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Thread: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

  1. #1
    Cloyster Moderator
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    Default Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Thanks to EngiMatikul in our forums for bringing up this first bit of news. The long-anticipated 5th generation of Pokémon is currently in the works according to Kotaku. As to be expected, the games will feature new Pokémon and features, but the biggest news of all is that the games are set to be released later this year in Japan. You read that right, later THIS YEAR.

    The other bit of news is something that's slipped through the radar. This past Wednesday, reported that the Jirachi that unlocks the Edge of the Night Sky Pokéwalker course in HeartGold and SoulSilver will be available to download at participating US GameStop locations from February 27, 2010, until March 13, 2010. That means the event ends the day before HeartGold and SoulSilver launch in North America.

    Be sure to stay tuned for more info on Generation 5!
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    Note Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Cool, I knew they would release a good pokemon guy before the new games were to be released, and I will stop by a Gamestop as soon as this becomes available at a local store.
    The Hero of Hyrule.

  3. #3
    Cheesecake! Moderator
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    That's over 500 pokemon already, how many more can they make? o_o
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Many more. And the sad part is that Gamefreak will continue giving older Pokemon unnecessary evolutions.

    But anyway, good news are good news and now i'm very curious about the new legendaries. Shoopufs! I will have to buy two new Pokemon games now! Gold and one of the new! @_@

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Not to be a dick but it just dose not make seance for it to be Gen Five already. I meas really it makes no seance Japan just got HG/SS not that long ago, and we will be getting in March. I mean really a third game for HG/SS would be the best route for game freak to go that way it not only holds back the Idotic newbies who want each new game for each gen out in the market and in there hads right after they beat the curent gen games, and you wounder why people call pokemon evile it's the fans are to greedy.

    I mean really, it's obvious that it's a third version of HG/SS Pokemon crystal's 10th anivery is coming up this year, Game Freak obviously made you catch Suicune so late in the game and did not make the legendary bests role in HG/SS was not that grate so that Ho-Oh/Lugia would get the spotlight, now in the third game I could see Suicune regaining it's role, as well as some more stuff.

    I am not saying there won't be a fifth gen I just don't see how the new game could be it, I mean we don't even know of single fifth gen Pokémon as of yet, the only thing that may be a hint at the Fifth gen is "Z" and the area where the Shinto Ruins are, that's not much to go on.

    Also if it was really the Fifth gen then why the hell are they hevily promoting the lendry bests in the movie and the TCG, and the new ranger? what you idoits need to relize is that game freak are not brainless chimps typing out random shit, they are alot smarter then what most fans give them crite for, they did not make the same mistake with having plat after Hg/SS which means that unlike with FR/LG it is very Posible for Game Freak to make a third game for them with the name Crystal, while adding more to Jotho's Mytholigy and having the legendy beast take ceter role with Suicune leading them once more.

    Also if the new game is a fith gen game then that would mean that they well rush the rest of Sinnoh and the Jotho battle frontier if there is even one, oddly they called it the Sinnoh battle frontier meaning that their may not even be a return to Jotho which would be disappointing because I think they should go to Jotho for it.

    ~Charles Legend
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Japan gets a new Pokemon game every year or so. Heart Gold and SoulSilver came out in 2009. Platinum was 2008, DP was 2007... It makes sense.

    Also, they didn't remake Yellow with FR/LG. Why the Hell would they remake Crystal?

    Crystal was a great game, but honestly it was moronic.

    Platinum and Emerald featured the third Pokemon of a trinity (Giratina to Dialga and Palkia, and Rayquaza to Groudon and Kyogre, respectively).

    Yellow made sense because the anime was huge at the time and they wanted to give Pikachu more publicity, as well as all the starters together.

    But what was Crystal about? Suicune got one tiny subplot in the anime, big deal. And Suicune is no more related to Ho-Oh than Entei or Raikou. So why the Hell did it get the spotlight? If Crystal focused on Celebi, it woulda been a LOT nicer. The fucking Ilex Shrine was in all three games - maybe it woulda happened if that shitty Celebi movie didn't come out and fuck the whole Celebi-GS Ball thing up. That woulda been nice, and it might have deterred future whoring-out of the Goddamn Event Pokemon. We've had Mew, then Celebi, then 2 in RSE, and now like 4 in DPP. I'm betting Gen 5 will have at least 5 if they continue shitting out useless new Legendaries.

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    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Charles: Naa. Yeah HG/SS is out in March, and we may see this new 5th Gen out in March '11. That's a year for us to beat and train in a game which we've played ten years ago and should know our way around.

