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Thread: Dunlake Mansion Saferoom

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    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Dunlake Mansion Saferoom

    Dunlake Mansion Saferoom

    Welcome to the Lounge and general information topic for the RPG Project Dunlake. In here, you will find a comprehensive list of Things You Might Need to Know, a playtest example of the new RPG type “choose your path” (boy, I really need a new name for that... CYP, perhaps?). It will also serve as a place where you can discuss your next actions out of character (or in character if you want to).

    Feel free to use it for some non-RPG roleplaying – the Saferoom acts as your... well... save room. Nothing will attack you here, so you can relax and talk among yourselves. This means that if you really must have some character development, here's the place to do it. ^_^

    Information on the monsters you will be encountering will be put up in a file in here, as and when you encounter each one.

    Of course, the information in the Encyclopaedia is not necessary for you to play the RPG. It's just a list of things that could come in handy, and stuff that I think is interesting. Each section will have a link to the Resident Evil wiki at the end of it, should you want to read up in more detail.

    Resident Evil Encyclopaedia

    Files: Files are the way you will be receiving key plot points within the RPG, as well as things that will tell you random titbits of information that may or may not be important. You would be advised not to throw away any files or notes – you never know when they might come in handy.

    Umbrella Corporation: The company was set up as a front for the development of the Progenitor virus. Umbrella's employees worked on different strains of the virus, performing experiments to create new kinds from Progenitor, leading to the creation of the T-virus, the discovery of the G-virus. Resiwiki entry: here.

    Progenitor Virus: A virus found in a special kind of plant, originating in Africa. Research into the virus created various other strains: T-Virus, G-Virus, T-Veronica. The Progenitor is classed as the “mother virus.” Resiwiki entry: here.

    T-Virus: Otherwise known as the Tyrant-virus – T-virus is a virulent strain, created with the intention of creating superhuman soldiers, or B.O.W.s (Bio-Organic Weapons). People infected with T become the archytypical zombie – shuffling, necrosis of the skin, no higher brain functions. T is transmitted via bites, touch, injection or ingestion of the virus. Resiwiki entry: here.

    G-Virus: A highly advanced strain of Progenitor. A person infected with G will never stop mutating, so fast is the virus' replication rate. They gain ever more drastic mutations when injured, and become more and more hideous in appearance. G is transmitted by the infected implanting a parasitic organism in a host body. The parasitic embryo will grow rapidly (in a space of hours), and spring from the chest of the host, mutating into a fully-grown, adult form. Resiwiki entry: here.

    T-Veronica: Created by the Ashford family, Veronica is a strain of Progenitor, as all the others are. Under the correct conditions, an infected person can keep a hold of their mental capacities, and retain full intellectual capabilities. Veronica is only transmitted by direct injection, and it needs a gestation period to allow the body to full adapt (Alexia Ashford calculated this at 15 years, and when she awoke from her sleep, she did indeed retain full mental capacity, even in her later mutated forms). Resiwiki entry: here.

    Las Plagas: A parasite used by the Los Illuminados cult, in Spain. Victims of the Plaga become stronger, and able to work together towards a goal. The parasite attaches itself to the central nervous system, and controls the host via a Master Plaga. They have a high adaptability rate, and generally, they have no physical mutation effects on their hosts.
    Resiwiki entry: here.

    STARS: The Special Tactics and Rescue Service. An elite special ops team, originally formed by Umbrella Corporation and lead by Albert Wesker, in an effort to combat increasing terrorism and violence. In Resident Evil 1, the STARS teams were deployed to investigate Arklay mountains, during which time Alpha team lost contact with Bravo team, and a series of events led to many deaths – all of which were orchestrated by Captain Albert Wesker, as a way of gathering data on the B.O.W.s.
    STARS was disbanded after calling for an investigation into Umbrella, by the police chief Brian Irons, who was secretly on Umbrella's payroll.
    Nineteen years later, STARS have been reformed in an effort to combat the increasing numbers of kidnappings linked to rumours of B.O.W. Activity.
    Resiwiki entry: here.

    CYP Playtest Example

    DM Post
    - STARS group, you have found yourselves at a crossroads. There are three corridors – one straight ahead, one to the left and one to the right. Which way do you want to go?

    - Survivors group, the door you just opened lead you into a green-decorated room, with a wall of glass on one side. There is blood smeared down one wall, and alarming gashes in the ceiling and floor. What would you like to do?

    STARS group post
    You guys would then RP among yourselves, and decide which way you want to go. You can ask the DM for more information about certain paths if you want. When you come to your decision, state it at the end of one post clearly.
    We choose to go straight on.

    Survivors group post
    Same goes for you guys, only your choices are not so clear. Those among you with good hearing capabilities may hear something, and anyone with good eyesight may pick up some evidence of whatever creature made those marks. Examine the room as you will, RP among yourselves, then state what you'd like to do at the end of a post, as in the STARS example.
    We would like to examine the blood stains and the gouges. One of us will investigate the glass, and another will check out the rest of the room.

    DM post
    - STARS group, you chose to go straight forward. One of you hears a scream from the end of the corridor, and suddenly a huge shape blots out the small amount of light provided by your torches. It is a Tyrant! You may fight it, or leg it back the way you came to choose another corridor.

    -Survivors group, the blood is fresh and wet, and the gouges are large, as if made by a wild animal. As you investigate the glass, there is a scratching noise, and then a loud click. One of you must have stood on the sensor pad in the corner, because the ceiling is dropping down, albeit slowly.

    As you can see, there are many options. My posts will be as detailed or as sparse as you want them to be.

    Urr I think that's all for now. More stuff will be added in here later.
    Last edited by Weasel Overlord; 28th June 2010 at 11:39 AM.

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

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