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Thread: Digimon: Explorers

  1. #1
    Beginning Trainer
    Beginning Trainer

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Digimon: Explorers

    Well now, this should be fun.

    Not sure how this may look as my first post on the sight, but I've watched the Pokemaster's fanfiction boards for a while now. I've posted on before, but I felt that this story should be somewhere with more detailed feedback than the 'reviews' some readers leave.

    But I digress.

    Call me Fenrir, and consider this my introductory post. I enjoy gaming and fanfiction writing, though I'll admit I tend to be a bit of a procrastinator with the latter. Apologies in advance to any and all delays regarding updates with this story.

    Just as a note, I hold no rights to Digimon other than my original characters, locations, etc.

    And now, without further ado, let's get this show on the road.

    Digimon: Explorers


    Download to Adventure

    Shadowy figures jostled and bumped each other, jockeying for position in the crowded room. Snatches of conversation and growled threats echoed around the hall. All fell silent as a single shaft of light shone down upon a figure seated on an ebony throne.

    Slowly, the throne’s occupant stood up. He was a dapper looking gentleman clothed in a fine, black tuxedo. What seemed to be a cape draped from his shoulders to the floor, and his hair was slicked back, revealing a deathly pale face twisted into an evil smile.

    “Our time has nearly come,” This man, if indeed he was a man, announced to the room.

    A cacophony of cheers sprang up, but were silenced as the speaker lifted his hands.

    “We need only wait for the final pawns to move into place,” He explained. “I will not lie to you, my loyal ones, this will be the most difficult phase of our plan. I know, however, that you won’t let me down.”

    Sounds of contentment and more cheers erupted from the gathered crowd. The figure didn’t bother to silence them this time. The folded cape on his back rustled and fanned out, revealing itself to be a pair of leathery wings as the leader of this rowdy band began to ascend toward the ceiling.

    “Soon we shall have all that was denied to us! All that should have been ours!” He called out over the storm of chanting and victorious cries. “Soon we shall have everything!”

    Six orbs of colored light flew formed around the flying leader and blasted skyward, leaving trails of glittering sparks behind them.

    “Soon I shall have more than even that,” The figure whispered to himself as he gazed down at his minions.


    The lone adventurer sighed as he sheathed his weapon. The battle was done, and the bodies of the slain demons were slowly fading away. Striding to the middle of the room, the warrior knelt next to the treasure chest the monsters had been guarding and swung it open.


    The avatar on the computer screen’s movements halted as his controller suddenly jumped away from his keyboard.

    “Oops, what time is it?” The startled boy wondered.

    Summer had only recently come to the southern California area, but it was certainly making its presence known outside with the bright sunshine and warm temperatures that eons of movies and stories love to start with before a great adventure began. Not that this was noticed by the young man who had just been startled away from his computer.

    Jacob “Jay” Bawer looked every inch a typical, American preteen. Currently still wearing a t-shirt and pair of pajama bottoms that he hadn’t bothered to change out of, the somewhat chubby 12 year old patted down his brown hair as he faced his mother.

    Mrs. Bawer was looking over her son’s room before settling her gaze back on the boy.

    “Your stomach feeling better I take it?” She asked, tapping her foot.

    Recognizing his mother’s habit, Jay simply nodded his head. Chancing a glance at the clock he noticed that it was a little after noon, causing him to wince a bit.

    “Okay, maybe taking a last minute dungeon run wasn’t such a good idea…” Jay realized as he made eye contact with his mother.

    “Jay, you remember what you promised right?” Mrs. Bawer went on.

    “That I’d get to cleaning my room once I got over my stomach bug,” Jay nodded. “I just really wanted to check my e-mail once I woke up though and…”

    “One thing led to another,” His mother finished for him, shaking her head but letting slip a laugh. “Just pick things up in here like you promised.”

    “Right, sorry Mom,” Jay apologized as he set to work.

    As his mother walked out of the room, Jay quickly set himself to picking up the various games and books littered around the floor and shelves. A mere glance at the room and its two game systems, computer, piles of video games and comic books, and a television could give immediate insight to its occupant’s favorite activities.

    Having finished moving everything that had been on the floor of his room to the shelves, Jay took one last look around before returning to his computer. His warrior still stood over the chest, a list of its contents floating next to it.

    “Alright then…New sword, new helmet, some potions, gold…” Jay clicked on the items one by one, sorting them into his inventory screen. “Now for the fun part: fighting my way back out!”

    “Jay?” A voice shouted from downstairs.

    “Or not…” Jay thought, turning from his computer.

    “Yeah Mom?” He called back down.

    “Did your sister say anything about going somewhere after she was done at the library?” Mrs. Bawer called up.

    “Why would…Oh right, she was doing volunteer work.” Jay remembered as he shouted back down, “June doesn’t tell me stuff like that.”

    “Well I need to do some grocery shopping. If she calls let her know to be home by three, okay?”

    “You got it,” Jay called back as he set his focus on the game again.

    Remaining still for a moment, Jay listened for the familiar sound of his mother’s car starting outside before starting his game again.

    “No more interruptions, now to get to the real…” Jay thought.

    His cellphone, sitting on the desk next to the keyboard, began to ring.

    “And reality strikes again…” Jay lamented as he picked up his phone and flipped it open.

    A text message was displayed on the screen.

    A game can only offer so much

    “What the heck is this?” Jay wondered allowed as he closed his phone and turned back to the computer.

    Surprisingly, it was a blue screen that greeted him. Written in white letters across the screen was another message.

    The real adventure starts now. Are you ready?

    “Is this some sort of bug?” Jay wondered as two options appeared on his screen below the words. “Or maybe it’s some sort of challenge feature…”

    Jay’s mouse hovered over the ‘Yes’ option. He hesitated for a moment.

    But only for a moment.

    Then the world faded around him.


    Lights and sounds flew chaotically about. Jay struggled to block them out, but his eyes refused to close for some reason, and his hands simply wouldn’t move up to block his ears. The cacophony of sensory input was pushing him to his limits…

    Jay opened his eyes without even realizing that he’d closed them. A blue sky stretched out overhead, puffy white clouds floating lazily across his vision.

    “What...When did I get outside?” Jay wondered, his thoughts still spinning after his strange trip.

    Jay tried to push himself up, but was greeted only by the strange feeling of the ground beneath him sinking as he pushed against it. The boy winced as this feeling was overcome by a pins-and-needles sensation shooting up his right arm.

    Abandoning his attempt to get up, Jay lifted his arm over his head to check for injuries.

    His eyes widened as a fuzzy, grey paw was lifted in front of his face.

    Twisting his body and pushing harder, Jay managed to get into a sitting position in spite of the unusually soft ground. Moving his hands to the front of his vision, Jay saw that they were both paws, covered in grey fur as his first look had suggested. Each paw had three thick, clumsy looking fingers, tipped with short claws.

    Looking further down Jay’s breathing quickened as he saw his whole body was covered in the same grey fur, and seemed substantially shorter to boot. He wiggled his clawed foot paws a bit, testing to see if they were really his, dismaying as they moved as he wanted.

    Casting his gaze frantically about, the panicking boy spotted a river nearby. Pushing hard against the ground managed to get him to his feet and he half-ran, half stumbled his way to the water’s edge. Collapsing at the river bank, Jay stared into the water.

    Staring back was the reflection of a bear cub with grey fur and white around his muzzle.

    “No way…No way…” Jay kept repeating to himself as he got back to his feet and took a few steps back from the river. “What’s going on here? How did I…When…”

    A memory of his cell phone and computer flashed through his mind. Jay instinctively reached for his pocket only to realize that he had none (and indeed, wasn’t wearing any clothes at all). That thought concerned him less than the realization that had struck.

    “That weird phone message and then the one on my computer must have had something to do with this…” Jay reasoned before shaking his head. “Wait, no, time out. This…This can’t be real. I have to be dreaming or something, right?”

    Finally taking a deep breath, Jay could feel himself beginning to calm down.

    “Yeah, just a dream. I must have fallen asleep after cleaning my room or something,” Jay realized as he looked back down at his fur covered form. “I wonder if this dream comes with clothes…”

    Looking around, Jay began taking in his surroundings. The soft ground he was standing on was made of a green cloth of some kind, and standing on it felt akin to standing on a large pillow with his feet sinking into it slightly. The river was to his back, and in front of him was a short, white fence like the sort one would see around a play pen for toddlers (about chest high for Jay’s current form). Draped over the fence was a blue fabric, which Jay quickly moved over to pick up.

    “Clothes appearing out of no where, I’m suddenly some sort of bear cub,” Jay listed off as he admired the blue vest that had been hanging over the fence before putting it on. "Yep, I’ve got to be dreaming.”

    Looking beyond the fence, Jay could see the ground was a patchwork of colored cloth, seeming made of the same material he stood on now. Huge towers of blocks were stacked not too far past the fence, and several trees were growing near them.

    “So if this is a dream, I might as well have some fun with it, right?” Jay thought as he pushed himself over the fence and set off to explore.

    Making his way across the soft, squishy ground Jay headed for the odd-looking trees. As he drew closer he could see small piles of toys gathered around the base of them, ranging from stuffed animals to toy trains. Looking up at the branches of the tree revealed that the toys seemed to be growing from it like strange fruit.

    “A tree growing toys. Never dreamed this before,” Jay thought as he stooped over and picked up one of the teddy bears. “What’s this?”

    Strapped around the teddy’s waist like a belt was a digital watch with a bright blue strap, the same color as Jay’s new vest. Checking over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching, Jay’s thick fingers fumbled with the clasp for a moment before he finally managed to undo it and place it around his own arm.

    “Pretty cool looking,” Jay thought as he admired his find.

    The face of the watch lit up, and Jay let out a shout of surprise as it suddenly pulsed with light. Turning it away from his eyes, Jay began to blink rapidly to clear away the spots. As he did, a small orb of light hovered over the watch face and began to change shape.

    His vision cleared, Jay noticed the light and watched as it finished shifting into a miniature figure of him. A small, grey bear cub now stood on the watch face, with a caption reading ‘BEARMON’ hovering over its head.

    “Bearmon?” Jay read aloud as he looked over the figure and compared it to his own body. “Huh, guess that’s what I am now.”

    “Bota!” A cheerful voice suddenly exclaimed.

    Startled, Jay jumped back and began scanning for the source of the sound. He jumped again and this time landed in a pile of plushies as he felt the ‘something’ brush against his feet.

    Flailing about, Jay managed to push himself up again just in time to see a black ball of fur with yellow eyes looking up at him.

    “Bota?” It squeaked out, sliding closer to Jay.

    Jay stared at the little creature, unsure whether to be frightened of the strange thing or amused by its adorable appearance. Before he could decide, the watch began to glow again. Jay looked to the device and, without thinking, aimed it at the black furball before him. The tiny figure of light standing on the watch face immediately changed to a projection of the little creature Jay was looking at.

    Jay read the caption with some amount of confusion, “Botamon?”

    “Bota!” The black furball squeaked happily as it crawled up to his feet and nestled against them.

    “Weirdest dream ever,” Jay commented aloud as he managed to extract himself from the stuffed toys and scoop the thusly dubbed ‘Botamon’ into his arms.

    “Bota…” The little being cooed happily, cuddling against Jay’s chest. Soon was softly snoring, fast asleep.

    “Guess it likes me,” Jay thought with a smile as he looked around. “But where did he come from?”

    “Botamon?” A new voice called out, growing closer. “Botamon, where’d you go? It’s almost nap time!”

    From around one of the towers of giant blocks not to far away bounded what seemed to be a large rabbit. One with red and purple, scaly skin. And several feather like extensions fanning from his backside like a peacock’s. Jay’s watch began to glow again, prompting him to aim it at the new creature and causing it to project another miniature.

    “Elecmon now?” Jay read aloud, looking from the watch to the rabbit. “Guess it’s nice to know what everything is called in this dream.”

    “HEY!” Elecmon shouted, noticing Jay and Botamon (who was still cradled in the bear’s arms). “What do you think you’re doing with my baby?”

    Given that Elecmon sounded clearly male, Jay was struck silent by how odd the statement was. Regrettably, Elecmon’s shouting roused the sleeping Botamon, causing the little creature to begin crying.

    “Woah, wait a just a minute, dream rabbit...” Jay started, trying to explain the situation.

    Elecmon was already charging straight at him though. Jay struggled to think, but the only option that came to mind was to put Botamon down and run.

    He managed to get as far as putting the wailing child down on the pile of teddy bears right before Elecmon slammed into him at full speed. Jay’s breath whooshed from his body as the force sent him flying backwards into the tree. The boy fell to the ground, coughing and choking for air while Elecmon turned his attention to the crying Botamon.

    “Aww…There, there little one. Look, Elecmon made the nasty old Bearmon go away, see?” Elecmon cooed, picking up the black furred creature and gently rocking it.

    “That…That really hurt!” Jay exclaimed as he finally drew a breath, his eyes watering from the pain. “Hurt…Pain…Not supposed to get hurt in a dream…No way…No…”

    Jay drew a sharp gasp and looked up, his surroundings suddenly seeming more real than they had been. The colors brighter, the details richer, he could even feel a gentle breeze ruffling his fur. It was as though his senses had been asleep this whole time and only now were coming back to him.

    Botamon managed to squirm out of Elecmon’s arms, and crawled its way over to Jay, tearfully nudging against the fallen bear cub. Jay pushed himself back, his eyes wide with the fear as the reality of his situation sank in.

    “What…What…” Jay stammered out before giving up and burying his face in his paws.

    Elecmon stared in confusion at the sobbing Bearmon, then glanced down to Botamon who was rolling one of the toy trains to him. Botamon looked up at the crying ursine in expectation, but began to cry itself as Jay ignored its little gift.

    “Uh…” Elecmon spoke up as he scooped up Botamon while keeping his gaze on Jay. “You…Need some help there, kid?”

    Jay sniffled as he lifted his face, two dark streaks of fur running from his eyes to mark the tears he had shed. Elecmon extended a paw, carefully moving the Botamon to his other arm.

    Jay looked at his own paw and shivered a bit, but reached out and took Elecmon’s.


