What do you mean by 'a little'? I see he updated again before he could get into a bit more trouble, to my understanding.
I got convinced to come back and no place wants to take me, oh well, guess I was crap afterall. Heh. =\
Matt doesn't know. He's helped a little with the current list, though.
The list we do have is on http://forboards.tripod.com/New_TMs.txt but not all the TMs are there.
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
What do you mean by 'a little'? I see he updated again before he could get into a bit more trouble, to my understanding.
I got convinced to come back and no place wants to take me, oh well, guess I was crap afterall. Heh. =\
Jay, stop beating yourself down. One day someone may get tired and say you're right (about being crap) even when you're not; just because you keep repeating it.
What I meant was that Matt participated in a chat in which we discussed the compatibilities for some of those TMs.
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
He PARTICIPATED in a chat? I'm starstruck. Don't believe it.
Can I get Danny to exit from the Kiosk / Arena? I think there are too many working there, and it's very unnecessary for him since he's the only one of them that doesn't work at the caves.
I still work there? oops, forgot that XD. Well, not anymore I guess :o.Originally posted by Jay
He PARTICIPATED in a chat? I'm starstruck. Don't believe it.
Can I get Danny to exit from the Kiosk / Arena? I think there are too many working there, and it's very unnecessary for him since he's the only one of them that doesn't work at the caves.
Thank you.
A tad outdated by now...Originally posted by AOD
Goldenrod Tower
Also, maybe the intro to the rules needs a bit rewriting now this all is a subforum to PCG, opposed to the run-loose pile o' topics it used to be.
Thanks Orion, for my reflection...Numbuh 24/7, Teen KND Operative of Sector TNT, [Hey, I can dream, can't I?]
My AP Page, a construction site since 20XX AD.(Spoiler:) The Compas Is A Lie!![]()
There are really no need for links now that this has a sub-forum anyway. It's hard enough to administrate.
well, after digging through a box full of paper and stuff, I finally found a sheet of paper :o Not just any piece of paper, it had some CC links and such. One of those links, was the TM/HM list. Dunno how accurate it is, but it should be complete.
Server: irc.bitsjointirc.net
Channel: #TPM
Oh, but that doesn't say which pokemon can learn those moves.Would you care to help us with that, please?
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
If your looking for a really good pokedex, i found one yesterday- its very informative and in depth.
Hope that helped!
A bit inaccurate, if you ask me.Originally posted by pokemasterfrank
well, after digging through a box full of paper and stuff, I finally found a sheet of paperNot just any piece of paper, it had some CC links and such. One of those links, was the TM/HM list. Dunno how accurate it is, but it should be complete.
Those two sound like Snatch (?) and Curse to me. Also, something bugs me about that system of one big TM List- what about the Rock Smash HM? Okay, for DT uses, it's no problem, I know. But for other uses, maybe it is.TM 107 | Intercept | Dark | PP: 10 / Accuracy: 100 / User goes first and uses whatever attack the opponent was going to use and uses it
TM 115 | Slow Wave | ??? | PP: 10 / Doubles user's Attack and Defense while cutting Speed in half
Thanks Orion, for my reflection...Numbuh 24/7, Teen KND Operative of Sector TNT, [Hey, I can dream, can't I?]
My AP Page, a construction site since 20XX AD.(Spoiler:) The Compas Is A Lie!![]()
The TM compatibility list is only for adopted and captured pokemon, and only for moves that are not TMs nor HMs in Ruby and Sapphire.
You can view its progress here.
Anything else, you can find in any of the many pokedexes lying around the web.
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
Please remove the 'Pricing done by Link 10' and change it to Jay. Unless Matt doing 2 of the TMs and me doing over 100 makes him get credit and not me.
I've just written a FAQ for all those questions that get asked all the time (that's the point of a FAQ, isn't it?)
I hope it turns out to be useful.![]()
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
Lovely. I think Cheesey screwed the first page up
Why'd he get demodded anyway?
I think the links should be removed. it's not too much trouble to conjure up a topic here out of the other six active ones, now is it?
i confused myself (edit)
Ask your brother. I'm sure he knows.
As for the links, some are still missing. I'll try to add them. The links themselves are not that important right now, but the overview of the main topics can be useful for newcomers.
We need the descriptions of the Battle Tower, the Breeding Center, the Goldenrod Tower, Expedia, the Eevee House and the Crystal Caves Kiosk. All help will be appreciated.
And Jay... That wasn't funny at all.
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
He is not my brother.... and you can use my descriptions for these two *sigh* sure they probably suck
Battle Tower -- This is the place where you can fight other’s adoptees or captees with your own adoptees or captees respectively. This is the second alternative place (the Battle Range/Arena being the first) to earn levels by winning your battles.
Crystal Caves Kiosk -- Treat your captees that you've ensnared at either Capture Center to a wide selection of TMs, items to use in battle, enhancers, juices, and much more! Make sure you have a decent amount of CCPs!
I've added your description for the CC Kiosk, thanks.
And thanks to Amy, Kyle and aragornbird for their descriptions of the Eevee House, the PMBC, the Goldenrod Tower and Expedia, and to Danny for recovering the old descriptions. It's great to count on all of you.![]()
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
You mean you think I removed the descriptions?And Jay... That wasn't funny at all.