    For newerr players that are just starting, its a great way for them to get updated storylines within DPP's current timeline (HGSS & Pt are happening at the same time, so that's always awesome, continuity)-but set in the other regions they may not have yet played in.

    In either case... should not take anyone that plays this game more than 2 months to finish it. I don't mean training a good team, I don't mean collecting every berry, Unown and Ribbon. Just gun through the game and it should take much LESS THAN 2 months, but I'm being nice for sake of loss of interest and what not.

    As for the fans being greedy, I mean really. We've had many spinoffs in the last two years? Ranger II, Ranger III (soon), Mystery Dungeon (3 of them) Rumble, My Pokemon Ranch and I'm forgetting two more at the very LEAST.

    Yeah...need a new MAIN storyline. This is the perfect time to come out with it. And time line wise, yes, its 2010, there should be a new Generation 5 Pokemon revealed sometime in the next two months or so. Japan always got there's every 3 years or so.... In fact, if I recall this correctly..


    Naa, there's no room for a supplemental third game if they're following their formula, IMO.

    Suicune really wasn't a draw for me to Crystal, so I'm not keen on them making a new one, like how they skipped Yellow. In fact, they kinda merged Yellow into this with the Pokemon being able to follow you around. So there must be some aspects of Crystal that are inherent in this game.

    As for Fifth Gen knowledge, we don't know anything, and that's true. Corocoro comes out what, 2/15? I'm sure there'll be some news there. As for now, promote what's going to sell. Remember when HG/SS first started being hinted at? Came outta nowhere too... GS ball, silhouettes of the 3 hounds and the Johto Starters. I'm sure that in due time, we'll be dropped crazy hints. Just gotta wait. DPP have been out long enough. Time to move on.

    TCG..I kinda keep that separate from the games. They go buck crazy on that and I'm like "Ehh" half the time I see a new expansion pack come out.

    My only real questions are:

    1) WTF is this NOT on a console -.-
    2) WTF are they going to name this group of three?

    That's all I got. Yay new games. SO ANXIOUS FOR KANGA PREVO AND MALE KANGA FORM!

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Oh, I was recognized! :V

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Brightside View Post
    .... i'm very curious about the new legendaries.
    Someone posted this in the comments section of the kotaku article. I believe many people's thoughts are going something like this right now.
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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    1) WTF is this NOT on a console -.-
    2) WTF are they going to name this group of three?
    1-Granted a console game would be nice. However when you consider how much the games are currently selling on the DS why fix what isn't broken? The worst part in going from Gen 1/2 to Gen 3 was the fact that the teams I had been building and the Pokémon I had been training for nearly 5 years were now useless. You couldn't trade anything to the new GBA gamesfrom the originals. That honestly turned me off from the games for a long time. At least when the DS came along they allowed you to use the GBA slot to transfer to the newer games. That's why I'll never buy the DSi or DSXL if my current DS Lite breaks. Going to a console would be cool. However Nintendo would have to consider ways to transfer Pokémon from the DS games to a new game on the Wii. It's not impossible but I doubt it's something they want to sink the money into at this time. Plus the DS in all forms has been out far longer than the Wii. I'd have to imagine more people have a DS than a Wii. Finally while the Wii is an ok system let me look at the games it has that I'm actually interested in:

    -SSB Brawl

    While the Wii is good in it's own ways I lost faith in Nintendo's ability to release a good console this gen. There's way too much shoveware on the system and not enough good games. Therefore unless Nintendo comes out with something stronger next gen I think I'm done with them as far as consoles go. One or two games is not enough to get me to buy a console when the rest is shit.

    2-Your guess is as good as mine. Excluding the bonus games that always seem to eventually come out Gen 1 was primary colors, Gen 2 was metallics, Gen 3 was gems and the current one was precious stones. What's that leave?
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  10. #10
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Rudy View Post
    1-Granted a console game would be nice. However Nintendo would have to consider ways to transfer Pokémon from the DS games to a new game on the Wii. It's not impossible but I doubt it's something they want to sink the money into at this time.

    o.O They could do what they do in Pokemon Battle Revolution. It just copies your Pokemon and Boxes from the DS games to its own Storage System. No real trading involves, just a quick flash memory read of what you currently have. Simple as that.

    I actually prefer that, really Start off know who's in my boxes and then go from there..

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  11. #11
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Rudy View Post
    Finally while the Wii is an ok system let me look at the games it has that I'm actually interested in:

    -SSB Brawl

    While the Wii is good in it's own ways I lost faith in Nintendo's ability to release a good console this gen.
    There's way too much shoveware on the system and not enough good games.
    Rudy, what is your favorite console?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Rudy View Post
    Therefore unless Nintendo comes out with something stronger next gen I think I'm done with them as far as consoles go. One or two games is not enough to get me to buy a console when the rest is shit.