    “Primary Village? Digital World?” Jay asked.

    It had taken some time, but Jay had finally calmed down enough for him and Elecmon to talk. The rabbit-like digimon seemed to have taken pity on Jay, and was now offering him a hollowed out gourd of some sort filled with water.

    “Yup, where did you think you were?” Elecmon asked as Jay eagerly gulped down the water.

    “I dunno…” Jay admitted, pausing to wipe his muzzle. “I was kind of hoping Earth.”

    “Right, you mentioned that you were human,” Elecmon nodded Jay looked around.

    Though Elecmon was being helpful, the duty-bound digimon had taken Jay to a small table set up near a massive collection of cradles carved from stone. Inside each cradle was a small bundling of softly snoring fur, which Elecmon had introduced as his ‘babies’.

    “Sounds kind of weird, I’ve only ever heard of humans in stories and legends,” Elecmon admitted. “But you seem pretty convinced it’s true.”

    “I’ve gotta sound crazy to you, huh?” Jay realized, lowering his head.

    “They say crazy ‘mons are the last ones to realize they’re crazy,” Elecmon pointed out, taking up the gourd and placing it in a pile of similar ones stained with juice and milk. “And anyway you don’t seem to mean any harm…Sorry about earlier by the way. I was afraid you were trying to kidnap one of my kids.”

    “I guess it looked kind of bad,” Jay admitted, looking over the sleeping babies. “So you said all…um…”

    “All Digimon start here, that’s right.” Elecmon nodded, giving his napping children a proud look. “And it’s my job to watch over them all ‘til they’re ready to head out into the world.”

    A happy sigh escaped the guardian digimon’s lips before he turned his attention back to Jay.

    “I guess that includes me now, huh?” Jay said, half-jokingly as he stood up from the table. “Don’t suppose you’d know a way for me to get back to Earth, would you?”

    “Sorry, wish I could help,” Elecmon said with a sad shake of his head. “But there’s a village not to far from here. Just follow the trail from the main gate through the woods and you’ll be there in less than an hour.”

    “And there’s someone there that can help me?” Jay asked hopefully.

    “I can’t say for sure, but if there’s something to be known in the Digital World it’s a safe bet that some ‘mon knows it,” Elecmon assured the boy. “And someone has to know who that is. File Village is a better place to start than most.”

    “Right then,” Jay nodded, looking toward the brightly colored blocks that marked the exit gate. “Well, thanks for your help, Elecmon.”

    “You be careful out there, Jay,” Elecmon cautioned. “I heard some rough types have been causing trouble lately. I’d escort you to the village but I can’t afford to leave the kids alone…”

    “That’s…That’s okay,” Jay nodded. “I’ll be fine.”

    “I really wish he hadn’t just said that though,” Jay thought as he and Elecmon exchanged their last waves goodbye.

    Walking out of the gate, Jay looked ahead to the woods. The path lead into them, lost amongst the shadows of the oddly shaped and colored trees. Looking down at one of his paws, Jay clenched it into a fist and gulped.

    “Heh, guess this is the adventure I’ve always wanted…” Jay thought as he started down the trail. “Funny, never thought getting pulled into a video game would have ever been like this.”

    Jay stopped in his tracks as he reached the edge of the forest. He could hear strange bird calls, the buzz of the insects, the rustle of the leaves.

    “Well, guess I’ve gotta start leveling somewhere if I want to win this game, right?” Jay told himself as he took his first steps beyond the forest border.

    A breeze stirred up from behind him, blowing through his fur. Jay stopped, enjoying the feel of the air and it blew over him. The sensation seemed to calm him somehow, rousing him from his thoughts and making him aware of his surroundings. His senses adjusted to the shadows of the woods as he strolled on.

    “Well, bring on level one,” He challenged himself.

    The breeze flew about, and five others looked up from their own activities as they felt it.

    And one lone figure looked down on it all from his perch in the darkness.

    “Now then, my children,” Smiled the bat-winged gentleman as he took a delicate sip of wine. “Let’s see where we go from here.”

  2. #2
    Beginning Trainer
    Beginning Trainer

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Digimon: Explorers

    Team Building


    Jay panted a bit, rubbing his paws together to work the soreness out of them. In the road before him lay a tree branch that had once been hanging low over the path. Now it was on the ground, splinters sticking from where the young traveler had broken it off.

    “Huh, guess I’m pretty strong like this,” Jay thought as he shook the last few bits of bark from his paws. “Almost makes me wish something would try and attack.”

    Jay had been traveling for around thirty minutes so far, and thus far it had been an uneventful trip. Unlike his in the many games he played, no bandits or monsters prowled the edges of the trail to leap out on unsuspecting travelers. No gigantic birds or insects swooped from the branches above to waylay him. There weren’t even any other digimon in sight on the road.

    Jay had started the walk trying to think of how he would get home, but since no ideas were springing to mind and he had no idea of the mechanics of his arrival, he had decided to occupy himself by play fighting with the various bushes and trees along the path. He had surprised himself with how easily he could knock away chunks of bark or loose branches and leaves with just one strike from his paw. The branch just now had been a real test, and despite its thickness near the base Jay had managed to smash it off with his paws alone.

    “Course, that hit from Elecmon didn’t tickle,” Jay thought as he continued on his way. “Something tells me most digimon are probably this strong.”

    Looking up, Jay was shook loose from his thoughts as he sighted the end of the woods. A small gathering of simple but sturdy looking huts lay just ahead, and beyond them the path continued into a large clearing, leading up to a trio of larger huts.

    “That must be the village. Now to see if anyone knows how to get home,” Jay thought as he quickened his pace.

    As his first glimpse of it had suggested, the village was small. There were only about seven huts (aside from the three larger ones), and a sign post set in the ground in the center of the clearing.

    “Welcome to File Village,” Jay read from the sign. “This must be the place. So…Where is everybody?”

    It had suddenly struck the boy-turned-digimon that there were no living creatures in sight. Granted, he wasn’t entirely sure what type of creatures would inhabit this village, but the lack of any signs of life other than the huts was slightly unnerving.

    “So now what…What’s that?” Jay’s nose twitched, and he instinctively tilted his head back and sniffed at the air. “Smells like…Actually, I have no clue what that smell is but it’s getting closer!”

    Jay spun around, somehow realizing the direction the scent was coming from. From around one of the huts, carrying a basket of oddly colored fruits, came yet another new digimon.

    Jay had quickly grown accustomed to the idea of digimon that looked like animals (since he himself was one), but this one took him by surprise. She looked more like a walking plant, with green skin and hands made like purple iris flowers. A collar of red flower petals surrounded her neck, and more red petals covered the top of her head like a helmet.

    Whilst Jay had been struck speechless for a brief moment at the sight of a walking plant, the new digimon had noticed him and a smile spread across her face.

    “Well, well, what have we here? A traveler passing through our little village?” She asked, setting down her basket walking over. “Welcome to File Village, I’m Floramon.”

    “Oh, uh, hi!” Jay stammered, shaking his head to clear it. “Yeah, I’m just kind of passing through…”

    Jay let out a shout of surprise as something suddenly barreled into him, right between his shoulder blades. The boy grunted as he crashed to the ground face-first as whatever had hit him settled on his back.

    “Find anything tasty today, Floramon?” Asked the excitable voice of the creature.

    “Labramon, our guest…” Floramon’s voice reprimanded.

    “Huh? Oh…Oops!” Jay felt the weight hop off and as he raised his head he found himself looking into the face of a white-furred puppy with floppy-pink ears and a strip of yellow, silken cloth tied around her neck almost like a collar. “Sorry, nice to meet you though! I’m Labramon, who’re you?”

    “Um, Jay…My name’s Jay,” the Bearmon answered as he pushed himself back up.

    “You’ll have to forgive Labramon, she’s very excitable,” Floramon apologized, bowing slightly.

    “Jay’s kind of a funny name for a digimon, isn’t it?” Labramon asked, now walking circles around the newcomer and stopping as she noticed his watch. “Ooh, this is neat…”

    Jay instinctively pulled his hand away from the puppy’s prying eyes, covering the watch with his other paw as he did so.

    “Labramon, don’t be rude,” Floramon scolded before turning her attention back to Jay. “So, you said you were just passing through?”

    “Actually that depends,” Jay stated, adapting surprisingly fast to the idea of talking to a plant. “I’m trying to find my way home, and I was hoping someone around here might know something.”

    “Well our village is pretty centrally located. The roads from here lead off to Motherboard City, Cathode Town, RAMville…” Floramon listed off. “Where did you say you were from again?”

    “Well actually…” Jay began.

    “Dagnabbit, Floramon!” A new voice exclaimed as one of the hut doors flew open and yet another digimon came barreling up to the group.

    “Armadillomon…” Floramon muttered.

    It was easy to see where this one got his name from. He essentially was just a yellow armadillo, complete with hard shell and sharp looking claws on his paws. Right now he had a frustrated expression as he ran between Jay and the two female digimon and began pushing him toward the hut.

    “Look, no time to argue kid, get inside,” Armadillomon said as he pushed Jay along.

    “What…Hey stop!” Jay argued, pushing the armadillo away and giving him a hard glare. “What’s the big idea?”

    “I’m sorry, I tried to get him out of the village fast…” Floramon apologized.

    “Yeah!” Labramon agreed. “She was just trying to helpful about it!”

    “I know, I know, trust me I know!” Armadillomon countered. “But we ain’t got time fer that! The ‘Chief’ is gonna be finished with Wormmon soon!”

    “Umm…What?” Jay asked, now very confused.

    Labramon jumped forward and grabbed hold of his vest in her teeth, dragging Jay toward the open hut.

    “Armadillomon’s right, that ‘Chief’ guy is nasty and you don’t want him to find you!” The puppy agreed.

    “Just lay low in mah hut till you git the all clear,” Armadillomon advised. “And don’t come out, no matter what happens!”

    Jay was going to argue the point again, but found himself inside the little hut with Labramon tugging the door shut. Jay sighed as he sat against one of the walls, looking around.

    The inside of the hut was rather simple. A small pile of straw sat near the back wall, probably to serve as a bed, and a basket of containing a few peels, seeds and what seemed to be apple cores sat near where Jay sat. There was only one window, which was near the door and gave a good view of the clearing Jay had just been in.

    “So, what was all that about?” Jay asked Labramon as she placed her forelegs in the window to try and peek outside.

    “Sorry about all that, but the guy in charge has been having everyone in the village keep an eye out for digimon acting weird,” Labramon apologized. “He’s real mean about it too.”

    “Weird?” Jay wondered.

    “Yeah, kinda like you,” Labramon confirmed with a nod. “He said any ‘mon with a weird name or a watch like yours needs to be taken to him. He never told us why.”

    “So Floramon and Armadillomon are trying to protect me from him,” Jay reasoned as he walked over and peeked through the window. “Is that the guy?”

    Armadillomon was currently locking eyes with what looked like a white dinosaur. He had the build of a young T-Rex, and stood about as tall as Jay did. Taking a chance, Jay lifted his watch enough for it to be pointed at the new being, and smiled as a miniature of it appeared on the surface.

    “SnowAgumon,” Jay thought as he looked out at the albino. “He’s the guy they’re all so scared of?”/

    “Armadillomon, we’ve been doing this for almost a week now,” SnowAgumon sighed, as he broke eye contact and began pacing in circles around Armadillomon. “My boss wasn’t happy to hear that you let that guy go. And you know how I hate to disappoint.”

    “You and yer brute squad have interrogated everyone in the village twice over,” Armadillomon countered, turning slowly to keep his gaze on the white digimon. “Even if we did help him get out of the village, do ya think we’d know where he went?”

    “That’s pretty much what Wormmon told me,” SnowAgumon nodded with a sneer.

    Shifting position, Jay could see Floramon was caring for a large, green caterpillar-like digimon that seemed to have been on the receiving end of a light beating. The pitiable creature was munching on some of the fruit from Floramon’s basket while she attended to his injuries.

    “Ah don’t think beatin’ on them will change the story. We can’t tell ya what we don’t know!” Armadillomon insisted.

    As the two began to descend into an argument, Jay turned to Labramon, who had started growling.

    “There was someone else like me coming through?” He asked.

    “Yeah, a Veemon,” Labramon confirmed, ignoring the fact that Jay had no clue what that was. “We tried to help him, but then SnowAgumon and his meanies showed up. When they heard about the guy, they said their master was interested in meeting him and tried to catch him.”

    “So you guys helped him escape,” Jay realized.

    “Well, the others did, I didn’t start living here till a few days ago,” Labramon corrected. “Floramon told me that Armadillomon used to be in charge of the village ‘cuz he was the bravest and the strongest. But whoever SnowAgumon is working for is someone nobody wants to make mad.”

    “You don’t know who it is?” Jay asked, appreciating a chance to finally get some information.

    “Nuh-uh, sorry. I just know they’re strong and mean. That’s why Armadillomon wants to keep you away from them,” Labramon explained, now looking to Jay. “And Floramon was too nice to not want to help, and I like helping Floramon so…”

    Labramon was cut off as a sharp crack sounded. Their attention back on the fight, Armadillomon was now picking himself up off the ground, bleeding from a series of scratches that SnowAgumon’s claws had struck along his cheek. Floramon had a hand to her mouth, and seemed unsure of what to do, while Wormmon had flinched and was trying hard to keep his eyes shut.

    “You know, if I thought for even one second that you knew where that kid went, or that you were hiding another one from me, I’d report directly to my boss. He’d flatten this entire village, heck, maybe even the forest, faster than you can blink!” SnowAgumon threatened.

    Armadillomon glared at the dino and started to raise his paw to strike before hesitating.

    “Go on, hit me,” SnowAgumon challenged. “You know my boss wouldn’t like that either.”

    The dino chuckled as Armadillomon put his paw back down and opened his mouth to speak. Before anything could be said, SnowAgumon lashed out with a kick from his clawed feet, sending Armadillomon flipping onto his back and leaving his purple underbelly exposed.

    “I can’t watch this,” Jay muttered, moving away from the window.

    “I know, poor Armadillomon…” Labramon agreed before noticing Jay had one paw on the door. “Wait, what are you doing?!”

