Adoptees here
Gold Key
Trait: Intimidate (upon intering battle, the opponent's attack lowers one stage.)
Level 80.5 MaleBlack and Silver Arcanine (juice)
Knows: Bite, Roar, Growl, Ember, Headbutt, Leer, Dig, Take Down, Sunny Day, Flame Wheel, Dragonbreath, Agility, Hidden Power Water, Flamethrower, Extremespeed, Rock Smash, Toxic, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Strength, Safeguard, Slash, Aerial Ace, Recover, Body Slam, Crunch, Howl, Teleport, Reversal, Fire Fang, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, Thunder Fang, Flame Burst, Retaliate, Mimic, Outrage
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move. Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks.)
Level 50 Female Flareon
Knows: Tackle, Hidden Power Electric, Agility, Sand Attack, Slash, Ember, Double Team, Quick Attack, Bite, Toxic, Fire Spin, Sunny Day, Fire Blast, Helping Hand, Smog, Tail Whip, Charm, Detect, Mimic, Flame Wheel, Tickle, Focus Energy, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Last Resort, Giga Impact, Superpower, Odor Sleuth
Pokemon Collar
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
Level 62 Male Umbreon
Knows: Shadow Ball, Acid Armor, Tackle, Sand Attack, Slash, Zap Cannon, Pursuit, Psychic, Hidden Power Fighting, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Toxic, Faint Attack, Moonlight, Mimic, Mean Look, Screech, Swift, Helping Hand, Tail Whip, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, Growl, Assurance, Last Resort, Crunch, Odor Sleuth
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Volt Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum HP when hit with electric type moves.)
Level 40 Female Jolteon
Knows: Tail Whip, Tackle, Hidden Power Grass, Sand Attack, Thunderbolt, Thundershock, Flash, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Toxic, Pin Missile, Helping Hand, Shock Wave, Double Team, Detect, Spikes, Volt Tackle, Spark, Thunder, Rain Dance
Trait: Inner Focus (will not flinch)
Level 64 Male Dragonite
Knows: Wrap, Leer, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Dark, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Ice Beam, Dragonbreath, Twister, Toxic, Rain Dance, Dragon Rage, Slam, Surf, Agility, Rest, Sleep Talk, Safeguard, Iron Tail, Wing Attack, Fly, Outrage, Aeroblast, Brick Break, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Roost, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Sky Uppercut, Air Cutter
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Shed Skin (Gives pokemon a 30% chance of curing its status conditions every turn)
Level 30 FemaleMutant Winged Dragonair (which means she was born with wings, is part flying type and she will learn fly naturally at L.28)
Knows: Wrap, Leer, Blizzard, Hidden Power Flying, Thunder Wave, Extremespeed, Surf, Supersonic, Aeroblast, Twister, Shock Wave, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Double Team, Slam, Dragon Rage, Detect, Agility, Fly, Dragon Pulse, Rain Dance
Trait: Early Bird (sleep conditions last for half as long)
Level 36 Female Houndoom with White Spots (Juice)
Knows: Leer, Ember, Mud Slap, Roar, Sunny Day, Hidden Power Psychic, Howl, Solar Beam, Rock Smash, Smog, Sludge Bomb, Bite, Attract, Counter, Overheat, Night Shade, Mimic, Faint Attack, Rest, Odor Sleuth, Beat Up, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dark Pulse, Slash
Pokemon Collar
Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move. Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks.)
Level 26 FemaleNinetales with Rainbow Topknot and Crystal Blue Eyes
Knows: Ember, Tail Whip, Hidden Power Fire, Slash, Sunny Day, Quick Attack, Toxic, Howl, Roar, Charm, Odor Sleuth, Faint Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Confuse Ray, Mimic, Body Slam, Solarbeam, Dark Pulse, Imprison, Flame Burst, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Fire Pledge, V-create, Psyshock, Flame Wheel
Coloring is Natural
Pokemon Collar
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
Level 23 Male Espeon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Body Slam, Hidden Power Ghost, Detect, Sand Attack, Wish, Slash, Mimic, Odor Sleuth, Iron Tail, Focus Energy, Growl, Confusion, Psychic, Mind Reader, Psycho Boost, Reflect, Dig, Shadow Force, Night Shade, Meditate, Crunch, Yawn, Signal Beam, Quick Attack
Beach Ball
Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to 1/4 maximum hit points when hit with water type moves.)
Level 20 Male Black Vaporeon (Juice)
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Slash, Hidden Power Flying, Sand Attack, Odor Sleuth, Mimic, Double Team, Haze, Detect, Rain Dance, Water Gun, Acid, Aurora Beam, Hydro Pump, Growl, Crunch, Icy Wind, Hydro Cannon, Swagger, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Toxic, Signal Beam
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move. Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks.)
