charge in apeshit angered people having to buy one >>.

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    This is me again yearning for unattainable, but they should do a co-operative Pokemon game for Wii. Like you could travel with a friend via internet. They haven't done that before, have they?

    Oh you others post such meaningful replies...

  20. #20
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Thanks for posting this info, Roy!!

    Yeah, a G/S remake woould be cool, or even a game for Wii that kinda follows up on Pokemon Colosseum and XD wouldn't be bad either. If they do remake G/S though, I don't necessarily think that they should take Kanto out of it, but a little storyline to go with it would be great.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Since we have a week until it happens, I'll add in my own ideas of what should/could be in the game soon. But guys, there are programs that stream Japanese TV live, if you want I can post a set of instructions so that everyone here can watch the announcement live, and find out what it is before well nearly anyone else.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Update me too. ^.^

    Although I should be busy, but I will take time off just to watch it.

  23. #23
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Something to chew on:

    Supposedly this guy is reliable. The release dates sound about right and the breeding changes sound interesting. The good thing is that E3 is a month away so we'll know if this guy is full of it or not soon enough.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Hmm...not that much evidence. We'll find out in a week or so, speculating what it will be shall make the waiting worse.

    I shall ignore this thread until the announcement has been made.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    I would not be serprised if they made it so that this time around you can go into the Past threw Celebi's Shrine, I mean they must have planned it for the Original games just like Leaf and maybe even the Sevii Islands,for Red and Green.

    No really why did Game freak have you leave Cinnabar from the East Shore to go to the Sevii Islands for the fist time when Cennabar's East cost is wear not not only the most used spot to find Missing No. but also the most used Spot to get to Glitch City.

    Or perhaps they were going to have a Volcano on Cinnabar, which woud have explain the eruption Story a little better I mean it would not have been that ard to make a Volcano on Cinnabar all they would have to do is use the moution tiles and add a cave.

    I mean it did not make any Scene to have Moltres in Victory Road, but then again they could have also had it in the Pokemon Mansion, but I guess they at first did not like the Idea of Legendary Pokemon being so close to each other at that time...

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 5th May 2009 at 05:41 PM.
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  26. #26
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Hmm.....while there is a chance we are reading way too deep into things and it may turn out to be something else I think I'm with everyone else on this one. In fact I think I'll be more surprised if it turns out they are NOT doing a GSDS. Why the hell would Nintendo program in the value to show a Pokémon was caught in Johto if they didn't have the plans to do something with it? Plus if you think about it every generation thus far has either been backwards compatible with the previous gen in some way or has had a remake to account for the multiple large areas that are explored:

    2nd Gen/GSC (GBC)
    Backwards compatible with 1st gen games (RBY) by way of GB/GBC link cable or the N64 with Pokémon Stadium 2.

    3rd Gen/RSE (GBA)
    Had remake of 1st gen in the form of FrRd/LfGn allowing for exploration of Kanto and capture of 1st and 2nd gen Pokémon.

    4th Gen/PDP (NDS)
    Thus far has allowed for transfer of 3rd gen Pokémon via the Pal Park by use of the GBA slot on the DS and DSL.

    Now granted the series has always had strong sales. After all who hasn't heard the joke that Pokémon is Nintendo's license to print money. However I think I speak for a ton of people when I say that I believe GSC had perhaps the strongest sales of the whole series. It was also the most well recieved and I believe showed the biggest jump in the whole series as far as new features went. Plus the sheer fact that you had a very good portion of Kanto to explore following the original game along with a total of 16 this day I still can't figure out how they fit so much into that old GB cart.

    I guess in short if this is the route Nintendo goes I'm gonna have to eventually pick up Silver DS.

