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Thread: The Fanfiction Forum E-zine ~ December 2007

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    Default The Fanfiction Forum E-zine ~ December 2007

    The Fanfiction Forum E-zine

    December 2007

    Table of contents

    Editor's words

    Conversation with the Stars – mario72486
    Lady Vulpix

    The Grammar Nazi – The Information Age

    Editor's words
    (Or would you rather like to see that written in Malay instead? )

    Good day, fellow fanficcers, and welcome to the December issue of the E-zine!

    November had certainly been quite an interesting month. The November 2007 writing contest has just ended, and the results should be up shortly. Be on the lookout for it – and to those who have missed it, don’t worry – and do stay tuned for any future writing contest as well. Activities are pretty good at the fanfic board – there’s a few new fic too – though The Writer Lounge could a bit of spicing up.

    December is set to be an exciting month, for the prestigious annual Silver Pencil award is just around the corner (The anticipation! The suspense! And the occasional “just get the award up running, lad...”). Already have a list of fanfiction you wanted to nominate? Or maybe thinking about votes for the member awards? Whatever you have in mind, stay tuned for the award.

    The editor hope that fellow fanficcers will enjoy their winter/summer/equatorial season (at wherever part of the world you are). Have a merry Christmas, and happy reading.


    Conversation with the Stars – mario72486
    Lady Vulpix

    Lady Vulpix: Hello.
    mario72486: hello
    Lady Vulpix: Would you like to be interviewed for the Fanfic Forum E-Zine?
    mario72486: Hm...what the heck I’ll take the plunge
    Lady Vulpix: ^_^ Ok, then... How long have you been writing?
    mario72486: in terms of fiction, or in general?
    Lady Vulpix: Do you write both fiction and non-fiction?
    mario72486: When I started my first real fiction project, it was maybe six years ago. I ended up dropping it due to lack of interest in continuing. I’m in the process of writing something else, something I started about two years ago. It’s been on-and-off since then since I don't have a lot of time for writing for fun
    mario72486: college and a part-time job can do that
    Lady Vulpix: I know the feeling all too well. But you've managed to find the time to write some good entries for the latest writing contests.
    mario72486: I suppose that's what happens when you put projects off until the last minute...okay, maybe not until the last minute. Anyway, sometimes my mind works in strange ways when it comes to creativity. When I saw the August and November contests, I wrote my entries based off of the first things that came to mind. In most other cases, however, it takes quite a while to come up with good ideas for a writing project.
    Lady Vulpix: Do you have any method for writing something?
    mario72486: When it comes to school projects, I tend to search for information on the topic in question, citing them as I go. In terms of my own stuff, it depends. Most of the time I write as I go, adding and/or subtracting over the course of writing. To take my November contest entry, for example, I ended up making several changes as I wrote it (mostly to fit the 2500-word limit). Other times, like the fic I've most-recently been posting on the site, I try to plan things out before going on and writing. Once I have a basic idea for how events and conversations will turn out, then I begin to put it down in words.
    Lady Vulpix: Ah, yes, the evil 2500 word limit...
    mario72486: lol If there was no limit, I would have put far more detail into that dogfight. Included more Fw-190s, maybe add a few fighter escorts to add to the fight, that sort of thing.
    Lady Vulpix: What do you enjoy writing the most?
    mario72486: One would have to be anything historical. During high school I had to write a ton of essays about various events and people of the 20th century. It seemed like a pain in the butt, but in the end I actually enjoyed it. The teacher I had came to love the way I wrote. He even gave me an award during Senior year. I've also had a professor in college who taught on World War II and other historical wars/battles. We were required to research and write about them, and I simply plunged in.
    mario72486: The other would probably be stories with fantasy elements. With that, you pretty much have free-range on how something is written, just as long as you make it believable. That project fic I mentioned earlier has been a test for me, for it's the first time I've taken a work of enjoyment so seriously. I want to put as much effort into it as I can, especially when it comes to character development, imagery, and fight sequences.
    Lady Vulpix: Can you tell us something about that project?
    mario72486: It's based off of the fourth season of Digimon, the Frontier series. It takes place somewhere between 50 and 60 years after the series ended. It's the same sort of premise and elements, but with different characters. I created some of the characters on my own, while others are those of friends online. As I mentioned in the October e-zine, I've been trying to stay true to the information they gave me, while other times I take things in the direction I think would fit best. What you've seen posted on the forums is a result of me going back and making various edits and additions. Right now I'm in the process of reworking the next chapter in line, but that has become a giant project itself. Once I finally get that one finished, it'll be posted.
    Lady Vulpix: ^_^
    Lady Vulpix: Do/did you read any fics?
