Welcome to the Eevee House! I'm sure you're wondering what this is all about, so I'll jump right in.

The Eevee House is a stately mansion situated in Sector Alpha, in the province of Caledor. It was built for a preposterously rich member of the Traders and Merchants Association, a division of the Dragon's Guild. While the woman was invaluable to the Union and possessed unparalleled knowledge of how to play the market, some of the more utilitarian-minded in the Guild were rather hoping that she would bequeath the mansion to the Guild upon her death, as she had no surviving relatives. The researchers wanted more lab space, the soldiers wanted more room to train, and the merchants were impressed by the sheer economic value of the place. The only group not vying for the mansion was the Tactical Neutralisation Unit, and that was because being based in a mansion would have been slightly conspicuous.

So it came as a big surprise when the woman passed the mansion on to her pet Eevee.

Then, when the Eevee passed away, it bequeathed the mansion to the city, an action which angered many people, but especially the mansion's butler, who had been waiting patiently for some time and rather thought it was his turn. The only stipulation was that the Eevee House (as it came to be known) wouldn't go to a specific person. Instead, it would become public property, not unlike a park, and it would be open for trainers and their Pokemon to relax and socialize.

And so here we are! The Eevee House is a chance for you to kick your feet up, let out your Pokemon, and chill a bit.

If you direct your attention to this plaque on the wall over here, we do have a few rules:

1. (Out of character) No flaming other people.
2. (Out of character) Please make quality posts.
3. (In character) No willful destruction of property. Accidents happen, but don't be a jerk about it.
4. Have FUN!


All right, in-character part done. Now, on to business. This is an RP topic at its most basic - people can come here and write posts interacting with other people and their Pokemon. Great for character development! This is also a good way to stretch your writing muscles if you don't want to make a full-fledged post in the Battle Range.

A few notes:

1. The Eevee House is in Sector Alpha, but despite that, as in the past, Captured Pokemon can hang out here too. Just try not to think about it too hard.

2. Posting style! There are two different ways you can post here, depending on your preference - prose and script.

Prose is likely what you're used to. Let's see an example:

Groviglio trudged up the steps to the mansion. Ordinarily, he would enjoy a chance to find new Pokemon to insult, but it just hadn't had the same appeal lately. It was just too easy for people to come back at him...

...and so on and so forth. The script format is great for dialogue where all parties involved are simply talking, not a lot of action going on:

<Groviglio> Dude, you don't look so good.
<Maza> Really?
<Groviglio> Yeah, just like always! *cackle*

Like that. Both are welcome, but just do your best to make every post worthwhile. If you only have one line of dialogue to post, maybe you can flesh that out a touch with some prose.

So yeah! Just like rule 4 says, have fun!