    “I’m going out there to stop this,” Jay answered, starting to push open the door.

    Labramon dashed behind him and grabbed his vest in her teeth, dragging him backward. Jay pulled against her, resulting in a tug-of-war between the two.

    “SnowAgumon does this sort of stuff all the time, he’s not gonna hurt anyone that bad!” Labramon grunted as she pulled.

    “You’re just gonna let him get away with it?” Jay grunted in response as the struggle continued.

    “I don’t wanna but they said…” Labramon began.

    Before she could finish, Jay managed one last, hard yank. With a yelp of surprise, Labramon lost her grip on his vest, and Jay stumbled back against the door.

    Seeing as the door was basically just a simple piece of wood on a hinge, it fell open the minute Jay landed against it, causing him to land flat on his back on the ground outside. Before he could get up, the boy found himself looking up into the face of SnowAgumon, who was wearing a dastardly grin.

    “Well, well, look at what I found,” He smirked.

    Jay found himself roughly yanked to his feet, one paw wrenched behind his back as SnowAgumon kept a tight grip on the other.

    “So, seems you lot were trying to keep something from me,” SnowAgumon taunted as he tapped one claw against Jay’s watch.

    Armadillomon was back on his feet, a looking worriedly from Jay to Floramon and Wormmon, and then past Jay to Labramon who was standing in the door frame.

    “Well, anything you have to say for yourselves?” SnowAgumon asked as he frog-marched Jay past the former village leader. “I’m sure you guys have some good excuse to keep this place from being blown off the map.”

    Jay had an apologetic expression as he looked over to Armadillomon.

    “Sorry…I just wanted to try and help…” Jay apologized.

    “What’s done is done,” Armadillomon sighed.

    SnowAgumon began to move again, forcing Jay ahead of him. Armadillomon took a deep breath and suddenly charged forward, slashing with one paw across the dino’s exposed back. Floramon, Wormmon and Labramon all gasped, stunned by the sudden display of violence.

    SnowAgumon let out a shout of pain, losing his grip on Jay. The Bearmon felt the claws holding him loosen and pulled away as SnowAgumon turned toward his attacker.

    “Not very smart,” He snarled.

    “Aww, stuff it,” Came Armadillomon’s response. “Ah didn’t let you take the last kid, what makes you think Ah’d let you take him?”

    “Why you…Frozen Wind!” SnowAgumon shouted, a blast of icy cold air issuing from his jaws.

    Armadillomon crouched low to the ground, the freezing wind striking against his shell and forming a layer of frost that began to spread across his back.

    “Armadillomon!” Floramon shouted, finally overcoming her shock.

    “Take this!” Jay shouted as he shoved the white digimon from behind.

    SnowAgumon stumbled, his attack stopping. Armadillomon lifted his body, shaking the frost from his shell as he did. SnowAgumon paid no heed to this as he spun around to face Jay.

    “You should have just come quietly,” Snarled the dinosaur right before taking a deep breath. “[b]Frozen...”p[.b]

    Bear Fist!” Jay suddenly shouted, driving his paw into the SnowAgumon’s stomach.

    The white digimon’s eyes went wide for a split second before the force of the punch sent him tumbling backwards, rolling to a stop right in front of Armadillomon and leaving a trail of scuffed earth behind him.

    “Okay, how did I do that?” Jay wondered, looking at his paw. “That was way stronger than anything I tried in the forest.”

    “Ooooh…Think you’re so tough…” SnowAgumon groaned as he got back to his feet, clawed hands over his stomach. “Ugh…”

    The digimon’s face seemed paler (if that were possible) and he began to stumble toward one of the larger huts in the distance.

    “Just you wait till…My boss gets wind of this…” SnowAgumon threatened as he picked up speed.

    No one made a move to stop him. Jay became aware that the others were all looking at him and Armadillomon now, rather than SnowAgumon who had managed to break into a run and reach his hut. The sound of the door slamming seemed to only drop the mood further.

    “Thanks fer the help there, kid. But…um…” Armadillomon seemed stressed as he looked over to Jay.

    “Something wrong?” Jay asked.

    “You should probably git out of here while you’ve got the chance,” Advised the armadillo.

    “What…but I just…” Jay started to argue.

    “Trust me, there was a reason we didn’t just kick SnowAgumon out of the village ourselves,” Armadillomon explained.

    “That boss he keeps talking about?” Jay guessed. “Who is he anyway?”

    A collective shudder passed through the other digimon present.

    “We don’t like talking about him if we can avoid it,” The caterpillar-like Wormmon admitted.

    “That’s why everyone else has been hiding inside,” Floramon admitted. “If they can just say they never knew you were here, SnowAgumon couldn’t blame them.”

    “Now that we went and stood up to him though, you’d best git while the gittin’s good,” Armadillomon warned. “Ah’d hate to say it, but some of the villagers are so scared they might just decide to hand you over to try and save this place.”

    Jay cast his eyes about, and spotted the door of another hut slam shut, as though the one behind it had been planning just that.

    “I guess I didn’t think of that… Jay apologized. “But why try to help me if he’s…”

    “Cuz whatever they do to this village can’t be worse than what they’re planning to do if they git you,” Armadillmon explained. “Trust me, the further you can git from here now, the better.”

    Jay bit down on his bottom lip, but nodded solemnly. Taking one last look around, he spotted another trail leading from the village clearing and made a beeline for it. Armadillomon sighed as he watched the boy run.


    SnowAgumon grunted as he exited from the separate bath and toiletry area in his hut, having just finished expelling his lunch after Jay’s punch. Originally built for the village leader, the hut was significantly nicer, with separate rooms for bathing, sleeping, and even a large storage chamber for food.

    The white digimon collapsed onto his hay-pile bed, and began digging through it for something.

    “Just wait’ll the boss gets wind of this, he’ll show those punky little good-for-nothings,” Grumbled the albino dino as he pulled out a jet-black crystal.

    “No, he’ll probably get mad at you for bothering him,” Another voice, similar to SnowAgumon’s own chimed in.

    The white digimon looked up with a growl, but stopped as he saw someone step out of the food chamber, munching on an apple. The newcomer could easily pass for SnowAgumon’s twin, but with black scales instead of white.

    “BlackAgumon! How long have you been there?” SnowAgumon asked.

    “I was watching you try to bring that kid in,” BlackAgumon responded, pitching away the apple core with a scowl. “Seriously, one hit and you come running back here? You’re getting too soft just picking on these villagers all the time.”

    “Someone has to remind them who’s in charge here, and all you do is find excuses to sneak around the forest and eavesdrop on them,” countered the white brother. “When’s the last time you caught one of those kids?”

    “Hey, let’s get back to the point here,” countered the black brother, thought clearly flustered. “You really want to tell the boss we had one of those kids in our grasp and you let him get away because he hit you once?”

    “Uh…” SnowAgumon stammered.

    “Not to mention that first one…” BlackAgumon went on.

    “Alright, so what do you think we should do?” SnowAgumon grumbled. “Go after the kid and catch him?”

    “Well, not personally, but that’s why we’ve got these guys, remember?” BlackAgumon grinned, tapping on the food storage door.

    Three scrawny, grey rabbit like digimon hopped into the room, saluting with their gangly arms.

    “Gazimon trio, reporting for duty,” All three intoned.

    “Right then, the Bearmon kid probably didn’t stick around so get out there and round him up!” SnowAgumon ordered.

    “But follow him for a bit first, he might wind up leading us to that other one that got away,” BlackAgumon added.

    “Yes, sirs!” All three rabbits nodded before bounding out the door.

    “Not a bad idea,” SnowAgumon admitted. “We still should do something about those villagers that were trying to help him though. Otherwise they might get rebellious.

    “Good point, any ideas?” BlackAgumon wondered.

    “You’re interested in them now, bro?” The white dino asked.

    “You’re lousy at catching the kids, but good at getting the villagers to obey,” admitted the black one. “What’s the plan?”

    SnowAgumon chuckled. This was starting to look like a good day.


    Jay leaned against a tree, panting for breath. He could hear the sound of something coming from behind him, following along the path. Chancing a glance over his shoulder, he was quite surprised to see it was Labramon.

    “Labramon?” Jay gasped out as he finished catching his breath. “What are you doing here?”

    “I…I wanted to help you,” Labramon explained, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she panted. “Whew, you’re pretty fast…”

    “Help me?” Jay wondered, before taking a step away. “Wait, how do I know you’re not looking to hand me over to SnowAgumon?”

    “No, it’s not like that! Armadillomon and the others sent me.” Labramon denied. “I know someone that could help. I don’t want to say anymore in case someone followed from the village, but you can trust him.”

    “She was trying to protect me in the village…” Jay remembered.

    “Alright, which way?” Jay asked.

    “We need to keep following this trail,” Labramon confirmed, sniffing at the air. “Uh oh…We should hurry!”

    Jay had caught the sent to. An unfamiliar one, but it was getting close. At this point, anyone following them was probably bad news. The duo dashed off along the trail without another word.

    The first of the Gazimon cursed silently at the shifting winds that had carried his scent to the two runners. Signaling to the other two, the trio resumed tracking Jay.


    “Okay, I think we lost them,” Labramon nodded as she and Jay eased up their pace. “And just in time too, we’re almost there!”

    “Good…Don’t think…I’ve ever run so much…” Jay said between gasps for air as he walked along behind Labramon.

    Looking up from his dragging foot-paws, Jay stopped as he saw they must have reached their destination. Labramon had led him to a simple lean-to in the middle of the forest, and seated under it, polishing something with a strip of yellow cloth, was a blue, lizard like digimon. This one seemed more like a kid (though granted, a scaly one), with a short muzzle that had a small spike on the tip and a pair of blue, horn like extensions growing from his head. His blue scales only covered most of his body, with white on his muzzle and belly, and a yellow ‘V’ shape on his forehead.

    What had really caught Jay’s attention though was what this new digimon was wearing. Aside from black, fingerless gloves and matching boots, he had a red watch much like Jay’s around his wrist.

    “Kyle!” Labramon cheered as she padded up to the stand.

    “Hey Sheila!” The digimon grinned, looking up from his work. “Any word from the…Oh, hello.”

    “Kyle? So you’re the other kid the villagers were talking about?” Jay realized before noticing something else. “And you just called Labramon…”

    “Sheila, cuz that’s my name,” nodded the puppy-like digimon before glaring at Kyle. “Are you polishing mine again?”

    “Yup,” Kyle grinned, showing the object he’d been cleaning.

    Jay’s eyes widened again. Another strange watch, this one yellow. Shiela smiled as Kyle placed it around her left foreleg, just above the paw.

    “You’re human too!” Jay finally managed to stammer out.

    “Oh I like this guy, he’s smart,” Kyle chuckled.

    “Sorry for not telling you, but it was Kyle’s idea,” Sheila grinned. “And it was fun getting to be undercover, too.”

    “Under…Huh?” Jay wondered.

    “Maybe we should take this one step at a time, kid,” Kyle suggested, patting Sheila on the head before extending a hand to Jay. “First things first. I’m Kyle, Kyle Matthews. And you are?”

    “Uh, Jay Bawer,” Jay said, accepting the hand/paw shake.

    “Sheila Lighten,” Sheila grinned, adding her paw to the shake as well.

    A smile passed between all three children, right before Jay slumped to his knees.

    “You okay?” Kyle asked, startled by the bear’s sudden collapse.

    “You have no clue what a relief it is to not be alone in this,” Jay managed to choke out, fighting back the urge to cry out of relief.

    Sheila gave Jay a reassuring pat on the back, while Kyle sat down on a nearby tree stump.

    “Sounds like you’ve had a rough time so far,” Kyle sympathized. “Wanna get it off your chest?”


    Back in the village, Armadillomon sighed as he finished bandaging a small poultice of herbs to the scratches left on his face from earlier. Floramon had assured him that no scarring would be left, but it didn’t make trying to open his mouth any less cumbersome thanks to those same bandages.

    He had just finished dealing with a gang consisting of the other villagers. Some were like Floramon and Wormmon, worried about what might happen but feeling the right thing had been done.

    Several others were rallying for more drastic action. Armadillomon had plenty of stern words for them.

    “Those dinos will leave soon as they realize we ain’t squealing,” Armadillomon assured himself as he adjusted the bandages slightly.

    A knock on the door to his hut drew the former village leader’s attention. Putting one paw to the poultice to make sure it would stay in place, he made his way over to answer.

    “Yes…Oh it’s you,” Armadillomon grumbled upon seeing SnowAgumon.


    “Video games to here, huh?” Kyle commented as Jay finished relating everything he’d gone through. “And it’s only your first day?”

    “Yeah,” Jay nodded, before letting out a long sigh. “You know, I actually do feel a lot better now.”

    “That’s good,” Sheila smiled, her tail wagging.

    “So, you know how we can get home, Kyle?” Jay asked hopefully.

    “Oh boy…” Kyle winced, scratching the back of his head. “Thing of it is…I was kind of hoping you could tell me.”

    “What? I don’t even understand how I got here,” Jay countered. “Sheila said you could help.”

    “I’ve been here for about a week now,” Kyle answered, looking sheepish. “If I knew how to get home I’d be long gone, trust me.”

    “But…Sheila,” Jay grumbled, looking at the young pup.

    “I meant he could help protect you from SnowAgumon,” Sheila confessed, her tail and ears drooping. “See, Kyle found me here in the woods after he left File Village…”

    “And Sheila’s been here for a few days longer than I have, but she hadn’t been to the village yet,” Kyle jumped in. “So we figured, neither of us knows much about this ‘Digital World,’ so we shouldn’t just go wandering around.”

    “Kyle thought it’d be best if I went to the village and tried to see what I could learn about SnowAgumon and his boss, while he kept my watch here so they wouldn’t figure me out,” Sheila grinned. “Armadillomon was the only one I told about the plan, cuz Kyle said I could really trust him.”

    “Yeah, I can see that,” Jay agreed, nodding his head before looking to Kyle. “But what were you doing then?”

    “I’ve been trying to get info on this anyway I can,” Kyle explained. “Mostly I’ve just been spying on the deliveries that the village has been receiving, eavesdropping and stuff. Haven’t managed to learn much from that though.”

