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Thread: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

  1. #1
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]


    Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis


    Reward: $100,000

    Information leading to the capture or arrest
    of these criminals will be rewarded.
    Contact your nearest Gate Keeper.
    Hail King Ghetsis!

    Sophie – Lei (Emolga), Alice (Audino)
    Chez – N/A
    Brett – Rose (Ralts)
    James – Mary Celeste (Mismagius), Emohawk (Ditto)
    Rue – Bandit (Kecleon), Dimitri (Roserade)
    Andrew – Shadow (Eevee), Egg (Unknown)
    Kazuhira – Boss (Dwebble), Pooyan (Drifloon)
    Tony - Talisman (Sigilyph), Kazul (Dratini)
    Samantha Merriam - Gothita

    Sign Up Topic


    As a trainer, I always listen to what my Pokémon have to say. Always. Even when I don’t want to believe what they’re trying to tell me.

    So when they urged me to leave the Gym, the place I thought we could be safe, I tried to do so without any hesitation.

    Nimbasa City was once vibrant, full of life and energy. Although the city’s inhabitants have tried their best to keep in that way, it just doesn’t seem the same without the Pokémon around. They put on musicals without Pokémon, altered some of the theme park rides so they weren’t so obviously Pokémon themed and carried on as normally as possible.

    Team Plasma had left the city alone for a while now, a good few weeks with just the regular number of them patrolling and keeping curfew. Today numbers had tripled and the gang pulled people out of their homes, gathering people off the street and making them assemble outside what was once Nimbasa City’s Gym. A focal point, something of a symbol.

    The locals seemed on edge, as though they knew what was coming, whilst those who just happened to be passing through looked puzzled. They were used to spot checks, but nothing on this scale.

    “With this many grunts here,” One brave man whispered to another, “you wouldn’t be blamed for expecting Ghetsis himself to show up!”

    Sophie shuddered at his name, a horrible mixture of fear and anger bubbling inside her. Stood anonymously in the crowd, Lei in his Pokéball and Alice hidden not too far away, she knew she wasn’t ready to see Ghetsis, even from a distance. She wasn’t in the state of mind to act rationally, so she prayed that today would not be the day she’d have to lay eyes upon him again.

    She could be forgiven for wrapping a cream coloured scarf around her neck and pulling her hood up; it was mid-autumn, right on the pivot into winter where the days could be bitterly cold on a whim. Others were doing similar things, fidgeting as they waited for something to happen.

    Two overly dressed men appeared before the assembled crowd and Sophie thanked her lucky stars. Not Ghetsis. Just two of his highest henchmen. She recognised them as two of the Seven Sages, only by the description Elesa had given her. The crowd fell silent as the shorter of the two began to speak.

    “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your co-operation! We hope today might be a productive one; we do not wish to waste your time, so please do not waste ours.” He gave them all a smile littered with sarcasm before continuing. “We will carry out an inspection as usual a little later, but first we must request some information from you.”

    “We are looking for the trainer that resides in this Gym...” The older man stepped forward.

    Some brave, or perhaps idiotic, soul piped up. “But you arrested Elesa months ago!”

    Sophie felt her cheeks flush red. She’d been so careful about concealing herself, only letting a few trusted people know that she was still there. Maybe they’d spotted Alice with her? She made a physical effort not to look suspicious, restraining herself from looking around to spot her friendly Audino.

    There was a scuffle towards the front with the man who had heckled and Sophie used it as her chance to hide. She made her way to the back, where a lorry was parked. There she found Alice already waiting for her, her blue eyes full of worry. She picked her up, putting her on the lorry before climbing up and hiding behind a crate.

    “Don’t worry.” She whispered, petting Alice’s ears. “We’ll be safe in here.”

    Gorm brushed himself off as the irritating man was dragged away, clearing his throat. “Now, people of Nimbasa City, in all seriousness, there is a reward for any information on Elesa’s little sister. One lucky family has already benefitted from telling us she’s been back to the gym several times.” He motioned to them, stood near the front, looking more ashamed than pleased with themselves.

    “We would simply like to know if she’s inside or not.” Bronius added. “It would be a shame to let her pretty face burn...”

    “Well?” Gorm tapped his foot impatiently.

    “Your information is always valued, however insignificant you feel it may be.” Bronius reasoned with the crowd as Gorm began pacing up and down.

    “Well, so be it. You have potentially sentenced her to death, people of Nimbasa.” Gorm nodded at the truck at the back. “Let this be a lesson to you all!” Team Plasma grunts took fuel canisters from the truck and began piling them at the front of the gym. “We will find trainers and we will not hesitate to do the same to you!”


    Yay! Finally!
    I was gonna let the gym burn, but I figured that would be no fun. So I'm giving you the chance to stop it! We start in Nimbasa. You can take on the Grunts (expect Gorm and Bronius to scarper if that happens), try and keep hiding, let the inspection take place and let the gym burn... Hell, you can even turn Sophie in if you want (but that would be mean)! It's all up to you

    Btw, I didn't make those names up. Gorm and Bronius genuinely are names of the Seven Sages. And I totally wasn't aware Ghetsis counted as one before I started this, ALAS. NEVERMIND. A HITCH.

    LSU's are still accepted, btw. DivineAll, I still need to PM you back again, so just hold off talking about Orre in too much detail for now. Ta!

    Yay! Off you go~

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

    Crystal Tears: Shut. Up.
    Or i will hog tie you
    and ram you
    with my train

  2. #2
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    I'll give you a hint: CHEESE!

    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]


    As any sane 16 year old boy would know, going against the authority is a bad Idea.

    So, naturally, I had to end up going against them.

    “Hey, Team Plasma!” I yelled from the very edge of the crowd. I held up a random lady’s hand and yelled “I found the girl you’re looking for!”

    As soon as that one sentence was spoken, the crowd parted before me like the red sea, and there stood... them.
    Gorm and Bronius stormed past the crowd towards me and the terrified lady. Now that I looked at her for the first time, she looked to be around 80, with a terrifying amount of bags and wrinkles, and I then realized how flawed my plan was.

    “What is this?” Gorm asked me furiously. “Is this some kind of treasonous act you’re playing upon us?”

    Letting go of the woman’s hand, I said “Well how do you know what this girl looks like? She could be anyone in this crowd.”

    “Well, for your information,” Bronius came up and said, holding up a piece of paper. “We happen to have a clear photo of what the 19 year old girl looks like.” He then flashed me the photo and, clear as day, a 19 year old girl that looked just like the old Gym Leader of Nimbasa City was shown. “So, this is obviously an act of treason! Guards, arrest this child!”

    “Hey, I’ll have you know I’m not a child! I’m 16... and a half.” At that moment, I found it appropriate to grab the pokeball that was hooked to my belt.

    “He has a pokemon! seize him!” Bronius yelled.

    They were too late, however. Only one grunt managed to grab my other arm when I threw the pokeball into the air and yelled “Rose, use teleport!”

    The pokeball opened up in a flash of light, and the light shot down onto the ground. The light began to form into a small pokemon that’s almost the height of my knees. The light dissipated, and there stood a ralts. Not really the best psychic type, but it gets the job done.

    Once ralts was done coming out of her pokeball, she quickly realized what I said, and she leapt to my leg, grabbed, it, and teleported me and her out of there. Oh, and the grunt that was holding onto me, too.

    “Where’d he go!?” Gorm shouted into the air furiously. “Search the city! He can’t have gone far.”

    As a matter of fact, I didn’t really go that far at all. I really was just teleported to the stage of the Musical Hall. Thankfully, it was closed, so no one was there. Not-so-thankfully, the only people that were there were me, Rose, and the Team Plasma grunt I mistakenly dragged through the teleport.

    Since the teleportation disoriented him greatly, I took my chance to pry his hand off of my arm. It would’ve worked, had he not had such a steely grip on my forearm. I then tried to jump up and kick him in the stomach. That would’ve worked too, had he not recovered from the teleportation, grabbed my leg in midair, and threw me off the stage. At least I got him to let go of me.

    He strode up to the edge of the stage, jumped off, came up to me, and said “Ok, hand over your pokemon, and come quietly.”

    As he said “come quietly,” I couldn’t resist chuckling a bit. Getting up from the floor, I said “Come quietly? Give up my pokemon? Wow, that seems boring.” At this point, Rose finally reached me. I suspected she couldn’t teleport us away, as that skill was still developing. “Hows about I kick your ass and get out of here free?”