    mario72486: Yes to both. It started when I first stumbled onto After that, I've been checking out fics from different categories. It's mostly fics along the lines of Yu-Gi-Oh, Gundam, Transformers, etc. I try to aim for more serious stuff, but sometimes I'll have a look at anything comedy-oriented. Actually, it was Sage's 'Yu-Gi-Oh, the Thousand Year Door' that I found the Pokemasters forum. I guess I have him to thank for me coming here in the first place.
    Lady Vulpix: Interesting.
    mario72486: I mean, it was during reading it on that I learned about the forum.
    Lady Vulpix: Where do you normally find inspiration?
    mario72486: It depends. Sometimes it's other works of fiction I read. Other times it's TV shows or movies. Stranger still, from video games. For example, elements in the November contest entry came from a level of the WWII game Secret Weapons Over Normandy as well as a scene from the first Star Wars. In both cases, the characters had to shoot down enemy fighters that were attacking them. I had to include a 'box' of some kind, so I figured an old camera would do the trick. I tried to give it more of a historical appeal with the way I wrote the character interactions and the mission that was the story's premise.
    Lady Vulpix: What do you find the hardest about writing?
    mario72486: It's trying to finish what I started. When it comes to personal projects, I tend to take my time and put more effort into them. That leads to trouble down the road, especially at this time of year when there are projects to do, exams to study for, and a workload that will most certainly tire you out. When I finally get free time, I have difficulty finding the chance and the motivation to continue adding on to what I have written already. When I'm writing something especially important, especially an essay or research paper, I try to get it done as quickly as possible.
    Lady Vulpix: Do you ever write notes of your future plans or do anything to help you pick up next time you have the chance?
    mario72486: Not really. It all depends on how I'm feeling and whether or not the ideas come to me at the time. Usually that's easy, and I can start where I left off. Other times it's slow, at best. I will sometimes try to make notes of what I want to happen later on, but that's not often.
    Lady Vulpix: Does the outcome of your writings ever surprise you?
    mario72486: Usually, yes. Sometimes I aim for one thing to happen, but when all is said and done it turns out completely different. I blame that on the chance of me changing my mind over the course of writing or at the last minute. I usually go back through what I write to see what is there and if there is anything that can be added or deleted. Usually I leave it as it is with a few minor edits. Other times I will completely change one or more sections to either make it sound better or to appease the little thing in the mind called the Id.
    Lady Vulpix: When you write something, do you often think of how the readers will view it?
    mario72486: Absolutely, or at least I try my best to. When it comes to school projects, I have a basic idea of what the professors are looking for, so I do what I can to meet their expectations. That's the beauty of feedback. When it comes to school projects, I have a basic idea of what the professors are looking for, so I do what I can to meet their expectations. When I started posting my fic on, I was getting plenty of response as to the plotline, the characters, and where they felt the story should head. I've taken it into account, and I tried to stay true to that. Other times I do other things with the fic to throw them off or completely surprise them. I wish the same could be said for here, but I suppose I only have myself to blame. I haven't interacted enough for people to gain interest in what I've written.
    Lady Vulpix: Do people read your work more when you talk to them?
    mario72486: When I first stared working on it, it was more along the lines of more people reading it the more I posted. Many are dying for more, and are ecstatic when a new chapter is added. I'm sure that's how it is right now, since I haven't touched the latest chapter in months. Hopefully reviews will pour in there once I finally get around to doing new chapters. Since this forum is more oriented towards Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh, my fic hasn't truly gotten off the ground. I gave a mention of it on the Reviewers page sometime back, but even then it's been the same.
    Lady Vulpix: Does the feedback you get tend to meet your expectations?
    mario72486: Usually. If I do an excellent job on the topic in question, naturally people tell me this. Now that you mention it, I remember that when I started on that Digimon fic, the first review I ever received was a flame, criticizing the fic for being a rehash of the anime. I got better feedback after that, but the first one still sticks with me. I find that the more I write, I better at it I become. The reviews follow a similar pattern. Most of the time the feedback I receive is how I expect it, while other times reviewers say how surprised they are with how I wrote something in particular.
    Lady Vulpix: That's good to hear. So... any words for your fellow writers and/or readers?
    mario72486: Just keep writing how you feel things should be. Don’t let criticisms or other things told to you affect what you write. If you do, it isn't exactly your own work, now is it? Writing is a very individual thing; the best advice would be to try and keep it that way. There are some exceptions, of course, but that's another topic entirely. Finally, not to plug my fic or anything, but if people could read what I've posted on the forum already and leave some feedback, it can go a long way. For those interested, it's called 'Digimon: Frontier Legacy.'
    Lady Vulpix: Hehe.
    Lady Vulpix: Thank you.
    mario72486: Anytime. It was a pleasure to sit down and chat. Hopefully this interview will help me a great deal on the forum in the long run.
    Lady Vulpix: I hope so too. Good luck with your project. ^_^
    mario72486: Thanks

