Hey guys, I know it's Saturday but I just wanted to relish in the fact school's over until Jan 5th. So we've got some anime news and another item of news I've been waiting to tell for ages. It's already been announced but still...

The last two episodes for Jan 2010 have been released. DP160 will feature a Pokethlon-dominating Gible. It is not the same Gible that Ash and co. met in DP156. This episode, coincidentally, is the most recent episode that has been shown in Japan. The next episode that will be shown is DP157: Fukamaru! Got It!!
DP160: Burn, Kabigon! The Pokéthlon King!!
DP161: Pokémon Contest! Asatsuki Tournament!!
DP161 will feature Dawn's next (finally!) contest. She still trying to get her fifth ribbon so she can enter the Grand Festival. Will she get it? Probably, probably not. How many more times can Dawn lose a contest anyway. The episode will also feature the conmbination of Dawn's Cyndaquil and Mamoswine.

That's right, manga gets some screentime. Amazon recently released the dates for the English translations of the Pokemon Adventures. The seventh and eight volumes feature Gold and Silver...and I think Crystal but I'm not sure. Volume Seven will be available for purchase June 1st. The Eighth will be available from August 3rd.
Also, the NA release date for the seventh edition of the DP Adventures will be available from July 6th.

In Other News...

The North American release dates have finally been released!!! March 14th will be the time. The European date is still unknown...but hopefully we won't have to wait long. Maybe May or June...which luckily ties in with my birthday!

Also, ever heard of the Speed Gamers Marathon? Me neither. To explain, they are a group of people who will try to obtain ALL 493 Pokemon in the short space of 72 hours (3 days). They will utilise every Gen III and IV game. They will also use the new Japanese Hg/Ss games to help them. They attempted this last year but because of tecnical difficulties, they could only obtain 429. All donations and money raised will go to Ally's House who help families who have children with cancer.

That's all for this week (that I could physically fit in), so see you guys next week!