    “Look, kid,” The grunt said. “I’d feel bad about hurting a little runt like yourself,” Ok, I know I look young for my age, but still! “So just give me your pokemon, and I won’t hurt you.” He stood there, grinning, 5 feet away, hand outstretched, probably to accept the pokeball he expected me to give him. No way that was going to happen.

    “I may look like a kid,” I walked forward a bit as I said this. “But let me tell you, I’ve got skills you can’t even dream of attaining. So just back off, and I’ll promise not to kick your ass with Rose’s telekinetic foot!”

    The poor grunt got as red as a tomato as soon as those words left my mouth. He tried to grab a phone-type device, probably a communicator, out of his pocket, but Rose quickly reacted and telekinetically threw it onto the stage. “Hey, give that back!” He yelled. Rose also had the sense to teleport me and her onto the stage.

    “You want it?” I asked him. “I guess you won’t back off, then. Let’s have a battle over it, then.”


    HOO boy, I'm so excited for this! First rpg, WOOHOO! let's get this show on the road, guys!

    also, I realize my writing skills may not be too good, but I hope it's good enough.

    I considered attempting to try to save the gym, but a little ralts really isn't gonna cut it for that job, so I figured attempting to frame someone else and taking on a grunt would have to do.

    Of course, I myself find it hard to believe that team plasma would stop what they're doing and search the city for some *ahem* kid. I figured they really don't tolerate any sign of treason.
    Last edited by BTPoke; 25th April 2012 at 07:22 AM. Reason: a few grammar errors

  3. #3
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]


    “You’re kidding, Right?” The grunt asked as he walked up onto the left side of the stage. “A big tough guy like me against a little guy like you?”
    This guy was really starting to get on my nerves. “Enough talk! Let our pokemon decide who’s big and tough!” I then walked to the other end of the stage, with Rose close behind me.

    Once we were both set up on our sides of the battlefield that was the stage, the grunt sent out his pokemon with, well, a grunt. The pokeball opened up, and the light shot to the ground at his feet. The light shifted and formed into...

    I actually chuckled a little bit. This just seemed a bit sad. The big bad grunt sent out a trubbish. Not a garbodor, not anything in the least bit threatening. Just a trubbish. “A trubbish? You’re kidding, right? Man, you must be one bottom-tier grunt.”

    “Shutup, kid, my trubbish is going to beat your ralts to the ground.”

    “hehe, you must have been laughed at in whatever place you were trained. Seriously, where’d you get that thing? A garbage dump? That’d be the only logical way to get a pokemon like that. Really, don’t you have any better pokemon?” I must admit, I was egging him on a bit too much, but he did kind of deserve it. He called me a kid a bit too much for my liking...

    “uuuuurgh. That’s it, you little brat! Trubbish, use stockpile!” The trubbish sucked in a gigantic gulp of gas, and puffed up to twice his own size. I’m no idiot when it comes to battling, so I know stockpile is bad news. I had to get serious now.

    “Rose, use psychic to throw that thing into the air, then use Thunderbolt!” Rose immediately glowed with a faint aura of energy, which trubbish began to share in a second. She threw her arms up into the air, and trubbish went with them. Up the little trubbish went, into the rafters, where a faint crashing sound was heard.
    A few seconds passed, and Trubbish started falling from the ceiling, but Rose was quick to form a ball of electricity in her hands. The pointed the ball of energy at trubbish, and a ray of electricity shot out from the ball.

    “Trubbish, use stockpile again!” The trubbish once again sucked in some gas, and puffed up to an even bigger size. The thunderbolt hit trubbish directly in the stomach, and he continued falling to the ground, which he hit in a matter of seconds.

    The thunderbolt plus the impact with the ground should have caused a large amount of damage, but trubbish looked to be hardly injured due to the stockpiles he used.

    “Ha, your attacks are useless against my trubbish once he gets enough stockpiles up!”

    I had to admit, he did have a pretty good point. Those stockpiles really beefed the little guy up to pretty decent defenses. I knew something I could do, though.

    “Rose, use calm mind! Focus your telekinetic energy!”
    Rose sat down onto the ground in a cross-legged position and started meditating. She glowed with an ethereal energy, and the grunt knew that was as bad news as stockpile.

    “Oh no you don’t! Trubbish, use stockpile to gain more defense.”

    Trubbish for the third time gathered in even more air and gulped it down, gaining even more size. I could notice, however, that trubbish was straining to hold that air in.

    I had this guy right where I wanted him.

    “Rose, keep using Calm mind.”

    “Trubbish, keep using stockpile!”

    Rose just kept on meditating, while trubbish looked worriedly at his trainer. It knew it couldn’t hold in more air, I knew it couldn't, but his trainer sure couldn't.

    “Don’t give me that look! Keep sucking in air!”

    Alas, the trubbish did try sucking in more air, but there was simply nowhere to contain more air, and the trubbish instead just let out all of the gas, much like a balloon would when deflating. Trubbish shrunk back down to his normal size, and it was my time to strike.

    “Alright, Rose, take all that energy and shoot it out into one great Psychic! Take him down!”

    Rose got out of her meditating position and immediately threw her arms up into the air. Trubbish and Rose both glowed with a now-bright aura of psychic energy. I could feel the power of the psychic waves flowing from Rose, and I knew that trubbish was SO about to get owned.

    Rose grabbed trubbish with her psychic, pulled her arms back, and pushed trubbish so hard with a telekinetic blast that you could see a shockwave of energy ripping through the air, along with trubbish, who went crashing into the far wall, instantly knocked out.

    The lowly grunt ran over to his trubbish, spitting out a few choice curse words as he went, and tried prying it out of the wall, to no avail. I figured it looked like a good time to split, so I grabbed Rose and ran out of there as fast as possible.

    Behind me, I heard the grunt run back onto the stage. I turned back just in time to see him run to center stage and grab the communicator. Funny, I knew I forgot something.

    The grunt hit a button on the communicator and yelled “The boy’s in the musical hall! I repeat, the musical hall!”

    And that is when I decided that right then would be a great time for Rose to teleport me to the outskirts of Nimbasa City.


    Eh, that grunt turned out to be a real loser, am I right?

    But seriously, I think that was a pretty decent first battle. Not really the greatest, but pretty decent.

    Anyway, I guess I'm heading out to Route 16, the eastern route, since I assume that's the closest route to the Musical Hall. Who knows what I'll be doing out there? I don't really know yet, that's for sure.

    Again, my writing abilities might not be very good, but I hope it's good enough.
    Last edited by BTPoke; 22nd June 2012 at 07:06 AM.

  4. #4
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    you can lay all blame with Castle for the lateness of this post and also Jeremy Renner's arse which you are already aware of Bex

    | Kazuhira |
    a life without parole

    The art of tactical espionage had its benefits; sneaking around like a badass was definitely one of them. However, one thing that was definitely not counted among the benefits was hiding inside a sweltering soft-topped truck throughout one of the warmest days of the year so far.

    To say that the air inside was stale would be doing the very air itself not a jot of justice.. To say it was ripe would be to belittle the very stench itself. To say that Boss hadn't spent most of the day pricking any exposed part of Kaz's skin with her claw-tips in a desperate attempt to both amuse herself and fully communicate the extent of how annoyed she was that she'd had to spend a whole day hiding inside a smelly truck.

    At first he'd smiled at her with soft fondness, and then she'd drawn blood in a particularly petty ten minutes and that smile had turned slightly less fond and a lot more strained.

    His binoculars were sweating against his skin, and his eyes were beginning to feel the strain of watching the proceedings, but something was finally happening after so long and Kaz couldn't bring himself to care about the discomfort. His eyes were almost literally glued to the binoculars as Plasma dealt with hecklers, and then, without warning, his vision was obscured as someone clambered into the truck.

    It was a girl. She didn't notice him at first, which was to be expected, considering he was camouflaged under a tarpaulin, only the binoculars poking out of the front. But then a muffled shout came from behind him, and Kaz accepted that it might be time to introduce himself.

    He turned over with all the skill of someone used to turning over rapidly from a horizontal position, being careful not to disturb the covering on the front of the lorry. He lifted his head to look at her, appearing for all the world as if he was lounging on a chaise longue.