I don't know if you talked to me about it before or after you posted that, but I didn't do anything to them.
I posted that before I talked to you.
I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt (is that how you say it in English?), though it's odd that the descriptions disappeared while you were using Chris's account and the post said Last edited by Cheesey. I haven't thought of another possible explanation, but maybe you can.
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When exactly was it edited? If it was before I did what I done, then it couldn't have been me >_>
I don't know if you want to bother, but ask him if he accidentally did something to the thread. If affirmative then you don't need to falsely assume I committed a crime.
This has been bothering me for a while, and I've wanted to debate about this sooner, and I have before... But really, nothing was seriously considered.
The two currencies.
I want them merged, and whenso we can think up a new name for the newly merged currency that is both usable for capture and adoption centers. I would say something simply like points or coins, the latter being the one I'd prefer.
There's no cons to this, the only serious reason to why I'm suggesting this is that it would make things less confusing. I like to not store my CCP and Stamp amount somewhere, I like to keep it in my mind... And I find it hard to make note of how many of each currency I have. If both were merged then it would be a lot less confusing, and it might even improve businesses popularity. I sure as hell don't like it when I have 50 CCPs and no Stamps, where I'd prefer it to be spaced out just a touch.
Besides, why do we have seperate currencies for Captured and Adoption Centers? Just to make things more confusing? These aren't seperate countries. We use our own money for lots of things, for this restaurant and that restaurant. Same scenario for here, we should be able to use the same type of money for both things. We don't have seperate currencies for each business in real life, do we? So why is it different here? I don't understand this at all.
Please consider this. Thanks.
Yes, I agree with Jay on this, the two currencies are way too confusing.
I hate it when I need something for my Adopted Pokemon but then I need something for the capture center, because I've pretty much already determined what I want the currency I get in the GT to be converted to, and I can't change it afterwards.
The two currencies are too hard to keep track of.. I know some people think it's more 'organized', but personally, I think it's a confusing mess.
Jay wins the topic
Yes merge them, they are so ****ing annoying to keep track of. I only keep track of my ccps because taking note of two currencies is too difficult
yay, merge em!
More space for my sig =)
and way less confusing @_@
Thoese different currencies, kept me away from AC/CC for some time![]()
I'm not taking any position yet, just stating some facts and providing some background information.
• Stamps were created by Connor (Pidgeot) at the unveiling of the Reward Center. CCPs were my solution to the capture center currency when Steve (QS) left the board with an explosion and took Pokemon Avengers with him (before that, capture centers used Avenger Points, created by Steve).
• Adopted and captured pokemon originate from two different games that were created by different people at different times. They used to be more separate than they are now, and there even used to be a rivalry between them. That rivalry is gone now, and there are even people who work at both and topics that apply for both, but to those using the battledomes the storylines are still different and merging them would cause the continuity to shatter. That doesn't mean currency can't be merged, we can always say in our stories that currency has changed. But it does mean the stories can't be merged.
• The prices at the Reward Center and the Kiosk are quite different. Up to now, that didn't matter since the currency wasn't the same, but we need to consider what would happen with this if currencies were merged. I don't know how the rating system of the Battle Arena works, but it may also differ from the Battle Range system. Amy could shed some light on this aspect, since she works at both.
• Dragon Tamers workers are not allowed to use stamps (except when they're tournament prizes), but we are allowed to use CCPs. If currencies were merged, would we be allowed to get the new currency and use it wherever it can be used, or would we have to give up all our CCPs, disallowing us to get items for our captured pokemon?
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✭Ask me about AC/CC. Adopt a pokemon and Join!✭
Do you mean you don't want the Arena and Range merged? If so, I wasn't asking for that. The reward given is only one difference from both places. Scenarios and of course the type of pokemon (captured) are the main difference.Stamps were created by Connor (Pidgeot) at the unveiling of the Reward Center. CCPs were my solution to the capture center currency when Steve (QS) left the board with an explosion and took Pokemon Avengers with him (before that, capture centers used Avenger Points, created by Steve).
Adopted and captured pokemon originate from two different games that were created by different people at different times. They used to be more separate than they are now, and there even used to be a rivalry between them. That rivalry is gone now, and there are even people who work at both and topics that apply for both, but to those using the battledomes the storylines are still different and merging them would cause the continuity to shatter. That doesn't mean currency can't be merged, we can always say in our stories that currency has changed. But it does mean the stories can't be merged.
Amy will have to speak up about how she and the others use the Battle Arena rating system... But during the time I was rating at the BA (the few stories I did rate that is), I tried to follow along the same type of method the Battle Range used. I would say the stories completed and posted at the Battle Arena aren't as eminent in terms of quality as the Range, and that, somehow, may slightly alter the compensation (where the BA is giving more, or the BR is giving less). That can be changed and both places can work together to come up with a more rigid rating formula.The prices at the Reward Center and the Kiosk are quite different. Up to now, that didn't matter since the currency wasn't the same, but we need to consider what would happen with this if currencies were merged. I don't know how the rating system of the Battle Arena works, but it may also differ from the Battle Range system. Amy could shed some light on this aspect, since she works at both.