Level 20 FemaleBlack Ponyta with lavender flames blending into pastel blue and lavender eyes
Knows: Tackle, Growl, Return, Double Kick, Recover, Tail Whip, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Ground, Ember, Bounce, Blaze Kick, Mimic, Flame Wheel, Stomp, Wild Charge, Charm
Coloring is Natural
(Son of Hero and Kiva)
Level 9 Shiny Male Glaceon (Juice)
Trait: Snow Cloak (raises the pokemon's evasion during a hailstorm one level.)
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Iron Tail, Mimic, Hail, Ice Beam, Sand Attack, Ice Shard, Powder Snow, Odor Sleuth
Level 9 Female Sandile
Trait: Intimidate
Knows: Leer, Rage, Bite, Sand Attack, Thunder Fang, Sand Tomb, Stone Edge, Focus Energy, Hidden Power Ice, Earthquake
She likes hiding in small, dark spaces.
(when introduced)
Level 5 Female Mienfoo
Trait: Inner Focus
Knows: Pound, Meditate, Hidden Power Ice.
Captees here
Pokemon Collar
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
Level 42.5 Male White Umbreon with Black Rings
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Psychic, Growl, Pursuit, Body Slam, Hidden Power Fighting, Bite, Shadow Ball, Toxic, Double Team, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Headbutt, Iron Tail, Confuse Ray, Zap Cannon, Mean Look, Faint Attack, Hyper Beam, Charm, Night Shade, Torment, Façade, Yawn, Baton Pass, Focus Energy, Odor Sleuth, Taunt, Mud Slap, Dream Eater, Screech
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Limber (prevents paralysis)
Level 34 White Male Persian with Black Stripes
Knows: Scratch, Growl, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dream Eater, Bubblebeam, Icy Wind, Bite, Hidden Power Dragon, Nightmare, Amnesia, Body Slam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Shadow Ball, Pay Day, Aerial Ace, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Swift, Protect, Dig, Toxic, Faint Attack, Return, Water Gun, Assist, Psych Up, Double Team, Switcheroo, Taunt, Power Gem, Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Screech, Tail Whip
Quick Claw
Trait: Guts (attack raised to 1.5 times when induced with a status.)
Level 18 Female Elemental Larvitar
Knows: Bite, Leer, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hidden Power Rock, Sandstorm, Mimic, Brick Break, Return, Attract, Screech, Sleep Talk, Rest, Façade, Rock Slide, Chip Away, Focus Energy, Iron Defense, Iron Tail
Pokemon Earring
Has a High Speed Stat
Trait: Intimidate (upon entering battle, the opponent’s attack lowers one stage)
Level 22 Female Arcanine
Knows: Bite, Roar, Sunny Day, Hidden Power Fire, Endure, Body Slam, Ember, Protect, Return, Safeguard, Aerial Ace, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Overheat, Dragonbreath, Leer, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash (SM), Mimic, Toxic, Howl, Dig, Thief, Thunder Fang, Helping Hand, Flame Wheel
Pokemon Collar
Trait: Intimidate: (upon entering battle, the opponent’s attack lowers one stage)
Level 30 Male Mightyena
Knows: Tackle, Howl, Poison Fang, Hidden Power Psychic, Return, Faint Attack, Dig, Sand Attack, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Iron Tail, Torment, Rock Smash, Mud Slap, Shadow Ball, Headbutt, Rain Dance, Mimic, Protect, Bite, Attract, Substitute, Odor Sleuth, Body Slam, Double Team, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Roar, Sunny Day, Yawn, Bide, Swagger, Astonish, Swift, Toxic, Snarl
Beach Ball
Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum HP when hit with water type moves)
Level 20 Shiny* MaleVaporeon
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Charm, Hidden Power Electric, Mimic, Mud Slap, Reflect, Sand Attack, Bubblebeam, Surf, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Toxic, Growl, Water Gun, Hydro Cannon, Dive (SM), Aurora Beam, Protect, Double Team, Crunch, Hyper Beam
Color is Natural
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
Level 21 Shiny* FemaleEspeon with a Blue Gem
