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Thread: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

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    Default The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    IT IS A COOL AUGUST EVENING at the Writer's Lounge. Outside the white-washed walls of the exclusive club, illuminated by a combination of excited flashbulbs and halogen streetlights, a large crowd is gathered, buzzing. A convoy of limousines is arriving to a welcome party of reclusive readers, onlookers and paparazzi.

    Wearing an elegant crimson dress, celebrity reporter Lady Vulpix approaches the nearest limousine.

    "Our next arrival, folks, is - oh -"

    A brief silence comes over Lady Vulpix as her eyes fall on the sleek, pointed shoes of the man stepping out of the limousine. A heckler in the audience jeers something, eliciting several muted giggles.

    "- is world-famous author, OzAndrew!" Lady Vulpix continues, but her voice has become markedly cooler. OzAndrew steps out of the vehicle, shutting the door tersely, and regards the scarlet-clad woman haughtily before sweeping past her down the red carpet, where he is greeted by his fans.

    Lady Vulpix hastily wipes her brow with the back of her petite hand and, with an earnest smile at the camera, gushes:

    "And let's see who else has just showed up - why, it's none other than Chris 2.1 and his date for the night ... let's see what they have to say about their award chances this evening ..."


    INSIDE THE CLUB, ON THE GRAND stage, dratinihaunter13 is tickling the ivories of an enormous black piano, while Bulbasaur4 croons a sultry ballad beside him. The main chamber of the Writer's Lounge has been decked out especially for tonight's occasion: over one hundred velveteen chairs have been arranged facing the grand stage, most of which are occupied by a quixotic mix of literary types. Houndoom_Lover can be spied in the front row wearing an almost luminescent feather-covered frock; mr_pikachu sits further back, sipping from a martini glass while in serious conversation with classy_cat18.

    Over at the bar, DragoKnight is pouring a frosty glass of beer for Crystalmaster Mike. Seated along the elegant mahogany bar is an assortment of big names: mistysakura holds a pint glass as she catches up with veteran member PancaKe, who tonight sports fluorescent pink hair. Beside them, Weasel Overlord is hurriedly scribbling something on the back of a cocktail napkin. Dark Sage and Shuppet Master are deep in conversation, their gin and tonics untouched as they discuss their predictions for the evening's results. On the corner stool, OzAndrew scans the room, his third vodka almost drained.

    On stage, dratinihaunter13 finishes his set with the last haunting piano note of Rain Eternal; Bulbasaur4 thanks the audience and wishes them all the best for the night ahead. The two leave the stage, and a team of black-clothed stage crew (sourced for the night from ASB) push the piano off-stage and a heavy curtain falls down.

    The atmosphere in the Lounge changes. Most of the crowd at the bar take their seats. The people milling about by the fondue fountain, including a snappily-dressed Sike Saner, seat themselves before the stage. Dragonfree and PsiUmbreon, who have been exchanging mobile phone numbers after discovering a shared interest in Elizabethan furniture, take their place in the front row.

    The roar of the paparazzi outside is muted as the last arrivals sweep into the Lounge, flanked by head of security, dark_tyranitar. Leaning against the bar, DragoKnight eyes some of the late arrivals closely: they haven't been seen before in the Lounge. The arrivals - Griff4815, Goodnight Seadra, Cadmus, Orange_Flaaffy and ShadowPikachu - mutter nervously to one another as they are ushered to their seats by an impatient Blademaster. Last of all, Lady Vulpix tucks her notepad and microphone into her handbag and takes the last remaining free seat in the crowded room.

    The lights dim. There is a subtle, but noticeable, intake of breath from the audience.

    Then, unceremoniously, the maroon velvet curtains rise, revealing a lonely wooden lectern on the lit stage. A moment later, a black-haired man wearing a black, pin-striped suit strides onstage to polite applause. He stands behind the lectern and unfolds a crumpled sheet of lined paper.