    Super Mario Galaxy.
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    No More Heroes.
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    World of Goo.
    Art Style: Cubello, Orbient, and Rotohex.
    Wii Sports Resort.
    House of the Dead 2&3 Return.
    House of the Dead: Overkill.
    New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
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    Icarian/Nyxquest: Kindred Spirits.
    Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
    Zelda Wii.
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    LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias.
    Punch-Out!! Wii.
    Zack & Wiki.
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    Deadly Creatures.
    Contra: ReBirth.
    Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.
    Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.
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    Little King's Story.
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    Rune Factory Frontier.
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    Cursed Mountain.
    Trauma Center: Second Opinion.
    Trauma Center: New Blood.
    Wario Land: Shake It!.
    WarioWare: Smooth Moves.
    Pokemon Rumble.
    de Blob.

    Off the top of my head.

    You're welcome.

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  12. #12
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    And Like I said we do not now for sure if it's the 5th gen Blademaster!

    further more like I already pointed out there is more evidences to show that it's a jotho based game and not the 5th gen.

    like I said Crystals 10th Anniversary is coming up.

    Pokémon Crystal (December 14, 2000)
    new game some time around 12/14/2010


    Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown (July 8, 2000)
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    Spell of the Unown was called Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei in Japan which ties in with the plot of Pokemon Crystal, seing how in Crystal you need to catch Entei to catch Ho-Oh to open a seret chamber in the ruins of Alph.

    Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: Voice of the Forest (Celebi: Encounter Beyond Time) obviously it was a big referencing the in game event were you catch a Cerebi at the Ilex Forest Shrine however since the Mobile adapter was never released outside japan the movie did not make a whole lot of sence in the marking strategy here in the states, well it would not have been if Suicune who need I remind you was the version mascot of Pokémon Crystal.

    The Legend of Thunder! In Japan it's known as Pocket Monsters Crystal: Raikou - Legend of Thunder, which makes it clear as crystal that it to was based off of Pokémon Crystal, also like with Entei you are required to catch Raikou along with Suicune to catch Ho-Oh to open up the hiden chamber at the ruins of Alph.

    now then from what we know of Phantom Ruler Z it will have Raikou, Entei, Suicune and Celebi in it.

    Also while the new Ranger dose have the Legendary beasts in it I do not think the movie would be advertising the new ranger further more Like I pointed out Suicune was found later in HG/SS, it makes scenes for there to be a third game.

    Look in Ruby/Sapphire Rayquaza is found after the Elite 4 like wise so was Giratina both of which came before the Elite 4 when they became the version mascot of thir third game they were before the Elite 4 as well.

    While it's true that Ho-oh and Lugia are only a pair, Suicune made Seance do to the fact that when water tuns ti Ice it formes Crystals and Suicune is known as the North Wind. The north wind has had historical and literal significance, since it often signals cold weather and seasonal change. which fit's whith the whole Idea of water becoming Ice Crystal besides Despite being a pure Water-type, Suicune displays many Ice-type features, as well as being the only non-Ice-type Pokémon to learn Blizzard via level-up.

    I'm just saying it's more likly to be a 4th gen game called Crystal then a pair of 5th gen games, I mean really what dose every open have against a Crystal remake, besides the point about FR/LG which dose not mater do to the fact that Gamefreak went far beyond a simple remake of Gold and Sliver unlike what they did in FR/LG.

    to sum it up it was jumping to conclusions by thinking it's the 5th gen I mean for all we know Z could be a new fome of Cerebi, but yeah all the same once the 5th gen dose come I may include some such as the grass stater and the pseudo-legendary but only if it's a dragon, and klooks cool.

    And also Blademaster they would make a Crystal remake for one thing the money since they know the fans want a chance to use Suicune for the Elite 4 battle, just like the payer dose in Crystal.

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 5th February 2010 at 10:34 AM.
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Stop calling me Blastmaster you illiterate turd.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by EngiMatikul View Post
    Oh, I was recognized! :V

    Someone posted this in the comments section of the kotaku article. I believe many people's thoughts are going something like this right now.
    lol Pretty true actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Legend View Post
    [color=wheat]And Like I said we do not now for sure if it's the 5th gen Blademaster!

    further more like I already pointed out there is more evidences to show that it's a jotho based game and not the 5th gen.

    like I said Crystals 10th Anniversary is coming up.

