28th December 2009, 06:23 AM
28th December 2009, 06:48 AM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
![Veteran Trainer](http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/images/icons/pokeball7.gif)
Veteran Trainer
Re: ASB Stratedex
Status Ailments
Status Ailments are those fun little things we like to inflict on other Pokemon in order to gain an edge in battle. Each ailment has its own signature effect on Pokemon, and to be a master, you'll need to learn how to use each ailments to its potential.
Attraction (Atr): Attraction is a tricky devil, unable to be blocked by Safeguard, this ailment will have your Pokemon be infatuated with its opponent, and that can hinder its attack patterns, It will ignore orders; thinking that it can't hurt the opponent. Very dangerous indeed-the only hope is that over time, Attract wears off.
Burning (Brn): Yes, Burning. When struck by most fire attacks, a Pokemon has a slim chance of being burned. This damage is consistent over time and can weaken a Pokemon significantly if not taken care of. This move can be blocked by Safeguard. In the games, the Pokemon suffers an attack drop. This is not a mandatory case in ASB, as a small burn may not hinder a Pokemon as much as a large burn.
Confusion (Cfn): Confusion can be brought on by many ways, and it has a peculiar effect on Pokemon. They may disregard orders, completely ignore the opponent Pokemon, or even attack themselves. This move can be blocked by Safeguard-except if self inflicted.
Flinching (Fln): Not truly a status, most group it in because if can affect a Pokemon from winning a match. Flinching is caused when an attack makes the Pokemon forget what it was doing-essentially causing that Pokemon to forget its current action.
Freezing (Frz): Freezing is a highly devastating status ailment. Ice moves (among a few others) have a chance to completely immobilize your opponent, rendering them helpless to the onslaught of attacks you may wish to encumber them with. Most any fire move will help you thaw out however-so it would be wise to remember that. Safeguard blocks this condition from affecting your Pokemon.
Paralysis (Par): Ahh paralysis. When struck with a move that induces this ailment, the Pokemon is left with a jolting pain that locks up its muscles, forcing it to be immobilizd for that action. This ailment can greatly reduce a Pokemon's speed and effectiveness, since it strikes at random throughout the match after being inflicted. Safeguard can block this condition.
Poison (Psn): Poison is a tricky one. When poisoned-a Pokemon loses health at a consistent rate throughout the match. This can be devastating if left to last for too long. Safeguard prevents this condition.
Toxic poisoning (Txc): Slightly different, and more devastating than regular poisoning, is toxic poisoning. This ailments acts like its weaker version above for the first round. But every round after, it rises in effectiveness. I use the word 'rises' instead of 'doubles', because in game-it rises exponentially. Typically, Toxic can range between rising 1% a round (usually seen starting at 1%, to as great as 4%), or as great as an exponential rise (starting at 2%). This can be blocked by Safeguard.
Sleeping (Slp): Here's a funny one. Basically, your Pokemon can be put to sleep, blocking it from attacking or defensing itself. There are ways around sleeping however, with moves such as Sleep Talk and Snore, but since you are asleep, you have no real control over how your Pokemon may act. This move can be blocked by Safeguard-except if self induced.
Those are the Ailments, both big and small, in a nutshell.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
1st January 2010, 10:51 AM
2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold
![Veteran Trainer](http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/images/icons/pokeball7.gif)
Veteran Trainer
Re: ASB Stratedex
Here is the Abilities list, for quick reference. Remember, these are optional for battling, and both battlers must agree on them before the match can be started.
Powers up moves of the same type.
The Pokémon knows its elemental type inside and out and is capable of drawing upon the true strength of that type. The Pokémon gets twice the usual STAB bonus for all attacks that share a type with it.
Normal type Moves become Flying Type moves
This Pokemon reserves the skill of utilizing Moves of the Normal manifestation, and converting their force into a Flying counterpart.
Damages the foe landing the finishing hit.
Whatever the last amount was that took this Pokemon out, that's how much hits the opponent is instantly struck for-IF the opponent hit the Pokemon.
Ex: Weavile hits a Drifblim that has 2 HP left. 2 HP gets taken off Weavile.
Air Lock
Eliminates the effects of weather for the user.
Simple as that. Weather effects don't affect this Pokemon as long as this Pokemon is out. Thank you Blade for clarification.
Attacks are stronger since the user attacks last.
Patience proves to be a virtue for this Pokemon, as the focus and execution of its attack is more potent than had it attacked before hand.
Anger Point
Raises Attack upon taking a critical hit.
The Pokémon is incredibly short-tempered and is prone to throwing fits when things don't go its way. If the opponent has the audacity to strike the Anger Point Pokémon with a critical hit, the Anger Point Pokémon will fly into a rage that drastically spikes its adrenaline levels, effectively increasing its Attack to the maximum level (+6 Attack, part of the normal 6 levels of stat increase and decrease).
Senses the foe's dangerous moves.
The Pokemon is constantly on guard, and as such, seems to have an uncanny sense when it comes to self-preservation. Whenever it finds itself within a battle where the opponent is using a super effective move, the Pokemon's guard goes up in order to deal with the incoming attack.
Arena Trap
Prevents the foe from fleeing.
The Pokémon is extremely comfortable in its home environment, much more so than most opponents. As long as its opponent is not flying or levitating, the Arena Trap Pokémon stands a good chance of outmaneuvering its opponent in its preferred environment; so, for example, it can close the gap between itself and its opponent fairly quickly if the opponent tries to get away.
Aura Break
The effects of Aura Abilities are reversed.
The emanating Auras that Pokemon naturally give off are visible to this Pokemon-and it holds the skill necessary to turn that force against its opponent
Bad Dreams
Reduces a sleeping foe's HP.
The Pokémon wields a terrifying power over sleep and has the ability to induce horrible nightmares in sleepers simply by being present around them. If the Bad Dreams Pokémon's opponent is asleep, the opponent will be plagued with frightening visions and night terrors and will thrash around in its dreams, harming and exhausting itself. A Pokémon suffering from the effect of Bad Dreams takes moderate damage at the end of every round that it is asleep and the Bad Dreams Pokémon is on the field.
Powers up Special Attacks.
This Pokémon's innate ability is to strike from afar. Every Sp. Attack used by it has it's power increased by 30%.
Battle Armor
The Pokémon is protected against critical hits.
The Pokémon is encased in formidable armor that protects it from head to toe, covering any particularly soft, weak or vulnerable spots; opponents cannot harm these spots any more than they would normally harm any other areas of the Battle Armor Pokémon's body and so the Pokémon is protected from critical hits.
Battle Bond
Allows Greninja to become Ash-Greninja.
The bond between Pokémon and trainer is so high that, once they KO one opponent, they morph into a completely new form akin to Mega Evolution. This increases their stats immensely and powers up the Water Shuriken attack.
Beast Boost
Boosts Pokémon's highest stat upon KOing an opponent.
Ultra Beasts get stronger and stronger with each foe they defeat. Once an opponent is KOed, their most proficient stat increases by 2 levels.
Boosts Sp. Attack when at 50% or less health.
Big Pecks
This Pokemon cannot have its defenses lowered.
Fearless is this Pokemon's middle name! This Pokemon will dive into the heart of danger, knowing its defensive capabilities will not be limited by anyone's feeble attempts!
Powers up Fire-type moves in a pinch.
A flame burns deep inside the Pokémon, flaring up only when the Pokémon is in the direst straits. Whenever the Blaze Pokémon's health is at 33% health or lower, the base power of its Fire-type attacks gains an added STAB bonus. This boost goes away if the Pokémon's health rises above 33%.
Immune to all Ball and Bomb Moves
This Pokemon has the unique ability to be able to absorb and deflect and and all momentum that might come from a airborne assault. Any spherical or quasi spherical attack will be rendered null upon contact of the shell of this Pokemon.
Moves blocked: Acid Spray, Aura Sphere, Barrage, Bullet Seed, Egg Bomb, Electro Ball, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Gyro Ball, Ice Ball, Magnet Bomb, Mist Ball, Mud Bomb, Octazooka, Rock Wrecker, Searing Shot, Seed Bomb, Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, Weather Ball, Zap Cannon
Blocks out sound-based attacks
The Pokémon is habitually loud and noisy and always makes a terrible racket wherever it goes. This din is so loud that it drowns out almost anything the Cacophony Pokémon would normally be able to hear. The Cacophony Pokémon is immune to the effects and damage of Bug Buzz, Chatter, Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Roar of Time, Screech, Sing, Sonicboom, Supersonic and Uproar. The moves may still affect other Pokémon and the environment around them, if applicable, but the closer these other targets are to the Cacophony Pokémon the harder it will be for these moves to be heard.