    The applause dies down; the eclectically dressed audience falls into a pregnant hush.

    The Master of Ceremonies adjusts his mic and begins to speak in a lazy, uncultured Australian drawl.

    "Ladies and Gents, welcome to th' Silver Pencil Awards f' 2008!"

    Another smattering of lukewarm applause.

    "I'm glad y' could all make it here t'night. Before I announce th' results, I just wanna say a few words. First up, cheers to my co-host, mr_pikachu, who helped organise the awards with me, and kept me and the vote-counting team sane over the last coupla days. C'arn Brian, don't be shy, get up here!"

    Appearing mortified, but grateful for the warm applause, mr_pikachu hands his martini to his date and steps up swiftly on stage, leaning over to the microphone to say, "Thank you, Gavin", before stepping back behind the lectern.

    "And next, I just wanna thank all youse guys who nominated and voted for yer peers this year. I've gotta say, these Silver Pencil awards have been some of the most successful we've ever had -"

    An unidentified member of the audience abruptly interjects: "Christ's sake, Gav! Cut the crap and announce the bloody winners already!"

    A look of aggression comes over Gavin Luper's face; he opens his mouth and begins to shout a retort when mr_pikachu hastily steps up to the mic.

    "AND WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, ladies and gentlemen, here are the results for the 2008 Silver Pencil Awards. First up, we have the nominations for Best Fiction Overall. And the winner is ..."


    The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ Results

    (winners in bold)

    General Fic Awards (Whole Fanfics)

    Best Fiction Overall
    – Lisa the Legend by Gavin Luper - 12
    – War of the Forums by mr_pikachu - 5
    – Morphic by Dragonfree - 13
    – The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 9

    Best Pokémon Fic
    – Lisa the Legend by Gavin Luper - 13
    – Communication by Sike Saner - 7
    – Morphic by Dragonfree - 9
    – ~Measure of a Trainer - Secrets of Kultran~ by ShadowPikachu - 2
    – The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 8

    Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Fic
    – Yu-Gi-Oh!: Virtual Disaster by starjake - 9

    Best Nonfiction/Alternate Fandom Fic
    – Quest of Twelve by Lady Vulpix - 10
    – The Fanfiction Documentary by mr_pikachu - 14
    – War of the Forums by mr_pikachu - 5
    – Affair by dratinihaunter13 - 8
    – Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 5
    – The af;lkjglk;uer Chronicles by PsiUmbreon - 2

    Best Description
    – Lisa the Legend by Gavin Luper - 7
    – Communication by Sike Saner - 11
    – Finding Courage by Saffire Persian - 13

    Best Writing Style
    – Lisa the Legend by Gavin Luper - 10
    – Beware the Fury of a Patient Man by Weasel Overlord - 6
    – Paint by Gavin Luper - 9
    – All You Wanted by Saffire Persian - 8

    Best Plot
    – Morphic by Dragonfree - 16
    – War of the Forums by mr_pikachu - 8
    – The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 14

    Best Short Story
    – All You Wanted by Saffire Persian - 11
    – Beware the Fury of a Patient Man by Weasel Overlord - 7
    – Sincerely, by Saffire Persian - 3
    – Hounds of Goldenrod by Goodnight Seadra - 7
    – Victory or Death by Griff4815 - 5

    Best Poem
    – Riffed by Gavin Luper - 10
    – Cocoon by mistysakura - 12
    – Suspended by dratinihaunter13 - 7
    – an invitation by Cadmus - 9

    Best Overall Setting
    – Tiponi, Dćmon League Quester by eevee-shayna - 6
    – Communication by Sike Saner - 8
    – Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 7
    – Honor Among Thieves by PsiUmbreon - 3

    Best New Fic
    – Politics by Darien Shields - 12
    – Finding Courage by Saffire Persian - 12

    – Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 9

    Best E-zine Article
    – Viva Imaginary Friends by mistysakura - 12
    – A Writer's Life by Lady Vulpix - 12