I don't even know why you guys can't use Stamps. All the CC workers and owners are able to collectively use their own CCPs for their captees, and buy stuff at the kiosk... I don't see why it needs to be different for you. That just makes it a bit biased and unfair.Dragon Tamers workers are not allowed to use stamps (except when they're tournament prizes), but we are allowed to use CCPs. If currencies were merged, would we be allowed to get the new currency and use it wherever it can be used, or would we have to give up all our CCPs, disallowing us to get items for our captured pokemon?[/B]
Edit: I don't know why I'm editing this here, but feztra apparently isn't coming back here. So for people complaining about him cursing at the mods, you don't need to worry now, I guess. *shrug*
Gabi, I don't want to sound harsh, but the background information you gave was pretty much useless to the debate.
What Jay meant is that we would be able to use that currency everywhere. And at first glance, it sounds like we'd need more if the currencies were merged, but we really don't. We have to choose between Stamps or CCPs at that point and it can't be changed..
It doesn't matter that Adopted and Captured Pokemon have different originis. If they can battle in the same Battle Tower (Yes, I know, you can only battle Adopted with Adopted, Captured with Captured), they can certainly have the same currency.
It's easier to keep track of. I'm all for it.
NOOOOO What have you guys done to poor Clark
Ummm yeah, the currency thing is very confusing for me O.o I say you change it. It's no harm in doing so, and with that casino idea Jay is doing I think it's going to work better and be less confusing with 'points' x_x
But also, I have another query I want to discuss, but it's the workers in every topic here. What happened?
Crystal Caves: Something REALLY needs to be done about Crystal Cave's owner Pokemasterfrank. He NEVER posts but yet, no one will discuss about firing him. He always says he wants his spot because it makes him feel important, yet he makes what, one update a month? That is a very poor owner example. Amy hasn't updated in weeks, and Cheesey is setting a poor example by not doing jack about the worker problem lately. The new workers won't even update when he isn't around. Were they really the right decision?
Goldenrod Tower: It's also other places, such as Goldenrod. Cheesey decided to make a magical disappearance, and if it's no other reason than his computer broke down, I think that's a poor example of him being an owner, too.... And Dark Prince? I don't even NEED to explain why he doesn't deserve his owner position at Goldenrod Tower. He says his video games take up most of his time and he can't update, yet, he still is able to post pretty much everywhere else at TPM? Eamon and Danny were better than I thought, though. Another worker there, please, possibly exchanging for Dark Prince so he can go and play his silly video games.
Buena's Radio Show: Same with the Crystal Caves, why the hell does Pokemasterfrank work there? He updated a little recently, but I look back and see nothing posted. The place is speedily racking up with many questions and no one updates. Aragornbird was hired because he posted there regularly, yet, where is he? Danny is barely keeping it alive, but I strongly suggest another worker there.
Expedia: Not much of a fan of this place, but it's SO inactive I can't believe it. Aragornbird (AGAIN) barely posts and updates there, and Pikachu101 has only updated a couple of times. I hear the place is really hard to update, but still, it's not an excuse that Gabi should make all the updates there. Who is Avian Freeze? Why is he still working there? I know he's an owner, but is this going to be like Pokemasterfrank? Just because he helped make the place, does it mean he automatically works there for the rest of his life? I suggest more workers at that place... a LOT more. It's dying because of it's activity.
Moderators: It's about time I had to complain... But, why does EVERY SINGLE PCG MODERATOR avoid public discussions? I think everyone knows Jay is right and they don't want to argue, but really, you are all making it worse by not contributing. He is setting a better example than every moderator here ten fold, and all of you know it. I can't believe this... You're great examples, aren't you?
I'm very pissed off about this. Moderators, do something for god sake.
HT, I will never take you seriously until you get your butt into AC/CC and start posting regularly. You only get your information from Jay, Linux or any of your friends in here and just nod in agreement with whatever they say
And Jay isn't always right. I'm against merging the two currencies because there is no need to. It's not that confusing to make two lists concerning which belongs to AC or CC and if you don't like doing it, then you're plain lazy. There are some who only concern themselves to just AC or CC and for those who do both, they just like getting stamps or CCPs just for collection
If we did merge them though, then we would have to get rid of the Battle Arena or Battle Range because if you leave both open, people will just be getting stamps/CCPs faster and just ask for TMs or other items with relative ease, which defeats the purpose of gaining prizes through hard work
And as for the workers at the AC who don't receive stamps, change it. I don't see why they're not able to get them while CC workers are able to earn CCPs. We know they don't abuse their powers
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Take it up with the workers. He has a life, not everything revolves around TPM. He might be gone but he goes to work or school and that comes before TPM (hopefully). About the right decision, maybe he had a reason for letting them work there. Take it up with them, not the Mods.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
NOOOOO What have you guys done to poor Clark
Ummm yeah, the currency thing is very confusing for me O.o I say you change it. It's no harm in doing so, and with that casino idea Jay is doing I think it's going to work better and be less confusing with 'points' x_x
But also, I have another query I want to discuss, but it's the workers in every topic here. What happened?
