Updated Rule 3 pertaining to collated threads.
Welcome to the Miscellaneous Stuff forum!
If you are a new member of TPM, feel free to make a new thread introducing yourself in this forum!
For all members old and new, please familiarise yourself with the Miscellaneous Forum guidelines below:
1) Global Forum Rules are in effect.
2) The Miscellaneous Stuff forum is literally for anything that does not belong in any other forum. We encourage you to at least look at all the other forums before posting a thread here if you are unsure about where to post. As a rule of thumb, anything to do with Pokemon, Anime or Video Games belong in another forum. Anything from movies, TV shows, cartoons, news, politics, religion etc. will usually belong in this forum.
If you feel a topic, story or issue deserves its own thread, such as a local news story, talking about your favourite sports team or even telling us a story or update about your own life (such as a new pet), feel free to make one! As long as the thread is worthwhile, it should garner decent replies. However, if a thread is deemed to be worthless by the moderators, for example, one line threads or completely spam threads with no real topic will be deleted/moved to Mt. Moon and the thread starter may get an infraction, depending on the circumstances (such as repeatedly starting stupid threads).
Polls are welcome in Misc. now. If you want, you may preface your thread title with [POLL] or POLL or similar to denote it as something you would like a response to. Polls are allowed to develop into a wider discussion on the subject, however, if the thread starter wishes, it may be separated from the poll by request. However, polls that are more suited to another forum or are worthless may be moved to a more suitable forum or Mt. Moon as the discretion of the mods.
3) You may begin collated threads (threads that have an ongoing topic, such as the Daily News thread or the NFL thread) without a moderator's permission but please do not start collated threads when it would be more appropriate for separate threads per new entry to be made, for example, please no Birthdays thread.
4) Many topics and issues are divisive, particularly those of a religious, personal or political nature, and while we do encourage members to engage in debate, we ask that posts are constructive and respectful of a person's beliefs and views. Debates can get heated and escalate quickly as people attack each other's viewpoints. We ask that members don't post anything that could be construed as flaming. Witty banter and friendly jibes between friends are fine, but there is often a very fine line between a very aggressive debate and an outright flame war, and we ask our members to bear this in mind when they post. We're not here to regulate how debates are conducted, you as members can come to a consensus on that, but once we feel certain members' behaviours are beginning to ruin or derail a thread, we are obliged to take measures to rectify it.
5) As a common courtesy to your fellow members, if you are revealing spoilers regarding a film, book, TV show etc. please either make use of the BB code regarding spoilers or indicate so at the beginning of your post.
6) If you have any grievances, questions or issues in this forum, please do not make a thread or a post about it but PM one of the Miscellaneous Stuff mods.
Thanks for reading and happy posting!
- The Misc. Team
Last edited by Heald; 27th July 2010 at 07:43 AM.
Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
Updated Rule 3 pertaining to collated threads.
Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
Updated Rule 2 in order to allow for Polls given PCG changing to GGG.
Also, I'm opening this thread for intelligent discussion about rules or questions/suggestions relating to the Misc. forum in general.
Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
Due to a glitch, postcount didn't rise in Miscellaneous Stuff last time I checked. That allowed me to have a monologue when I was tweeting Canada vs Finland Ice Hockey game. Is double-posting really accepted in such case. Welcome to the room full of people who care.
If you're going to have a "dialogue" with yourself, you can do it in a single post.
Double-posting makes sense when the two posts are unrelated and are easier to understand when they're separate, or when the first post has been around for a while and you want to post an update which could be easily missed if you edited your old post.
Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).
Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
One post per minute! OK, that's a bit too much. I think that conversation would have been better suited for a chatroom. Forums are great, but not well-suited for real-time conversations.
Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).
Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
Yeah, I hate to admit it, but Mikachu and I did get a bit carried away there when we posted in that topic earlier this year (especially since we were both regular members in January before you modded both of us in April)...sorry Gabi.
Knight of Time
Legend of Zelda fan for life.
Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)
Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253
Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020
It's sports though. That shit's fast.
Maybe TPM Discord could have a Sports channel.
I'm so looking forward to IIHF 2021 Tournament, hopefully the pandemic is gone by then. It also requires great wisdom from both IIHF and the Belorussian government.
Oh, that post opens an old can of worms!
Rules are not more lenient for mods than they are for regular members. Thinking that they are causes regular members to feel they're being treated unfairly and that the board is elitist - which would be true if that were the case. Mods have abilities which regular members don't have, but those abilities are meant to be used to enforce the rules, not break them.
That said, we weren't having much activity at that time and no one complained, so I guess it doesn't matter as long as it was just that once. If you want to have real-time chat threads on the forums - which I still think are not the best medium for them, but it's your choice - we could try putting something in the title so that people who look at those threads know what they're getting into. Maybe we could include that in the rules. What do you think?
Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
Everyone wins (2011), Tea, World traveler (2012), Busy, Patient (2013),
Durga, Firefox, Twenty Thousand Hidden Posts (2014), Helpful (2015),
Active, Discord, Letter, Unown Awards 2019 (2019).
Don't forget to visit the Dragon's Guild and Dragon Tamers site.
✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
Sounds reasonable to me. Quickly put![]()
Since introductions were said to be for this thread,
I've recently registered an account on this webforum,
Attempting to transition from being a perennial lurker to a genuine posterizer.
--I passed Pokemon games blue, silver...
--After that I cannot recall which of the colors per gen I played, and also haven't gotten beyond w/b ||||| gen.
Welcome to TPM. Sorry for the 遅い! (slow!) reply. Please keep posting, although according to the rules, your introduction should have been its own thread.
I'm the resident Finn, and a big videogame console collector in my hometown.