    “And the lean-to?” Jay wondered.

    “Gotta thank Armadillomon for that one,” Kyle answered.

    “He showed us how to make one in case we needed it, and since it’s all made of branches and leaves no body notices it,” Shiela explained, pacing around the structure as she did.

    “So until we manage to figure something out, Shiela and I have a safe place to crash in case SnowAgumon figures us out,” Kyle finished. “And once we do know where to go, we can just grab our stuff and leave, and make some new cover wherever we stop.”

    “Wow, that’s pretty…Well thought out,” Jay admitted. “I’d probably just be wandering around lost.”

    “My Grandma told me I’m a clever kid,” Kyle smirked. “Fitting you on the plan shouldn’t be too tough, you could probably help run errands to the next town over or something. No one over there would know you.”

    “And get more information while he’s there!” Sheila cheered, jumping for joy.

    “Sounds like a plan, it’s just…” Jay trailed off, rubbing his chin a bit.

    “Go on,” Kyle prompted.

    “I dunno, seems like a weird approach to me,” Jay shrugged.

    “I opted for a ‘better safe than sorry’ sort of deal,” Kyle pointed out. “Unless there’s a good reason to move, no reason to risk running into stuff worse than that dino in the village, right?”

    “Oh, I bet we could think of something,” A voice cut in.

    All three kids jumped to their feet. Two gray blurs suddenly dashed from the trees, smashing into Kyle’s wooden home. In an instant, the lean-to was scattered about the forest floor in pieces, and two lanky, gray rabbits (which Jay’s watch identified as Gazimon) were standing in its place.

    “What…No way,” Kyle stammered out. “I recognize you guys, you work for SnowAgumon!”

    “Yep,” One of the Gazimon nodded, baring his claws.

    “Wasn’t easy following those two here by the way, especially since the pup’s nose is so sharp,” The second one chimed in. “We’ve seen her stalking around near the village edge, but she’d never leave if she picked up on our scents.”

    “But…But I couldn’t smell you guys!” Sheila protested. “I know we lost you way before…”

    Sheila let out a yelp of surprise as a large pile of leaves was dumped on her from behind. Jay and Kyle spun around, finding the third Gazimon had snuck up behind them. A close look at this one, and indeed his two brothers, showed his gray fur was patched with streaks of green.

    “Something we should have thought up a while ago,” The third Gazimon chuckled. “If we had just used the strongest scented plants around to hide our own in the first place, we probably could have ousted you two sooner.”

    “As it is, it looks like we’ll be handing all three of you over to our boss,” Gazimon #2 said with a sneer.

    “So come quietly,” The one that had spoken first ordered.

    “I’m guessing this wasn’t part of your plan,” Jay whispered to Kyle.

    “We never figured they’d catch on, least not so soon,” Kyle answered.

    “What’s it gonna be then, kids?” The third Gazimon asked as Sheila poked her head from the leaf pile.

    “Umm…Kyle, going quietly would be a bad idea, right,” Sheila asked.

    “I’ve got a sneaking suspicion we wouldn’t like where they want to take us,” Kyle nodded.

    “Okay then,” Sheila nodded, digging herself free. “Retriever Bark!

    The air between Sheila and the rabbit that had dumped leaves on her ripple as the sound of a loud dog bark echoed from her mouth. The Gazimon’s shout of surprise was drowned out as he was sent flying backwards into a bush by the force of the blast.

    “Just like back in the village,” Jay realized, looking from Sheila to the paw that had knocked SnowAgumon off his feet.

    “You’re gonna pay for that!” The other two Gazimon shouted, opening their mouths wide. “Stun Blast!

    From each of their mouths blasted a shocking bolt of energy, Kyle dove to the side, while Sheila knocked Jay to the ground to avoid the blast. A sudden scream signaled the dodged blast had instead hit the third Gazimon just as he extricated himself from the bush.

    V Headbutt!” Kyle called out, springing from his dodge and flying skull first at the other two Gazimon.

    Both rabbits tried to move out of the way, one wasn’t fast enough and found himself on the receiving end of the skull bash. He collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest in pain.

    “Um, Sheila? How are you guys doing this?” Jay asked as he got back up.

    “Doing wha…Oh, the attacks?” Sheila realized. “You did one back in the village, didn’t you?”

    “Yeah, but I don’t know how!” Jay shouted.

    The remaining Gazimon had landed and called his attack again, aiming the stunning blast at Kyle who struggled to duck under it.

    “Well it’s kind of…Um…” Sheila thought it over before shrugging. “I dunno, it just sort of happens I think? After the first time I had a real easy time doing it again.”

    “Little help here?!” Kyle shouted, dodging a swipe from the claws of the Gazimon he had struck before.

    Jay gulped, but dashed forward, clenching the digits on his paw into a fist. The Gazimon he was charging at snarled and swung out with his claws…

    Bear Fist!” Jay shouted, his paw meeting the rabbit’s.

    A sharp crack rent the air, and the Gazimon hopped away, cradling a paw full of broken claws and howling in pain. Jay fell back with a shout of his own, cradling a paw that had been cut deeply by the Gazimon’s claws.

    Another bark from Sheila echoed, rippling the air and knocking the only uninjured Gazimon off his feet. The rabbit hopped back up and sprang toward Kyle, knocking him over before the boy could react and digging his claws into his shoulders.

    Kyle pushed hard with his legs, knocking the Gazimon off. The wicked lagomorph landed on his feet in front of Jay, only for the ursine digimon to shove him from behind with his good paw. The attack, unexpected and unannounced, sent the gray rabbit sprawling to the ground.

    “Oof…Cheap shot…” Complained the Gazimon as he crawled away from Jay.

    “Well, you guys started it,” Kyle pointed out as the second Gazimon (the one now featuring a pawful of broken claws) helped his brother up.

    The third one, that had been on the receiving end of his sibling’s stun blasts, hopped over the kids and landed next to his brothers. His fur was now scorched black in a few patches, and some smoke still rose from him.

    “Just you kids wait,” Warned the smoking bunny with a scowl. “We can track you three easy now, and our boss is gonna…”

    He stopped and looked to his brothers.

    “Wait, do we know what he’s gonna do with these three?” He realized.

    “Nothing nice, that’s for sure,” The unscarred brother grumbled.

    “Yeah!” The second one chimed in, pointing at the kids with a broken talon.

    “We’re not scared of SnowAgumon,” Sheila scoffed.

    “Well he’s not the one you need to worry about,” The burned rabbit grunted. “We’ll be after you to finish this soon enough.”

    Without another word, the three rabbits were off in streaks of gray. Soon even the scent of burnt fur had faded from the woods.

    Kyle looked over the remains of his temporary home, trembling a bit before looking over to Jay and Sheila.

    “You two okay?” He asked.

    “This…This looks pretty deep,” Jay muttered, looking over his injured paw.

    “Oh!” Sheila gasped, dashing over to his side. “Hang on. Heal Liquor!

    Jay was about to ask what she was doing when a warm glow surrounded the girl. Sheila gently nuzzled against Jay’s paw, sending a pleasant tingling sensation through it. After just a few moments, the bleeding and pain had vanished, leaving the paw whole (if a bit stiff).

    “She can…No way…” Jay muttered, clutching his head as Sheila set to work on Kyle’s shoulders as well.

    “After everything else you went through today, this surprises you?” Kyle chuckled, rubbing his newly healed shoulder as Sheila started on the other one.

    “It takes to much time to use it during a fight,” Sheila admitted. “I haven’t had to use it that much.”

    “So, feel good enough to walk then?” Kyle asked as Jay got back to his feet.

    “I guess,” Jay nodded, finally tearing his eyes from his paw.

    “Good. I don’t think any of us want to see just who or what those Gazimon were talking about,” Kyle stated, picking through the remains of his lean-to and managing to extract a simple cloth sack with only a few tears in it. “I’ve kept all the spare supplies packed, just in case, thankfully.”

    “We’re leaving?” Sheila interrupted, her ears drooping. “But what about the villagers?”

    “Yeah, SnowAgumon kept picking on them to try and find you,” Jay pointed out, stomping over to the reptile-boy. “If we leave now, things might get worse!”

    “Think about this, you two,” Kyle sighed, leaning on the bag. “The Gazimon already found us. Their boss, and SnowAgumon, really want to catch us. If they can’t find us back here, don’t you think they’ll need to come look for us?”

    “Which means…They’d leave the village…” Jay realized.

    “Trust me, I don’t like the idea of the villagers getting in trouble anymore than you,” Kyle assured the bear. “I would have chosen some other way to get those jerks to leave, but this’ll do in a pinch.”

    “Then why didn’t you…” Jay started.

    “Armadillomon’s idea. I don’t know why but he’s really determined to protect us,” Kyle cut in, holding up a hand to silence Jay. “I wanted to go back and drive SnowAgumon out but he kept stopping me or sending Sheila back to make sure I stayed put.”

    “He finally stopped fighting it a couple days ago,” Sheila explained as Jay looked to her for confirmation. “But…do we really have to leave now?”

    “Sheila, I guarantee that Armadillomon won’t let us help if he thinks…” Kyle began.

    “I know, but…I wanna say goodbye to Floramon,” the puppy explained.

    Kyle’s look of stunned silence mirrored Jay’s. The two looked at one another, and Jay simply shrugged.

    “If we use those leaves, they wouldn’t smell us coming,” He suggested.

    “Please?” Sheila whimpered, her eyes shining as she looked up at Kyle.

    “Oh man…I’m probably gonna regret this,” Kyle grumbled, shouldering the bag. “Fine, but it’s gonna be fast. You’re in, say bye, and you’re out.”

    “Got it!” Sheila nodded, dashing over the leaf pile that had been left behind and jumping in.


    Wormmon let out a groan as he hit the ground again, covered in fresh scratches and bruises. Armadillomon was practically foaming at the mouth as he struggled to break free of the ropes holding him in place.

    “Aww, what’s the matter? You didn’t complain much when you were getting the pounding,” SnowAgumon taunted.

    Armadillomon had been tackled and tied up by the Agumon brothers shortly after opening his door to them. He had been dumped right into the center of the village, and been forced to watch as the saurian bullies gathered all the villagers and beat them senseless one-by-one. A few had tried to fight back, only for threats against the safety of the village to force them into submission.

    “M…Maybe we shouldn’t have…” Wormmon struggled to say.

    “Don’t say it,” Armadillomon huffed. “We ain’t the type to hand a couple of kids over to bullies just to save our own skins.”

    “It’s not your own skin you should be worried about,” BlackAgumon warned placing a foot on the armadillo’s back. “It everyone else’s. And besides, those kids are as good as ours already. This is just so you don’t forget who’s in charge.”

    “And don’t even think of fighting back or running,” SnowAgumon warned a couple of the jumpier hostages. “Now let’s see which of you is next…”


    “Oh crud, I did not expect something like this,” Kyle gasped as Floramon was pulled from the group.

    “No!” Sheila gasped, struggling to run forward along side Jay, only for Kyle to grab them both by their shoulders.

    “Hang on! This might be a trap!” Kyle warned, pulling his comrades back. “There’s no sign of the Gazimon anywhere, they might be planning an ambush in case we come running into the village!”

    “You’re half right,” A voice chuckled from behind.

    “I’ve got to start checking behind me more often,” Kyle realized.

    Before any of the three kids could turn around, a trio of energy beams slammed into them! Jay, Kyle and Sheila all screamed as the force of the blast launched them from their hiding spot at the edge of the forest and onto one of the village trails. Armadillomon and the rest of the villagers seemed crestfallen at the sight.

    “You learned to hide your scent, not bad,” Commended the Gazimon with broken claws. “Next you should practice moving and planning quietly.”

    “Yeah. Thanks for deciding to go back to the village though. Saved us the trouble of dragging you all here,” The one with scorched fur laughed.

    “Well, there you guys are!” SnowAgumon grinned, leaving Floramon under his brother’s gaze as he stomped over to the Gazimon and their captives. “About time, too!”

    “Sorry sir, they were a bit tougher than expected,” The unmarked Gazimon apologized, planting a foot on Kyle’s back as he tried to get up.

    “Just what do you want with us anyway?” Jay managed to ask, his body tingling from the electric shock.

    “Our boss has an interest in meeting with you kids,” SnowAgumon explained. “You three are supposed to play a key part in his master plan. ‘Course, he promised me, the Gazi’s, and my bro over there a hefty reward if we were the ones that caught you.”

    SnowAgumon rubbed his stomach and growled as he raised his claws overhead. Ice crystals crackled along the tips of them as he glared down at Jay.

    “Guess he won’t mind if you’re a little roughed up though. I owe you for that punch from earlier,” Snarled the dino. “Frozen Claw!

    Jay winced, expecting to feel stabbing pain in a brief second.

    Stamen Rope!” A voice cut in.

    A length of green and purple vine snapped around SnowAgumon’s claw, stopping it in mid-swing. The white digimon snarled as he cast his gaze over to the offender.

    Floramon had freed one of her arms from BlackAgumon’s grasp, and the vine extended from her flower-like hand. BlackAgumon was pulling her back, trying to break her grasp to no avail.

    “What did we say about fighting back!?” BlackAgumon threatened, his own claws pointing at Floramon’s throat.

    “I…I just can’t take anymore!” Floramon snapped, eliciting a gasp from Sheila, Armadillomon and several other hostages. “I’ve watched you beat my friends day after day, and even after you finally get what you’re after you’re still not satisfied?!”

    “Have it your way,” BlackAgumon sneered, flames gathering in his mouth. “Baby Fla…”

    Sticky Net!” Wormmon’s voice cut in, a glob of white threads spraying from the caterpillar’s mouth and entangling the hostile digimon.

    Floramon took advantage of the moment to break free, leaving BlackAgumon to fall to the ground, pinned by the threads.

    “That’s it, you two are finished!” Snow and BlackAgumon both shouted together.

    Two of the Gazimon had jumped forward, knocking Floramon and Wormmon aside, the third staying to keep the kids pinned down (not that it mattered since they were still numb). Both digimon grunted, Floramon’s vine going slack and freeing SnowAgumon, whilst BlackAgumon’s clawed his way free of the silk that held him.

