It has been a good long while since I posted anything in fanfiction... *cough* Um... >>;;

Story is based off of Heroes of the Storm, sorry - not Pokemon. lol

Hope you enjoy.

Summary: Drawn into a realm they don't know and don't understand, heroes from multiple universes are thrown into what seems to be eternal conflict. Desperate to survive, alliances are forged and broken - all in the name of returning to the worlds they stolen from.
Rating: T (possibly M later on)




What little energy Nova had left, she used to put as much distance between her and that hulking beast that had attacked. The blond staggered as she reached the entrance of small temple nestled out in the unforgiving sands of this world. It wasn't like anything she had seen before, it was made out of ancient lime and sandstone. Two great pillars stood guard at the massive entrance, which was framed by carvings of snakes rising up to hold a central clear gem above the doorway. Hieroglyphs dotted the exterior walls of the structure, which was overall pyramid in nature.

Nova stood out in contrast against the building, her combat suit silver-white in colour, with steel-grey patches and glowing blue psi-sensitive lines. Her technology was leaps and bounds ahead of whoever built this place, not that it had mattered. The creature she had encountered had cared little for her armament, and simply cut through it. Her armour was torn up, claw marks and scorches from fire ruined her suit, and what little armour she did possessed had barely managed to keep her from being cleaved in two.

She heard a roar, not nearly as far away as she liked. Nova glanced over her shoulder, her body doing all it could not to drop her heavy rifle and simply run and hide. The wind picked up, blowing a storm of sand in between the noise and herself, but she had just caught a glimpse of a looming shadow, growing as it marched in her direction.

"Shit." With that word she darted inside, hissing as her wounded leg agonizingly protested to the movement.

The interior of the temple was largely open: with a high, angular ceiling that had a similarly clear gem somehow suspended high above. Four support pillars framed a mosaic pattern on the central floor, depicting a great cobra rising out of shadows and into the sky, with strange, humanoid warriors guarding it. Nova stumbled, blood loss and exhaustion had taken their toll, she fell to the floor roughly and only managed to just catch herself.

She scrambled after that, throwing her rifle behind one of the pillars and hurrying after it. The sniper slammed her back up against the stone column and held her rifle to her chest like a life line.

She gritted her teeth, her cloaking mechanism had been on the fritz since she had awakened in this strange place. Nova steeled herself best she could, gently tapping a button on her wrist and hoping for the best. There was a brief hum and then she felt the energy wash over her, making her vanish just as something entered the temple. Cautiously she peered around the beam, swallowing hard.

Nova's heart sank when she saw what it was - the beast that had nearly annihilated her in the shifting sands.

The creature in question was a massive, red-skin monster with a beyond human muscularity, coupled with a thick, powerful tail. Its back was covered in black horns, all of varying sizes and a few were cracked. The beast's head had three horns, two protruded from the sides of its head, that resembled a ram's, while the other was a crystal like object that came from its forehead. Its eyes burned like the fires of Char, hot and unforgiving.

As it walked, its weight made its footfalls sound reminiscent of a ultralisk's gate. It wasn't nearly as big, but it had a menacing, evil aura. It tilted its head, sniffing the air and then laughed.

"I know you're in here, girl." It was the first time it, or maybe he had spoke. "I smell you, I smell your blood."

Nova glanced down at her wounds, then watched the monster. He opened his mouth, revealing a maw of razor-edged black teeth, and a throat that glowed like his eyes. He grinned, stomping into the centre of the temple.

"I taste your fear… it's thick on the air, and I will consume it and you before night falls."

There was nothing but silence in the temple before he moved, lumbering towards the pillar Nova hid behind. She could hear her heart pounding, thundering in her ears and it took all she had not to bolt and run from her spot. Slowly she brought the rifle up, she could see the few shots she had gotten on the monster, they oozed what looked like magma.

As if sensing her intention, the monster spoke.

"You have one shot child, best to make it count before I make you scream."

Nova was about to fire, she felt her finger tighten on the trigger as she aimed squarely for the beast's ugly face. Instead a stream of white and gold light flooded the temple for a mere second. The next the creature was howling, a golden-hilted sword buried in its side, turning its red flesh to blackened ash. Nova winced, the monster's cries were twisted and foul, and it flailed somewhat as it staggered back, flaming eyes just now seeing what was stuck in it.

It snarled something in a tongue Nova didn't understand, but she didn't need too. There was another golden flash and suddenly an armour-clad being was wrenching the sword from the beast. The being was a man, if his stature and body-shape were any indicator, he wasn't nearly the size of the hellish thing that had been stalking her, but clearly he didn't need to be. Every slash from his sword found its mark, as the knight dodged the monster's throws.

Then the creature had him, his large hands grappled around the knight's pauldrons and swung him high overhead and crashed him into the ground. The mosaic shattered, pieces of it flying up from the sheer impact, something that would've killed an ordinary man.

But this man had wings, streams of silver-blue energy pouring out from his shoulders. He was anything but ordinary. The best the attack did was stun Nova's would-be rescuer, allowing the beast to plant a heavy foot on top of the man.

"Tyrael," He spat, his voice a thundering growl of pure hatred. "There is no legion of angels to save you now, I will tear you apart and you'll waste away to nothing - so far from your precious High Heavens that you'll be lost to Pandemonium forever."

"I will send you back to the Burning Hells!" Tyrael hissed in response, bringing up his sword in an attempt to strike at his foe, instead - the creature snatched his wrist and began crushing his arm, eliciting a pained shout from Tyrael.

Their faces were mere inches apart as the monster spoke again, satisfaction in his voice.

"No, you won't."

There was a sharp pop that brought the standstill to an end, and the shot the sound came from was strong enough to send the monster staggering off of Tyrael. Lava blood splattered over the floor and the beast roared in rage and pain. Nova's shot had hit its mark, cleaving a precise hole through the fiend's horn and striking it's scaly temple. Tyrael recovered quickly, with one mighty push of his wings he was on his feet again, and on the assault.

Nova slumped down against the pillar, wincing at every breath as her cloak floundered and fizzled out, revealing her presence. Every opportunity she had, she fired at the creature.

"Enough!" The monster shrieked, his body briefly becoming engulfed in fire before he stomped his large foot and streams of explosive hell-fire shot out in all directions. They tore up the temple's floor and struck three of the four columns, shattering one while the others cracked and began to quake.

Nova had been knocked back by the blast from the exploding pillar, the one she happened to be closest too. She dropped her rifle in her lap as her back crashed into the wall, all but knocking her unconscious.

Tyrael back-pedalled, dodging the demon's strike, he pointed his sword as the monster.

"This end's here, Diablo."

Diablo merely glanced at the wounds on his body and then smiled menacingly at the angel.

"For the girl, maybe."

Diablo swung his tail and smashed it into the final pillar, knocking a chunk from it. The temple groaned, its weight too much for the two compromised beams to support. The demon began to make his way out.

"What will your precious justice cost you Tyrael?" Diablo glanced over his shoulder at the angel, a satisfied smirk on his lips as a black portal opened up. "An innocent life to pay for your crusade?"

Tyrael's shrouded gaze turned to see Nova, bloodied, battered and beaten until she had barely anything life. Then he looked back at Diablo.

The temple heaved, debris tumbling down from the ceiling - Tyrael charged for Nova, using his body and wings to protect the woman from the chaos around them.

Diablo scoffed, and stepped through his portal just as the entrance of the building shattered and turned to rubble.