    – Conversations with the Stars – Wolfsong by Lady Vulpix - 3
    – Fanfiction: The Legal Paradox by mr_pikachu - 12

    Fic Moments (Parts of Fanfics)

    Best Moment
    – The elevator doors open, Lisa the Legend by Gavin Luper - 10
    – Lawson kills the enemy soldier, Finding Courage by Saffire Persian - 13

    Best Plot Twist
    – Reaper and Gaijin, Scattered Lights by classy_cat18 - 8
    – Brian mentioning the gods told him who the next moderator should be, War of the Forums by mr_pikachu - 9
    – Solonn’s transformation, Communication by Sike Saner - 11

    Best Battle Scene
    – Axel vs. Nia, Hemisphere by classy_cat18 - 7
    – Gregg with Glaceon vs. Liang with Sceptile, The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 8

    Most Emotional Moment
    – Did I see you? Sincerely, by Saffire Persian - 7
    – Cross leaving Rema for the first time, Hounds of Goldenrod by Goodnight Seadra - 8
    – Becca and Rachel talking about their mother's death, The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 9

    Funniest Moment
    – Albel gets a room, Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 10
    – George Clooney being caught, The af;lkjglk;uer Chronicles by PsiUmbreon - 2
    – "Why did you ban Master Balls?!" the boy shrieked. "I could have caught Moltres! MOLTRES!" Politics by Darien Shields - 11
    – Tony stopping Ricardo the Golem from using Metronome, Minty Thrill by DragoKnight - 4

    Best Chapter
    – Chapter 62 – Union Supremacy, Lisa the Legend by Gavin Luper - 8
    – Chapter 7, Morphic by Dragonfree - 7
    – Chapter 51 – Round Four (Part 2): Aragornbird VS Hanada Tattsu, The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 6

    Best Quote
    – "Think about Moriko's condition when she's minus her limbs!" Ripper, Scattered Lights by classy_cat18 - 9
    – "He'd heard that back in the first war, when they were in the trenches, if you popped your head up you'd get shot in the face. All the rank and file soldiers had to chance it to see what was going on. But the captain- he was smart. He was issued with a little stick of glass and metal. A simple periscope. Easy enough to poke up without getting hit by a flamethrower or a thunderbolt. And yet in the world of politics, it was the other way around. It was the leader who somehow always had his head above the trench, ready to be lobbed off by any passing Scyther," Narrator, Politics by Darien Shields - 13
    – "Don’t listen to them. I’ve told you, they’re batshit insane. You’d get more sense out of Babelfishing a Kadabra on crack. Just don’t even try," Dave Ambrose, Morphic by Dragonfree - 22

    Best Introduction
    – The monologue about reality, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Virtual Disaster by starjake - 10
    – Prologue, Finding Courage by Saffire Persian - 7
    – Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 6
    – The af;lkjglk;uer Chronicles by PsiUmbreon - 4

    Characters (People and Creatures in Fanfics)

    Best Character in a Leading Role
    – Ai, All You Wanted by Saffire Persian - 6
    – Solonn, Communication by Sike Saner - 8
    – Kian, Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 7
    – Dave Ambrose, Morphic by Dragonfree - 8

    Best Character in a Supporting Role
    – Medwin, Tiponi, Dćmon League Quester by eevee-shayna - 8
    – Master of Paradox, War of the Forums by mr_pikachu - 4
    – Nate, ~Measure of a Trainer - Secrets of Kultran~ by ShadowPikachu - 5
    – Lucia, Honor Among Thieves by PsiUmbreon - 7

    Best Villain
    – Isaac Daniels, Morphic by Dragonfree - 15
    – Badr, Hounds of Goldenrod by Goodnight Seadra - 7
    – Pichu/Thomas, The Pokémon Masters League by Chris 2.1 - 8

    Best Romantic Relationship
    – Akari and Tohno, Sincerely, by Saffire Persian - 12
    – You and I, Affair by dratinihaunter13 - 13