    “There, that should learn ya,” BlackAgumon warned, before spinning to the other hostages. “And as for the…rest…um…”

    He trailed off. Armadillomon had been cut free and was tapping one paw with a very displeased look on his face. Behind him, a few of the villagers took advantages of the sudden turn in mood. They grabbed SnowAgumon and shoved him roughly to a spot next to his brother. The Gazimon were watching in shock, unsure of what to do.

    “To be honest, Ah’d hope it wouldn’t come to this,” Armadillomon sighed, shaking his head. “But Floramon’s right. If ya’ll got the kids and still ain’t satisfied…”

    He stamped one paw.

    Snow and BlackAgumon screamed as a barrage of small fireballs and various colored energy bolts smashed into them, leaving them a lying on the ground with smoke rising from their bodies. The two Gazimon that had separated from their brother spun to respond, only to notice a second to late that Armadillomon was running right at them.

    Diamond Shell!” The village leader shouted, curling into a ball and rolling extremely quickly toward the rabbits.

    Both of them were knocked to the ground faster than they could blink, and a spray of white thread from Wormmon kept them pinned there.

    “Well, this isn’t good…” Muttered the remaining Gazimon.

    He then noticed that, though he still held Kyle down, Jay and Sheila had taken advantage of the confusion to get to their feet. A combined shoulder tackle from the two sent him sprawling onto his back. As he tried to get up, Kyle launched right into him with a head butt, knocking him senseless.

    “This…This isn’t over!” SnowAgumon threatened as Armadillmon stomped over to the two.

    “Please, ya’ll think we couldn’t have done this earlier?” Armadillomon warned. “Couple o’ these ‘mons may of considered trying to rat the kids out for a bit, but most of them just wanted ya’ll outta town.”

    “What!” BlackAgumon shouted.

    “This is our home, we didn’t want to just leave or see it destroyed,” Floramon elaborated.

    “Hey, wait! We never said it would definitely be destroyed…” SnowAgumon attempted to bargain.

    “Only reason we took the chance we did,” Armadillmon growled. “But if it’s come down to trading the village to save someone from yer master’s slimy claws, then that’s that.”

    The villagers had been gathering the three Gazimon, and dumped them in a heap next to the Agumon brothers.

    “Ah’d git if Ah were you,” Armadillomon warned as the five baddies scrambled to their feet.

    The Agumon and Gazimon brothers looked among the villagers, most of whom were preparing fresh attacks, and sped off as fast as they could.


    “So you kept chasing me and Jay here off…” Kyle realized.

    “’Cuz I hoped those varmints would follow after you,” Armadillomon nodded. “Can you kids forgive me?”

    “Awww, you were just trying to help the villagers,” Sheila grinned, patting him on the head with one paw.

    “I still feel kind of used…” Jay grumbled. “But then Sheila…”

    “We never imagined she’d blend in as well as she did,” Floramon explained as she scratched the pup’s ears. “If I didn’t know better I’d swear she was born right over in Primary Village.”

    “Thanks!” Sheila giggled.

    “You thought she’d give herself away, and me by extension,” Kyle realized with a sigh. “Then again, I guess none of us counted on how dumb those dinos really were.”

    “I still don’t like the thought of being bait,” Jay pointed out. “But it was to save your home…”

    Jay extended on paw to Armadillmon, who smiled and accepted.

    “No hard feelings, I guess,” Jay sighed.

    “But next time maybe let us in on the plan,” Kyle advised.

    “Shouldn’t need to be a next time,” Armadillomon sighed. “RAMville ain’t to far from here, but we should be hittin’ the road all the same.”

    “And we’re looking to Motherboard City,” Kyle nodded. “Biggest city around out should be a good place to continue our search.”

    “Ah hope ya’ll find a way home soon,” Armadillomon wished. “But don’t be ‘fraid to come pay us a visit if you come our way.”

    “I’ll miss you a lot, Floramon,” Sheila lamented, nuzzling against the plant.

    “Aww, I’ll miss you two,” Floramon whispered, hugging Sheila. “At least we had some good times though, right?”

    “Yeah, and thanks for the extra supplies!” Sheila grinned.

    “Better not drag this out, those guys might make good on their threat,” Kyle pointed out, gesturing toward the eastern exit from the village.

    “Good luck at your new village you guys,” Jay smiled as he and his two new companions started toward the trail.

    A cacophony of well wishes and goodbyes echoed behind them as the kids left.


    “WHAT!” Both the Agumon brothers shouted together.

    The Agumon and Gazimon brothers had found a spot to rest north of the village, and had just received a message from a rather strange new digimon. Not many details were visible on the shadowy figure, but he seemed to be wearing rather festive clothes and a jester’s cap, the bells of which jingled as he shook his head.

    “This is why I loathe dealing with you two, always needing things repeated,” The creature grumbled as he jabbed a finger to the Gazimon. “These three have been promoted, since they successfully tracked down the kids while you picked on a few meager villagers.”

    “So we don’t have to take orders from these losers anymore then? Sweet!” The broken-clawed Gazimon cheered.

    “Then what about File Village?” SnowAgumon practically whined.

    “Do you honestly think our master cares whether one village decided to oppose his most incompetent flunkies?” The messenger asked. “Honestly, he only let you two take things as far as you did because he didn’t think it would hurt to let you have a little fun. Obviously that’s not the case.”

    Snow and BlackAgumon lowered their heads in shame as the jester-capped figure began to fade.

    “Besides, as soon as the master’s plan reaches completion, the whole of the Digital World will be following us willingly,” He pointed out. “What should one village of dissenters matter now?”

    A/N: Ninja edit for spelling, etc, and to apologies for a technical double post.
    Last edited by Fenrir; 27th February 2010 at 09:18 PM.

  3. #3
    Beginning Trainer
    Beginning Trainer

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    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Digimon: Explorers

    A/N: Before allowing you all to read this chapter, I'd like to remind you to please leave a review. It's the only way I can really improve in my writing and it's just common courtesy. That being said, enjoy.

    Hitting the Road

    “What should one village of dissenters matter now?” Snapped the jester as he glared at the two dino digimon projected in front of him. “Espermon, out.”

    “But…!” Both of the Agumon tried to interrupt, right before the transmission cut out.

    Waving one hand, the amusingly dressed Espermon shooed away the large eyeball with bat wings that had been projecting the message.

    “I swear those idiots are going to be the death of me,” muttered the clown as he paused in front of the mirror in his personal chambers and noted his colorful cap was on crooked. “Oh dear, seems their slovenly ways are already rubbing off on me…”

    Taking a moment to adjust his yellow and orange cap, Espermon made sure the rest of his quilt-patterned outfit was in place. Orange and yellow from head to toe, with only a blue mask that covered the entirety of his head adding any variation. There were no eye or mouth openings in the cloth (which raised questions of how he saw through it), but an eye pattern was embroidered on the front in white.

    “Honestly, I just can’t understand that fashion sense of yours,” A haughty, female voice taunted from the bat creature, hovering around near the ceiling.

    “Ah, wonderful, it’s you,” Espermon said with heavy sarcasm. “And to what do I owe this call?”

    “Our lord is in need of your services, Espermon,” The voice explained. “He asked me to send for you.”

    “Ah, I see,” Espermon realized, the sarcasm dropped as he strode over to the door. “I shall be there soon.”

    An eerie, feminine laugh echoed from the bat-winged eye as it swooped down to Espermon. He gave the disturbing beast a pat as it alighted on his shoulder.

    “One more call to make, Eyemon, and this one won’t take long,” Espermon ordered. “Voice only, no need for an image.”

    The eyeball shimmered as Espermon walked along. A soft snoring could be heard over the living phone line, drawing a sigh from its master.

    “Wake up, you oaf,” Espermon ordered, snapping his finger for emphasis.

    A snort, then a low growl from the other end.

    “You’re almost as useless as those dull-witted Agumon,” Espermon lamented. “Haven’t you picked up her scent yet?”

    “It’s…Difficult,” Snarled the other voice. “I tracked it down, but it’s vanished deep in the forest. No signs of…”

    “I don’t want your excuses and neither does our master,” Espermon cut off as he stood before a pair of ornately carved doors. “Now listen to me. Some of those children are in the woods near File Village. I don’t care if it’s the girl you were chasing before or not, catch someone or it won’t just be my neck on the line. Understood?”

    “Yes sir, I can reach the forest within two days,” Growled the response, the connection closing.

    Taking a deep breath, Espermon opened the doors before him. The chamber beyond was lit by torches along the wall, which did little dispel the shadows the room was doused in. A single column of moonlight shone through an opening in the ceiling above, casting a spotlight on the ebony throne in the center of the chamber. Espermon approached the throne and kneeled before its occupant.

    “My lord…I regret to inform you that…” Espermon began.

    “My other servants have failed to find any of the children, correct?” Guessed the figure seated in the throne, setting down the book he had been reading.

    “…Not entirely.” Espermon elaborated. “Three of them have been sighted in the forests near File Village. I’m afraid the Agumon and Gazimon brothers lost track of them, however.”

    A hollow chuckle came from Espermon’s master, “I must say that I’m surprised they found any trace of those kids. I do hope you weren’t too hard on them.”

    “What of the children, my lord?” Espermon asked, quickly changing the subject. “If we lose track of them now…”

    “The problem isn’t losing them, the problem is finding the right ones to bring them in,” his master cut off.

    “Then leave that to us!” A voice echoed from above.

    Two figures, each with leathery black wings and deathly-gray complexions swooped into the room through the moonlit hole in the ceiling. Alighting on the ground behind Espermon, both bowed their heads.

    “Finding and capturing those children would be a trivial task, my lord!” The one that had spoken earlier boasted.

    “Yes, why not leave it to us?” Asked the more feminine figure, whose voice marked her as the one that had called Espermon just a moment ago.

    “Your strength must be saved, my lieutenants,” The lord of the keep ordered. “What point is there in using a chainsaw to remove a few small weeds?”

    “Sir!” Both of the winged minions nodded.

    “Now then, Espermon,” The master went on. “Given that we know their general location, surely you would be able to divine something?”

    “I’ve been attempting so, my lord, but it is difficult with these children,” Espermon reported, reaching into one of the pockets of his uniform and pulling out a shimmering crystal. “I think, perhaps, since the children are not of this world it made it difficult to spy on them using my powers.”

    “But the search area has been narrowed substantially,” Pointed out the master.

    “It has, and I’ve already placed a more competent servant to work on that,” Espermon reported.
    “Shall I attempt to track the children again for you, sire?”

    The master of the castle nodded, and Espermon concentrated on the crystal he held. An aura of shimmering energy surrounded his body as the gem began to glow.


    Kyle stopped and glanced over his shoulder. The light of the setting sun was coming through the trees and the Veemon boy had taken position at the head of the three-kid caravan in order to better watch for other digimon during their trip.

    “Shiela’s too young to be a real good judge of character and Jay hasn’t even been here a full day,” Kyle had reasoned as he signaled to the Labramon and Bearmon. “Fortunately we haven’t run into anyone else yet.”

    “How you holding up?” Kyle asked as Shiela bounded up to his side.

    “Great, I can keep this up all day!” Shiela giggled, the puppy’s tail wagging.

    “How about you…Jay?” Kyle gasped as the bear cub stopped in his tracks, wavering on his feet.

    Jay let out a weak moan and fell face-first to the ground with a thud. His new travelling companions were at his side in an instant, Shiela charging up her healing ability.

    “Jay? Come on, man, what’s wrong?” Kyle asked, turning his newest teammate onto his back.

    A surprising answer came in the form of a loud growling/gurgling noise from the new digimon’s midsection. Shiela stopped in mid-charge up as Jay weakly placed one paw against his stomach.

    “Ugh…I’m starving!” Jay moaned out. “Don’t think I’ve eaten anything since breakfast yesterday…”

    Shiela breathed a sigh of relief while Kyle actually chuckled at the turn of events.

    “You should have just said something,” Kyle suggested as he removed his rucksack from his shoulders and began rooting through it.

    “Between getting over a stomach flu, turning into a Digimon and escaping a couple of dinosaurs that wanted to hand me over to their master, eating was kinda the last thing on my mind,” Jay admitted as Shiela helped him into a sitting position.

    “Good thing the villagers had some extra food to give us, huh?” Shiela asked as Kyle pulled out three small loaves of bread.

    Breaking one in half to check it, Kyle grinned, “Alright, Floramon gave us some of those breads with the fruit and nuts inside. You’re gonna love this, Jay.”

    Kyle held out an unbroken loaf to Jay, only to snatch his hand away as the boy-turned-Bearmon snapped it up in a flash. Shiela burst into a giggling fit as Kyle began counting his fingers, while Jay set about devouring the loaf.

    “Shorry ‘bout that…” Jay grunted through his full mouth.

    “No harm done,” Kyle answered, making certain that he wasn’t missing a digit.


    “Hmmm…Right in the forest like we thought,” Espermon reported as the crystal he held projected an aerial image of the three children.

    “Indeed,” Answered his master. “Who do we have that’s close enough to capture them?”

    “At the moment, no one that we could trust,” Espermon sighed. “Given their personal record I have no faith in the Agumon, and these kids have already proved themselves a match for the Gazimon. And my other servant wouldn’t be able to catch up with them before they left.”

    “True. Even if they were to catch up the children will have had time to recover,” The Master answered.

    “My lord…Forgive me if I speak above my station but why don’t we send our stronger warriors out to capture them?” Espermon wondered. “I would be able to manage it simply enough…”

    “First off, Espermon, the stronger warriors are needed where they are now to keep things under control,” His Master advised, a threatening aura glowing around him. “And second, do not forget that these are my warriors.”

    Espermon gulped as he felt the energy coming from his leader. “Yes, my lord…”


    It was dark by the time all three had finished eating, their eyes slowly adjusting to the lack of light (and giving Jay a chance to be impressed with how well he could see in the dark now). Kyle was tying the (now noticeably lighter) bag shut, while Jay laid back, rubbing his stomach.

    “Whew…I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much,” Jay realized.

    “It’s got something to do with us changing, I think,” Shiela commented. “We’re faster and stronger than when we were human but we’ve gotta eat a lot more.”

