Quote Originally Posted by mistysakura
Schadenfreude (what does that mean?): Same comment as aboe regarding the rhythm, and strong contrast/oxymorons used well. Although I don't seem to quite get their symbolic purpose (assuming the speaker isn't drunk, which is the only thing I can think of at the moment).
scha·den·freu·de ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shädn-froid)
Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

So, the point of the song is the chorus details hurting someone, and then "un-hurting" them, or making them better. This way you're hurting them, but they build a dependency because you're always there to heal the wounds you cut yourself.

The rest of the song has contradicting lyrics because the writer (myself) is displaying extreme emotion in a sense that he doesn't know what's the right thing. This whole hurting people, and such and such has skewed his perceptions and mental capabilities to the point where he can no longer differentiate what time of day it is, if he's happy, etc.

That's the best I could do. I'm hungover.

Zak Hunter