Huh, that's odd. The Archive you listed at the bottom shows the threads, but the link from the Fanfic page brings up "No messages..." Is that link broken?

Note that the LVH thread does unfortunately suffer from the same problems mentioned in the following topic: (There is also a related discussion in Forum Help within The Binary District forum.)


Here's the problem with the Archive links: They point to different pages! The one at the bottom of the main TPM Forums page has the following location:
The PokeMasters Forums -> Archives -> The Completed FanFiction Archive

The link within the regular Fanfic forum has gives this location, however:
The PokeMasters Forums -> FanWork -> FanFiction -> The Completed Fiction Archive

Also note the difference in the addresses for the two archives: --- Good Link --- Bad Link

So you see, the Archive that is given from within the Fanfic forum shows no threads simply because it is an empty forum. The link from the overall TPM page, however, points to the real Fanfic Archive.