Crystal Caves: Something REALLY needs to be done about Crystal Cave's owner Pokemasterfrank. He NEVER posts but yet, no one will discuss about firing him. He always says he wants his spot because it makes him feel important, yet he makes what, one update a month? That is a very poor owner example. Amy hasn't updated in weeks, and Cheesey is setting a poor example by not doing jack about the worker problem lately. The new workers won't even update when he isn't around. Were they really the right decision?
He's not playing games, he's revamping (or re-editing) old ones for the computer. That takes a lot more time than playing them and it's his project, let him do it. I don't know what he'd say (since I'm not him) but he probably feels like his responsibilities are not just around Goldenrod. How about not attacking people until you know their reason for not 'updating enough.'Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Goldenrod Tower: It's also other places, such as Goldenrod. Cheesey decided to make a magical disappearance, and if it's no other reason than his computer broke down, I think that's a poor example of him being an owner, too.... And Dark Prince? I don't even NEED to explain why he doesn't deserve his owner position at Goldenrod Tower. He says his video games take up most of his time and he can't update, yet, he still is able to post pretty much everywhere else at TPM? Eamon and Danny were better than I thought, though. Another worker there, please, possibly exchanging for Dark Prince so he can go and play his silly video games.
Okay, same thing. They have a life, let them live it at their whim. We need breaks from TPM at times since it updates rapidly and yes, he is the owner but he helped build it, something that means a lot to him (sorry if I get genders wrong, my mind is lost). And it is hard to update, for people want different things and you have to go along with that. Maybe you should work there if you're so unhappy about the updates. Share the pain.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Buena's Radio Show: Same with the Crystal Caves, why the hell does Pokemasterfrank work there? He updated a little recently, but I look back and see nothing posted. The place is speedily racking up with many questions and no one updates. Aragornbird was hired because he posted there regularly, yet, where is he? Danny is barely keeping it alive, but I strongly suggest another worker there.
Expedia: Not much of a fan of this place, but it's SO inactive I can't believe it. Aragornbird (AGAIN) barely posts and updates there, and Pikachu101 has only updated a couple of times. I hear the place is really hard to update, but still, it's not an excuse that Gabi should make all the updates there. Who is Avian Freeze? Why is he still working there? I know he's an owner, but is this going to be like Pokemasterfrank? Just because he helped make the place, does it mean he automatically works there for the rest of his life? I suggest more workers at that place... a LOT more. It's dying because of it's activity.
They have a life too ya know. They can't ALWAYS be there when someone has a complaint. From what it sounds like, you have complaints with the owners, not the Mods. And people are not always right, they have their opinions and others have theirs. No one can be right in a discussion as this one. Stop attacking the Mods because they aren't doing the job you want them to do. They are trying to make this place as good as possible, not some smooth running, fast moving utopia. If you don't like the way they do their job, then leave. It's not their fault that the games have been that way.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Moderators: It's about time I had to complain... But, why does EVERY SINGLE PCG MODERATOR avoid public discussions? I think everyone knows Jay is right and they don't want to argue, but really, you are all making it worse by not contributing. He is setting a better example than every moderator here ten fold, and all of you know it. I can't believe this... You're great examples, aren't you?
I'm very pissed off about this. Moderators, do something for god sake.
Man, that's not the way to start Spring Break.
You couldn't be any more correct, Zei.
It makes me mad that when I first came to TPM, about a year ago or so, AC/CC was never this inactive..
Back then, everything would be updated daily. You barely had to wait 4 hours to be updated in any of the games, regardless.
And then Jay left, and AC/CC fell apart. No matter how biased you are against him you have to admit that he was a VERY important part in AC/CC history.
Then Cheesey came into a new light, and was modded. What kills me is this. Nobody realises, at all, that Jay is the absolute only person who got Cheesey where he is right now. Jay is the one who chose Cheesey as the newest worker in the CCCC, and things lead from there. But nobody realises that he was the cause- everybody thinks Cheesey is important because of himself right now and his own activity, but I'm serious, without Jay he would be just like me. Checks AC/CC every day, posts in the games, participates and doesn't matter that much.
I don't mean to flame Cheesey, but this is true and nobody seems to notice it. People's eyes are shrouded by some kind of random hate for Jay which I myself do not understand, but you are entitled to your opinions, I guess.
Let me organize everything by games like Zei did but I'll add a few things:
Buena's Radio Show: Now this is just embarrassing. Completely embarrassing. There are now 7 questions in queue, which there never was before. Why the hell is Frank a worker here? He updated about twice a while ago, but otherwise I've seen almost nothing out of him. But of course nobody fires him because he's "important". Danny has exactly the same problem, he disappears from every single game he works at for a long time and then he comes back like he's been totally active. >_> And aragornbird is as inactive as ever. Someone do something about this game.
Goldenrod Tower: This isn't quite as bad. The most active worker right now is Eamon. I am actually surprised that Eamon is as good as he is right now because I had my doubts but I am still against the way he was hired. Danny is a lot better than he used to be, but he's not that great still. And Darkprince.. One acronym will some everything up: WTF. He claims he can't update because he has stupid video games to worry about, yet he posts in Pokemon Hangman at least every day. Replacement for Darkprince and possible new worker please.