Pokémon is always asleep; will attack normally regardless
Cheek Pouch
Restores HP as well when the Pokémon uses a biting move.
This Pokemon is ravenous, and will nibble on anything it comes in contact with. When it uses a move that requires the use of its mouth to physically inflict damage, it will also siphon the life force of its opponent out.
Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in sunshine.
Specialized cells in the Pokémon's body convert strong sunlight into extra fuel, filling the Pokémon with a great deal of energy. When the sun is shining brightly, the Chlorophyll Pokémon's speed is doubled and it will almost always strike all but the absolute fastest opponents first.
Clear Body
Prevents the Pokémon's stats from being lowered.
The Pokémon's body has a strange translucent or reflective property that seems to cause all adverse ability changes to slip through or slide right off of it. The Clear Body Pokémon is immune to all stat reductions caused by an opponent, whether those drops are caused by status attacks (Leer), as the secondary effects of attacks (Energy Ball) or via an ability (Intimidate). Clear Body does not prevent stat drops that the Pokémon inflicts upon itself (Superpower), nor does it prevent stat increases of any kind.
Cloud Nine
Eliminates the effects of weather.
The Pokémon is surrounded by an aura of serenity and peacefulness so strong that it extends to the area around it, actually calming any inclement weather and lessening any intense sunlight in its immediate vicinity. Weather has no effect, negative or positive and for the player or the opponent, on a battlefield that is occupied by a Cloud Nine Pokémon. Cloud Nine does not force the weather effect to end; rather, the weather continues to carry on outside of the ability's effect radius for the rest of its normal duration and, if it has not already ended naturally, will move in to fill the area as soon as the Cloud Nine Pokémon is removed from play.
Color Change
Changes the Pokémon's type to the foe's move. Simple as that.
The Pokémon is extremely sensitive to its environment and external stimuli, so much so that it can actually adopt the attributes of elements that come into contact with it. If the Color Change Pokémon is hit by a damaging attack, its type changes to match that of the attack. If an attack of another type hits the Color Change Pokémon after that, its type changes to match the new attack. Non-damaging attacks are not powerful enough to cause the Pokémon to change. If the Color Change Pokémon naturally has two types and then is hit with an attack that does not match either type, the new type overwrites both previous types and the Pokémon becomes single-typed for the remainder of the battle
Boosts the Sp. Atk stat when a stat is lowered.
This Pokemon believes in the spirit of competitiveness, and will not let any single downfall imepede its drive for excellence. When it feels hampered in any way, it will refocus on its own special abilities and rise to the occasion.
The Pokémon's accuracy is boosted.
The Pokémon's eyes are complex and many-faceted, able to see things from many different angles and focus in on targets with ease. All attacks made by the Compoundeyes Pokémon have a substantial increase in Accuracy than they normally would.
All stat affects are reversed when used on this Pokemon.
The reality is not as it seems for this Pokemon. Whenever there is an increase or decrease in the capabilities of its abilities, they act in an opposing manner than one would usually see them act.
Ignores Steel and Poison-type immunity to Poison.
This Pokémon's poison is unlike any other in that it can actually harm Pokémon that would normally be immune to it. Even Poison-type attacks will be able to hurt Steel Pokémon.
Cursed Body
The pained spirit has such an effect that if it is physically hit, it may cause that specific move to be disabled for a time. This effect switches every time the foe is hit by the same attacker (eg..attacked shuts off one move, attacked a few rounds later, new move is shut off, old move is activated again.)
Living a life of horrid pain, this Pokemon is eager to share some of its burden with its attackers. Upon being physically struck by a foe-the Pokemon may enact a curse that limits that Pokemon's ability to use that move. This effect continues throughout the battle
Cute Charm
Contact with the Pokémon may cause infatuation.
The Pokémon is so endearing and charming that opponents of the opposite gender sometimes have trouble bringing themselves to harm it. If the Cute Charm Pokémon is struck by a direct contact attack made by an opponent of the opposite gender there is a 30% chance that the opponent will immediately regret hurting such a precious creature and will become distracted by and attracted to it.
Prevents combatants from self destructing.
The Pokémon is constantly wet and slimy, and its very touch is often enough to douse fuses. A Damp Pokémon can stop an opponent from exploding simply by touching it, coating it with wetness and preventing the execution of moves like Explosion and Selfdestruct. The effect of Aftermath cannot be prevented by Damp, and the Damp Pokémon must make contact with the user of Explosion or Selfdestruct at some point before the move is executed in order to have an effect; it doesn't do any good if the opponent is perfectly dry and some distance away.
Copies opponent's Dance moves.
This Pokémon is always in the mood for dance. Whenever it sees someone dancing, it just has to join in and get the benefits regardless of whether or not it already attacked.
Moves copied: Dragon Dance, Feather Dance, Fiery Dance, Lunar Dance, Petal Dance, Quiver Dance, Revelation Dance, Swords Dance, Teeter Dance.
Dark Aura
Powers up each Pokémon's Dark-type moves.
This Pokemon is able to saturate the field with Dark energy, allowing all Dark moves to rise in strength and success.
This Pokémon is immune to Priority Moves.
When half of this Pokemon's health fades, its attack severely deteriorates.
This Pokemon's spirit is greater than its physical standing. When its past its own halfway point, its attack decreases as well.
When stats are lowered, its Attack rises to deal with the change.
Refusing to believe that the worst can ever happen to it, this Pokemon's abilities rise whenever any of its parameters seem to be hampered by any nefarious means.
This Pokémon is protected by a facade.
This Pokémon has disguised itself with a costume. Any attempt to attack it will result in the costume being destroyed instead. Once the costume is destroyed, the Pokémon will be exposed.
Adjusts power according to the foe's ability.
The Pokemon is very keen when it comes to adjusting its strength to match its opponents strengths. If the opposing Pokemon uses a move that raises its condition above average, this Pokemon will raise its own condition to counteract that rise in ability-in order to continue the battle at an even standpoint.
The Pokémon makes it rain if it appears in battle.
The Pokémon holds sway over the elemental power of water and is able to bring on torrential rain at will, causing rain to fall as soon as it appears on the battlefield and keeping the rain going much, much longer than any normal Pokémon would usually be able to--even indefinitely. This ability does not activate in any arenas in which the move Rain Dance would have no effect. If the Drizzle Pokémon and a Pokémon with another weather-inducing ability appear on the battlefield at the same time, the Pokémon that was the last to receive orders from its trainer is the one whose ability takes precedence. The rain caused by Drizzle can be overwritten by other weather-inducing moves.
The Pokémon makes it sunny if it is in battle.
The Pokémon holds sway over the elemental power of fire and is able to intensify the sun's rays at will, causing the sun to shine brightly as soon as it appears on the battlefield and keeping the sunlight going much, much longer than any normal Pokémon would usually be able to--even indefinitely. This ability does not activate in any arenas in which the move Sunny Day would have no effect. If the Drought Pokémon and a Pokémon with another weather-inducing ability appear on the battlefield at the same time, the Pokémon that was the last to receive orders from its trainer is the one whose ability takes precedence. The intense sunlight caused by Drought can be overwritten by other weather-inducing moves.
Dry Skin
Reduces HP if it is hot. Water restores HP.
The Pokémon has exceptionally dry skin that is best kept moist at all times. This skin is so dry that the Pokémon can soak up water almost like a sponge, re-hydrating itself with no ill effect. When the Dry Skin Pokémon is hit by a Water-type attack it regains health equal to the amount it would have lost and no greater than 25HP it also regains a small amount of health at the end of every round if the battlefield is rainy. This dry skin is also incredibly sensitive to heat, however, and so it loses a small amount of health at the end of every round if the sun is shining brightly. Fire-type attacks made against a Dry Skin Pokémon are super effective.
Early Bird
The Pokémon awakens quickly from sleep.
The Pokémon has difficulty staying asleep and often wakes up earlier than other Pokémon would. If the Early Bird Pokémon falls asleep, it will wake up twice as fast as it normally would--so, for example, if a Pokémon would normally be asleep for six actions, it will wake up after three. The Pokémon is also more prone to waking up if attacked while sleeping. If the Early Bird Pokémon uses Rest, it will sleep for only one round instead of two after the move is used.