    “Yeah, I’ve probably eaten more in a week here than I do in a month back home,” Kyle added, looking around.

    “Something wrong?” Shiela asked, noticing Kyle had gone silent.

    “I just didn’t figure on it getting dark before we reached Motherboard,” Kyle frowned. “I’ve been keeping the trail in view so we wouldn’t get lost.”

    “Maybe we should rest here?” Jay suggested, a yawn escaping from his muzzle.

    “But what if the Agumon are following us?” Shiela fretted.

    “They could have attacked while we were eating just now if that were the case,” Kyle thought allowed. “Still, we should probably take turns keeping watch. Jay, you wanna…”

    Kyle trailed off. Jay had curled up and was softly snoring, sound asleep.

    “Guess it is still his first day and all,” Kyle sighed as Shiela lay down as well. “I’ll keep first watch then, you okay taking second, Sheila?”

    “Okay,” Shiela nodded, looking nervous as she gave one last glance about before laying down her head.

    “Don’t worry, if I even think something is coming I’ll have you guys up in a flash,” Kyle assured the girl.

    Shiela just nodded her head as she dozed off, Kyle took one last look around before repositioning himself with his back to one of the trees.

    “’I can help you get away from it all.’” Kyle thought, recalling a message he had seen. “If I ever find out who sent me that text…”

    The thought trailed off, the boy’s mind wandering for a minute before shaking his head frantically.

    “Great, shouldn’t have taken the first watch. Now I’m just going to be stuck thinking about that,” Kyle lamented. “Why’d she come back in the first place?”


    “I can see them.” A soft, female voice whispered.

    “Great. We ready to go?” A second voice responded.

    “One of them is still up, he might wake up the other two…” Cautioned the first.

    “Eh, point. Better wait until he nods off.” The second consented.

    “…I think he…No, wait, he’s not asleep.” Observed the first whisperer.

    “He’s got his head down and everything.” The second one argued.

    “Shh…Listen. I think he’s crying.” The first pointed out.

    “…Oh, give it a little while longer, we should have something to eat before we go in anyway.” Muttered the second one.


    Shiela paced around in a small circle, doing her best to stay awake now that she was on watch. The Labramon stopped in her tracks to look over her sleeping companions before resuming the trail she’d been following.

    “Gotta stay awake,” She coached herself, maintaining her pace. “Jay and Kyle are counting on me to stay awake…”

    “They most certainly are…” An eerie voice echoed.

    Shiela spun around, her heart hammering in her chest at the sound of the voice.

    “No…He couldn’t have found me…” Shiela thought.

    She gasped as the shadows of the forest began to move, creeping over everything. Jay and Kyle, still sleeping, were slowly being covered by the darkness. Shiela struggled to cry out, to try to reach the boys and help them, but only found herself straining against the shadows that were covering her.

    “I told you that I’d find you, pup,” Snarled the voice as a monstrous canine in black armor appeared before the girl. “Now you and your little friends are mine!”

    Shiela tried to scream again, but failed. Her throat felt clogged, her mouth refused to open, and her entire body felt paralyzed. Pushing with all her might, she managed to kick out with one leg…


    “Yeowch!” Jay shouted as Shiela’s hind paw slammed into the top of his head.

    The Bearmon sat up, rubbing the top of his skull and looked around. Kyle was kneeling next to Shiela, who was also awake and panting like she had just run a marathon at full speed.

    “Shiela, you alright?” Jay wondered.

    “Bad dream…” The girl managed to stammer out, curling up and trembling as she did. “Just a bad dream, thank God…”

    “Sorry about that, Jay,” Kyle apologized quickly. “I heard her moaning in her sleep and when I tried to wake her up to see what was wrong…”

    “I think I can figure the rest out,” Jay winced, rubbing his head again and checking for blood. “Is she gonna be okay?”

    Sheila was still trembling as Kyle gently scratched her behind the ears.

    “Whatever that dream was must have scared you bad, huh Sheila?” Kyle guessed.

    “Uh, yeah…It’s okay, just you, me and Kyle now,” Jay added, trying to reassure the pup.

    Sheila nodded slowly, her breathing and heart rate starting to return to normal. A sudden rustling of leaves drew a sharp gasp from the frightened girl though. Kyle and Jay both jumped at the sound as well, looking upward for the source of it.

    “Probably just the wind?” Jay guessed, trying to remain optimistic.

    “Yeah…Just the wind,” Kyle nodded, as Sheila huddled by his feet.

    “I smell something…” She whispered. “Someone is up there.”

    “I was really hoping that was just my imagination,” Jay sighed.

    From the trees above, a barrage of small, black and red fireballs rained down. Sheila yelped in surprise as the flames landed all about the kids, exploding with loud pops and bursts of sparks. Adding to the confusion, a barrage of sparkling crystals flew in from the shadows of the trees around them, exploding as they made contact with the ground and other trees and only further adding to the confusion.

    “What now?!” Jay shouted over the popping of the crystals and flames as he and the other two ducked and skittered away from the attacks.

    “Finding cover sound good?” Kyle responded.

    “Works for me!” Jay and Sheila both agreed.

    Without another word, and with the barrage of explosions still on their heels, the three kids dashed from their unofficial campsite, into the darkness of the forest around them. The attacks slowly came to a halt, and one of the attackers jumped down from the trees with a chuckle.

    “Did you see the look on their faces?” He laughed, stomping out the last few flames started by his attacks. “That was too easy!”

    “That was reckless is what it was,” A second figure hissed as she slipped out from behind another tree. “And would you be quiet? They might come back!”

    “Not before we’ve had a chance to see what they were packin’,” The first figure answered as he picked up Kyle’s bag. “Besides, they were all shook up from the fuss that Labramon made. It was the perfect chance to jump ‘em!”

    “Maybe but…Wait a second, aren’t we missing someone?” The second figure realized.

    “Oh right, he should be waiting in the woods for us to get back, same as always.” The first responded.

    “And what if those three find him out there?” Asked the second figure, now sounding worried.

    “Um…Huh, didn’t think of that,” The first admitted. “We should probably…”

    “No, you wait here. That way we don’t both get lost looking for him,” The second raider cut off. “I won’t be long.”

    The first raider watched as his partner took off into the forest. Shrugging, he opened Kyle’s backpack and began rummaging through its contents.

    “Wouldn’t hurt to see what we’re taking before they get back,” He told himself.


    Jay and Kyle, in the meantime, had managed to dash a fair distance from their former campsite. The boys’ panicked run slowed as they realized nothing was chasing them, and they finally stopped all together.

    “Okay…” Jay panted as he leaned against a tree to catch his breath. “What. The heck. Was that?”

    “No clue,” Kyle admitted. “I doubt it was the Gazimon though.”

    “Yeah, they wouldn’t have let us get away,” Jay agreed, glancing around. “Hey wait a…Where’d Sheila go?”

    “Wasn’t she behind you?” Kyle asked, now looking worried.

    “I thought she was following you,” Jay answered.

    Both boys stood in shocked silence for a split second before Kyle began pacing.

    “Okay, okay…We didn’t run that far, Sheila must have lost us in the dark is all,” He reasoned out. “You can sniff her out…”

    “We all rolled around in those leaves to keep the Gazimon from following us, remember?” Jay reminded the Veemon, now lamenting a seemingly good idea.

    “Then we do this the old fashioned way,” Kyle stated. “We split up and meet back here in a few minutes. Sound good?”

    “Better than anything I’ve got,” Jay nodded, taking off his vest and hanging it from the branch of the tree he had leaned on. “We can use this as a marker so we don’t get lost too.”

    “Good idea, let’s go,” Kyle nodded.

    The two digimon dashed off in two different directions. Kyle heading back the way they had come, Jay simply choosing a random tangent and taking off. The blue vest fluttered a bit as a breeze of cool night air flew past.

    A shadowy figure tromped up to the tree and tilted its head curiously. It had been watching the two boys as they planned and then dashed off and had seen the Bearmon remove its vest and hang it on the branch. Looking around, the creature grinned as it removed the vest from its position and putting it on itself.

    Satisfied with its new acquisition, the figure trotted away, humming to itself.


    “Oh no, oh no, oh no…” Sheila panicked as she assessed her situation.

    The Labramon girl had somehow lost track of Jay and Kyle during their hurried escape. Now she was spinning this way and that, struggling to find some sort of landmark to guide her back to her friends.

    “Just…Just try shouting for them?” Sheila thought. “But what if he hears…Or if he already caught one of the others…No! That was just a bad dream, he doesn’t know where I am.”

    Sheila’s nose twitched as she caught a familiar scent. In spite of the thorough coating of leaves and bark scent that she and the boys had used, the puppy digimon’s sense of smell was still able to pick up on the subtle difference between the forest’s scent and the scent of her friends since she had figured out what to look for after the trouble with the Gazimon. That combined with the sound of humming brought her a sense of relief.

    “Jay!” Sheila realized as she started toward the scent.

    “Found you!” Sheila cheered as she jumped over a bush and landed on the back of the hummer.

    The creature she landed on, however, let out a startled cry and quickly bucked her off. Sheila grunted in pain as she hit the ground, but pushed herself back up as she heard the rustle of leaves. The girl couldn’t help but stare at the sight that now greeted her.

    Whatever she had just jumped on, it wasn’t Jay (though she could tell it was wearing his vest). Currently trying to hide itself in a bush, but failing as it got tangled in the branches, was a digimon that seemed close in body shape to a young velociraptor.

    Rather than scales though, this digimon was covered in purple fur, and had broad foot paws like a wolf. Its tail was best compared to that of a fox, complete with white on the tip, and its stubby arms were flailing a bit as it struggled first to push further into, then extricate itself from its chosen hiding place.

    Slowly, Sheila raised the paw that her watch was attached to and aimed it at the creature. As it finally pulled itself free and landed on its rear, a projection of the new digimon hovered over the face of Sheila’s watch.

    “Hmm…Dorumon,” Sheila read.

    Thus identified, the fuzzy raptor turned around and looked at Sheila.

    “He sure doesn’t seem all that scary,” Sheila thought as the digimon stared at her, curiously.

    “Um…Sorry about jumping on you like that,” Sheila apologized, looking slightly embarrassed. “That vest made me think you were someone else.”

    Dorumon began to pace around Sheila, sniffing at her curiously and giving an especially long glance at her watch (in spite of her best attempts to hide it).

    “Did…Uh…Did you lose your friends too?” Sheila wondered, becoming uncomfortable with the close scrutiny from the new digimon.

    Dorumon shook his head, a big smile crossing his muzzle before looking around. The smile faded quickly as he looked back and forth several times before turning back to Sheila and sheepishly nodding his head.

    “Well…Maybe you’ve seen my friends around? That vest belongs to one of them. He’s a Bearmon, and the other is a Veemon,” Sheila smiled.

    Dorumon nodded sheepishly, before jerking his head in the direction he had come from.

    “Great, I’ll bet Kyle and Jay can help us find your friends,” Sheila grinned as she and Dorumon plodded off deeper into the forest.


    Kyle’s head kept snapping left and right as he ran, searching for any sign of Sheila. The Veemon panted as he looked ahead, spotting the dark lump that was his supply bag, and realizing that he had run clear back to where he had started.

    “Drat,” He panted, taking a deep breath as he prepared to start shouting for the girl.

    Then he noticed that someone was rummaging through his bag.

    “What the…Hey!” Kyle shouted, charging at the would-be-thief.

    “Huh? Oh cru…!” The figure gasped as he pulled away from the sack.

    “Vee-Knockout!” Kyle called out, his powerful legs kicking against the ground and sending him hurtling fist-first at the raider.

    A solid crack echoed as Kyle made contact, sending the pillager flying into a group of nearby shrubbery. Not missing a beat, Kyle pointed his other fist at the figure now clawing its way from the bushes.

    In a second, his watch had projected the image of a rather mischievous looking child-like digimon with purple skin. One wearing a red scarf and red gloves over its three-fingered hands. A short, forked tail extended from his behind, and a pair of horn-like extensions donned its head.

    “Impmon, huh?” Kyle read out. “And just what did you think you were doing going through my stuff?”

    “Your stuff?” Impmon growled as he finally pulled loose from the shrubs. “Hey, finders-keepers buddy. You left it behind.”

    “Well sorry, but my friends and I need those supplies,” Kyle protested.

    “Yeah? Tell it to this,” Impmon responded, snapping his fingers. “Night of fire! Badda-boom!”

    That one finger-snap send a barrage of black and red fireballs flying at Kyle. The boy-turned-digimon quickly shielded his face and chest by crossing his arms, wincing as he felt several of the flames burst against his arms with a series of loud bangs and pops.

    “Who’s laughing now?” Impmon chuckled.

    Kyle lowered his arms and kicked off again, with a battle-cry of, “Vee-Headbutt!”

    Impmon dodged to the side as Kyle launched toward him, laughing as the blue digimon barreled head-first past him right toward a tree. Impmon’s laughter ceased as Kyle managed to flip in mid-air and kick off the tree, wrapping both arms around the little demon digimon as he tackled him to the ground.

    “Now then, if I let you up, will you forget about stealing our stuff?” Kyle asked as Impmon squirmed in his grasp.

    “Not on your life,” Impmon responded, snapping his fingers.

    Kyle and Impmon both howled in pain as a pair of miniature fireworks burst from the latter’s fingertips and sent them flying in opposite directions.


    Jay panted as he stopped to catch his breath, having just returned to the point where he and Kyle had split up. The boy hadn’t run very far before hearing the sound of something crying out in fear or surprise. Assuming it was connected to one of the other, Jay had returned hoping that Kyle had heard it too.

    There was no sign of the Veemon, however. Jay looked up at the tree he was leaning against and let out a frustrated sigh. This was definitely the same spot he had separated from Kyle at, but his vest was no where to be seen.

    “The others might need help, I can’t find them, I have no clue where I am anyway, and now I’m naked,” Jay grumbled to himself as he tried to focus on the sounds around him. “Maybe if I’m lucky I can hear something.”