    Pokémon Crystal (December 14, 2000)
    new game some time around 12/14/2010


    Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown (July 8, 2000)
    (July 7, 2001)
    The Legend of Thunder!(December 30, 2001)

    Spell of the Unown was called Emperor of the Crystal Tower: Entei in Japan which ties in with the plot of Pokemon Crystal, seing how in Crystal you need to catch Entei to catch Ho-Oh to open a seret chamber in the ruins of Alph.....
    It wouldn't make any sense. At all. Which part you don't understand? New region? New Pokemon?

    Why Nintendo would remake a useless game? Seriously. HG/SS have everything that Crystal had so what is the point of releasing a remake of it? It didn't happened with yellow, it won't happen now.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    silhouette of a new 5th generation pokemon:

    they said on pokemon sunday that the reveal will be on the 21st.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    It looks like a Mightyena evolution to me. And it would make sense (given the fact that Mightyena is a wolf Pokemon) that it would evolve into a werewolf.


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    Ok I atmit it the fifth gen is coming... but my point was they had a chance to link all the mysteries of all of ruins together but did not thus leaving more questions then answers.

    As for the new pokemon it indeed looks like a werewolf, however it's pointless to guess what it is at the moment.

    ~Charles Legend
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    I think the new pokemon could be good, but I'll just wait and see if the new pokemon are alright or just watered down stuff like Caterpie and Weedle.
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Huh? What the heck is that thing?!

    God please no more Digimon look like Pokemon!

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    What the Hell is that? A Super Saiyan 3 Lucario?

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Brightside View Post
    Huh? What the heck is that thing?!

    God please no more Digimon look like Pokemon!
    I won't be concerned until we get an actual full-color image. A silhouette isn't enough of an indication; we all remember Anubis-oh-wait-it's-Lucario from the last generation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    I won't be concerned until we get an actual full-color image. A silhouette isn't enough of an indication; we all remember Anubis-oh-wait-it's-Lucario from the last generation.
    Well, judging by the silhouette it looks weird. I mean, look how thin it is and how huge its mane is.

    @Blademaster: Lmao

    I just realized that there will be new starters. .... Now i'm getting worried. Seriously i can't wait!!!!!

  24. #24

    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by kainashi View Post
    silhouette of a new 5th generation pokemon:

    they said on pokemon sunday that the reveal will be on the 21st.
    Im not seeing Lucario...theres none of the Spikes in the back of the hands etc Zangoose is possible, maybe even a 3rd form for Poochyena if its not just something new but if im honest the one thing it does look like..

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Sonic branching out again u_u. Sadness

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Brightside View Post
    Well, judging by the silhouette it looks weird. I mean, look how thin it is and how huge its mane is.
    There's always the chance that it's a Ghost-type, too. That would explain the defiance of anatomical logic. The same goes for a new-age Porygon (I rather hope not, actually) or a shapeshifter a la Ditto, Castform, Rotom, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Kind of... underwhelming, I guess, maybe I'm jumping the gun by being disappointed.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Okay, I like the thing. It's adorable! I wonder what type it'll be.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Looks like Dark or Dark/Ground to me. Maybe Dark/Fighting... there's definitely a clear message behind the glares and deep fur colors, though, so it's at least part Dark.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    I think it's been confirmed to be dark. Whether it's part dark or pure dark remains to be seen.
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Maybe Fire/Dark and it'll be a starter!
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    more info coming on the 18th supposedly so maybe we'll find out then.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    I'm praying Fire Dark. It looks like a Dark Vulpix for christ sakes. But It also has that Werewolf motif.

    But thats the star of the next movie? Wtf its gonna be Lucario esque and have 1billion and one excexs moves.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Well, considering that these two new Pokemon must be part-Dark (if not pure Dark), I'm only throwing a wild guess that the smaller one is pure Dark, and its evolution (presumably the other Pokemon) could be Dark/Fire due to the red mane.

    I guess Nintendo has the responsibility of eventually proving our individual theories to be right or wrong... 'shrug'
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    i'm going to guess dark/fighting. fire is another good possibility too.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    It's a pure dark type. I saw its stats.

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    Well, It wont be the first time Nintendo gives something a Typing and lacks the other semi-logical half (Im talking to you Luxray..), but I'm all for more Dark Types :O

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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    More Dark types, cool, take that Mewtwo...
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    Default Re: Generation 5 CONFIRMED, Jirachi event has a date

    It and its runty prevo are confirmed to be solely Dark, and non-starters. Someone on /v/ that can read Japanese deciphered it.

    Also, there's the more obvious fact that starters NEVER have only 2 stages. Or are solely Dark.

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