Effect Spore
Contact may paralyze, poison, or cause sleep.
The Pokémon's body gives off puffs of bizarre toxic spores that can adversely affect opponents when inhaled. The nature and effects of these spores can vary wildly, from making the opponent sick to sending it to sleep. When the Effect Spore Pokémon is hit with a direct contact attack there is a 30% chance that its attacker will be paralyzed, poisoned or sent to sleep; each status ailment has an equal chance of occurring.
Electric Surge
Summons Electric Terrain when entering battle.
Emergency Exit
Pokémon retreats to Poké Ball immediately after hitting 50% health.
This Pokémon knows when to retreat. After succumbing to half its health, it will immediately leave the battle, forcing the trainer to use another Pokémon if able. If there are no more Pokémon left, this ability fails.
Fairy Aura
Powers up each Pokémon's Fairy-type moves.
This Pokemon is able to saturate the field with Fairy energy, allowing all Fairy moves to rise in strength and success.
Powers down super-effective moves.
The Pokémon can use its psychic abilities to alter the air molecules between itself and its opponent, changing the way that certain dangerous attacks pass through them and dampening some of the attacks' strength. Whenever the Filter Pokémon is hit by a super-effective attack, that attack's damage is reduced to as if it was standard damage.
Flame Body
Contact with the Pokémon may burn the foe.
The Pokémon's body is intensely hot and flames can leap from it without warning; these flames are not hot enough to cause severe damage immediately, but they can leave an opponent with a nasty burn. When the Flame Body Pokémon is hit with a direct contact attack there is a moderate chance that its attacker will be burned. Also if you own this Pokemon, and buy eggs, they'll hatch in 1 day instead of three if you give me the Pokemon with which to hatch said egg!
Flare Boost
Attack sharply rises if the Pokemon is burned.
This Pokemon does not like the idea of being burned. When it actually happens, it fights with all its heart to ensure victory.
Flash Fire
Powers up Fire-type moves if hit by a fire move.
The Pokémon is impervious to fire and actually draws strength from it instead. Whenever the Flash Fire Pokémon is struck with a Fire-type attack, that attack's damage is nullified. The first time that the Flash Fire Pokémon is hit by a Fire-type attack it also gains a boost to its own fiery abilities, and from that point on the base power of the Flash Fire Pokémon's Fire-type attacks is given a second STAB boost. This boost only occurs once for as long as the Flash Fire Pokémon is in battle.
Flower Gift
Powers up party Pokémon when it is sunny.
The Pokémon loves the sunlight, so much so that it opens up its closed petals and gives off a healthy, invigorating aroma when the sun is shining exceptionally brightly. This aroma heightens its abilities as well as those of its teammates, giving them +1 Attack and +1 Special Attack for as long as the sun is out and the Flower Gift Pokémon is on the field.
Flower Veil
Prevents lowering of ally Grass-type Pokémon's stats.
This Pokemon has an affinity for the Grass type, and will utilize its energies to ensure no other fellow Grass-Type undergoes any sort of weakness.
CASTFORM transforms with the weather.
The Pokémon is sensitive to extreme changes in temperature and precipitation and knows the best way to take advantage of them--it can change its molecular structure to one that is more in tune with the current weather. When the Forecast Pokémon is on the battlefield and the sun is shining brightly it becomes a Fire-type; when it is raining it becomes a Water-type; and when it is hailing it becomes an Ice-type. The Forecast Pokémon does not change in sandstorms, fog or darkness. The Pokémon's appearance also changes to match the current weather, although these changes are generally aesthetic. If the weather becomes clear again, the Forecast Pokémon reverts to its normal form and Normal typing. If the Pokémon loses the ability Forecast while it has changed type (via Skill Swap, Worry Seed, etc.), it remains in that form even if the weather changes.
Allows the Pokemon to better evade an incoming powerful move.
The Pokémon is instinctively nervous about hard-hitting attacks. If it senses its opponent preparing to use an attack that will deal High or more damage, it will increase its efforts to evade that attack, effectively increasing its Evasion by 1 stage for the duration of that attack.
Friend Guard
Any concurrent damage done by all arena affecting moves are lessened.
Since everyone on its side are its friends, it is more than welcoming to help protect its mates in battle. Any moves that are widespread are weakened in order to give its team an advantage.
The Pokémon takes away their opponent's held item (if they're holding one) and makes it unusable for the rest of the battle.
Fur Coat
Halves damage from physical moves.
This Pokemon is able to utilize the very dense fur on its body to disrupt and deflect damage from physical attacks.
Gale Wings
Gives priority to Flying-type moves.
When on the battlefield, this Pokemon revels in the air. Its ability to inflict pain aerially is significantly increased.
Eats stuff to restore health.
The Pokemon is a voracious one, able to consume anything around it without even given it a second thought. If this Pokemon falls below 50%, it will actively look to eat anything around it in order to regain some portion of health back; if this pokémon is equipped with the Leftovers held item, it will double the amount of health gained.
Contact with the Pokémon lowers the attacker's Speed stat.
This Pokemon's makeup consists of a very viscous epidermal layer. When this layer is physicaly contacted, the matrix adheres to the offending objectreducing the offender's velocity from there on out.
Boosts Attack if there is a status problem.
The Pokémon possesses impressive resolve and a will to win, even when it is feeling under the weather. If the Guts Pokémon is paralyzed, poisoned, burned or asleep, the base power of its physical attacks is significantly increased. This boost goes away if the Pokémon's status returns to normal. The Guts Pokémon is so determined to do its best that it will even push through the pain of a burn to do as much damage as possible.
When a healing move is used, it will double the amount healed.
The Pokemon is quite adept at gathering nourishment for its own use, and can maximize the amount of nourishment it receives from even the smallest amount of food. When it finds it necessary to heal, this Pokemon can maximize its own efforts and gain twice as much as the norm.
Randomly heals itself or a teammate of a status
This Pokemon has a innate nurturing aspect in its actions, and will aid any sick or inflicted Pokemon it comes across. It picks whom it heals and when it heals them at random, so it is wise not to rely on it in a larger battle.
Heat Proof
Weakens the power of Fire-type moves.
The Pokémon is made of bizarre materials that are flame-resistant. Whenever the Heatproof Pokémon is hit by a Fire-type attack the attack hits if the Pokemon has a resistance to it. The Pokémon even resists burns quite well, taking half the usual damage from a burn (but never falling below 1% damage).
Heavy Metal
The weight of this Pokemon is doubled
The weight of the Pokemon is increased due to the weight of the adornments that cover its body. This adversely affects its movement and the power of its hits.
Honey Gather
Restores health from eating honey.
The Pokémon has a bit of leftover, super-nutritious honey stuck to its body from buzzing around its hive, etc., and can lick a little bit of that honey off at the end of every other round to restore 3% health.
Huge Power
Raises the Pokémon's Attack stat.
The Pokémon's small size and pudgy body belie great physical strength. The base power of all the Pokémon's physical attacks is slightly increased. Throwing all of this weight around takes extra effort, however, so all physical attacks used by the Pokémon use slightly more energy.
Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy.
The Pokémon has a lot of pep and energy and is quite eager to put it to use, even if it does get a little careless. Physical attacks have a significant boost to them, but those same attacks are dealt a little more clumsily and have their accuracy reduced by 20% as a result. Special attacks are unaffected by Hustle.
Heals status problems if it is raining.
The Pokémon loves the water and can absorb it to flush impurities out of its system. If it is raining or the Pokémon is submerged in water at the end of the round, any major status afflictions (burn, sleep, poison, paralysis, freeze) it might be suffering from will be healed.
Hyper Cutter
Prevents the Attack stat from being lowered.
The Pokémon possesses nasty blades, spikes and/or other unpleasantly sharp parts that it keeps honed to the highest level of unpleasant sharpness. These sharp parts have such impressive points/edges on them, in fact, that they are nearly impossible to dull and will always cut/stab with high precision and power--effectively, the Hyper Cutter Pokémon's Attack can never be lowered by the opponent. This does not prevent the Attack-lowering effect of a burn, nor does it prevent Attack drops that the Pokémon causes on its own (via moves like Superpower, for example).
Ice Body
The Pokémon regains HP in a hailstorm.
