I'm worried for all of you near and/or being affected by the riots. o_o You're the third that's mentioned it being close. Samchu told me about it last night and today in Pingchat Becki was telling me how it was headin' for her work. ._. Hope you all keep safe!

<.< On the note of extreme weather, Canada is a lot of fun. Where I live (town near Toronto), we had a tornado touch down a year or two ago, another time giant hail (we have some saved in our freezer), a wind storm that nearly blew my friend's car off the road... Semi-recently we had a storm that didn't really do a lot in the terms of rain or wind, but there was tons of lightning and thunder, and it was frikkin aweesoommmeee.

As for temperatures, Canada can go from 40C in summer, to -40C in winter pending on the year. (admittedly there was one year where we had a green christmas -_-, unhappysauce.)

I love this country XD ♥