    Best Friendship
    – Tiponi and Medwin, Tiponi, Dćmon League Quester by eevee-shayna - 10
    – Solonn and Morgan, Communication by Sike Saner - 6
    – Drezdk and Talvoc, Victory or Death by Griff4815 - 7

    Best Rivalry
    – Ripper and Reaper, Scattered Lights by classy_cat18 - 13
    – Dark Sage and Master of Paradox, War of the Forums by mr_pikachu - 8

    Funniest Character
    – Albel, Albel the Wicked by Cadmus - 13
    – Tony Chambers, Minty Thrill by DragoKnight - 10

    Most Disturbing Character
    – Mia Kerrigan, Morphic by Dragonfree - 13
    – Alastair, Beware the Fury of a Patient Man by Weasel Overlord - 9
    – Isaac Daniels, Morphic by Dragonfree - 10

    Member Awards (Fanficcers)

    Best Writer
    – Gavin Luper - 13
    – Goodnight Seadra - 7
    – dratinihaunter13 - 14
    – mistysakura - 5
    – Chris 2.1 - 6

    Best New Writer
    – Cadmus - 10
    – Sike Saner - 6
    – Goodnight Seadra - 4
    – Griff4815 - 7

    Most Dedicated Writer
    – PsiUmbreon - 4
    – Goodnight Seadra - 9
    – mr_pikachu - 7
    – Houndoom_Lover - 6
    – Dragonfree - 7

    Most Improved Writer
    – Dragonfree - 15
    – Goodnight Seadra - 11
    – ShadowPikachu - 7

    Best Reader
    – Sike Saner - 11
    – Shuppet Master - 2
    – Crystalmaster Mike - 5
    – mr_pikachu - 10
    – mistysakura - 5

    Most Well-Rounded Member
    – mistysakura - 4
    – Houndoom_Lover - 1
    – Lady Vulpix - 8
    – Sike Saner - 9
    – mr_pikachu - 11

    Community Awards (Fanficcers)

    Biggest Drama Queen/King
    – Houndoom_Lover - 3
    – OzAndrew - 9
    – Blademaster - 15
    – mr_pikachu - 6

    Most Likely to Become a Couple
    – Samchu and eevee-shayna - 7
    – mr_pikachu and Gavin Luper - 9
    – Weasel Overlord and Roy Karrde - 6
    – Lady Vulpix and OzAndrew - 8

    Least Likely to Become a Couple
    – Master of Paradox and Dark Sage - 9
    – classy_cat18 and Dark Sage - 2
    – Darien Shields and Houndoom_Lover - 4
    – mr_pikachu and Charles Legend - 15

    Least Likely to Have an Iota of Fun in Life
    – Darien Shields - 9

    Most Likely to Take Over TPM
    – Lady Vulpix - 8
    – mr_pikachu - 11
    – Roy Karrde - 4

    Nicest Fanficcer
    – Sike Saner - 9
    – Goodnight Seadra - 3
    – Lady Vulpix - 11
    – Houndoom_Lover - 6
    – mistysakura - 6
    – Saffire Persian - 4

    Worst Writer’s Block
    – Blademaster - 10
    – eevee-shayna - 8
    – Chris 2.1 - 6

    Funniest Fanficcer
    – DragoKnight - 11
    – Houndoom_Lover - 5
    – Sike Saner - 2
    – OzAndrew - 8
    – PsiUmbreon - 7


    A special congratulations to Dragonfree, who won a much-deserved Awards Award with 7 pencils won this season! Well done on being the top dog at the 2008 Silver Pencils, Dragonfree!

    Congratulations too to all our category winners, who are displayed below, and to all nominees, voters and participants!

    See you all at the Golden Pens this December!