The Pokémon has an icy exterior that is soothed and even patched up by falling hail instead of damaged by it. The Pokémon recovers a small amount of health at the end of each round if hail is falling in the arena.
Raises the likelihood of meeting rarer wild Pokémon. In dark areas, this Pokemon is easily spotted, and evasion tactics do not aid this Pokemon when used by it.
The Pokémon produces its own bright, natural light; the light is so dazzling that it takes most others a while to get used to. For the first few actions of battle, all opponents and allies that do not have Illuminate have -1 Accuracy; this effect fades with time, as the Pokémon have now had time to adjust to the brighter light. Additionally, this Pokémon will always be surrounded by a small pool of light in dark arenas, making it easier to see and be seen in the Pokémon's immediate area.
Imitates a Pokemon in your roster
Upon coming into battle, this Pokemon changes into a Pokemon you currently own-though not locked into its moveset. However, once hit by any attack-the illusion is broken. (Special Note: When using Pokemon with this ability, you have to send a PM to the ref that you are using it, and then release the Pokemon as the species you are currently wanting it to masquerade as.
Prevents the Pokémon from getting poisoned.
The Pokémon has built up an impressive natural immunity to toxins, usually due to constant exposure to them. The Immunity Pokémon can never be poisoned or severely poisoned.
Transforms into opponent-including current stat modification-upon entering.
Bypasses all Screen and Substitute moves when attacking.
This Pokemon has an innate ability to evade and bypass any and all defensive measures constructed to impede its attacking prowess, striking without limitation.
Inner Focus
The Pokémon is protected from flinching.
The Pokémon is so focused on battle that it doesn't allow trivial things like surprise attacks to distract it. The Inner Focus Pokémon can never flinch. This does not protect it from "flinching" and losing its focus if attacked while using Focus Punch.
Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep.
The Pokémon is always awake, active and unable to rest for whatever reason. The Pokémon is unable to fall asleep under any circumstances (Rest included); it also recovers slightly less energy from chilling than other Pokémon, as it is constantly on edge.
Lowers the foe's Attack stat.
The Pokémon has a naturally intimidating appearance, and the mere sight of it snarling, baring its fangs and looking generally terrifying is often enough to strike fear into the hearts of most opponents. When the Intimidate Pokémon is sent into battle it will snarl and frighten its opponents, making them quite timid about attacking it--effectively, Intimidate gives all opponents on the battlefield -1 Attack (part of the normal 6 levels of stat increase and decrease). If the opponent gets over its fear of the Intimidate Pokémon later in the battle it is possible to bring the Attack back up 1 level.
Iron Barbs
Inflicts damage to the foe on contact.
The Pokémon's skin is very rough and coarse, even painful to the touch. Pokémon sustain a small amount of damage every time they strike it with a direct contact attack and 1% every time the Iron Barb Pokémon strikes them with a direct contact attack.
Iron Fist
Boosts the power of punching moves.
The Pokémon's punching skills are honed to the point of perfection, and every punching move it executes strikes with very impressive force. Whenever the Pokémon uses the moves Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, Dynamicpunch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, or Thunderpunch, that attack in increased in power slightly. (This does not include Sucker Punch; that move's original name was "Ambush" and was poorly translated. It is not actually a punching move.)
If hit with a Dark Attack, its own Attack rises
This Pokemon believes in honor and valor when it battles. If the crafty minions of the night launch an attack upon said honor, it strive even harder to vanquish their ways.
Keen Eye
Prevents the Pokémon from losing accuracy.
The Pokémon has stellar vision, far greater than most Pokémon, and it is quite difficult to prevent this Pokémon from seeing clearly. The Keen Eye Pokémon can never have its Accuracy lowered.
This Pokémon immediately drops it's held item.
This Pokemon's instinctual nature leaves something to be desired in the battling aspect. Whenever it tries to hold onto something, it immediately drops it. Any attempts to retrieve it will just make it worse.
Leaf Guard
Prevents status problems in sunny weather.
The Pokémon's leaves have a mystical property that is activated by strong sunlight and shields them from unfortunate ailments. As long as the sun is shining brightly, the Leaf Guard Pokémon cannot be afflicted with any of the major status conditions (burn, paralysis, sleep, poison, freeze). This does not affect any status conditions the Leaf Guard Pokémon was already afflicted with before the sun started shining and does not prevent status conditions that the user inflicts upon itself (via Rest, for example).
"Gives" Pokemon the ability to float, thereby bypassing all ground based ground moves. Ground moves that go up in the air can still strike you, but you will have an easier time evading such moves.
The Pokémon uses a mystical power to hover over the ground, out of the range of most ground-based attacks like Earthquake. Generally the Pokémon only levitates a few feet above the ground, although the Levitate Pokémon can rise up even higher at the cost of some energy. The more powerful the Pokémon the higher it will be able to levitate, although attaining the height of a flying Pokémon would cost a considerable amount of energy.
Light Metal
The weight of this Pokemon is halved
The weight of the Pokemon is decreased due to the weight of the adornments that cover its body. This adversely affects its movement and the power of its hits.
The Pokémon draws in all Electric-type moves and raises SpA one level
The Pokémon has a tall crest, horn or other appendage or item that attracts lightning like a magnet. All Electric-type attacks, barring those that are self-targeting or used by the Lightningrod Pokémon itself, that are used in a battle with a Lightningrod Pokémon are automatically re-targeted to hit the Lightningrod Pokémon. This includes Electric-type attacks made by the Lightningrod Pokémon's partner or partners in a double or higher battle. It grants the Lightningrod Pokemon a boost in ethereal prowess.
The Pokémon is protected from paralysis.
The Pokémon's muscles are so loose, lithe and flexible that they are nearly impossible to stiffen or compromise. The Limber Pokémon can never be paralyzed.
Liquid Ooze
Inflicts damage onto the user, equivalent to the amount of health normally received from all life-draining moves.
The Pokémon has a nasty substance coursing through its body, one that is noxious if consumed. If an opponent uses a move that drains bodily fluids or life energy from the Liquid Ooze Pokémon it will pull some of this substance along with it, negating the healing effect and causing itself harm equal to the amount of health it would have regained. This includes the effect of Leech Seed.
Magic Bounce
Magic Coat in Ability form.
This Pokemon has a high awareness of how its condition should be, and as such can reflect any non damaging attack, field effect or status lowering technique thrown upon it that would otherwise negatively affect its state of mind or mobility.
Magic Guard
The Pokémon is immune to effects/damage not caused directly by an offensive attack..
The Pokémon is always surrounded by a mysterious, otherworldly aura that protects it from many tricks, side-effects, pains and ailments. The Magic Guard Pokémon does not take damage from poisoning or burning (though it will still technically have that condition), recoil from moves (except Struggle) and items, inclement weather, arena hazards like Spikes, Leech Seed, Nightmare or Bad Dreams. The Magic Guard Pokémon cannot be fully paralyzed. This Pokemon can be frozen, put to sleep, confused, attracted and flinch.
The Pokemon can stop the use of Mega Evolution.
This Pokemon understands the powers of its species, and therefore knows the threat to its survival in battle if faced with a Mega Evolution. If faced with a Mega Evolution, it will emit an aura that renders the Evolution null and void.
Magma Armor
Prevents the Pokémon from becoming frozen. Egg hstcing scenario works here too.
The Pokémon has live, superheated magma covering its body or flowing just under the surface of its skin and keeping it intensely hot at all times, quickly melting any ice that stays in contact with it. The Magma Armor Pokémon can never be frozen.
Magnet Pull
Steel Attacks will be drawn to this Pokemon. Additionally, Steel Pokemon will find themselves unable to escape.
The Pokémon's body carries an electromagnetic field that can attract all sorts of metal. It can use its magnetic powers to draw Steel-type Pokémon and other metal objects closer to it without actually thinking about it.
Marvel Scale
Boosts Defense if there is a status problem.
The Pokémon possesses impressive resolve and a will to stand strong at all costs, even when it is feeling under the weather. If the Marvel Scale Pokémon is paralyzed, poisoned, burned or asleep, its defense rises significantly to deal with any incoming attacks. This boost goes away if the Pokémon's status returns to normal.
Mega Launcher
Powers up aura and pulse moves.
The appearance of this Pokemon bodes ill for most challengers. It's mere presence incurs the energies surrounding it to swell and tide in its favor. All auratic and pulsating (Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Heal Pulse, and Water Pulse) moves seem to swell in force and power when utilized by this Pokemon.