The Crystal Caves Capture Center: This is bad. Really bad. I have a feeling the competition was just a bit biased, but let's not go into that right now. The workers only update when somebody demands an update, and at least 5 updates are in queue and that is just not good. And also.. why the **** is Frank still a worker here? Nobody except Jay, Zei and I have had the guts to go against Frank. He is kinda the "owner" of the CCCC, but he certainly doesn't deserve it. When does he update, like once every version? No. Someone has to stand up to him. Now. I request Frank be fired and a new worker to be hired.
Adoption Centers: These are fine. Enough workers, enough activity. I won't complain about the ACs right now.
PokeZoo Battle Tower: This is also fine. The refs are active, there are enough refs too. However I think Cheesey should be fired here. He's only reffed one battle in the past 2 months and he comes up with excuses for it.
Who's That Trainer?: I don't even know why the hell this was ever revived, but it's barely above the closed topics. It's completely dead. If someone expects to continue this game, you need a new worker and some more interest in it, because I don't think anyone is really interested in playing it anymore.
Pokemon Avengers: Ridiculous. The last post was 10 days ago. The CCCC has now captured all interest, and if you want to keep playing this game I advise a new worker.
Battle Range: What the hell? This has fallen below the closed topics. And those topics were closed so long ago. I advise a new "approver" (one that gives out stamps based on the quality of the writing)
And Cheesey has decided to take a sudden disappearance also. I don't care what the hell his problem is at all, he can get on and update somehow or at least notify someone that he'd be away and unable to update for a while. Cheesey is the main fault of AC/CC's inactivity. He works in so many places and most of the time he's the only active worker but he doesn't do a damn thing to change anything. I figure he loves the attention, being the only active worker, and that's getting in the way of him changing something for the good of the message board. Maybe I'm wrong but I have a pretty good chance of being right.
To see AC/CC like this.. I feel like it's slowly dying, and I believe it is. It's not because people are losing interest because I know that people are still very interested.. But the workers barely ever update. They can't spare one minute of their damn time just to update a small little game.
Drastic changes or bust, I say.
How would a new worker help? The customers are needed, not another worker. I admit, Steve moving PA away from TPM was incredibly stupid on his part and all attention went to CCCC. So really, if PA fades away, it fades away. If you wanted to criticize it, you should've done it when it came back to TPM againPokemon Avengers: Ridiculous. The last post was 10 days ago. The CCCC has now captured all interest, and if you want to keep playing this game I advise a new worker.
My biggest beef concerns with CCCC. I'm not complaining of activeness or PA not getting any customers but the way in which the customers there capture Pokemon. Honestly, in the game or in the anime, have you ever seen a Pokemon come straight up to a human and just instantly be friends with it, saying they know the person will be a good trainer? I seriously doubt it. The only way you should and can catch one is with a battle. I know some are captured with a battle but c'mon, Pokemon going submissive and wanting to be caught? No way in h*ll is that feasible
And I do agree that Jay helped significantly in shaping the CC but he's not the reason AC/CC fell apart. As we get older, our real lives start to interfer and our online usage grows smaller and smaller. Also, lack of interest in Pokemon is another reason as well as diminished interest in AC/CC as a whole. Not one person leaving can alter a whole forum. It takes time before a recession happens but with the AC/CC it usually bounces back somehow
My ASB Team:
Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit
Ugh I have to wait an hour or two to go offline ~_~ I didn't know this topic would fill up so quickly, but here goes.
Rambunctious Jamirus - Your argument about workers having a life is countered by one key factor: there are many others wanting to work at particular locations, and they can't if some inactive hogs are filling up the slots. If they're inactive and want to live their own lives, LEAVE the god damn businesses and give others a chance. Simple. Kyle and Frank being the two main examples.
I never said I wanted to work here, nor am I hinting it. I am just in awe over how this forum is all falling apart.
Missing Link - As I told you in the chat room I don't need to post to have some knowledge over how AC/CC is run. Reading does me fine. Thanks.
How do owners and moderators work? Don't moderators have power over the owners? I mean, that's what you guy's jobs are pretty much, monitoring the place. Use your powers for better use. Firing Frank and Kyle when no one else will is a fine start.
About merging currencies and destroying either the Arena and Range, that's like saying you should kill off one of the Adoption Centers or the Reward Center. There are distinct differences from each other, and like both the battle ranges, they have their own differences too, as Jay said, I think. It's not a reason to disallow the idea because it might kill off one of the ranges, because it won't unless you guys are going to by force.
About the only thing I agree with you on is the CCCC stuff, about befriending pokemon. But it has happened in the anime before where trainers have convinced wild pokemon that they should join them without fighting, but on the rare occasion... Though, in this case of the CCCC, the rare case where these pokemon are caught is by fighting them.
Kelly - I can't agree more than that. 0_o Amazing. Thing is people think Jay is an ******* because of his problems. Then people have to go lie and say that he hasn't done apologizing when he has *cough, bec, simon, suzie, cough*.
It's really true though. I wasn't around when Jay got demodded, really, but I've heard from both Cheesey and yourself that when Jay left, AC/CC, and even the whole of PCG, started to crumble because people like Bec and Suzie forced him to leave TPM for a few months. Most businesses relied on him as an owner, and he always assisted with every type of business struggle, and still tries his best to assist. Yet he flames a bit, he can't help it. If people understood him more, it would be a heck of a lot different.