    List of Award Winners:

    Dragonfree - 7 awards
    mr_pikachu - 6 awards
    Gavin Luper - 4 awards
    Saffire Persian - 4 awards
    Sike Saner - 4 awards
    Darien Shields - 3 awards
    Blademaster - 2 awards
    Cadmus - 2 awards
    Chris 2.1 - 2 awards
    Dratinihaunter13 - 2 awards
    Eevee-shayna - 2 awards
    Lady Vulpix - 2 awards
    Mistysakura - 2 awards
    Starjake - 2 awards
    Charles Legend - 1 award
    Classy_cat18 - 1 award
    DragoKnight - 1 award
    Goodnight Seadra - 1 award
    Last edited by Gavin Luper; 25th August 2008 at 08:15 AM.
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  2. #2
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    *applauds* Thanks to my readers for the votes and nominations. I'm glad that this is the first time that I was nominated for Best Battle Scene. Maybe next time I'll win it. And who can forget my two most popular characters? *points offstage to Reaper and Ripper*

    Ripper: Awww, and Reaper was shooting for Best Romantic Relationship.
    Reaper: Could you stand to be mature for one night?
    Ripper: Could you stand to be straight for one night? Or do we have to paint you pink?

    Ahem. And big congrats to Brian and his new boyfriends! *runs off stage before anything can be thrown at her*
    Random Quote:
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    *laughs heartily* No wonder it took you so long to post the thread! That was brilliant, Gavin. Simply brilliant.

    Six awards, eh? Awesome! (I was expecting something closer to... um, zero.) Thanks to everyone who supported me in the Silver Pencils - it's nice to know people read and appreciate your work - as well as everyone else who nominated and voted. It takes a little dedication to fill out that long ballot, and we mods are glad you care. ^_^

    Congratulations, too, to everyone else who won Silver Pencils! Special congrats go to Dragonfree for her well-deserved Awards Award. If you haven't yet checked out Morphic, you ought to give it a read.

    Just have a few quick comments to add.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    mr_pikachu sits further back, sipping from a martini glass while in serious conversation with classy_cat18.
    It was just water! Really!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Best Nonfiction/Alternate Fandom Fic
    – The Fanfiction Documentary by mr_pikachu - 14
    I really didn't expect this one... thanks, everyone! I'm glad you liked it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Best E-zine Article
    – Viva Imaginary Friends by mistysakura - 12
    – A Writer's Life by Lady Vulpix - 12

    – Fanfiction: The Legal Paradox by mr_pikachu - 12
    It seems oddly appropriate to have a bunch of winners for the first ever Best E-zine Article Award.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Most Likely to Become a Couple
    – mr_pikachu and Gavin Luper - 9
    I hate you all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  4. #4
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    ^w^ Aww, didn't win anything this year, but I'll get best dressed in the Oscars! Wahahaaa! The introduction was fun!

    Originally Posted by Gavin Luper
    Most Likely to Become a Couple
    – mr_pikachu and Gavin Luper - 9
    You two going to adopted?
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  5. #5
    Good night and good luck! Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Nice intro there, Gavin! Fun to see the other members interacting. ^^

    Hehe, thanks everyone who voted for me! Most Dedicated Writer? Hey, I enjoy writing all of my stories. XD Wanna say though I didn't expect "Hounds of Goldenrod" to be even nominated. At another forums there were a few reviewers that explained some faults over that story, which I agreed. ^^; Also, congrats to everyone who got nominated and also won the awards! =D
    Also known as Bay =D

    Best New Writer-2007 Silver Pencil Awards
    Most Dedicated Writer-2008 Silver Pencil Awards

    Rid of the Scarlet Letter (One Shot)//Two Cities (Poem)//Forever Young (one shot)//Hounds of Goldenrod (one shot)

    ~Nothing, Everything~
    The stage is set. Goals will be achieved. History will come alive.
    Chapter Eighteen up (12/8/08)

  6. #6
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Bahahaha, awesome thread! Remind me to nominate this for "Best Alternate Fandom/ Non-fiction". Houndoom_Lover's outfit sounds cool and I wish PancaKe were here. But Rain Eternal would (hopefully) depress the hell out of everyone at an awards ceremony, hehe.