    “Hey,” he said, calm as if he did this sort of thing every day. “What's a nice girl like you doing in a disgusting lorry like this?” He grinned casually, lending a harmless nature to his words. “And with an Audino, no less. Interesting-”

    He kept his voice pitched low so as to not attract attention, but then, the noises now coming from outside seemed like they would be enough of a distraction away from their humble hiding place that extra voices wouldn't be an issue at all. He would have turned back to check it out if it wasn't exceptionally rude, and besides, the charming-looking girl was glaring at him somewhat enthusiastically.

    “You're not here to take my Pokémon away, are you?”

    Kaz raised an eyebrow. He ducked his head, feeling Boss' claws on his chin like a particularly efficient razor. He picked her up and proffered her to the girl – it would have been a sign of peace and friendship, if it wasn't for Boss bristling her shell until it rattled alarmingly.

    “You'll have to excuse Boss, she's just testy because we've been in here all day-” He smiled with all the calm acceptance of someone who knows he's going to get a sharp jab to the - oh yeah, there it was – throat.

    Boss crabbed her way down his arm and settled in her usual place on his shoulder, peering at the girl every now and again as if to make sure that she wasn't going to do something untoward with Kazuhira.

    “What's your name then?” He jerked his thumb behind them, gesturing at the commotion outside. It had apparently got a lot more like a full on Pokémon battle since he'd last looked, which was interesting. “I suppose you've got something to do with that gym-”

    a/n: as mentioned in his signup, Kazuhira has a bad habit of leaving potent silences at the end of his sentences. This is how I will be denoting them-

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  5. #5
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    After a rather clumsy teleportation to the outskirts of Nimbasa City and quickly stumbling into the nearest shrubbery next to the route gate with Rose, I had to come up with a plan.

    I had been looking for my pokemon around Nimbasa City for a few weeks, and I hadn’t come up with anything, not even any leads. All I got from my troubles was a bad mood and a bad reputation with Team Plasma. Sure, the whole thing will probably blow over soon, but-

    Just then, a patrol car passed through the route gate with a blaring siren. My picture, hand drawn -and not very dashing to say the least- was lit up on all sides of the car other than the front.

    -ok, maybe not anytime soon. I had to find a new place to look.

    I looked around the area. The clear dirt road that lead out from the route gate was covered on both sides with dense forestation and shrubbery. The tall fences that used to flank both sides of the road have been long since removed by Team Plasma, or so I’d heard, and had been overrun by the plant life that it contained. The noises made by the previous patrol car scared off any pokemon that might have populated the forested area, so I had no fear of being randomly attacked.

    As I continued to think of places to continue searching, I felt a tug on my pant leg. I looked down to see Rose tugging my pant leg and pointing into the distance, farther down the road from the route gate.

    “What’s down that way, Rose?” I asked her, but she only took my hand and started tugging on it to try to lead me down the way she instructed.

    Not one to distrust a psychic’s intuition, I followed rose down the side of the road in the direction she was pointing in. I noticed that the horns atop her head were faintly glowing for some odd reason, but that wasn’t something to worry about, as that happened every now and then.

    “I hope you know where you’re going, Rose.”

    Soon, Rose stopped walking and pointed across the road. I looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw a break in the thick line of trees on the other side of the road.

    I dug my phone out of my pocket and brought out the map function on it. The GPS locator pinpointed me at a spot labeled “Lostlorn Forest - Entrance.”

    Rose’s horns were glowing slightly brighter now, and she looked into the entrance of the forest with a sort of longing, as if something important was in there.

    “You think something’s in there, Rose?” I asked her. She turned to me and nodded with a certain firmness that shows that she knows something’s in there. “Well then, let’s go.”

    Looking throughout the dirt road to see if any patrol cars were about to pass by, I let Rose lead me to the other side of the road, and into the forest, not knowing what might lurk inside.


    Ok, looks like I’m heading into lostlorn forest. I wonder what we might find in there. Really, I have no idea, yet. I’m just, and it seems to be working in my opinion.

    Once I’m done with the stuff in Lostlorn Forest, I’ll probably be heading back to Nimbasa City, so I might be willing to join up with someone once I get back there. For now, though, I’m riding solo (unless someone spontaneously pops up in lostlorn forest, lol)

    So yeah, pretty short section here, but I wanted to post something to pass the time.
    Last edited by BTPoke; 27th May 2012 at 10:31 PM.

  6. #6
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]


    My favorite café in Unova so far is Café du Nimbasa, in Nimbasa City. The staff there is some of the sweetest people ever. They have delicious cake and parfaits, and their coffee and tea is good for a cold day. But my absolute favorite thing from there was their Blitzle Cake, a two-layer cake with white frosting and fudge “stripes”. Every bite was like a bit of heaven. When Team Plasma first struck the city, they demanded that they stop making the cake instead of just renaming it. It was just plain… unreasonable.

    This day I had taken a chance and walked in to order a slice of their Oran Berry cake. It was one of the few things that cheered up Dimitri. Bandit might like a slice too. So I had ended up with three slices in the end.

    The woman at the counter used to ask me about Dimitri, but now she talked as if the walls had ears. No small talk at all. Not that I was into it before, but the added silence was unnerving.

    I slid out the café with the white box and sat on a bench to look through my notebook. I had bookmarked the last entry.

    x/x, Route 5

    Relatively quiet. Very few Team Plasma grunts. The rumors of them being mostly in the south must be true. Low on food, but can buy some with the money from the berries I sold.

    “Greetings, everyone.”

    I froze and kept my head down. There was no need for guessing who the voice belonged to. They had walked past me and were now addressing the people in the café I had just left. My eyes stayed on my notebook as I turned to a fresh page and started writing a new entry.

    x/x, Nimbasa City

    Team Plasma has sent members to Nimbasa to look for trainers with Pokemon. They must’ve been in Castelia just yesterday. Anyone who even mentions the P-word is in danger.

    “Excuse me, miss?”

    I raised my head and let out a gasp before I could stop myself. Another grunt had sneaked up while I was preoccupied. I had to suppress my need to put a hand in my pocket, where Dimitri’s pokeball was hiding. “H-Hello,” I managed to force out.

    “We need everyone in the front of the abandoned gym, ma’am.”

    Extra points for being polite. Another grunt had joined him. I gulped and tried to be as calm as possible while following them to the assembly. The worst thing I can do right now is look guilty.

    The crowd was gathered in front of two elders who clearly looked like the grunts’ superiors. Making sure that no one had their attention on me, I added to my journal entry:

    Two of the Seven Sages are here overseeing the inspection. I'm pretty sure their names are Gorm and Bronius. This could be major trouble.

    One of them held up a picture of a girl. I had seen her before but didn’t really know who she was until the people around me identified her. “The gym leader’s sister?” I whispered to myself.

    “We would simply like to know if she’s inside or not.” Bronius added. “It would be a shame to let her pretty face burn...”

    They wouldn’t! But I still kept quiet. I didn’t have any information to give, and I wouldn’t give it to them even if I did.

    They started carrying fuel canisters, piling them up around the gym. I clutched the box of cake tighter, just wanting to get away. They can’t do this! That place is to be respected! It’s Elesa’s pride, even though Elesa herself isn’t around!

    “Miss?” I snapped to attention to the same grunt who had scared me while I was outside the café. “What would be in that notebook in your hand?”

    My breath hitched. I couldn’t let him know! Even though nothing about the girl was written down, it still contained rumors about other wanted trainers. “I-I-It’s… homework,” I muttered, keeping my head down.

    “Then you won’t mind if I take a peek, hm?” Before I could get away, he snatched my notebook away and then shoved me to the ground when I tried to get it back. The box of cake slid away from me.



    Something soft and white hit the grunt’s face! He dropped the notebook, and I scooped it up while he was busy wiping off the mess. “What is this?” he cried out. “Cake!?”

    “Cake?” I mouthed. My box was now opened, and a big chunk of one of the slices was gone. The rest of the slice was hovering in midair and disappearing bit by bit. A yellow zigzag stripe gave away the culprit’s identity.

    The grunt finally got his attention back on me, bits of cake still on his face. “You little bitch!” he growled at me. “You want a fight, you got it!”

    “N-No!” I didn’t want to reveal Bandit. “It… wasn’t… it was…”

    “What the hell are you trying to say!?” A pokeball was in his hand.

    My eyes watered the more I fought to spit out a lie. “It was… accident!”

    “I’ll show you accident!” His hand shot out and struck my cheek.