Only people who don't want to believe that Jay was the heart of PCG were the ones who never think of sympathizing him. Personal issues he can't help.. The flaming he can't help, and how stressed he gets.. Why can't people understand it?
This place is terrible in that manner, and I really want to fix it for everyone. I don't know how, but I want to.
That whole post sums up what I've been trying to do for 6 months.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Ugh I have to wait an hour or two to go offline ~_~ I didn't know this topic would fill up so quickly, but here goes.
Rambunctious Jamirus - Your argument about workers having a life is countered by one key factor: there are many others wanting to work at particular locations, and they can't if some inactive hogs are filling up the slots. If they're inactive and want to live their own lives, LEAVE the god damn businesses and give others a chance. Simple. Kyle and Frank being the two main examples.
I never said I wanted to work here, nor am I hinting it. I am just in awe over how this forum is all falling apart.
Missing Link - As I told you in the chat room I don't need to post to have some knowledge over how AC/CC is run. Reading does me fine. Thanks.
How do owners and moderators work? Don't moderators have power over the owners? I mean, that's what you guy's jobs are pretty much, monitoring the place. Use your powers for better use. Firing Frank and Kyle when no one else will is a fine start.
About merging currencies and destroying either the Arena and Range, that's like saying you should kill off one of the Adoption Centers or the Reward Center. There are distinct differences from each other, and like both the battle ranges, they have their own differences too, as Jay said, I think. It's not a reason to disallow the idea because it might kill off one of the ranges, because it won't unless you guys are going to by force.
About the only thing I agree with you on is the CCCC stuff, about befriending pokemon. But it has happened in the anime before where trainers have convinced wild pokemon that they should join them without fighting, but on the rare occasion... Though, in this case of the CCCC, the rare case where these pokemon are caught is by fighting them.
Kelly - I can't agree more than that. 0_o Amazing. Thing is people think Jay is an ******* because of his problems. Then people have to go lie and say that he hasn't done apologizing when he has *cough, bec, simon, suzie, cough*.
It's really true though. I wasn't around when Jay got demodded, really, but I've heard from both Cheesey and yourself that when Jay left, AC/CC, and even the whole of PCG, started to crumble because people like Bec and Suzie forced him to leave TPM for a few months. Most businesses relied on him as an owner, and he always assisted with every type of business struggle, and still tries his best to assist. Yet he flames a bit, he can't help it. If people understood him more, it would be a heck of a lot different.
Only people who don't want to believe that Jay was the heart of PCG were the ones who never think of sympathizing him. Personal issues he can't help.. The flaming he can't help, and how stressed he gets.. Why can't people understand it?
This place is terrible in that manner, and I really want to fix it for everyone. I don't know how, but I want to.
I've tried to make people understand Jay, I really have, but people do not listen. Some people here are just so thick-headed that arguing with them over a matter such as this is like telling a brick wall to move out of the way
Either knock some sense into yourselves or get off his ****ing back people
Well, heck, is it someone's fault if they're being held back from TPM because of an injury or trouble getting on the Net? No, it's not. I've been having trouble because my mother got injured playing soccer and she needs surgery on her knee. If the workers were to post at the businesses and say they can't handle it, then we'd have a hard time finding new workers 'cause, hey, TPM isn't that popular. Most of the members here have more than one account (take a look at the birthday list on the main page. There are at least four people with the same name and have a post count of less than 15 all together). I work at the Riddle Game but have been gone for a while. They let me keep my job because I'm back for another while. If I go missing again, they'll remind me and I'll tell them to cut me off.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Ugh I have to wait an hour or two to go offline ~_~ I didn't know this topic would fill up so quickly, but here goes.
Rambunctious Jamirus - Your argument about workers having a life is countered by one key factor: there are many others wanting to work at particular locations, and they can't if some inactive hogs are filling up the slots. If they're inactive and want to live their own lives, LEAVE the god damn businesses and give others a chance. Simple. Kyle and Frank being the two main examples.
I never said I wanted to work here, nor am I hinting it. I am just in awe over how this forum is all falling apart.
And anyways, from the way you put it, it seems you want to make the people give up their jobs for more active, less experienced members to take over. I'll say, I was a worker at CCCC at one time but it's hard. There's a certain way to do it, factors implied, and other junk that needed to be known. It's harder IMO than being a ref at the Battle Tower. It's not just something a person can do in one minute as you put it. It takes at least fifteen minutes to get a good post for three people. More workers would just be there and there'd be an overrun. There'd be too many to actually post and there'd be at least one worker post for every one customer post. More workers isn't actually the answer and firing, quote, "inactive hogs" is just wrong. Ask them if they want to be fired because of their inactivity.
Okay look, I have nothing against Jay, I've been gone for the past six months and was surprised that he wasn't a Mod when I came back. I don't ask questions, I go along with things. I don't ask about personal problems with other people unless they're willing to talk. Taking flames out on other people is not our fault. It's not our fault that he's having this stress. I'll admit, I've gotten a bit annoyed with the posts he's been doing because it sounds like he's overreacting. Check the PCG rules in the original PCG forum or Hangman. We've gone thourgh at least ten posts of arguing over a simple concept as letters being words (i.e. I, A).Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Thing is people think Jay is an ******* because of his problems. Then people have to go lie and say that he hasn't done apologizing when he has *cough, bec, simon, suzie, cough*.