    Mm, I'm surprised Cocoon won. As I said, it's one in my failure collection (watch it grow...) I suppose I can't complain seeing as I pulled my better works off the internet to send off to journals Well, thanks for appreciating, and I'm glad you find more in it than I do. Co-winning the E-zine nomination is awesome, althogh I'm surprised at that win as well; great to know the article helped someone out.

    But the best thing of these awards was definitely scrolling through the winners, and pointing at the screen going "I nominated that! And that! And that..." Haha, I have good taste. A big congrats to everyone. Great work (not that you needed an Awards to tell you that).
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  7. #7

    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!




    Holy crap, how the hell did this happen? o_O Let me just say I most certainly did not expect it. Especially not Best Fiction Overall. (It did amuse me that I won that and not Best Pokémon Fic, though. )

    So um. Whoa. I'm quite speechless. Thanks to everyone who read Morphic (I just put up chapter eight, as a matter of fact) and especially those who reviewed. I really appreciate it. Thanks. Wow. *_*

    (P.S.: Most Disturbing Character winner Mia's last name is still Kerrigan, not Wallace. Could somebody correct it? It bugs me for some reason.)
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfree View Post
    (P.S.: Most Disturbing Character winner Mia's last name is still Kerrigan, not Wallace. Could somebody correct it? It bugs me for some reason.)
    Wow, how did I screw up that nomination? It's fixed now, in any case... hopefully people understood who they were voting for anyway. ^^;;

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    The intro was gold - good job on that!

    And yay, I won two awards. Thanks to those who voted for me. Hope you'll keep enjoying what I write, hehe.

    Congrats to the other winners!

  10. #10
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    "Biggest Drama Queen" and "Worst Writer's Block"...

    Thanks for voting, everyone... Ya bastards...

    (takes Awards and leaves)

    EDIT: Ten bucks says that I'mthe impatient prick in the crowd that yelled at Gav to hurry the Hell up.

    Go, me.
    Last edited by Blademaster; 24th August 2008 at 02:31 PM.

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  11. #11
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Two awards Thanks guys. Thanks so much for voting Liang VS Gregg as best battle - that's a real honour. The league matches have been going on for the best part of a year and this has probably been the most dramatic, I guess. There's more at stake. I hope the last chapter does not dissapoint

    And the emotional moment....again, thank you. That is such a prestigious award to recieve.

    Well done Dragonfree for winning so much - you are a fantastic writer. And to all the other winners, well done for all your efforts in making this such a great community. Gav, the scene where everyone was waiting for the results was great Who was my date!??

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  12. #12
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    I'm sorry!!!! I couldn't make it to the voting phase, I've been too busy. I hope it doesn't happen again.

    Thanks for the awards and the nominations, thanks for not giving me the most likely to become a couple award (seriously,that joke's getting old already) and congratulations to everyone!

    Also, nice description of the ceremony!

    Annual Unown Awards: Kind (2007), Friendly, Queen (2008), Dedicated (2009), She found Kevin! (2009),
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  13. #13
    Resident Freak Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Thank you so much for the nominations/awards everyone!! I feel like such a slacker, I haven't updated TDLQ in so long. I should really get on that..
    During that summer when unicorns were still possible, when the purpose of knees was to be skinned...
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  14. #14
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Thank y'all for the nominations, folks! And thanks for the award as funniest fanficcer, as well! I try, you know. Additionally, the thread intro is made of pure win. Don't trust the drinks that I'm serving, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    First of all, I loved the heck out of that intro. ^^ (And I totally would be hanging out by the fondue fountain, too. X3)

    Anyway... I swear, it is always going to surmaze and aprise me whenever I get nominated for anything, and even moreso whenever I actually win something. Always. X3