    I couldn’t let him go on, and if I got into any deeper trouble then Dimitri would certainly jump in and make things worse. Calling on my training, I caught his hand. Hit his knee joint, knock him off balance, shift your weight and…

    He went sailing through the air, bringing down two civilians with him. “Oops,” I whispered sheepishly.

    The white box jumped into my hands, and something heavy jumped on my back. I didn’t need to know who it was; I ran before the other grunts could catch me. “That was very dangerous, Bandit! Don’t ever do it again!” I scolded as soon as I was in an empty alley.

    I could feel the weight on my back go away. A few seconds later, the Kecleon materialized in front of me. “Kecleon! Kec kec kecleon!” she shouted angrily. “Kecleon kecleon kec!”

    Although I couldn’t understand a word she was saying, it was probably along the lines of “so was flipping our enemy over your shoulder” and/or “something had to be done”. She was right either way.

    There was a big commotion from where I came from. Pretty soon I’ll have someone after me. “We have to get out of the city, but how? Maybe the trains…nah, they’d have those under tight security. Let’s try to hide somewhere for—“

    A sound from behind me stopped me mid-sentence. My throat locked up again. I wasn’t even able to demand who had gotten close. I had to settle with body language (i.e. my body shaking).
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    I'll cheekily take your visitor message as approval for Jevon, Chobi. I'll fix him up if there's any other bits that need tweaking! But for now, an introductory nothing post! *flex*

    I'm getting old, I guess. Once upon a time, my body felt fit and limber, the body of a man who could easily take on a gang of ten and send them scattering.

    Over the years however, and the abuse I'd taken at the hands of criminals and lawmen alike, I'd received my fair share of damage. My muscles were slowly but surely turning to fat, and each day, I was one step slower.

    Every day was a new pain racking through me, and right now, as I tried to sleep, it was a sharp stabbing feeling in my ribs.

    I opened my eyes, and finally saw the child who was poking me with a stick.

    "Christ!" I exclaimed, sitting up. The little boy was no older than five, and he looked at me with a strange fascination, practically a sense of trust, that was almost endearing.

    "Are you looking after me now?" he asked quietly.

    Blinking a few times, I looked around at my surroundings. I was up on a roof, a novel place to have decided to sleep, with little recollection as to how I had come to end up here. Nearby was a door that probably led to an apartment complex downstairs.

    "No." I replied flatly, rubbing my chest with one hand, "Where are your parents?"

    The little boy walked toward the ledge, just barely able to peek his head over the short brick wall that framed the roof of the building. He pointed a little way off into the distance, and I could see that he was indicating towards the old Pokémon Gym. There was a large crowd standing before it, which was unusual these days.

    "They said it wasn't safe, so I was s'posed to stay with my sister and wait here." the boy continued, "But I got bored."

    I leant over the wall and observed the group of people gathered at the Gym. My eyesight was a little blurry, and I couldn't really make out who they were, or what they were doing there.

    "Mommy said it was the bad Plazza men." the boy offered, as if he had been reading my thoughts, "I don't like them!" He poked his tongue out in their vague direction, "They're poo heads."

    Team Plasma, eh? This only meant bad things for every poor sap rounded up. I was fairly ambivalent towards the Plasmas; to me, their biggest injustice was the way their fear-mongering was crippling the economy. People just didn't seem happy these days, and that didn't help me any. A jolly fool is more likely to send a coin or two my way than a fool lamenting the loss of his Pokémon.

    Fortunately, I hadn't trained a Pokémon in years. It was a criminal offence for me to even own one back home, due to my record. In a way, Plasma's stripping of Unova's Pokémon was almost a poetic role reversal. In Hoenn, I couldn't own one. In Unova, everyone else can't. Of course, I wasn't exempt here, either.

    Even with the people no clearer to me than specks of dust, I could tell that there was some commotion happening. Obviously some young hero had puffed their chest and acted the fool. Grunts darted back and forth, the crowd beginning to break off as people took the confusion as a chance to safely slip away... Even looked like pies flying about, and someone literally disappearing. Christ, my eyesight was bad.

    I pulled a cigarette from the pack in my pocket. It had been severed in the middle, and the top of it dangled like a broken branch. I flicked it off, accepting that this was going to be a particularly short smoke, and began searching my hoodie for my matches.

    With judgement in his eyes, the little boy frowned at me. "Mommy says those are bad, too." he said, referring to the cigarette hanging from my lips.

    "Your mommy's a smart lady, son." I said as I finally located a match. I swiped it across the bricks, and lit the cigarette. After one puff, I looked over at the child. "But I'm a bad person, so it's okay."

    The boy looked frightened now, so I pointed my head towards the door. "You best go back to your sister, she's probably looking for you."

    He nodded, slowly backing away as if part of him still didn't want to leave my side. "Bye bye, Mr. Bad." he whispered, before turning and running through the door, slamming it shut behind him.

    By now, the wheels were starting to turn in my head. Was there any way I could take advantage of all the ruckus down there? I was by no means a pick-pocket, but I figured if someone happened to drop something, it was fair game. Hopefully nothing of sentimental value, just some baubles that could net a few yen.

    Away you go, Mr. Bad. Go and find yourself an opportunity.

    I flicked the cigarette butt over the ledge, then climbed over onto the fire escape, and started making my way down towards the street.

    That's right! I influenced the story in no way, shape or form.
    Just needed to shake the cobwebs from my RP'in. Jevon's probably not getting to the Gym anytime soon, and by the sounds of things, with all the craziness happening there, the Plasmas will have either taken off or burnt it down by the time he gets there! After all, he's no spring chicken.

    Also, if I've jumped the gun and preempted the character's approval, I've successfully kept Jevon out of the way enough to completely rework the post if necessary. (Cue Gargantuan Blarg sound in Tetris Attack) Arrah.
    Last edited by DragoKnight; 6th July 2012 at 06:11 AM.
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  8. #8
    Luck's least favorite person Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Upon entering the forest, I quickly noticed one thing: it was dark in there. It wasn’t too dark, but the canopy above was thick enough to make this place almost as dark as any average cave. Fortunately, there was some light filtering in, but it was still pretty dark. Did I mention it was dark? I think I mentioned it was dark. It was dark.

    I didn’t want to create a light source; mostly because I was still pretty close to the entrance of the forest, and any sudden lighting might alert someone to the fact that there’s something suspicious going on in the forest. I also really didn’t want to aggravate any wild pokemon.

    “Looks like we’ll be going without light, Rose.” I said, and Rose just continued on.

    So yeah, we went on. In the dark. Are you sure I mentioned it was dark? Fortunately there was a convenient dirt road running through the forest that we could barely follow.

    Rose was walking along in kind of a trance, though, sometimes going off of the road. It was kind of freaking me out.

    “Are you ok, Rose? You sure you know where you’re going?” I’d ask her, but she just kept going, oblivious to anything going on around her.

    Rose and I went on for a while, getting pretty deep in the forest, Rose leading the way with her big glowing horn, steadily getting darker all the time (are you sure?), when we actually ran into something interesting.

    Up ahead, there was a bright light coming through a possible exit from this forest. I squinted my eyes, seeing bright light for the first time since entering the forest, while Rose carried on, her horn glowing brighter than ever. I followed her out through what I thought was an exit.

    Now, for some odd reason I couldn’t understand, up until now, there was absolutely no sign of any wild pokemon. Only now, I could see why. Out in this giant clearing, with trees all around it, was a gathering of dozens of wild pokemon. In the middle of them was... an alakazam!

    This alakazam had its eyes closed, its signature spoons held out. The spoons were glowing, and the crowd seemed to be staring, in a trance similar to Rose, at the spoons.

    Now that I looked at it, the pokemon in the clearing were all psychic types. Pure psychic types, to be exact. I could see evolutionary lines such as the solosis line, the gothita line, elgyem, munna, even pure psychics from other regions. The only psychics I couldn’t see were those of the abra line.
    Rose, still in her trance, walked to the edge of the crowd of psychics to stare at the alakazam. Other pokemon were also entering the clearing from other entrances, all of them psychics.

    When it eventually seemed like the clearing was almost full, and no more pokemon were coming, the alakazam finally put his spoons down. All the pokemon in the clearing dropped out of their trances immediately, and they all looked around in confusion. I couldn’t find Rose in the crowd, but I knew she could find me when needed. I stayed back to watch the show.

    Once all the psychics settled down, a telepathic voice boomed throughout the clearing.