Boosts Sp. Atk if another Pokémon has Plus.
The Pokémon has a strong bond with Pokémon that carry a charge opposite to its own, and can utilize that bond to strengthen its attacks. If the Minus Pokémon has a partner on the field that has the Plus ability, the damage done by the Minus Pokémon's special attacks is slightly increased.
Mold Breaker
Moves can be used regardless of abilities effects.
The Pokémon is dead-set on bringing down its opponents however it possibly can, and it isn't about to let any silly trickery stand in its way. Abilities are not triggered by the Mold Breaker Pokémon's attacks. Specifically, when the Mold Breaker Pokémon is out, the following opponent abilities are disabled: Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightningrod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke and Wonder Guard. So, for example, the Mold Breaker Pokémon can land a critical hit on a Battle Armor Pokémon, cause an Insomnia Pokémon to fall asleep, damage a Volt Absorb Pokémon with an Electric-type attack, ignore the defense boost of a Marvel Scale Pokémon, etc.. Mold Breaker has nothing to do with abilities like Static and Cute Charm, which will work as normal.
The Pokemon always has a positive and negative enhancement each battle.
Because it trains in an unorthodox way, the parameters of this Pokemon change with every battle. One attribute is higher while another is weaker, and these will change in every battle
Motor Drive
Raises Speed if hit by an Electric-type move. Stackable.
The Pokémon is energized by electricity rather than harmed by it. Whenever the Motor Drive Pokémon is struck with an Electric-type attack, that attack's damage is nullified. Every time that the Motor Drive Pokémon is hit by an Electric-type attack it also gains an additional charge and its speed rises.
Attack rises for every Pokemon it takes down
This Pokemon is driven by its never ending spirit of competitiveness. Once this individual defeats an opponent, the attacking prowess of the Pokemon rises for its accomplishment.
Heavily reduces damage from the first blow in battle.
The Pokemon with this ability has an intricate pattern of scale growth upon its body, making it hard for any assailant to land a solid blow early on in a match.
Changes type to match the held Plate.
Changes the opponent's ability to Mummy
Contact with the hide of this Pokemon transfers an ancient curse that forces its will upon then; effectively mummifying your own uniqueness.
Natural Cure
All status problems are healed upon consistent relaxation.
The Pokémon can rid its body of disease much faster than most other Pokémon; all it needs is a few moments of dedicated, intensive rest with little to no interruption. If the Natural Cure Pokémon is recalled from the field (except when unconscious) or left to relax for a full round, any major status conditions afflicting it will go away.
No Guard
The Pokémon and its foe's cannot use defensive moves.
The Pokémon is determined to have its attacks hit their mark at any cost and so strikes and follows with reckless abandon, hitting with everything it's got and totally unconcerned about how exposed this leaves it to its opponent's attacks. The No Guard Pokémon's attacks can never miss, even if its target is underground, underwater or in the air (within reason). At the same time, however, no attack that targets the No Guard Pokémon can ever miss, either. It has a 50/50 chance of hitting through Protect/Detect as well.
All the Pokémon's moves become Normal Typed.
The Pokémon is much more comfortable using attacks of the Normal type rather than other types, and so it alters the structure of the attacks it uses so that they become Normal-type. All attacks used by the Normalize Pokémon are considered Normal-type attacks instead of their usual type. This means that moves that would normally be Electric-type can now hit Ground-types, for example, but can no longer hit Ghost-types.
Prevents the Pokémon from becoming infatuated.
The Pokémon is totally unconcerned with matters of the heart and so blithely ignores its opponents' attempts to flatter, flirt with or seduce it. The Oblivious Pokémon can never be attracted.
Weather effects do nothing to harm this Pokemon.
This Pokemon seems to be able to withstand weather at its harshest. For this, its health cannot be whittled away by the likes of Hail or Sandstorm.
Powers up Grass-type moves in a pinch.
A hidden reserve of wild, earthy energy sits inside the Pokémon, only able to be drawn from when the Pokémon is in the direst straits. Whenever the Overgrow Pokémon's health is at 33% health or lower, the base power of its Grass-type attacks gains an added STAB bonus. This boost goes away if the Pokémon's health rises above 33%
Own Tempo
Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused.
The Pokémon has a very quirky mind and an unconventional way of thinking, and as such isn't very susceptible to the same mind tricks other Pokémon might fall for. The Own Tempo Pokémon can never be confused.
Parental Bond
Parent and child attack together.
The Pokemon has a deep maternal bond with its offspring, and will teach them everything they know in order for them to survive in the world. Whenever this Pokemon attacks, its offspring will use the same attack at the same target at 1/3rd strength. Any status effects or disabling outcomes will come into effect only after the child completes the move.
If this Pokémon physically attacks its opponent, it can steal their held item.
This Pokemon has a knack for thievery. There is a 20% chance it can steal the opponent's held item every time they attack physically.
In the Safari Zone, this Pokémon has a higher chance of finding items. In battle, it has a chance of finding an item in order to throw.
The Pokémon at the end of each round there is a 10% chance that it can find a small item around the arena that it can use during that battle. The item will usually be something that can naturally be found around the arena, such as a small rock, scrap of metal or piece of trash--the ref will choose something appropriate to the current battlefield. The object is treated as a held item with no additional effect that will do around 3-6% damage when thrown, slightly more if thrown with Fling or a similar move.
Normal-type moves become Fairy-type moves.
The Pokemon is able to use its power in order to modify the energies of the Normal type, and shift its powers so they are in tune with the energy frequency of Fairy types.
Boosts Sp. Atk if another Pokémon has Minus.
The Pokémon has a strong bond with Pokémon that carry a charge opposite to its own, and can utilize that bond to strengthen its attacks. If the Plus Pokémon has a partner on the field that has the Minus ability, the damage done by the Plus Pokémon's special attacks is slightly raised.
Poison Heal
Restores HP if the Pokémon is poisoned.
The Pokémon has a strange affinity for toxins and, in fact, gains sustenance from them. Whenever the Pokémon is poisoned, it does not take damage and instead regains health equal to the damage it would have taken from poison at the end of each round. It always regains 4% health from severe poisoning.
Poison Point
Contact with the Pokémon may poison the foe.
The Pokémon's body is adorned with sharp spines that occasionally secrete venom. When the Poison Point Pokémon is struck by a direct contact attack; it is possible for the opponent to prick themselves on one of these spines. This results in a 30% chance of poisoning the opponent.
Poison Touch
If this Pokemon is hit physically, the opponent will be poisoned.
The Pokémon's body is oozing with toxic fluids that can easily infect those who touch it. If the Poison Touch Pokémon is struck with a direct contact attack there is a 30% chance that the attacker will become poisoned.
Priority of stat affecting moves is risen.
Since its a prankster, the Pokemon uses moves that affect stats faster than usual, as a way to annoy the opponent.
The Pokémon raises the foe'e energy expenditure.
The mere presence of this Pokémon is so intimidating that its opponents are hesitant to attack it; any attacks aimed at the Pressure Pokémon cost the user more energy to perform. Attacks not aimed at the Pressure Pokémon are not affected.
Changes the Pokémon's type to the type of the move it just used.
The Pokemon can intuitively change its synergy to become more attuned to the powers its wields. At any time this Pokemon can use a move and change its own energy signature to match the recently used move.
Pure Power
Boosts the power of physical attacks.
The Pokémon has undergone intense meditation and achieved great strength. The base strength of ONE of the Pokemon's physical attacks per ROUND is boosted.
Quick Feet
Boosts Speed if there is a status problem.
The Pokémon possesses impressive resolve and a will to win, even when it is feeling under the weather. If the Quick Feet Pokémon is paralyzed, poisoned, burned or asleep, its Speed is raised, making it much faster than most opponents. This boost goes away if the Pokémon's status returns to normal. Quick Feet does not, however, prevent the Pokémon from becoming "fully paralyzed" on occasion.
Rain Dish
The Pokémon gradually recovers HP in rain.
The Pokémon has an affinity for rain and is rejuvenated whenever rain is falling. It regains a small amount of health at the end of each round if rain is falling in the arena.
If hit by a Bug, Ghost or Dark attack, its speed rises.
This Pokemon has an aversion to things that are known to go bump in the night. So when attacks that define these feelings strike, its speed rises to facilitate escape from them.
Powers up moves that have recoil damage.