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Mimic, Hidden Power Dark, Charm, Psychic, Reflect, Morning Sun, Sand Attack, Calm Mind, Iron Tail, Light Screen, Teleport, Growl, Confusion, Skill Swap, Toxic, Bite, Meditate, Zap Cannon, Headbutt, Shadow Ball, Crunch
Coloring is Natural
Trait: Blaze (when HP is below 1/3, fire’s power increases to 1.5 times)
Level 34 Female Combusken
Knows: Scratch, Growl, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Electric, Headbutt, Focus Energy, Attract, Rest, Sleep Talk, Counter, Detect, Toxic, Endure, Protect, Ember, Return, Peck, Double Kick, Sky Uppercut, Metronome, Snore, Sand Attack, Mirror Move, Smellingsalt, Focus Punch, Substitute, Rolling Kick, Submission, Helping Hand, Fire Spin, Teeter Dance, Bulk Up, Dual Chop, Quick Attack
Pokemon Earring
Trait: Shed Skin (Gives pokemon a 30% chance of curing its status conditions every turn)
Level 8 Female Dratini
Knows: Wrap, Leer, Extremespeed, Hidden Power Psychic, Toxic, Iron Tail, Protect, Icy Wind, Shock Wave, Waterfall (SM), Thunderbolt, Water Gun, Flamethrower, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Dragonbreath, Thunder Wave, Supersonic
(Zale and Devia's son though storywise Aretmis)
Trait: Early Bird
Level 5 Male Houndour
Knows: Leer, Ember, Howl, Double Team, Rage, Faint Attack
(Daughter of Selena and Eben Avis)
Trait: Rock Head (does not receive recoil damage from attacks)
Level 5 Female Aerodactyl
Knows: Wing Attack, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dragonbreath, Bite, Sky Attack, Roost, Roar
(Son of Magenta and Skydancer)
Trait: Hustle
Level 6 Male Deino
Knows: Tackle, Dragon Rage, Focus Energy, Protect
(Son of Hinto and Tiana)
Trait: Run Away
Level 5 Shiny MaleEevee
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Charm, Hidden Power Rock
Coloring IS Natural
(Son of Nuka and Tiana)
Trait: Run Away
Level 5 Male Eevee With Purple Glow (Juice)
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sunny Day, Hidden Power Fire
(Son of Nuka and Tiana)
Trait: Cute Charm
Level 6Shiny Male Sylveon with a Purple Glow
Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Rest, Snore, Charm
Coloring IS Natural
Stamps: (92) 188
CCPs: (45) 218
Red Mg Coins: 1
Blue MG Coins: 0
Green MG Coins: 0
2 Rare Candies - AC
1 Gold Key (held by Blazer)
1 Pokemon Earring (held by Kiara)
1 Pokemon Collar (held by Kovu)
1 Beach Ball (held by Colby)
1 Pokemon Earring (held by Jasmine)
1 Pokemon earring (held by Sugar)
1 Pokemon Earring (held by Ebony)
1 Pokemon Collar (held by Sinopa)
1 Pokemon Collar (held by Darin)
1 Pokemon Collar (held by no one) - AC
1 Beach Ball (eventually for Rick) - AC
1 Cosmic Belt (for Tierra) - AC
1 Cosmic Belt (for Ziva) - AC
1 Matches (held by Yana)
7 Stat Modification Die (held by no one) - AC or CC
2 Status Die (CC)
1 Matches (cc)
1 Gold Berry
1 Ever Stone
Pokemon Collar (Held by Ranec)
Pokemon Earring (Held by Kumar)
Quick Claw (Held by Laila)
Pokemon Earring (Held by Lani, gift from her boyfriend Huan)
1 Pokemon Collar (held by Dakota)
1 Beach Ball (held by Zale)
1 pokemon earring (held by Tiana)
1 pokemon earring (held by no one) - CC
1 Matches (held by Wildfire)
1 pokemon earring (held by Sunita)
1 Deflection Coat (AC/CC)
Splash TM (CC - Tremor Games)
2 Struggle TMs (CC - from Solar Games)
EMT: Dynamic punch (for Ziva), Heal Pulse (for sale or trade), Force Palm (for Ziva), Mach Punch (for sale or trade), Jump Kick (for Ziva), Vital Throw (For Ziva), Block (eventually for Laila when she evolves into tyranitar), Flare Blitz (for Flame), Firey Dance, Metal Claw (for Flame), Heavy Slam (Knight of Time has expressed interest), Blaze Kick, Sheer Cold, Aerial Ace and Frustration. A brick break tm for Flame and a fling tm for Ziva. Hex TM (emt for sinopa), Block TM (emt - eventually for tierra once she fully evolves), and a Powder Snow TM, Wing Attack (EMT), Rolling Kick (EMT) (AC - hidden power tm ancient power tm) (CC - Thunderstone, Essence of Moss Rock, Stun Spore tm (EMT), Slash TM (AC).
*CC Inferno Badge
*CC SM03 - Surf