    ”Greetings, my fellow psychic types!” The voice seemed to be coming from the Alakazam, of course. ”For too long, we have been the slaves of humans, even with the kindness of this ‘Team Plasma’ releasing our brethren from their slavery.”

    “In other regions, however, our other brethren are still the slaves of those monstrous trainers! We must rise up, and eliminate the oppression of the trainers!”

    Just then, a thought occured in my mind. “Wait, alakazam is a powerful and smart psychic type. Surely he would’ve-”

    And no sooner had I thought that than I was teleported to the very center of the clearing.

    I immediately tried a futile attempt at running away, but my limbs locked up as the alakazam grasped me in his telekinetic grasp, and his voice echoed throughout the clearing once more.

    “As I have spoken to you, a human has dared trespass upon this hallowed forest! I will search his mind, and see what he knows about the outside world. Surely we will learn something."

    Being around a while in my career as a trainer for being such a young “kid,” I had faced many psychics, and I learned I needed to set up some mental barriers. I had seeked training from a psychic master, and I had set up some much-needed mental barriers. A mere second after the words left alakazam’s mind, however, an outside force pushed its way into my mind, breaking through any barriers that had been set around my deepest thoughts as if they were nothing, and I could feel his telekinetic gaze.

    “I knew it! This human is a trainer! In fact, his sole remaining pokemon is in this clearing at this very moment!”

    Suddenly, Rose appeared at my side, also locked in Alakazam’s telekinetic grip.

    "We must show them the error of their ways, and teach them a lesson! A lesson that will teach them never to oppress us AGAIN!"
    The psychics around us roared in thunderous applause, and I could only wonder how we would get out of this one.

    Seems like Rose picked up something bad instead of finding something good. Shame.
    I had hoped to find something nice, but that just wouldn't really be fair considering I have just started out in this rpg, and I kind of want to take it slow when it comes to finding stuff. Looks like I'll have to deal with this next.
    I do feel like I'm rushing a bit when it comes to writing this, but I don't know. I've never really participated in an rpg before.
    In fact, this is my first one. I'd like to know what you all think.

  9. #9
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Avery - Nimbasa City

    Hmm, looks like this place hasn't been affected as much as Castelia or Opelucid. They must be hitting the larger cities first and working their way to--

    Avery's thought was interrupted by some noise a couple of streets over, a familiar voice being amplified by a megaphone.


    It seemed that Plasma had just returned to this town for an inspection of some kind, likely another attempt at tracking down the Gym Leader's trainers. It was no secret in this area that Elesa's younger sister was being targetted by Plasma, having eluded capture up to this point.

    As Avery leaned against a lamppost and listened to the propaganda being spouted nearby, he overheard a commotion that disturbed the air. There was some shouting, something about "cake", followed by some thuds and gasps. It sounded as if the disturbance was getting closer, so Avery slipped into the alley behind him to avoid becoming involved. Although he bore a strong distaste for Plasma, he feared his emotions would push him into a disagreeable situation. As he listened to the din to await its passing, he saw a young girl quickly duck into the same alley at the other end. The girl slowly backed her way in, watching the other entrance intently as if she were trying to hide from something. As Avery watched her, he saw her speaking very firmly toward something, as if scolding a child. After a moment he heard sounds in reply, and saw what he assumed caused the commotion. The girl's Kecleon materialized into visibility, chirping with an irritated tone.

    As Avery was observing, he heard more shouting from the Plasma grunts, apparently searching the nearby area for this girl. It sounded as if they had reached the street adjacent to the alley, which meant they were not far away. Fearing for the girl's safety, Avery quietly approached her.

    "Excuse me, ma'am?" Avery spoke in as gentle a tone as he could so as not to startle her too badly.

    The girl's body stiffened, but thankfully she did not let out any sound.

    "Don't worry, I'm not with them. You can turn and face me." Avery followed up, attempting to ease the girl's stress.

    The girl's shoulders relaxed a little, and she slowly turned around. A great deal of caution was still in her eyes, and several moments passed before she was able to get any words out.

    "W-whoooo are you?" she stammered, her nervousness still apparent.

    Avery smiled, and knelt on one knee so his height would not be as imposing.

    "My name is Avery. I'm an Engineer with RecovCorp." he said, looking back up at the girl to await her response.

    "Um...I'm Rue..." she replied, still suspicious.

    Man, this poor girl is pretty rattled. I didn't want to reveal this, but I need her to trust me if we're going to get out of here...

    Avery stood up again slowly, and smiled at Rue again. He gently tapped his right heel on the ground 3 times, and a brief flash of light emitted outward. Rue took a step back at first, but watched intently for what would come out. Instantly, Anji the Nidoran popped up at Avery's side, letting out a small "yip!" as it stood proudly. Rue's eyes widened a bit in surprise.

    "You! You, you're..." she gasped.

    "Yes, I am also a pokemon trainer, just like you." Avery explained, kneeling again to give Anji a good scratch behind the ears.

    "Needoo!" Anji responded softly, lovingly rubbing against Avery's leg.

    "Are...are you running from Plasma too??" Rue asked, her voice more calm now.

    "Well, not exactly running," Avery replied, "but I have no strong desire to get mixed up with them at the moment."

    Rue nodded in understanding, but her response was cut short by more sounds in the street, this time very close.

    "Let's finish this conversation later. We need to get out of this alley before we're seen." Avery took command, turning toward the way he had entered.

    "This way." he said, motioning for Rue to exit in front of him. She hesitated for a moment, then quickly shuffled her way past Avery and out the other end of the alley. Avery followed closely behind her, carefully watching the other end of the alley in case the Plasma grunts intruded. After the pair had popped out and around the corner, Rue turned back to Avery.

    "So, what now?" she asked, still a bit bewildered. Avery paused to think for a moment, then responded.

    "Well, we certainly can't take any public transportation out of the city right now as Plasma will be all over it. I think it would be best for us to lay low until the commotion dies down and at least the Sages leave. I'm quite sure Plasma won't totally leave the city, but they will likely only leave a few grunts behind to continue the search, making our escape much easier." Avery explained, waiting a moment for Rue to process what he had just said.

    "I see..." Rue responded, frowning and looking gloomily down at her feet. She was clearly still dejected from her encounter, and her hopes were low.

    "Not to worry, I know a place where we can hide safely." Avery quickly added, trying to lift her spirits. "My company has a satellite office here in Nimbasa that was left intact by Plasma. I still have a key, we could stay there undiscovered until nightfall."

    Rue looked back up, and her eyes got a little bit brighter.

    "Really? Is that ok?" she asked.

    "Sure! Nobody is there anyway, we haven't been operating since Plasma took over." Avery replied, finally able to instill a little confidence in the girl. "It's not far from here, let's go this way to avoid the grunts."

    "Ok!" Rue responded enthusiastically, following Avery down toward the corner.

    Whew, that should work. Tag classy_cat!
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]


    Now where was I? Oh, yeah, the darn alakazam had me pretty much in the palm of his telekinetic hand.

    ”Silly human” his voice appears once more. “Don’t even think of escaping. I can read all that you are thinking.” Oh, that’s gonna complicate things a bit. “If you do as I say, and follow every order, I will release you and your pokemon.”

    A deal? This can’t possibly go down well.
    I respond by saying “I’d rather hear what the deal is before agreeing to any deals, thank you very much.”

    The alakazam’s mouth curls into a small smirk, then he continues. “I see. You have many wits among you... for a human. I didn’t know whether I should be flattered or insulted. “Very well. This is the deal: You must deal with a few... nuisances... in this forest. There are some pokemon that are a threat to my group, and they must be gone. I was going to sacrifice you to make an example to humans, but now that I see that you are more well-minded than most humans for still having a pokemon in the face of team plasma, I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. Expunge the nuisances from the forest, and you shall have your freedom.”

    “And what makes you think I won’t just run off?” I retort back at him.

    The alakazam chuckles a bit, walks up closer to me, and says “There will not be any of that. You see, we’ll be keeping your pokemon as long as you’re performing this task for us.” He then turns away and addresses his guard, who happens to be a kadabra. “Keep this trainer’s pokemon safe until he finishes this task.” The kadabra nods, and takes over holding Rose with telekinesis.

    “What?” I shout in surprise. “Well how do you expect me to get rid of these pokemon without a pokemon of my own!?”

    The alakazam turns back to me with a small smirk on his face once more. “You’re a human. Humans tend to be oddly resourceful. I assume you’ll be able to figure it out.” He then looks at me with a look that says “You’re screwed, buddy.”