The Pokémon is brimming with raw power that it loves to throw around with abandon; it doesn't even mind risking a little extra bodily harm if it means putting the hurt on the opponent. All of the Reckless's Pokemon's damaging recoil attacks are increased in power, as is the recoil damage.
Normal-type moves become Ice-type moves.
The Pokemon is able to use its power in order to modify the energies of the Normal type, and shift its powers so they are in tune with the energy frequency of Ice types.
Heals while resting.
While waiting for a chance to battle again, this Pokemon will regain its HP at a slow but consistent rate (I'd say no more than 10HP per round. Can be done when a Pokemon is relaxing).
Raises Attack if the foe is of the same gender. Conversly, lowers Attack if foe is of opposing gender.
The Pokémon has a deep fondness for Pokémon of the opposite gender; this attraction is so ingrained in its mind that it automatically sees all other Pokémon of the same gender as rivals for the attention of potential mates. It becomes much more aggressive when confronted by Pokémon of its gender, and all attacks targeting Pokémon of the same gender as the Rivalry Pokémon are stronger than usual. By the same token, it doesn't like harming any "potential mates" and prefers going easier on Pokémon of the opposite gender. All attacks targeting Pokémon of the opposite gender are weaker than usual. There is no change in the damage dealt to Pokémon that have no gender.
Rock Head
Protects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
The Pokémon's skull (or skull covering) is exceptionally solid and immovable, protecting it from any shock it might receive as a result of crashing into things. The Rock Head Pokémon is immune to recoil damage from attacks. Rock Head does not prevent recoil damage from Struggle or from missing with Jump Kick and Hi Jump Kick.
Rough Skin
Inflicts damage to the foe on contact.
The Pokémon's skin is very rough and coarse, even painful to the touch. Pokémon sustain a small amount of damage every time they strike it with a direct contact attack and 1% every time the Rough Skin Pokémon strikes them with a direct contact attack.
Run Away
Pokemon are better at evading moves in battle.
The Pokémon is so adept at dodging and ducking that it is able to evade attacks quite well. It has an easier time to evade all attacks aimed at it.
Sand Force
When Sandstorm is active, Rock, Ground and Steel Moves are boosted.
Pokemon with this ability use the inclement weather to their advantage. The force of the moves that seem to work well within a Sandstorm are strengthened agaisnt opponents.
Drilbur, Excadrill, Landorus (Incarnate Forme), Diglett, Dugtrio, Nosepass, Probopass, Shellos, Gastrodon, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith
Sand Rush
The Pokemon's speed is doubled in a Sandstorm
The Pokémon is naturally most at home in the sand and can bury far faster than it can walk on land; shifting dirt makes it more comfortable on the ground and fills the Pokémon with a great deal of energy. When sand is blowing or the Pokémon is in a beach or sandy area enough and long/wide enough to really dig in, the Sand Rush's Pokémon's speed is doubled and it will almost always strike all but the absolute fastest opponents first.
Sand Stream
The Pokémon summons a sandstorm in battle, increases Sp Def of all Rock Pokemon in battle.
The Pokémon has the ability to whip up mighty windstorms that carry harsh, sandy grit with them, causing a sandstorm as soon as it appears on the battlefield and keeping the sandstorm going much, much longer than any normal Pokémon would usually be able to--even indefinitely. This ability does not activate in any arenas in which the move Sandstorm would have no effect. If the Sand Stream Pokémon and a Pokémon with another weather-inducing ability appear on the battlefield at the same time, the Pokémon that was the last to receive orders from its trainer is the one whose ability takes precedence. The sandstorm caused by Sand Stream can be overwritten by other weather-inducing moves., but will be replaced once the other weather ends.
Sand Veil
Boosts the Pokémon's evasion in a sandstorm.
The Pokémon is at home in dry, sandy environments and knows just how to make itself disappear when grit is flying through the air. The Sand Veil Pokémon has +1 Evasion for as long as it is on the battlefield during a sandstorm; this stacks with the accuracy reduction that affects all Pokémon during a sandstorm. In addition, the Sand Veil Pokémon is considered immune to sandstorm damage even if it is not a Ground, Rock or Steel-type.
Sap Sipper
Powers up a Pokemon's Attack if hit by any grass move (except Aromatherapy).
The Pokémon is impervious to grass and actually draws strength from it instead. Whenever the Sap Sipper Pokémon is struck with a Grass-type attack, that attack's damage is nullified. This boost only occurs once for as long as the Sap Sipper Pokémon is in battle.
Enables Normal/Fighting moves to hit Ghost-type foes.
The Pokémon is determined to beat down any foes that come its way, even if they are... less than 100% solid. It knows how to manipulate its attacks so that they can contact even spirits. All Normal- and Fighting-type attacks used by the Scrappy Pokémon will damage Ghost-type Pokémon as if the Ghost-type did not have an immunity to them.
Serene Grace
Boosts the likelihood of added effects appearing.
The Pokémon is surrounded by an aura of grace and luck that laces all of its attacks, causing things to go in the Pokémon's favor more often than they normally would. Whenever the Serene Grace Pokémon uses an attack that has an added effect with less than 100% chance of occurring, that effect's chance of occurring is doubled (but not raised above 100%).
Shadow Tag
Prevents the foe from evading.
The Pokémon exudes an arcane force that keeps a magical grip on its opponents, preventing them from running too far away from it and out of range of its counterattacks.
Shed Skin
The Pokémon may heal its own status problems.
The Pokémon can slough off its skin, peeling away anything that might be coating it or causing it discomfort. At the end of each round that the Shed Skin Pokémon is affected by a major status effect, it has a 30% chance of successfully shedding its skin and removing the affliction, as well as ridding itself of anything else that is coating its exterior.
Sheer Force
Moves gain power, but lose their secondary effect when used
The will of the Pokemon is so strong that it just focuses on the power of its moves, and forgoes the secondary effects the move may have. This allows it to attack with increased intensity.
Shell Armor
The Pokémon is protected against critical hits.
The Pokémon is encased in formidable armor that protects it from head to toe, covering any particularly soft, weak or vulnerable spots; opponents cannot harm these spots any more than they would normally harm any other areas of the Shell Armor Pokémon's body and so the Pokémon is protected from critical hits.
Shield Dust
Blocks the added effects of attacks taken.
The Pokémon is coated in a fine dust of strange spores or scales that have bizarre protective properties. This dust filters out any errant energy or effects that are carried by the attacks that hit it. The Shield Dust Pokémon cannot be affected by the secondary effects of any attacks its opponent uses against it, such as Rock Smash's chance of lowering Defense or Thunder's chance of paralysis. The Shield Dust Pokémon can still be affected by conditions like these as long as those conditions are the primary effect of those attacks, such as Confuse Ray or Thunder Wave. It is also still affected by the secondary effects of its own moves, such as Overheat or Ominous Wind.
Simple doubles the stat changes that affect said Pokemon.
The Pokémon is very simple-minded and gets very excitable about changes in its ability, overreacting to even slight alterations. Effectively, whenever the Simple Pokémon's stats change those changes are doubled. Swords Dance raises the Simple Pokémon's Attack by 4 instead of 2, Tail Whip lowers the Simple Pokémon's Defense by 2 instead of 1, so on and so forth. These changes apply to stat changes caused by the Simple Pokémon and by its opponent.
Skill Link
Multi Strike moves will always hit for maximum times if used.
The Pokémon is a skilled marksman and can easily hit the same target multiple times. Whenever the Skill Link Pokémon uses an attack that hits multiple times in an action, such as Icicle Spear or Fury Attack, that attack hits for its full duration--Icicle Spear will always hit 5 times, for example.
Slow Start
Temporarily halves Attack and Speed, raises to heightened levels of Atk and Spd
The Pokémon possesses immense strength, so powerful and terrible that it is unable to draw upon this strength right away. This Pokémon starts battle with severely lowered Attack and Speed and retains those penalties until the end of the second round, at which point they return to normal. It then calls upon its latent power by the end of the 3rd round.
Able to hit Pokemon weak points easily, and through evasive maneuvers.
The Pokémon has excellent aim and is skilled at seeking out and striking its opponents' weak spots. If it does hit one of these weak spots, it can do so with extra precision and force. Whenever the Sniper Pokémon scores a critical hit the critical hit damage is applied twice.
Snow Cloak
Raises evasion in a hailstorm.