    Jay’s nose twitched, a new, though for some reason not unfamiliar, scent reaching it. The sound of approaching foot steps became apparent, though they were light and fast. Whoever they belonged to was getting closer though. Jay’s watch began to glow, inciting him to point it in the direction of the sound. Much to his surprise, the image of a digimon appeared on it before he could even see the target.

    This one seemed to be a bipedal fox with yellow fur and a feminine body shape. The white fur on her stomach and chest area was the only real feature of note Jay picked up on before noting the name: Renamon.

    Before Jay could form an opinion on this figure though, a barrage of the same crystals from the campsite suddenly thudded into the ground all around him. Jay let out a yelp of fear and dashed from the circle right before they exploded.

    “Who keeps throwing those things?” Jay wondered before looking back at his watch and realizing the answer. “Oh, right.”

    The sound of running reached his ears again, this time from the bushes right behind him. Jay spun around just in time to see the digimon that his watch had warned him about leap out of the shadows. Before he could react he found himself pinned against a tree, his newly-revealed opponent holding him there with her arm across his chest (allowing the boy to now see she was at least a head taller than him).

    “Alright, I’m only going to ask once,” Renamon spoke in a hushed voice. “I’m looking for a fuzzy little dino named Dorumon, have you seen him?”

    “If you’re just looking for someone then why attack me?” Jay coughed out, his voice strained from the sudden impact.

    “Because I don’t want you shouting for those delivery-service friends of yours,” Renamon hissed back. “My friends and I have made enough trouble for those blowhards ruling File Village…”

    “The Agumon?” Jay suddenly gasped out. “Wait a minute, I think you’ve made a big mista-HEY!”

    Jay’s sentence was interrupted as he found himself pulled away from the trunk of the tree, the fox girl now holding tight to his arm. Her eyes were focused on the watch Jay wore, a shocked look on her face. It was at this point that Jay was able to notice two things:

    First off, Renamon was also wearing a watch similar to his, a purple one that stood out against her yellow fur.

    Secondly, and in Jay’s mind more importantly, she wore a pair of silver bracelets on her other wrist. The moonlight glinting off them highlighted the words ‘LOVE’ and ‘PEACE’, one word engraved in each of the trinkets.

    “No way…Those bracelets can’t be…” Jay struggled to rationalize as the girl suddenly released his arm.

    “Oh wow…” She stammered out before regaining her composure. “Okay, you’re right. Big mistake on my part. Sorry about that.”

    The familiarity of the vulpine digimon’s voice struck Jay like a ton of bricks. She didn’t seem to notice his shock as she held out one hand in traditional greeting.

    “Never thought I’d run into anyone else in the same boat as me,” She said with an embarrassed chuckle. “The name’s-“

    “June!” Jay suddenly blurted out, his voice cracking a bit.

    “…Yeah but…” The newly identified ‘June’ agreed as Jay cleared his throat.

    “June, it’s me! Jay! Your brother!” The bear digimon practically shouted despite his attempts to steady his voice.

    “Jay…But…No way.” June disagreed, taking a step back. “That can’t be, my little brother is back home getting over a stomach flu.”

    “Oh yeah? Then how else would I know about the time you had a friend pierce your ears for you when you were ten?” Jay pointed out. “Your ears got infected and you had to walk around with bandages over them for a week!”

    “Jay you little twerp you said you wouldn’t…!” June started to shout, quite irate at that memory being dredged up before the truth reached her. “Jay! It really is you!”

    The boy suddenly found himself pulled up into a tight embrace by his older-sister-turned-digimon.

    “I don’t believe it! What are you doing here?!” June exclaimed, sounding as though she were on the verge of tears.

    “Being…Strangled…” Jay choked out, unable to breathe due to the tight embrace.

    June was quick to release her brother, who fell to the ground gasping for breath. Before she could spit out any of the hundreds of questions now whirling about her head though, a loud blast followed by two screams echoed from elsewhere in the forest.

    “Impmon!” June shouted, suddenly looking worried.

    “Friend of yours?” Jay guessed as he got to his feet.

    “Yeah, the ‘shoot first ask questions later’ kind! Come on!” June explained, right before she took off running with Jay struggling to catch up.


    Kyle clutched at the burn left on his side from Impmon’s attack, wincing in pain from both it and the pain from his impact with the ground.

    “Good thing I’ve got scales now, I don’t think regular skin would have survived that,” Kyle noted as he pushed himself to his feet.

    “Bet you think…That was pretty clever,” Kyle panted, doing all he could to ignore his injuries as the pain slowly faded.

    “Looking back, not so much,” Impmon grunted, snapping his fingers and summoning up two more balls of fire that hovered over his hands. “But hey, it looks like it hurt you more than me! Night of fire! Badda-boom!”

    “Oh crud…” Kyle fretted, adjusting his stance. “Only one chance then!”

    “Vee-Headbutt!” Kyle called out, launching into his familiar, skull-first tackling maneuver in an attempt to both retaliate and avoid the incoming attack.

    “Diamond storm!”

    “Bear roll!”

    Kyle shouted incoherently as a tumbling ball of grey fur knocked into him and pushed him from the path of Impmon’s fireballs. Simultaneously, a barrage of crystals shot the flames down with series of loud pops and flashes.

    “Hey, I was about to win!” Impmon complained, right before he felt a restraining hand on his shoulder.

    “Wait a second there, we’ve been a little hasty tonight,” June ordered, holding the shorter digimon back.

    “You okay?” Jay asked, helping Kyle up.

    “Considering you just plowed into me…” Kyle began, right before blur of yellow fur leapt out into the clearing.

    The air rippled and all four digimon found themselves knocked flat by a massive soundwave. Sheila, from the whom the blast had originated, quickly had the confident smile wiped from her face upon seeing what she had done.

    “OhmygoshohmygoshohmygoshI’msosorry!” Sheila began apologizing faster than most would have thought possible as she ran over to Jay and Kyle. “IheardtheexplosionsandeveryoneshoutingsoIthoughty outwowereintrouble...”

    “Ugh…Chatting while I deal with killer rabbits, and now attacking me?” Kyle grumbled as Sheila ceased her stammering and began healing him. “I’m thinking you two should go over what ‘teamwork’ means.”

    “Sorry,” Jay and Sheila both apologized.

    Dorumon stuck his head into the clearing, and a huge smile crossed his features as he ran over to Impmon and June, both of whom were recovering from Sheila’s blast. Impmon let out an audible ‘oof’ as Dorumon playfully tackled him.

    “Doru! We were worried about you!” Impmon cheered as he managed to push the gleeful dino off. “Where’ve you been?”

    “And why is he wearing my vest?” Jay wondered as he noticed Dorumon’s attire.

    “Your vest?” Impmon asked as he looked over the clothing. “Hey, nice steal there, Doru!”

    Dorumon’s tail began wagging, but stopped as June tugged on the vest in question.

    “Sorry, time to give it back,” June ordered.

    “June, maybe you’re forgetting that we’re bandits?” Impmon cut in, pointing over to the other three. “We steal from other digimon. More specifically from the Agumons’ supply line.”

    “Except these three aren’t with them,” June explained.

    “Wait, that’s why you were going through our stuff?” Kyle interrupted, his injuries mostly healed courtesy of Sheila.

    “How do you know they ain’t with those dino-dorks?” Impmon challenged, ignoring Kyle.

    “Because one of them is someone I’d like to introduce you both to,” June went on, stepping over to Jay and putting a hand on his shoulder. “Impmon, Dorumon, meet Jay. My younger brother.”

    “Brother?” Impmon parroted.

    “Brother?” Kyle and Sheila repeated.

    Dorumon walked up to Jay and sized the ursine digimon up for a moment. Seemingly satisfied, the furry dinosaur shrugged off the blue vest and returned it with a smile.

    As Jay accepted the gift, who looked over to his shocked companions and said, “Maybe we should go back to the introductions?”

    “Yes please,” Kyle nodded.


    “It would seem our luck is improving,” Espermon reported, the smile apparent in his voice. “Now we’ve found four of the children.”

    “Indeed. You may cease your divinations for now,” Ordered his master with a wave of his hand.

    “My lord?” Espermon responded, now confused.

    “There is no point in wasting your energy. We know where they are planning to go,” The master pointed out. “Don’t you believe your time would be better spent rallying some of our hunters to meet them?”

    “Ah, of course, an excellent point,” Espermon nodded. “Then if I may take my leave?”

    “I know how to find you,” The master nodded.

    Espermon bowed deeply before leaving the room. The two winged digimon from before had also long since left, leaving the master alone in his chambers now.

    “The children will come into my grasp eventually,” He thought with a smile. “And when they do, their world and its greatest treasure shall be mine.”


    “So, why no mention of an older sister before?” Kyle wondered, prodding Jay with his elbow.

    With introductions out of the way and everyone too wired from the fighting to even think of trying to sleep, the now sextet had gathered up some branches and kindling and made a small campfire thanks to Impmon’s flame attack. They were now seated in a circle around the flames, warming up a few of the fruit and nut rolls as a post-battle meal.

    “We just met today, I never thought it would come up,” Jay admitted with a shrug. “It’s not like I was trying to hide that I have an older sister.”

    “Come to think of it, we didn’t tell him much about ourselves,” Sheila chimed in.

    “I know even less about the three of you,” Impmon added. “I mean, June here told me how she wound up in our world, but I’d never heard of anything like it before.”

    “Maybe knowing how you three got here can help us figure out how to get home.” June added.

    “Nothing special with me, I was just playing some video games,” Jay explained. “Then I got a weird text, my computer gave me some freaky message and the next thing I know I’m all furry.”

    All gazes turned to Kyle, who shrugged.

    “I was up in my room all alone,” He answered. “My cell phone came up with a text, asked if I wanted to ‘get away from it all’ or something like that. I answered yes ‘cuz I thought it was a joke.”

    “…I’m sure he was crying when we were watching him earlier,” June thought, before dismissing the thought. “Even if he was it’d be rude to pry…Oh right, Impmon.”

    “But what abou…” Impmon started to ask before noting that June was glaring at him from the corner of her eye and changing his question. “About the puppy there? Sounds like all of you were at home when it happened.”

    “Not me, I was at the mall with my parents,” Sheila corrected. “They left me alone to do some of their own shopping and said to meet them at the food court for lunch.”

    “How old did you say you were again?” June wondered, off put by the Labramon’s youthful voice.

    “Oh, I’m seven,” Sheila answered. “Mom and Dad say I’m very responsible for my age.”

    “Wow, when I was seven I was lucky if Mom let me cross the street by myself,” Jay commented.

    “Anyway, someone sent me a text. It said ‘You have big dreams, would you like for them to come true?’ I thought it was a joke like Kyle and when I said yes…” Sheila trailed off and then gestured to herself.

    “So what does that tell us?” Jay asked.

    “Not much except that who or whatever did this to us seems to like using cell phones and computers to contact us,” June responded. “Ugh, I knew it was a bad idea to answer that message that showed up on the library computer, but I never thought too much of it since it was a yes or no question.”

    “The library?” Jay asked.

    “Yeah, right before I was going to leave the library after helping out there I saw something on the computer.” June nodded. “It asked me if I ‘knew what mattered in life’. I hit yes, just for fun…Mom must have called up the National Guard to find me by now.”

    A solemn nod came from two of the other three humans. Jay seemed slightly confused.

    “So how was the search going before you left?” June asked her brother.

    “Search?” Jay asked.

    “Jay, even you can’t be oblivious enough to ignore my disappearing for five days,” June admonished.

    “Five d…June, what day did you disappear on?” Jay wondered.

    “Now you’re just trying to mess with me,” June scowled.

    “Humor me,” Jay encouraged, beckoning with his paw. “Please?”

    “June twenty-fourth, as you very well…” June sarcastically responded before Jay cut in.

    “Same as me,” The shocked look on Jay’s face seemed contagious.

    “What?” June, Kyle, and Sheila all exclaimed.

    “It was June twenty-fourth when I got pulled in here. About twelve-noon.” Jay said, surprising himself with how outwardly calm he was about this revelation while inside his mind was a whirlwind of mass confusion.

    “But that…I’ve been here for five days, right?” June asked, turning to Impmon and Dorumon.

    “We met you when you first got here, so yeah,” Impmon nodded. “Five days.”

    Dorumon was also nodding with a big grin on his face.

    “Wait a second! I’ve been here for a week now but it was the twenty-fourth when I got that text!” Kyle shouted.

    “Then maybe you got the date wrong?” June tried to rationalize.

    “Considering it was my birthday, I doubt it,” Kyle retorted, tapping his watch for emphasis. “June twenty-fourth, a little before eleven-thirty AM.”

    “Umm…But I…I mean…” Sheila stammered out, raising one paw like a polite student.

    “You to?” Kyle realized. “Sheila, you said you’d been here for-“

    “Ten days! Well, eleven now but that’s…That’s impossible right?” Sheila asked. “It was eleven in the morning when I left so how could I have been here three days longer than you if you came on the same day?”

    Jay’s body finally seemed to have found a way to express the sudden confusion Jay felt. The bear digimon toppled over flat onto his back without a sound. Partly due to the dizziness brought on by this turn of events, and partly by an inspiration trying to worm its way out of them.

    “Okay so…This is really weird,” Impmon commented, seeming confused for entirely different reasons.

    “Maybe time moves differently here?” Jay theorized, rubbing his forehead with one paw. “I mean, you see it in a lot of games and movies that have other dimensions or planets.”

    “So…I’ve been here for ten days longer than Jay…And he came here at noon on Earth…” Sheila reasoned out. “So ten days here is just an hour back home?”

    “And that’s…bad?” Impmon asked, now completely lost.

    “Actually, yes,” June answered, the distraught heavy in her voice. “It means that our parents probably won’t figure out that anything strange is happening for a while back in our world, I know I’ve probably got at least another thirty minutes there before Mom tries to call me.”

    “Which, of course, means five days here, and we don’t even know how exactly we were taken here,” Kyle noted. “So by the time anyone knows we’re gone, calls the police, gets the cops to figure out we’re in some weird dimension and figures out how they’re going to get us out of it…”

    Kyle trailed off as a simultaneous groan issued from all four humans.

    “We could be here for years before anyone finds us,” June realized.