    I try to look at him with a look full of hatred, but I don’t think I have much of a “Hatred” look, so it didn’t seem to faze him at all. “I can’t just go into the forest all by myself! Perhaps I can borrow one of your loyal servants? I know they’d be willing to help the group as a whole in any way.”

    The alakazam turns away and says “Well, I’m sorry, but I simply cannot risk any of my loyal servants in this mission.”

    Can’t risk them? “Well, at least it’d be helpful to know what I’m up against! I can’t go in there completely blind.”

    The alakazam chuckles and says “Well, I guess you’ll be finding out soon. I will let you know that they are quite vicious. Do we have a deal?”

    I would rather tell him where he could stick his “Deal,” but there was no way I was going to lose Rose any time soon. “Alright, I’ll agree to your deal. After I do this, though, would you mind teleporting me and Rose back to Nimbasa straight away?”

    The alakazam finds it hard to believe I’ll ever return, but he says “It is a deal, then.” He then releases me from his telekinetic grasp. “Do remember, however, where your loyalties lie.”


    Skip forward a few hours later, the sky is dark and I’m still trudging along in the forest.

    “Ugh,” I sigh in exasperation and exhaustion. “How hard can it be to find a bunch of stupid pokemon

    I then hear a growl in the night air that makes me freeze in fear. and turn toward the sound. What I see next makes my heart almost stop and my hair stand on end. A pack of mightyena, probably ranging around a dozen of them, are spread out in front of me, and they don’t look happy.

    Cursing myself at my terrible choice of words, I say “Oh, you heard that, didn’t you?” I then begin to walk backwards away from the mightyena, but they inch forward with each step I take. “What I meant to say was ‘nice’ and ‘smart.’ not ‘stupid’ at all, you’re all very smart creatures, and I’m sorry if any assumptions were made.”

    I stop walking as I back up into a tree. The mightyena begin to surround me, and a few of them are starting to look hungry. The one up front, most likely the leader, steps forward. I’m forced to stay incredibly still as the mightyena starts to sniff me. He’s probably sizing up his snack before... licking my face? The mightyena has started licking my face with a happy look on his face. Oh my god, he’s tasting me before eating me.

    Then all my fears go away when he starts nuzzling up to me. Wait a second...

    I look closer at the mightyena, and I start to recognize him.

    “Wait... are you...?” The mightyena responds with a happy kind of bark, and then I know for sure. “Oh my gosh! Waru? Is that you?” Waru licks my cheek in response, which probably means yes. “It is you! I’ve missed you for so long, buddy!” I begin to pet Waru, and he nuzzles up to me as what’s apparently his pack watches.

    I stop petting him and look around. “So, wait, you’re part of a pack now?” He nods his head. “You’re the bunch of pokemon that alakazam wants out of the forest?” He sticks his ears up at the word “alakazam,” and starts to growl. I assume he knows that guy. I start petting him some more, and I say “Waru, I have to tell you that everyone except Rose was taken by Team Plasma,” He whimpers in sadness as I continue. “and I am so glad to have you back if you want to come along, but Rose was taken hostage by that Alakazam, and he sent me to try and send you guys packing.” Waru barks in anger. Rose was pretty much his best friend back before Team Plasma, which is weird considering the dark type/ psychic type relations.

    Waru turns to his pack and starts to bark at them. His pack responds by gathering around me as Waru stands before me, as if ready to receive orders. Apparently they don’t like Alakazam, and they want to oppose him as much as I do. This was a sight to see, though. An entire pack of Mightyena, ready for orders from me.

    Well, I didn’t want to leave them hanging.

    “Alright, guys, here’s what we’re gonna do...”


    Well, it seems Rose’s intuition, though misguided by Alakazam, apparently, did indeed find something good. One of my friends is now back by my side, and now it’s time to use him already to get Rose back.

    Thankfully, even though Team Plasma forced me to release Waru so long ago, I still managed to hang onto his pokeball.

    It was surprisingly easy getting Waru to join me once more. Apparently he didn’t stop thinking about me, even when he found a new family. I was rather torn about separating Waru from his pack, but he really wanted to come along with me. I showed him his pokeball that I kept for so long, and he gladly let himself get caught in it.

    It has now been about 2 hours since that moment, and Waru, his pack, and I have inched near the clearing full of psychics. I stepped forward to the edge of the clearing, hopefully out of Alakazam’s range of thought, and looked into the clearing.

    Off to the side I could see Rose kept locked in place with psychic energy, flanked by a few kadabra guards. Apparently Alakazam kept a few of his species as a kind of personal guard for himself.

    This was probably the best time to strike. I doubt Alakazam expected me to ally myself with the Mightyena, even with his impressive IQ.

    I had to give my order soon, though, so there was no time to wait. I told Waru “Alright, time to attack.” And Waru gave out a howl that rang out throughout the clearing.

    The second the order was given, Dozens of Mightyena began to run into the clearing from all sides. The psychics looked around them, saw all the dark types that most of them couldn’t do anything against, and began to panic.

    They all started running around in fear, many of them knocking each other away with telekinesis.

    The Kadabra surrounding Rose ran towards the center of the clearing, attempting to calm down the mad crowd. Rose picked up on my presence and teleported to me instantly. With Rose by my side once more, we stepped out into the open to see what was going on in the battle.

    I had to say, things looked surprisingly good.

    This battle seemed to have lasted all of a minute, actually. The pack of mightyena surrounded every single psychic in the clearing, and the psychics were huddled around each other. I assumed many of them knew how to teleport, but were far too scared to.

    Alakazam, however, was nowhere to be seen. He had to have known we were coming, since alakazam were known to be incredibly smart, so where was he?

    “So, you managed to make a few friends.”

    Alakazam’s telepathic voice boomed throughout the clearing, and he materialized a few feet in front of me seconds later. Rosalinda, Waru, and I instantly got into battle stances.

    “I must say, that was rather unexpected.”

    What? How could he have not known we were coming? “There’s no way you didn’t see this coming.” I said, and Alakazam chuckled.

    “No, actually. I’m afraid I expected you to be mauled to pieces by this pack of vicious Mightyena, but I didn’t take into account that one of them might be your own pokemon. Humans can be rather unpredictable.”

    I began to relax a little bit. “So, what are you going to do now? You’re not going to give up, are you?”

    “Actually, yes. I know when I’m beaten even before the battle is waged. As it stands, it seems logical that you will come on top no matter how hard I try to oppress you. After all, it’s an entire pack of dark types versus a clearing full of Psychics. Not a very decent matchup, if you ask me.”

    I looked at him, trying to see if he was trying to pull something, but he seemed to have a look of utter defeat on his face. I guess he really WAS giving up. “So... You’re just going to leave? Just like that?”

    “Oh, yes, we will, don’t you worry about that. You and your little puppy pals here won’t have any more trouble from us.”

    And, with a snap of Alakazam's fingers, I looked to see the mightyena opened up a space for the psychics to leave, and the psychics were filing out of the clearing nice and orderly.

    It can’t possibly be this easy.

    I turned back to him and said “Really? No sneaky tricks? No ambushes? No attempts to escape? You’re just... cooperating?” I couldn’t believe what I was being told.

    “Yes, it was truly that easy. Remember, human, I told you that this was a chance to redeem yourself. To prove that you weren’t like any abusive or otherwise trainer.”

    I think I can see where he’s going with this. “Yes, I can recall you saying that. Why?”

    “Well, so far, you have proved to me that you know perfectly well how to work with and raise pokemon. Your bond with your mightyena is so strong that he still remembered you, even when he joined a new family. Before you ask how I know that, I can still read your mind. Your bond with pokemon has led you to gather a rather large army and stand up against me, in order to rescue one of your own pokemon, while at the same time allowing the true pokemon of this forest to live here.

    “Also, remember, I told you to expunge the nuisances from this forest, and as far as I’m concerned, you have. We psychics, the nuisances, are willingly leaving this forest. Your task, as far as I’m concerned, is complete.”

    Wait, what? I looked at him incredulously, almost hoping he was joking, but Alakazam had a rather serious look on his face.

    “So you’re telling me... that this was a test? But I thought you hated humans!”

    Alakazam looked at me like I was crazy. “Me? Hate humans? I don’t recall saying any such thing. And yes, this was a test to see how well you were bonded with your pokemon. We psychics like to test a random trainer every now and then to test their skills. More often than not, they come out at least alive.”