It's really true though. I wasn't around when Jay got demodded, really, but I've heard from both Cheesey and yourself that when Jay left, AC/CC, and even the whole of PCG, started to crumble because people like Bec and Suzie forced him to leave TPM for a few months. Most businesses relied on him as an owner, and he always assisted with every type of business struggle, and still tries his best to assist. Yet he flames a bit, he can't help it. If people understood him more, it would be a heck of a lot different.
Only people who don't want to believe that Jay was the heart of PCG were the ones who never think of sympathizing him. Personal issues he can't help.. The flaming he can't help, and how stressed he gets.. Why can't people understand it?
This place is terrible in that manner, and I really want to fix it for everyone. I don't know how, but I want to.
If you want to help, ask the owners. Mods just can't go in and say, 'I'm a Mod and I think you're fired.' It's not their job to do that. The owner is the one to decide who is right for the job and who isn't. If you want to complain, go to the owners. Mods aren't the ones you should be complaining to.
It doesn't work that way. We have the power to remove unecessary posts due to spam and whatnot but we can't automatically just fire someone. If we are not involved in that particular business, we can't do squat about it. Only the workers/owner(s) there can make those decisions. I doubt the owner would like it if we just fired one of their workers because they were inactive or didn't do a good job. I can't do anything about firing Kyle because I never ran GT or worked there, the same with Frank and where he works (although he did work at PA and I fired him from that because he didn't do anything). Amy works at GT but she can't fire him because a whole group runs the place and they need to figure it out themselvesHow do owners and moderators work? Don't moderators have power over the owners? I mean, that's what you guy's jobs are pretty much, monitoring the place. Use your powers for better use. Firing Frank and Kyle when no one else will is a fine start.
As for the whole Jay issue, it's only our opinions. We can't convince each other otherwise and I really don't want to anyway. I'm never going to say that Jay is/was the heart of AC/CC and PCG because many people contributed to making it what it is today and considering how big each forum is, one person can't really shape it into a utopia. Anyway, I'll just leave it at that and focus on the AC/CC issues
Edit: By the way, I never forced him to leave. I was one of the ones who persuaded Suzie to remod him when he was demodded the first time. And I know he has never formally apologized to me so don't mash me in with one whole group
My ASB Team:
Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit
Frank's excuse has always been he's 'lazy'. Kyle's excuse has been that he's 'playing video games.' Neither excuse is approvable to me, and they've been hogging spots where Jay or possibly other people could be working instead. --; As far as I know, they were about to fire you also. They, being Kyle. Who is girl-worker-crazy.Well, heck, is it someone's fault if they're being held back from TPM because of an injury or trouble getting on the Net? No, it's not. I've been having trouble because my mother got injured playing soccer and she needs surgery on her knee. If the workers were to post at the businesses and say they can't handle it, then we'd have a hard time finding new workers 'cause, hey, TPM isn't that popular. Most of the members here have more than one account (take a look at the birthday list on the main page. There are at least four people with the same name and have a post count of less than 15 all together). I work at the Riddle Game but have been gone for a while. They let me keep my job because I'm back for another while. If I go missing again, they'll remind me and I'll tell them to cut me off.
Calling Jay inexperienced was a VERY bad mistake. VERY. VERY. Bad. Don't say that ever again. That pisses me off more than anything by saying Jay has no/little experience.And anyways, from the way you put it, it seems you want to make the people give up their jobs for more active, less experienced members to take over. I'll say, I was a worker at CCCC at one time but it's hard. There's a certain way to do it, factors implied, and other junk that needed to be known. It's harder IMO than being a ref at the Battle Tower. It's not just something a person can do in one minute as you put it. It takes at least fifteen minutes to get a good post for three people. More workers would just be there and there'd be an overrun. There'd be too many to actually post and there'd be at least one worker post for every one customer post. More workers isn't actually the answer and firing, quote, "inactive hogs" is just wrong. Ask them if they want to be fired because of their inactivity.
Frank was asked, and he doesn't want to be fired because he just wants to 'hog' the spot, and that was pretty much his exact words. No one has talked about firing Kyle, but he NEEDS the boot desperately. Jay asked to be a worker at Goldenrod, and Jay has talked to various other people about gaining his position back at Crystal Caves. Both places he can't work at because these two hogs won't give up their spots --; I'm not being biased because these are two places where Jay wants to work, these were the two most obvious examples to me, and they were surprisingly Jay's top two choices of where he wants to work.
You don't even know Jay. How can you say that the people here haven't contributed to his depression? The net is his life. Everyone hates him in real life because he's always such a loner, and I know that. He uses the net because his best friends are here, and he treats TPM as his family. Don't give me that garbage that no one here has contributed to it.Okay look, I have nothing against Jay, I've been gone for the past six months and was surprised that he wasn't a Mod when I came back. I don't ask questions, I go along with things. I don't ask about personal problems with other people unless they're willing to talk. Taking flames out on other people is not our fault. It's not our fault that he's having this stress. I'll admit, I've gotten a bit annoyed with the posts he's been doing because it sounds like he's overreacting. Check the PCG rules in the original PCG forum or Hangman. We've gone thourgh at least ten posts of arguing over a simple concept as letters being words (i.e. I, A).