    I'm very honored to have received the nominations and awards that I did. ^^ I was very happy to see Communication nominated as a whole since I've put as much time and work into it as I have thus far, and I was very happy to see those particular aspects of it nominated (with a few of them actually winning) since those were aspects of the story that I've particularly enjoyed coming up with and working with--especially with regards to the setting and that plot twist. ^^ Furthermore, I'm very honored to be sharing the Best Character in a Leading Role award with Dragonfree--Dave = awesome. ^^ And I'm very flattered to have received the nominations for... well, for me, the person. X3 And with regards to winning Best Reader, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I owe it not only to those of you who nominated and/or voted for me in that category but also to those of you whose work I've been reading--it's because you've been writing and posting such enjoyable stuff that I've been doing all this reading, after all. ^^

    Massive thanks goes out to everyone who nominated and/or voted for me in any of the categories in which I was nominated, to everyone who participated in these awards, to everyone responsible for running them, and to all of the sources of my inspiration. ^^ Congratulations to everyone who was nominated and to everyone who won! ^^

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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Yeah, I posted the thread but forgot to post to say thanks for my awards and stuff, and congratulate everyone who won.

    So yeah: well done to Dragonfree, that was a seriously good haul of awards this year. And they're well deserved. I keep meaning to get back up to date with Morphic... I think I've read up to chapter 7 now, so I'll (hopefully) return soon.

    Good job to all the other winners too - we had quite a range of members winning awards, which was cool to see.

    Thanks, too, for the awards I received. It was nice that Lisa the Legend is still liked enough to get Best Pokemon Fic after this long. (There's so much more to come, I assure you.) And Best Chapter for Chapter 62 was nice to get. I actually had a lot of fun writing that chapter - a nice action-packed one again, they're always exciting. Cheers for the Best Writing Style too ... though it still frustrates me a lot, to be honest, when I can't get things worded to my satisfaction.

    Oh - and Brian - the people have spoken. Come over here and give us a hug, mate!

    Cheers guys!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Oh - and Brian - the people have spoken. Come over here and give us a hug, mate!
    Seppuku's looking more attractive by the second.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Seppuku's looking more attractive by the second.
    Either way, there goes the chance of hearing the pitter-patter of little Grammar Nazis' feet.
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    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    OOoo, I'll make booties! *starts knitting*
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    Seppuku's looking more attractive by the second.
    Don't be like that. H_L's making booties. Let's adopt!
    ...Quest for the Truth of the Legend ...

    Lisa the Legend

    Winner of 12 Silver Pencil Awards 2011 - Including Best Plot, Best Character in a Leading Role, Best Moment and Best Fic of the Forum for Lisa the Legend!

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu
    Feel free to withdraw at any time, Gavin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post
    ...Far too many references!! You're like the Swiss army knife of discussion.

  21. #21
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Do it! ^.^ They can be tiny and Chinese, and you can make them do your tazes once they learn how to write! *knitting*
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  22. #22
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    Cool Re: The 2008 Silver Pencil Awards ~ RESULTS!

    Gavin nice intro but I did noticed that I was not in it, what was I doing going to the bathroom becuse I drank to many leekshaks or something?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper
    Least Likely to Become a Couple
    – mr_pikachu and Charles Legend
    but yeah I do admit that I only won this by defalt do to being paired up with mr_pikachu...

    Anyways congratulations to all the winners...

    But I do have one more thing I got to ask. How come no one ever thinks to nominate me for the Most Likely to Take Over TPM award? I mean really why else do you think I have both a Large ASB team and and even larger Spaceship for? not to mention the fact that fact when Chris stepped down from moding the ASB, well never mind it was more or less of my over inflated ego. but yeah but yeah like Ben Parker told Petter With grate power also comes grate responsibility, and like Professor Dumbledore I realize one of my greatest weakness in life is that I am too Power hungry.

    ~Charles Legend
    Last edited by Charles Legend; 1st September 2008 at 05:58 AM.
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