    I still couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but I figured I might as well go with it unless I wanted to go insane. “Fine, you kind of win. I completed your test or whatever. Now you fill up your end of the bargain. Mind teleporting me and my pokemon back to Nimbasa City?”

    Alakazam smiles a bit and chuckles. “It would be my pleasure.”

    And with a wave of his spoons, Rose and I were teleported out of the forest and to Nimbasa City, plus one mightyena named Waru.


    Yeaaaaah, I don't think this was at all my best work, considering I was kind of rushing to get out of that forest. Rest assured, though, I will be at Nimbasa next time I post. Then I can start being a team player again! *yay*

    Speaking of Team, I now have a second pokemon! yaaay.

    Also, I can't help but see that I keep switching between Past and Present tenses when I was typing this (Or something, I just see that I did something weird). That's mostly because I'm not all too sure what tense I should be doing this in.
    I do believe I will be going with past tense from now on, though, since that's kind of what i'm more used to.

  11. #11
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Guess who's back with a brand new rap ! I'm gonna do this in my char's first person, so if it gets weird, lemme know.

    Kaze: Nimbeezy!

    "The streets were alive. Living, breathing constructions of man all made for the sole purpose of hiding emotion. Unlike the telekinetics or aura readers of this day and age, roads and buildings have had this ability from the moment they were created.

    Sure, they helped us at a time. Helped us walk to events, helped us meet up with treasured friends-even helped us escape the world we once knew as safe. Not anymore.

    The streets turned their backs on us. Let these...fiends into our lives, and for what? To turn all we worked for upside down. To rip our closest friends from us! Where are the stre--

    "Who the hell wrote this?" The paper, and its cryptically scribbled message were tossed aside with utmost haste, as chilled hands sought comfort in each others grasp. The wind began to pick up for a moment, giving the man a moment of clarity. Forgetting that stupid pamphlet, eyes raised and settled upon the folks speaking in the front.

    The two old, fat people that acted benevolent, but were still puppets to a greater cause.

    "Sick of this.." Without even really listening to what was being spouted off by the two Sages, Kaze's mouth went off in a fit of bravado.

    "But you arrested Elesa months ago!"

    Even now, I could hear my conscience telling me to run. To get out of here so Vege was not put in danger. But I couldn't. This crowd, with all its mixed bag of emotions, was making me nervous. I had to say something. It didn't help that now hands seized my arms and dragged me up to that grinning face of a leper.

    I wanted to punch and kick my way out, but what good would that do? No one seemed to have the spirit to fight back anymore. And why would they? Their best friends were brainwashed...cast off to the four winds.

    It was alright however...being dragged off and thrown down a dark alleyway a few blocks away. Least they got me out of that damn crowd. Stupid anxiety. "Salright Kaze. It's all right. We made it another step. We probably shouldn't have done that, but we're here."

    Looking around, I noted that the sidewalk did seem darker than usual. I pulled myself up, wiping the blood from my busted lip when I hit the pavement. Spitting out a mixture of gravel and fluid, I walked back to the opening and leaned against the far wall, to make sure I wasn't spotted and manhandled anymore. But It was hard to make out what that bloated fool was saying-ugh he makes me mad.

    But standing here being angry won't help anyone. Least of all my own friends. I tap my back, and feel it wiggle. Good. He wasn't hurt. Good ol Veg. Turning my gaze down that dusty road, I realize that...maybe in some small way-that pamphlet was right. The streets did quit on us. All I see is darkness ahead, no streetlights to light a path.....

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  12. #12
    Hardcore Casual Gamer Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Sorry for the long wait. I wanted to see as many spoilers to Black and White 2 as possible before seeing this and see if they would fit into the narrative. I think I now have enough to go on so... here we go!


    Gear Station. Before, it was home of the Battle Subway and it's two Subway Masters, Ingo and Emmet. Before, it was the only way one could travel to Anville Town. Before, it was full of hustle and bustle with trainers waiting to test out their skills at high speeds.

    Now, the Subway Masters have fled to who knows where. Now, travel was limited to a select few because of Team Plasma's security. Now, barely anyone was inside and the trains only operated seldomly.

    It's not that hard to believe that not all of Team Plasma is loyal to Ghetsis. At least half of them are forever loyal to what they call their "True King". The other half, either out of fear, pride, respect, or any combination of the three, are servants to Ghetsis. Luckily, either Ghetsis is too absorbed into his latest plan to notice the difference or the N loyalists are very good actors.

    Right now, the loyalists have secretly joined up with small resistances all across Unova fighting against Ghetsis and his followers in any way possible. Since I am considered amongst the most wanted for Team Plasma, I have "unofficially" joined all of them.

    Earlier today, with the help of the loyalists that were scheduled to guard Gear Station, I traveled to Anville Town to copy down encrypted information that could prove valuable to change the outcome of this situation.

    Now I am waiting inside Gear Station, information written down in my second notebook, for a chance to leave without being seen by Ghetsis's Team Plasma followers.

    "There's quite a commotion going outside." A Team Plasma guard said looking outside. "Looks like we don't need a distraction for you to go out after all, Tony."

    "Good." I nodded. "Hopefully, I can decipher this information the resistance gave me."

    "Does it involve our Lord N and his location?" A second guard asked.

    I sighed. "Maybe. Maybe not. Whatever it is, it's big information. I'm surprised I wrote it all down as fast as I did."

    "Do you always copy down the knowledge you gather and let the original article get destroyed?" The first guard inquired.

    "Not always." I responded. "But in these times, it seems necessary to do so. After all, you never know who's watching."

    "Says the guy who is possibly the 7th most wanted person amongst Team Plasma and will get all of his information confiscated and destroyed on contact." The second guard replied sarcastically.

    "I've gotten away from Ghetsis's Team Plasma members for five months or so, haven't I?" I responded with an equal amount of sarcasm.

    "Where are you off to next?" The second guard asked.

    "I need to get to Castelia immediately." I responded. "I need to see someone there who can help me decode the encrypted information. However, convincing her is going to be... a problem."

    "You're in luck. According to recent reports, Sophie is in town." The first guard noted.

    "Elesa's little sister?" I asked. "Yes," The second guard responded immediately. "Apparently she's the one causing the ruckus outside."

    "Then convincing my colleague to help me will be easier if I bring her along." I thought out loud. "Thank you for your help you two."

    "Absolutely! Long Live King N!" The two guards responded in unison and saluted. I simply nodded and left Gear Station in search for Sophie.

    Before anyone asks, Kazul is sleeping in my character's backpack right now. She'll make an appearance next time, I promise.

    Tag ChobiChibi obviously.

    Edited by request.
    Last edited by DivineAll; 11th July 2012 at 01:33 AM.

  13. #13
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Jevon ~ Nimbasa City ~ he's walkin', yes indeed!
    I was nearing the Gym now, and a few frantic people had already gone past me, running as quickly as their legs would carry them. I could still hear the continued hubbub of a crowd nearby, which would suggest that the dispersion was fairly messy. Hard to say how the Plasmas were reacting to this; they loathed disorder, but from what I had seen up on the roof before, it had appeared as though they had been struggling to contain the handful of people who had opposed them.

    Pathetic. Those pretentious hippies lacked true order; a far cry from the old days with Magma. For all of their lies, those sick bastards were truly able to execute assignments with aplomb. None of this façade of righteousness that Plasma flaunt about like gay peacocks.

    And, suffice to say, Plasma don't have the benefit of a man like me in the ranks.

    So far, this venture had proven vaguely successful. I had found a necklace someone had dropped in a patch of grass, possibly while fleeing the scene. It shamed me, just a little, to take such joy in someone else's loss, but it wasn't too fancy. Hopefully, the owner wouldn't miss it too much. This most certainly boded well for the odds of me finding something better when I got closer to the Gym.

    I turned a corner, and was now in a darkened street. Whether it was a blackout, or some result of the chaos at the Gym, this part of the city looked to be plunged in darkness. It still wasn't very late, but the streets had been smothered with fog this season that made the streetlights practically a necessity at all hours. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a figure. Shady. Couldn't make out a damn thing. Possibly a Plasma. Best to avoid being seen.

    Quickly as I could, I ducked into an alleyway, and crept slowly through the shadows, my eyes still on the street behind me to ensure I wasn't being followed. Not far off the Gym, now.