    EDIT-On another note Kanto has always been playable in some way, shape or form in EVERY SINGLE GENERATION! GBA had the Red and Green remakes and you could go there in GSC. Now there's something to get you thinking ^_~
    Last edited by Master Rudy; 6th May 2009 at 02:23 AM.
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  27. #27
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Here's the latest piece of the speculation puzzle. Supposedly there's this guy who works for The Pokemon Company, and has been tasked with dropping hints on new games to generate buzz (he was dropping hints about platinum before that game was announced). Now, he's been talking about Gold and Silver remakes, and it's certainly been generating a buzz. He even mentioned the exact date of the announcement two months ago.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Alrighty guys, here is how to watch TV Tokyo.

    First since I doubt anyone wants to download a program I am going to use the wonderful website known as Freeverse TV.

    Step 1:

    Step 2: Register for Freeverse

    Step 3: Log in

    Step 4: Select Low Quality on the Television Tab on the Upper Right hand corner.

    Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom where the program is streaming, and select TV Tokyo from the list above the TV

    Edit: Here also is a link to the stream if you have already registered:

    You should now be streaming TV Tokyo!

    Pokemon Sunday streams at 7:30 - 8:30 A.M. according to their website.

    If it is A.M. then as of this post it is 2:14 in the morning in Tokyo, meaning that it would stream in the U.S. Saturday at

    EST: 6:30 - 7:30 PM
    CST: 5:30 - 6:30 PM
    MST: 4:30 - 5:30 PM
    PST: 3:30 - 4:30 PM

    I would suggest doing a test run today or tomorrow in preparation of this.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 7th May 2009 at 12:59 PM.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Ladies! Gentlemen! Pokemon of no gender!

    The names of the GS remakes have been revealed, they are *drumroll*

    HeartGold and SoulSilver


    I think they sound OK. At least SoulSilver doesn't sound as girly as Diamond or Pearl. HeartGold on the other hand...
    Last edited by Jeff; 7th May 2009 at 09:14 PM.
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    God damn it.

    I wanted to get that in first.

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Would it have been too freaking much to name it Golden Smile/Silver Tears, or Golden Sun/Silver Moon?!

  32. #32
    phOEnixsong, not EO, plzthx Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Golden Sun is the name of another Nintendo series. They wouldn't call it that.

    Indifferent toward the names, I guess. They might not be the same in English anyway. Eh. It's the game's content that matters, not the title.

    note to self: swinub, shuppet, anorith; also note to self, update with José, Pants and Hellbender

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Guess who won't be getting Heart Gold...that just sucks.

    Still, now I can get SoulSilver...and do somthing with it!

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Dusk Silver and Dawn Gold would have been nice.

    Heart Gold will sell about twenty copies, worldwide.
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  35. #35
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Can't say I'm impressed with the names, but finally we have our long-awaited Gold & Silver remake. As I said before, I just hope they don't half-ass this like they did FireRed and LeafGreen. I want a quality game this time.

    You know, I hope they keep the old Apricorn balls. Moon Ball was kinda useless even then, admittedly, and Level, Friend, and Fast kinda have mass-produced counterparts in Nest, Luxury, and Quick (albeit with slightly different effects). Lure, Heavy, and Love are still somewhat unique. However just the nostalgia factor of having them would be cool.

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Soul Silver, huh...? Well, the first time around, I got Gold and Crystal... Guess I'll finally be getting the secondary of a set... Aside from Pearl, that is.

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    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  38. #38
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Okay guys anyone watching Pokemon Sunday today for a real time report of the announcement?

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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Scizor View Post
    God damn it.

    I wanted to get that in first.

    You ass.
    Heh, I bet that's how Pokemon Sunday must feel right now.

    Speaking of which, I won't be watching it live, but I'll certainly be hanging around waiting for all the news. Better yet, would anyone who is watching it mind hopping in the IRC channel to give the play-by-play?
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    Default Re: May 9th/10th Announcement

    Hrm. Since there will be no third counterpart, I'm grabbing Gold. I had gold before, so what the hell I may as well get it again. Unless the unobtainables in either are of some interest, but then again..I have..every..other...Pokemon >.>..

    Ah. Might buy both. Just cause

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