If you want to help, ask the owners. Mods just can't go in and say, 'I'm a Mod and I think you're fired.' It's not their job to do that. The owner is the one to decide who is right for the job and who isn't. If you want to complain, go to the owners. Mods aren't the ones you should be complaining to.
And again, Jay has personality issues. If he could help them he would and make a better name for himself, which he has always talked to me about. He wouldn't go and whine over the smallest things like the letters I and A being words. It's just like how I think it's pathetic and sad that you have to counteract by saying that Jay deserves no sympathy.
I'm also pretty sure he won't appreciate your post either. I'm awaiting until he posts, but really, know the facts before you assume. Because you're acting like a heartless *****.
I will apologise for that last sentence in that previous paragraph, but if you can't sympathise people for problems they can't control, then you really deserve to be called that.
I have nothing to say to your post Bec, I agree, if it's your opinion there's nothing I can do about it. All I know is he did apologise to you in PM, and he's more than happy to apologise again, though even he is confuzzled 0_o
All right then, take it to owners. Dont' complain here in public when the person isn't on to fight back. And they could've fired me, it wouldn't make a difference. They have quite a few workers helping out and the owner asked if I wanted to keep my job, not just fire me when I wasn't on to defend myself. It's cowardly and avoids suspicions.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Frank's excuse has always been he's 'lazy'. Kyle's excuse has been that he's 'playing video games.' Neither excuse is approvable to me, and they've been hogging spots where Jay or possibly other people could be working instead. --; As far as I know, they were about to fire you also. They, being Kyle. Who is girl-worker-crazy.
Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Calling Jay inexperienced was a VERY bad mistake. VERY. VERY. Bad. Don't say that ever again. That pisses me off more than anything by saying Jay has no/little experience.
I said nothing of the sort. I didn't imply it in any way at all. I said, quote, "And anyways, from the way you put it, it seems you want to make the people give up their jobs for more active, less experienced members to take over." I said nothing about Jay or anyone I know of in that post. You are taking this the wrong way. I am saying about less experienced members that signed up in the past few months and have little to no idea on what they are doing. Stop twisting what I say to include Jay in that whole paragraph that had nothing to do, imply, etc. about him.
Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
Frank was asked, and he doesn't want to be fired because he just wants to 'hog' the spot, and that was pretty much his exact words. No one has talked about firing Kyle, but he NEEDS the boot desperately. Jay asked to be a worker at Goldenrod, and Jay has talked to various other people about gaining his position back at Crystal Caves. Both places he can't work at because these two hogs won't give up their spots --; I'm not being biased because these are two places where Jay wants to work, these were the two most obvious examples to me, and they were surprisingly Jay's top two choices of where he wants to work.
The owners have their opinion of who they want to work for them or not. More workers can work there if the owner feels like they need a new worker. But at the rate Jay is going with his outbursts and how he's starting to overreact with simple things, it's not helping him any. You can't fire an owner just because he's inactive, he founded it. Taking away the ownership of one's idea ruins the competition that happened to get a new Capture Center when the other one had to be closed because of inactivity with everything: customers and workers.
And no one is not biased. We are all biased. You have one view, I have another. We're both biased in our opinions.
Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
]You don't even know Jay. How can you say that the people here haven't contributed to his depression? The net is his life. Everyone hates him in real life because he's always such a loner, and I know that. He uses the net because his best friends are here, and he treats TPM as his family. Don't give me that garbage that no one here has contributed to it.
And again, Jay has personality issues. If he could help them he would and make a better name for himself, which he has always talked to me about. He wouldn't go and whine over the smallest things like the letters I and A being words. It's just like how I think it's pathetic and sad that you have to counteract by saying that Jay deserves no sympathy.
Go check out the last three pages of Hangman. It's there in hard fact. I've known him since he opened Hangman and he has never acted this way. I don't know his personal life, okay? I don't know him in the flesh. I have the personality he has on the Net. It has changed since I've been gone. I don't know if it was because he was demodded or because his accoutn was banned, okay? I'm not saying that he deserves no sympathy but since I haven't heard any of this, I can't take it into account. I couldn't when I posted before. If I knew his personal life, then I'd understand better. But since I don't and you are the one giving it instead of him, I can't be sure who to listen to.
Call me whatever you want. I have my view, you have yours. Get over it. I know the facts I know, you know yours. I have not insulted him in any way that I am aware of than what I believe is fact. Anyone can account the posts he's made in Hangman that he's overreacting with a simple rule. I can sympathisize for people with their problems if I know the problem to begin with. If I don't, how can I sympathisize for a problem I don't know about? It's not possible.Originally posted by Haunted Toilet
I'm also pretty sure he won't appreciate your post either. I'm awaiting until he posts, but really, know the facts before you assume. Because you're acting like a heartless *****.
I will apologise for that last sentence in that previous paragraph, but if you can't sympathise people for problems they can't control, then you really deserve to be called that.