The Pokémon is at home in cold, icy environments and knows just how to make itself disappear when hail is flying through the air. The Snow Cloak Pokémon has +1 Evasion for as long as it is on the battlefield during a hailstorm. In addition, the Snow Cloak Pokémon is considered immune to hail damage even if it is not an Ice-type.
Snow Warning
The Pokémon summons a hailstorm in battle, and Blizzard hits for perfection.
The Pokémon can freeze the very rain in the clouds above, causing a hailstorm to start as soon as it appears on the battlefield and keeping the hail going much, much longer than any normal Pokémon would usually be able to--even indefinitely. This ability does not activate in any arenas in which the move Hail would have no effect. If the Snow Warning Pokémon and a Pokémon with another weather-inducing ability appear on the battlefield at the same time, the Pokémon that was the last to receive orders from its trainer is the one whose ability takes precedence. The hail caused by Snow Warning can be overwritten by other weather-inducing moves.
Solar Power
Boosts Sp. Atk, but lowers HP in sunshine.
The Pokémon is able to draw intense power from the light of the sun but is unable to control it properly. The Solar Power Pokémon's special attacks are increased when the sun is shining brightly, but it also loses a small amount ofhealth at the end of each round.
Solid Rock
Powers down super-effective moves.
The Pokémon's rocky exterior is incredibly tough, reducing the damage it takes from even the most dangerously effective attacks. Whenever the Solid Rock Pokémon is struck by a super-effective attack, it hits for normal effectiveness (4x down to 2x).
Gives full immunity to all sound-based moves.
The Pokémon, through either mystical abilities or a powerful understanding of the workings of sound waves, is able to selectively pick and choose what it wants to hear and completely ignore what it chooses not to. The Soundproof Pokémon is immune to the effects and damage of Bug Buzz, Chatter, Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Roar of Time, Screech, Sing, Sonicboom, Supersonic and Uproar. The moves may still affect other Pokémon and the environment around them.
Speed Boost
The Pokémon's speed is boosted once every 4 actions.
The Pokémon is so quick and agile that it moves with great speed and agility, and it only gets faster as its muscles warm up. As long as the Speed Boost Pokémon's Speed is not at its maximum level (+6), its Speed increases by 1 level at the end of every 3th action, until maxed out.
This Pokemon cancels all speed enhancements
The Pokémon prefers to battle at its own leisurely pace, believing that fighting fairly will lead it to victory. The Stall Pokémon causes any speedy opponents to be dropped down to its level so the fight can be fought on equal footing, so to speak.
Stance Change
The Pokémon changes form depending on how it battles.
The Pokemon is adept at both defensive and offensive combat. When faced with a particular adversary, it will switch stances in order to try and change the tide of battle into its favor.
Contact with the Pokémon may cause paralysis.
The Pokémon's body is bristling with static electricity that can easily shock those who touch it. If the Static Pokémon is struck with a direct contact attack there is a 30% chance that the attacker will become paralyzed.
Raises Speed each time the Pokémon flinches.
The Pokémon is determined to persevere even in the face of adversity, taking temporary setbacks as inspiration to do even better. Whenever the Steadfast Pokémon flinches, its Speed increases by 1 level.
The stench helps keep wild Pokémon away. In battle, Pokemon have a hard time getting close for melee attacks.
The Pokémon carries with it an absolutely foul odor that most Pokémon cannot stand. Opponents within 2 feet of a Stench Pokémon get the full force of the odor, and it is so strong that it may distract the Pokémon and prevent or hinder its attack. Pokémon with little to no sense of smell are not affected by Stench.
Sticky Hold
If hit with melee attacks, the opponent is stuck onto the Pokemon for two actions.
This Pokemon's consistency is one that makes it hard for it to get rid of small objects that might land on its body. This works as a defensive measure due to the viscous state of its body. If struck physically with a limb of some sort, the aforementioned limb will adhere to the Pokemon's mass, and be very difficult to remove for a few moments.
Storm Drain
The Pokémon draws in all Water-type moves.
The Pokémon has a strange affinity for water, so strong that it can actually pull water in its vicinity toward it instead of its original destination. All Water-type attacks, barring those that are self-targeting or used by the Storm Drain Pokémon itself, that are used in a battle with a Storm Drain Pokémon are automatically re-targeted to hit the Storm Drain Pokémon. This includes Water-type attacks made by the Storm Drain Pokémon's partner or partners in a double or higher battle.
Strong Jaw
The Pokémon's strong jaw gives it tremendous biting power.
This Pokemon's mandible force is excessively powerful. With any move that utilizes its bone crunching power, their strength is greatly increased.
The Pokémon is protected against instantaneous death.
The Pokémon is incredibly hardy and resilient, and it will not fall as the result of a single, massive attack; it takes repeated abuse to finally bring this Pokémon down. Specifically, this Pokémon will resist any one-hit KO attacks and will not be affected by them. Additionally, this Pokemon, will survive the first non-OHKO attack that could bring it down to 0 HP when it is at critical health.
Suction Cups
Negates moves that force switching out.
The Pokémon's base is covered in sticky suction cups that hold it in place even under duress. The Suction Cups Pokémon will stick to its place wherever possible (this may be difficult if the Pokémon is on a non-solid or porous surface) and will not budge from its spot unless it wants to, even if pummeled or "blown away". This also means that it is difficult for the Suction Cups Pokémon to move from its spot even if it does want to, as it will have to forcibly peel itself off of the ground.
Super Luck
Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves.
The Pokémon is supremely lucky, lucky to the point of being able to seek out its opponent's Achilles' heels and attack the weak point for massive damage fairly regularly. In short, the Super Luck Pokémon lands critical hits more often than most, and it constantly has a critical hit ratio 1 level above normal. Super Luck cannot raise a Pokémon's critical hit ratio above the maximum 50% chance of landing a critical hit.
Powers up Bug-type moves in a pinch.
The Pokémon is used to living in a swarm and carries with it the memory of its hive's strength, only able to be called upon when the Pokémon is in the direst straits. Whenever the Swarm Pokémon's health is at 33% health or lower, the base power of its Bug-type attacks is given another STAB Bonus. This boost goes away if the Pokémon's health rises above 33%.
Sweet Veil
Prevents ally Pokémon from falling asleep.
The wielder of this Ability is able to create and emit a fragrance that has an uncanny ability to keep even the drowsiest of allies awake.
Swift Swim
Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in rain.
The Pokémon is naturally most at home in the water and can swim far faster than it can walk on land; even rain makes it more comfortable on the ground and fills the Pokémon with a great deal of energy. When rain is falling or the Pokémon is in water deep enough and long/wide enough to really swim in, the Swift Swim Pokémon's speed is doubled and it will almost always strike all but the absolute fastest opponents first.
The Pokemon passes on any health it receives in battle from an opponent to its partner.
This Pokemon makes a sacrifice when in the midst of battle. If its partner is at a critical level of health (<25%), any health draining moves that it uses against its opponent will yield that recovered health back to the partner until they are out of the critical health range. (>25%).
Passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.
The Pokémon is good at forming empathetic bonds with its opponents, sharing its feelings and even its ailments through those bonds. Whenever the Synchronize Pokémon is afflicted with paralysis, poison or a burn, it uses its empathetic bond to give that condition, severity and all, to its opponent as well.
Tangled Feet
Raises evasion if the Pokémon is confused.
The Pokémon is prone to stumbling haphazardly around when its brains have been addled, often staggering clear out of the way of its opponents' attacks. Whenever the Tangled Feet Pokémon is confused its Evasion rises by 1 level.
Boosts power of weaker moves-moves.
The Pokémon has carefully practiced using its weaker attacks, working on its technique so that those attacks are nearly as strong as their more powerful moves. Whenever the Technician Pokémon uses an attack that uses a moderate amount of energy or lower, these attacks are increased in power significantly.
Allows the Pokemon to avoid all arena attacks from its teammates.
Being skilled with psychic energies,this Ability gives its user a immense foresight of what is about to happen to it as well as what its teammates are doing, and as such, avoids their attacks completely during mass battles.
Moves can be used regardless of abilities effects.
The Pokémon is dead-set on bringing down its opponents however it possibly can, and it isn't about to let any silly trickery stand in its way. Abilities are not triggered by the Teravolt Pokémon's attacks. Specifically, when the Teravolt Pokémon is out, the following opponent abilities are disabled: Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightningrod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke and Wonder Guard. So, for example, the Teravolt Pokémon can land a critical hit on a Battle Armor Pokémon, cause an Insomnia Pokémon to fall asleep, damage a Volt Absorb Pokémon with an Electric-type attack, ignore the defense boost of a Marvel Scale Pokémon, etc.. Teravolt has nothing to do with abilities like Static and Cute Charm, which will work as normal.
