Currently bashing my head against the E4 with minimal cash and only a few heals/revives since its the best way to get good high XP numbers. Using this method i can reliably beat the first three of the 4, occaisionally getting to Lance. I know Lapras' Ice Beam is enough to one-shot a Dragonite its the fact shes not quick enough to hit it before she gets Thundered to oblivion.

Once im done there im gonna spend some time in the Battle Frontier so i can get some BP for certain Attacks. Tauros is gonna get Outrage and i need a few Elemental Punches.

Im also in desperate need of a Trade atm, either to evolve Graveller into a Golem so he's more effective or get the Gible i have waiting on Platinum over to SS so i can have a usefull and fast ground type.