    “Guess it’s a good thing we weren’t planning on waiting around then, huh?” Kyle asked, looking over to Jay and Sheila.

    “Yeah…Oooh! This way I don’t need to worry about Mom and Dad being scared that I disappeared!” Sheila cheered, bouncing up and down. “If we can get home in a couple of days then I’ll be just in time to meet them for lunch!”

    June seemed to perk up a bit at that sentiment, “Huh, that is a good point.”

    “But first we have to figure out how we’re going to get home, remember?” Jay added, sitting back up.

    “Right, good luck with figurin’ that out,” Impmon stated as he got to his feet, drawing the attention of the four humans back to him.

    “Imp…” June was cut off as Impmon flashed her a smirk.

    “Like I said when we met, I’ve got no idea how to get you home,” Impmon reminded the fox-girl as he stepped away from the campfire. “So now you’ve found some guys that at least have a plan to figure it out, so good luck there, Foxy.”

    Before anyone could stop him, Impmon took off into the forest, his dark coloring quickly rendering him invisible amongst the shadows. Dorumon’s jaw seemed to go slack for a moment before the fur-covered raptor shook his head and scrambled to his feet.

    In a moment it was only the four humans-turned-digimon seated around the campfire, a very confused silence filling the air between them.


    Impmon stopped to rest on a tree branch, taking a deep breath as he did so. Being quite adept at moving through the woods by now, he was sure that he had put quite a bit of distance between himself and the kids, and heading in the downwind via the trees would reduce the chance of one of them following his scent.

    “Almost didn’t get through that,” Impmon thought, looking back the way he came as his eyes began to tear up a bit.

    Much to his surprise, Dorumon came tromping through the undergrowth, casting a dour gaze up to him. Impmon quickly dried his eyes on one glove.

    “Dorumon?” The demon-child digimon acknowledged. “Heh, guess you figured the same as me, huh?”

    Dorumon’s glare dropped as he titled his head in a confused manner, Impmon jumped down and patted the dino on the back between his stubby wings.

    “Guess not, let me sum it up for ya,” Impmon offered. “See, June wants to get home, right?”

    Dorumon nodded his head.

    “But we don’t know how to help her with that. Now along comes this new gang,” Impmon went on. “They’ve got a plan, and suddenly all that June is talking about is going home, or worrying about how to, or that sort of stuff.”

    Dorumon’s head slowly nodded again as Impmon lead him deeper into the forest.

    “I say, why fight it? June wants to get to her world, we probably won’t be able to go with her, better to split off here, right? After all, we had some good times.” Impmon said, his voice cracking a bit at the last part of the sentence as he turned away to wipe his eyes again.

    At this, however, Dorumon stopped dead in his tracks and shook his head. The raptor jerked his head back the way the two had come from, drawing a stare from Impmon.

    “What? Doru, June isn’t gonna want us around for this,” Impmon explained, clenching his fists and breaking eye contract. “Plus this way, we don’t need to keep watching her back…”

    Dorumon stomped on Impmon’s foot for that one, eliciting a comical yelp of pain from the devilish ‘mon.

    “What the heck was that for?” Impmon shouted as Dorumon suddenly reached up and wiped a tear of pain from his eye.

    Holding the tear on one claw, Dorumon gestured to it, then to Impmon with a grunt.

    “Crying? I wasn’t…” Impmon trailed off as he noticed Dorumon’s eyes also seemed a bit misty. “…Okay, maybe a little…You’re impossible to hide things from, you know that right?”

    Dorumon nodded with a sad little smile on his face.

    “Yeah, fine, I’m gonna miss her,” Impmon admitted, drying his eyes for the third time. “But seriously, we’ve got no clue about how to get her home. We’d probably just get in her way.”

    Dorumon dashed around Impmon to his back and began pushing him in the direction of the campsite. Impmon’s feet dragged a bit in the forced march as he looked over his shoulder to see the fuzzy dino was waving with one hand as though whishing someone a safe journey.

    “You’re right,” Impmon admitted as he picked up the pace a bit. “I thought those excuses were pretty weak. I just…I just didn’t figure we’d be saying goodbye to her so soon.”

    Impmon’s walk was stopped abruptly as he made his way between a pair of bushes and blundered right into a large, grey and black rock. Impmon stumbled backward from the shock, and grumbled a bit.

    “Stupid rock, must not have seen it from above…” He muttered, looking to Dorumon. “Was this here when you found me?”

    Dorumon started nodding before his jaw went slack. Turning back around, Impmon was surprised to see the supposed rock was moving, slowly rising up on four pillar-like legs and turning to face them.

    “Oh geeze…” Impmon gasped as he found himself facing what could pass for an irate triceratops with blazing-red eyes. “Monochromon…Guess we woke it up…”

    Dorumon just nodded as the recently woken digimon snarled at the pair before it. As Impmon and Dorumon both knew very well, Monochromon were very territorial creatures. This one seemed to be no exception as it roar at the two, sending them running as fast as they could.


    “You guys heard that too, right?” Jay asked, looking around.

    He, Sheila and Kyle all stopped in their tracks as another enraged roar echoed from deeper within the woods.

    “What are the odds that has nothing to do with Impmon and Dorumon?” Sheila asked.

    “Given his talent for bad first impressions, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t Impmon,” Kyle replied as the trio headed toward the noise.

    “Just hope June knows what she’s doing,” Jay gulped as they ran.


    Impmon and Dorumon’s screams harmonized as the Monochromon behind them fired a ball of flame from its mouth. While they did manage to avoid a direct hit, the shockwave from the blast as it hit the ground sent the both of them tumbling to the foot of a tree. Impmon closed his eyes tight, still able to hear the thunderous footfalls of his incoming doom.

    “Diamond storm!” June’s voice echoed, a barrage of crystal explosive thudding against Monochromon’s head and face.

    The large beast roared in agony and swerved, blinded by the miniature explosions. With a loud CRACK! the armored beast slammed head first into a tree just a few feet to Impmon’s left and slumped to the ground.

    As the now rescued duo disentangled themselves from one another, June slipped in from behind the bushes from which she had launched her attack.

    “You two okay?” She asked, kneeling in front of Impmon.

    “Heh, we’re fine, right Doru?” Impmon said, regaining his confident swagger even as he panted for breath. “Couldn’t stand to see me go, huh Foxy?”

    “More like I told you what would happen if you kept calling me that,” June quipped, an annoyed look crossing her face before being replaced with relief. “I just thought something was wrong when you ran off like that.”

    “Hey, it’s like I said, you don’t need me around now that you’ve got your bro and his friends,” Impmon stated, turning away from June only to now face a rather perturbed Dorumon. “Unless of course…You’re saying you’d want me and Doru to come with…”

    Dorumon’s tail began to wag, his eyes seeming to light up with the prospect. June quickly avoided eye contact with the dino by standing upright and turning her gaze to the side.

    “Actually…I didn’t…” She admitted.

    “Say wha…” Impmon started, spinning around with a look like someone had just punched him in the gut.

    Dorumon let out a pathetic whimper, tears gathering in his eyes as he looked up at June.

    “It’s not like that!” June insisted, waving her hands as she grew more flustered. “It’s just that…This is going to be dangerous and I don’t…I…”

    Realization slowly dawned.

    “You’re afraid we’ll get hurt!” Impmon pieced together.

    June bit her lip and nodded very quickly. Dorumon’s tears stopped as he gazed up at June much like a confused puppy.

    “Well if that’s the case then why’d you…” Impmon started to ask.

    “We’re a team, aren’t we?” June managed to spit out. “I didn’t want to say goodbye, but I didn’t want to put you guys in danger either.”

    Impmon sheepishly rubbed at the back of his head as he answered, “Well…when you put it that way...Aw geeze. If it’s gonna be this way we might as well get the goodbyes out of the way now, right? Before it gets really awkward.”

    June nodded, sadly. Impmon struggled to hide his tears while Dorumon was weeping openly.

    Then Monochromon stood back up, growling like an approaching thunderstorm as it stared at the now three trespasser in its territory. Needless to say, the sad mood quickly dispersed.

    “You know, I forgot he was still there…” Impmon lamented.


    Jay screamed in fright as he was almost bowled over by Dorumon as the dino plowed through the foliage like his tail was on fire.

    “Well, looks like we found one of them,” Kyle commented as Impmon and June came running up close behind their friend.

    Only one warning was heard as the fox-girl sped past.


    The other three could see all too soon what they were expected to run from. In short order, Monochromon was now chasing six intruders with no signs of tiring.


    Espermon was struggling to maintain his composure. As one of the top officers in his master’s army it would be highly unprofessional to display his true feelings on the matter before him.

    After checking behind the door, under every conceivable piece of furniture in his private chambers, and stuffing his bat-eyed companion into a nearby wardrobe to insure against any interruptions, they jester burst out into hysterical laughter as he watched the spectacle his crystals were displaying.

    The comedic chase in the forest showed little signs of slowing and, despite the children attempting several methods of shaking Monochromon, it kept determinedly smashing down hiding places, impromptu barriers of fallen branches and even powered through many more Diamond Storms to the face in its relentless pursuit.

    “I’d always heard Monochromon were territorial, but I never expected anything like this!” Espermon thought to himself as his sides began to ache with laughter. “This might make it more of a pain than necessary for the hunters to track the kids down but it’s just too funny!”


    Roughly an hour after Impmon had started the whole merry chase, the kids were all seated around a new campfire, sharing a laugh of their own. Kyle had fortunately had the foresight to pick up their supplies before starting the search for Impmon earlier, and was leaning against the bag as he laughed.

    “I can’t believe…” Kyle managed to gasp out between chortles. “That it just stopped like that!”

    “Guess we hit the edge of its turf,” Impmon pointed out as he prodded the fire a bit. “That guy must have gotten real aggressive with expanding it if it was so miffed with us! I’m surprised you three didn’t run into him first!”

    The laughter died down as exhaustion slowly crept up on all six young adventurers.

    “So…” Impmon muttered, feeling awkward as he looked over to June.

    “We’re all pretty wiped, goodbyes can wait for the morning,” June advised.

    “Too bad, I was just starting to like you too,” Kyle commented, trying to lighten the mood.

    Dorumon snuggled up against June’s side sniffling a bit. June gently stroked the young raptor’s head with a sad little smile on her face.

    “Well, you guys can get some sleep, I’ll take watch for the night,” Impmon offered, standing up.

    “You sure?” Jay asked.

    “Hey, it’s partially...” Impmon noted Dorumon casting him a suspicious glare. “Mostly my fault we got chased like that.”

    “We’re gonna need the rest if we want to get back on the trail tomorrow too,” Sheila realized.

    “Yeah, ugh,” Kyle agreed as he leaned back. “Well, nothing we can do about it tonight. Just wake one of us up if you start to nod off, okay Impmon?”

    “And no sneaking off,” Sheila ordered.

    “You got it,” Impmon nodded as the other five all curled up.

    Soon the sound of soft snoring was all that filled the clearing, aside from the rustle of leaves from the gentle breezes of the night. Impmon looked over to June, and a smile crossed his face as an idea hatched in his head.


    Jay groaned as the light of the morning sun filtered through the leaves and shone on his face. Struggling to ignore the light did little good, and his attempts to deal with the pesky star shining through his eyelids were further subverted by an incessant whistling and the sound of something clunking about.

    Sitting up with a yawn and a stretch, Jay was quite surprised to see Impmon rummaging through a second supply sack. This one he seemed to be filling rather than emptying judging from his occasional pauses in whistling to attempt to tie the bulging bag closed.

    The others were all awake by now as well, watching as the surprisingly chipper digimon finished his task and leaned against the backpack.

    “Impmon, where did you get that?” June wondered, being the first to speak.

    “Oh, it’s the supplies from our hideout,” Impmon grinned, holding up a folded paper. “I’ve also got our map of the forest right here and marked where we are on it.”

    Dorumon plodded over to his friend and pressed the back of one paw against his forehead, a worried look on his face. Impmon chuckled as he waved his fuzzy nursemaid away and got to his feet.

    “Don’t worry, Doru, I ain’t sick. I just spent a lot of time thinking last night,” Impmon explained as he unfolded the map and spread it on the ground.

    “Thinking about what?” Sheila asked, drawing closer to look at the map.

    “Well, the way I see it, I was gonna let June go with you guys since I figured you had the best chance of getting her home,” Impmon elaborated. “But I wasn’t too impressed by the way you guys handled that Monochromon last night.”

    “You weren’t having much luck either,” Jay pointed out, looking rather insulted.

    “Details, details. The point is, I’ve got major doubts about whether you three can really find a way back to your world, and the last thing I want to see is June crying because she couldn’t get home,” Impmon declared. “So I decided that I’m coming with you guys!”

    “What!?” June exclaimed, stomping over. “Impmon, I thought…”

    “I don’t care if you think it’s dangerous,” Impmon said simply, holding up one hand to stop her. “You haven’t seen half the danger in this world that I have, Foxy. And as for the goodbyes…Let’s save ‘em for when we’ve found your trip home, okay?”

    June stopped in her tracks, a smile spreading across her muzzle.

    “One rule though,” June consented. “Next time you call me Foxy, I feed you to the nearest Monochromon.”

    “What do you say, Doru? Want in on this-Woah!” Impmon shouted as he was tackle-hugged by his saurian companion. “I’ll take that as a yes!”

    The kids laughed as Dorumon pulled himself from Impmon and ran over to June, hugging her as well. Kyle smiled as he watched the scene unfold

    “Guess that settles it then,” Kyle commented. “Welcome to the team, both of you.”

    The Veemon extended his hand, which Impmon shook with a smile.

    “Some group we’ve got, huh June?” Jay noted as Kyle and Impmon each picked up their respected backpacks and checked the map.

    “Eh, you’ll get used to those two,” June smiled as she tousled her brother’s head fur.

    “Okay, looks like we’re heading this way,” Kyle announced, pointing towards an area where the trees thinned. “That’ll put us back near the road to Motherboard.”

    “Well, what are we waiting for?” Jay asked, pumping one fist in the air. “Let’s go!”

    With that declaration, the six headed off toward the city. The sun shone brightly overhead, warming the new day and its new adventures.

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