Thick Fat
Raises resistance to Fire-and Ice-type moves.
The Pokémon has a lot of extra bulk and blubber rolling around its bones, enough to provide relatively comfortable insulation from both heat and cold. Whenever the Thick Fat Pokémon is struck by a Fire- or Ice-type attack that attack's damage is cut in half.
Tinted Lens
Powers up "not very effective" moves.
The Pokémon has complex eyes that allow it to see many different facets of its opponent, including spots that might be more vulnerable to weak attacks than normal. Whenever the Tinted Lens Pokémon uses an attack that is resisted by its opponent that attack's damage is raised back up to neutral damage (or single-resist if the attack was originally double-resisted).
Powers up Water-type moves in a pinch.
A hidden reservoir of water sits inside the Pokémon, only able to be drawn from when the Pokémon is in the direst straits. Whenever the Torrent Pokémon's health is at 33% health or lower, the base power of its Water-type attacks is given a STAB bost This boost goes away if the Pokémon's health rises above 33%.
Tough Claws
Powers up moves that make direct contact.
This Pokemon uses its ferocity in order to demonstrate its prowess. As such, any physical move it delivers is done with more strength than natural.
Toxic Boost
Attack sharply rises if the Pokemon is poisoned.
This Pokemon does not like the idea of being poisoned. When it actually happens, it fights with all its heart to ensure victory.
The Pokémon copies the foe's ability.
The Pokémon is highly empathetic and is able to see into the minds and hearts of its opponents, and it learns much from these sojourns into the soul. In fact, it is able to form such a strong connection with an opponent that it can take on an opponent's special ability for itself. When the Trace Pokémon is sent into battle it loses the ability Trace and gains the ability of its opponent; if there is more than one opponent on the field when the Trace Pokémon is released, Trace's target is chosen at random. Only the ancient, arcane might surrounding the ability Multitype is able to stave off this empathetic copying, and so Trace cannot copy this ability; if a Trace Pokémon is sent into battle and tries to copy an opponent's Multitype, nothing happens and the Pokémon keeps Trace for the remainder of its time in battle.
The Pokemon does not attack consecutively, but its attacks cost less energy.
The Pokémon is so exceptionally lazy that it just won't act if it doesn't feel like it. This Pokémon will sit around and do nothing on every other action; it cannot execute any commands, even chilling. Because it is relaxing, however, its attacks cost less energy when used.
Moves can be used regardless of abilities effects.
The Pokémon is dead-set on bringing down its opponents however it possibly can, and it isn't about to let any silly trickery stand in its way. Abilities are not triggered by the Turboblaze Pokémon's attacks. Specifically, when the Turboblaze Pokémon is out, the following opponent abilities are disabled: Battle Armor, Clear Body, Damp, Dry Skin, Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift, Heatproof, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Lightningrod, Limber, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Oblivious, Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Thick Fat, Unaware, Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke and Wonder Guard. So, for example, the Turboblaze Pokémon can land a critical hit on a Battle Armor Pokémon, cause an Insomnia Pokémon to fall asleep, damage a Volt Absorb Pokémon with an Electric-type attack, ignore the defense boost of a Marvel Scale Pokémon, etc.. Turboblaze has nothing to do with abilities like Static and Cute Charm, which will work as normal.
Ignores any change in ability used by the foe.
The Pokémon is simple-minded and very straightforward in its thinking, greatly preferring to focus on only what it can see and not any macho posturing or weakness on the part of the opponent. It selectively ignores (or, perhaps, completely fails to recognize) when the opponent's abilities have been augmented or hindered and so is unaffected by any increases to or decreases in the opponent's Attack, Defense, Special Attack and Special Defense. Punishment's power is still increased when used against an opponent with stat boosts. The Unaware Pokémon's oblivious nature only applies to its perception of its opponent, however; it is still aware of changes to its own strength and defenses.
Raises speed if the opponent has more health than it at 40%
Feeling the pressure of battle is something this Pokemon doe snot handle well. Wen it relies that its opponent is healthier than it at a critical stage, it will forgo its nervousness allowing its speed to actively rise in order to respond to this threat.
You make the foe innately flinch upon entering a fight with them.
This Pokemon's mere presence instinctively forces their opposition to hesitate from striking immediately, they need a minute to regain their composure for battle.
Victory Star
Raises Accuracy of itself and teammates
Making sure you win is vital, so this Pokemon clears the vision for you and your party. Accuracy rises slightly in lieu of this development.
Vital Spirit
Prevents the Pokémon from falling asleep.
The Pokémon is so active, energetic and full of adrenaline that it simply cannot relax until it has absolutely exhausted itself--and it certainly isn't going to settle down and take a rest just because an opponent is trying to hypnotize it! The Pokémon is unable to fall asleep under any circumstances (Rest included); it also recovers slightly less energy from chilling than other Pokémon, as it is constantly on edge and moving around.
Volt Absorb
Restores HP if hit by an Electric-type move.
The Pokémon has a strong affinity for electricity and is invigorated by even the harshest shocks. Whenever this Pokémon is struck by an Electric-type attack it regains health equal to the amount it would have lost and no greater than 25%. Thunder Wave cannot paralyze a Volt Absorb Pokémon and restores 3% health. Stray jolts from other sources that directly strike the Volt Absorb Pokémon may also recover minute amounts of health (no greater than 2% in most cases).
Water Absorb
Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move.
The Pokémon has a strong affinity for water and can soak it up to rejuvenate itself. Whenever this Pokémon is struck by a Water-type attack it regains health equal to the amount it would have lost and no greater than 25%. Stray bursts of water from other sources that directly strike the Water Absorb Pokémon may also recover minute amounts of health (no greater than 3% in most cases). In addition, if the Water Absorb Pokémon is at least half submerged in water it may spend an action deliberately drawing the water in; this restores no more than 10% health and a greater degree of health restoration requires a higher volume of water (i.e. a lake as opposed to a moderate puddle). Forcing the health restoration requires energy expenditure.
Water Veil
Prevents the Pokémon from getting a burn.
The Pokémon keeps itself cool and hydrated by continually surrounding its body in a fine veil of cold mist. This mist immediately soothes any intense heat damage the Pokémon might suffer, and while it is not potent enough to protect it from all fire damage it is cool enough to instantly heal any burns the Water Veil Pokémon might receive. The Water Veil Pokémon can never be burned.
Weak Armor
Each Physical Hit lowers Defense but raises Speed.
The concept of Armor is meant to protect, but at the cost of mobility. So, when this Pokemon is struck with a Physical hit, its Defense is weakened, but this gives rise to a more nimble fighter afterwards.
White Smoke
Prevents the Pokémon's stats from being lowered.
The Pokémon produces a continuous stream of thick, billowing smoke that constantly shrouds it, protecting it in a veil that reduces the effects of the opponent's attempts to distract, frighten or cripple it. The White Smoke Pokémon is immune to all stat reductions caused by an opponent, whether those drops are caused by status attacks (Leer), as the secondary effects of attacks (Energy Ball) or via an ability (Intimidate). White Smoke does not prevent stat drops that the Pokémon inflicts upon itself (Superpower), nor does it prevent stat increases of any kind.
Wonder Guard
Only supereffective moves or residual damage moves will hit.
Super Effective: Fire, Flying, Rock, Ghost and Dark moves hit.
Other: Future Sight, Destiny Bond, Perish Song and Doom Desire hit.
Indirect: Confusion, Leech Seed, Poison, Burn, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Stealth Rock, Hail, Sandstorm, Curse, Nightmare and recoil damage will hit.
Abilities: Rough Skin, Aftermath, Liquid Ooze and Mold Breaker will hit, Mold Breaker allowing all moves sans Normal and Fighting to get through.
Wonder Skin
Staus moves work half the time
The hide of this Pokemon seem to resist change, as such stat afflictions only are half reliable on it
Zen Mode
Changes form and type when under 50% health
When things start looking bad, the form of this Pokemon switches to better deal with the challenge.
Last edited by Greyfox; 22nd December 2016 at 12:03 PM.
Reason: Changed - Pure Power
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(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
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