    The Grammar Nazi – The Information Age

    (The Grammar Nazi is not affiliated in any way with Nazi Germany or Adolf Hitler.)

    Now that we have the two core parts of a sentence – namely, the noun and verb – we can start building upon them. The first of our additions is the adjective, which modifies a noun to give us more information about it. As an easy example, if we had a "big box," the word "big" would modify "box" to provide further identification.

    Adjectives come in four main varieties, the first of which is the attributive adjective. An attributive adjective is joined with the noun it modifies in a noun phrase. For instance, we might have an "angry monkey." This could be used in the following sentence: "The angry monkey screeched." If an adverb or adverb phrase modifies the attributive adjective (for instance, "angry as a demon"), the adjective may be placed after the noun it modifies, as in "We found a monkey angry enough to screech." When an attributive adjective comes before the noun it modifies, we call it restrictive; otherwise, it is non-restrictive.

    Predicative adjectives are linked to the modified noun by another word or phrase. An example would be, "the monkey was angry."

    An absolute adjective, on the other hand, is not part of any larger phrase. It usually modifies either the subject of the sentence or the noun to which it is closest. As an example, we might have "The monkey, angry at the spectators, started throwing bananas." In this case, "angry" still modifies "monkey."

    A substantive adjective may act as a substitute for a noun, particularly if that noun has been omitted. Examples include "the old," "the wealthy," "the left-handed," and "the tall." In these cases, the adjective works either as a mass noun or a plural noun, as in "The new social security program benefited the old." The word "people" is omitted, and "old" serves its role.

    Sometimes more than one adjective modifies a single noun, as in "the big, hairy, angry monkey." Adjectives have a standard order; in most cases, permanent adjectives such as size would precede temporary adjectives like moods. This does not have to be the case, however, and can be adjusted to change the emphasis.

    Adjectives are a very simple and useful tool to quickly aid us in description. While it may be unwise to overuse them – having eight adjectives in every sentence would probably overload the reader – judicious use of adjectives can enrich your writing and make its effects all the more powerful.

    (Apologies for censorship.)
    Last edited by darktyranitar; 1st December 2007 at 08:03 PM.
    Please take it easy~

  2. #2
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    Default The Fanfiction Forum E-zine ~ December 2007

    The contributers who submitted articles did a great job, as always. However, it seems that the zine has shrunk this month. Maybe it's a seasonal thing, but the fact that Darktyranitar admitted in the introduction, "Activities are pretty good at the fanfic board – there’s a few new fic too," leaves me a bit worried. I know I'm not nearly as active as I could be, but I think we need to start doing something about this problem. Maybe emailing/IMing formerly active members ad letting them know they're still welcome, or maybe we could start a campaign to attract new recruits. This topic my be i the wrong topic but this zine edition got me thinking.

    To end on a happy note, I appreciate the enthusiasm of those members who continue to keep this activity running.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: The FanFiction Forum E-zine ~ December 2007

    Forgot to reply! ^_^ Good job with gettin the e-zine up, Faiz, and well done to the article-writers and to mario for being interviewed, of course. I always like hearing about people's thoughts on writing, and that was an insightful interview from both members involved.

    With the Grammar Nazi article ... I seriously thought adjectives were the simplest thing in the English language. I guess nothing is as simple as it seems.
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
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    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: The FanFiction Forum E-zine ~ December 2007

    Short and sweet. I liked the interview; I agree that historical stuff is great. I read your contest entries, so people are reading your stuff. I wish I had time to check out your fic, but the unfinished FFRO review's still sitting there... I think the paragraphing could have been done better though; the huge chunk of text was hard to read. With adjectives, I've never noticed that they usually go in a certain order. New fact of the day.
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