    I could hear a scream nearby, and my head whipped in the direction it had come from. It stood out from the other cries of the crowd. There was something much more... horrified about it. As though everything up to this point had been a walk in the park by comparison.

    From that direction, I could smell... smoke. Christ, what was that?

    I quickened my pace. Not long now until the shit really hit the fan...

    Oh noes! Smoke!! Has something horrible happened? Or is it innocuous smoke (like the kind in a Ronald McDonald house)? Plus, who was the shadowy figure Jevon had avoided in the street? Friend? Or foe? ...And has J-money been spotted?

    Last edited by DragoKnight; 7th July 2012 at 09:54 AM. Reason: Fiddling with wording
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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  14. #14
    RPG Dyke's Bitch Moderator
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Damnit, Tony, you've ruined the massive impact post I was gonna post XD

    Here it goes anyway...


    DivineAll, it is not fair on the rest of us, some of whom are avoiding all Black and White 2 spoilers like the plague, to assume that it's okay to just go ahead and natter on about something in posts that may or may not ruin the game.

    When I wrote this RPG, there wasn't a lot of information out about B&W2, it wasn't out, and therefore it should be assumed that stuff contained in the game does not at all relate to this RPG. Therefore, new towns, cities, people in the new game should NOT make an appearance in this RPG.

    At any rate, of Roxie did exist, she would have been arrested like the others. Just sayin'.

    However, the idea that some Plasma grunts are in line with N still, or some are just doing it to stay safe, is fine. Do not have N suddenly pop up though, no contact with him please, as far as the RPG is concerned, he's observing radio silence >_>

    Please PM me with big plot ideas. Please. I have no idea what this "encrypted" message is, it would probably be in my best interest to know what you've got planned >_>

    Rant over. I can get back to writing now.

    Oh, and I was referring to DragoKnight up there, not the character Tony XD

    So, DivineAll, please edit the end of your post. You can be specifically seeking out Sophie for that purpose, if you wish, but not Roxie.
    Last edited by ChobiChibi; 6th July 2012 at 07:26 AM.

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  15. #15
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Not a problem at all: I wasn't too sure how that was gonna pan out, so the smoke was left fairly ambiguous. You can write it off as being a red herring.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

    Watch my YouTube to support my drug habit

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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Oh no, I meant the big orange letters XD Your smoke works SPIFFINGLY for what I have planned! For there ain't smoke without fire~

    I'm gonna go ahead and make a lounge topic now >_>
    Last edited by ChobiChibi; 6th July 2012 at 07:40 AM.

    X-rated since April 2012!

    Weasel Overlord says:

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  17. #17
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    My bad ChobiChibi. ^^; You were gone so long I thought it would be okay to post some minor spoilers about Black and White 2. That makes part of the encrypted information I had in mind kinda moot when I think about it though. (Three guesses to what half the information is, and the first two don't count.) I have edited the ending so it's more ambiguous of who I am meeting.

    I also know that N can't be in plain sight in disguise or I can contact him via special channels. That would make it WAY too easy to find him and the other members of Team Plasma's "Top Five Most Wanted". So no need to worry about that. In the meantime I need to change around my ideas quite a bit since B&W2 don't follow in this RPG's continuity now that's it's confirmed by you.
    Last edited by DivineAll; 6th July 2012 at 11:34 AM.

  18. #18
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Quote Originally Posted by DivineAll View Post
    My bad ChobiChibi. ^^; You were gone so long I thought it would be okay to post some minor spoilers about Black and White 2.
    Dude, she wasn't gone that long, jeez. Anyway, move all the chatter to the lounge thread already, it's annoying having it cluttering up the main topic. /hypocrisy

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    For the first time in a while, I felt relieved. There were other Pokemon trainers around not working for Team Plasma. There may be a chance that he’s working undercover to expose Pokemon trainers, but I’ll just have to be on guard until it’s clear that he’s on my side.

    Bandit disappeared shortly after we started walking toward the office building Avery told me about. “Hey, where’d your Kecleon go?” Avery asked me.

    “She’s not far,” I answered. She liked taking the high ground sometimes. I could hear voices from the street next to us. “How much further?”

    “Almost there.” He suddenly yelped and fell on his face as if something heavy fell on him. I recognized the zigzag stripe.

    “Bandit!” I hissed, my face bright red. “Ge...get off of him!”

    “Does she do that a lot?” he asked as the Kecleon hopped off of him. All I could do was shrug. Bandit had a tendency of being random.

    “Hey, I think I heard something!” a voice came from around the corner. Avery wasted no time in pulling me behind the dumpster.

    No! I was close! I was so close! I covered my mouth and shivered. Footsteps got louder, stopped, and got quieter.

    “That was close,” Avery whispered. “It would’ve been bad if we were caught when we’re just across the street from the office.”

    I nodded and followed him across the street, but stopped halfway at the sight of smoke in the direction from where I came from. They’re really doing it. They’re burning down the gym.

    OOC: There, a post. A short post but a post nonetheless.
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Avery - Nimbasa, Church St

    As Avery and Rue reached the street where the office was located, they both noticed a peculiar smell in the air, wafting from the direction they had just come. As they turned to look, they both noticed the smoke billowing over the building tops.

    "Oh wow, they really are burning down the gym!" Rue exclaimed quietly.

    "Yeah, no kidding..." Avery agreed, a little surprised that Plasma actually followed through on their threat.

    The two stood there for a couple more minutes in silence, staring at the increasing cloud of smoke in the afternoon sky. As the sun began to slip behind the city's taller buildings, light was dimming rapidly. Because of the day's fog the streetlights had remained on, but this particular street was not lit.

    Hmm...they must have shut down power on this block. Why would they do that? Avery pondered to himself, observing his surroundings. He didn't see any people, but he knew that a commotion like the gym burning down would likely cause a bit of a panic, with people scattering in all directions. This would drastically increase the odds of Avery and Rue being seen by someone, which wasn't a good thing.

    "We'd better get inside." Avery commented, turning to Rue, "If they really are burning the gym down then people are going to be running this way."

    Rue was snapped out of her momentary daze by Avery's suggestion, and blinked a couple of times as she processed the information.

    "Alright. Is that it over there?" she responded, pointing to a set of bay windows across the street in the middle of a shopping strip.

    "Yes, that's it." Avery confirmed, beginning to briskly walk towards it. Rue quickly followed, and the two stopped in front of the entrance.

    "RecovCorp, huh?" Rue inquired, reading the lettering on the glass door.

    "Yes, that's the company I work for." Avery replied, "well, at least I did until Plasma shut us down..."

    Rue paused for a second before adding on.

    "So, what did your company do?" she asked. Avery was about to answer, but reached into his pocket instead to get his keys.

    "Let's go inside first, then I'll tell you more about it." he said, sorting through his keys until he grasped the right one.

    The lock clicked open, and Avery silently opened the door. The area was dark, but there was enough natural light still coming through the windows that the two could see their way around. Avery locked the door behind him, and he and Rue made their way to the back of the reception area, where there was a hallway leading to the managerial offices. They crept a few doors down, out of sight from the street, and entered one of the small, windowless offices. There was no electricity running, but Avery was able to find a scented candle in one of the desk drawers. He lit it and put it on the desk, and the area was illuminated just enough to see a bit. You could tell whoever occupied this office had left in a hurry, as papers and files were strewn haphazardly across the surface. Rue sat in the desk chair, and Avery perched himself atop a stool in the corner.

    "We should be safe here for an hour or two, until the sun fully sets. Once it's dark outside and the ruckus from the gym has subsided we can make our way out of town." Avery stated, reasserting his plan from before. Rue did not respond, and a few slightly awkward moments passed. Avery eventually spoke up again to break the silence.

    " wanted to know what my company did?" he asked.

    "Yeah..." Rue responded, spinning her chair around to face him.

    "Well, have you ever heard of Silph Co.?" he posed, crossing his arms.

    "Yeah, I know they do a lot of research related to pokeballs and storage systems." she replied.

    "Silph Co. is the parent company of RecovCorp. RecovCorp is a division that specializes in research and manufacturing the pokemon healing machines you find in Pokecenters." Avery explained, trying to be as concise as possible.

    Rue nodded in understanding, but before she could reply her attention was suddenly diverted by a sound outside the office.

    "Did you hear that?" she whispered, slowly slinking out of her chair and behind the desk.

    "Yes I did. It sounded like someone tapping on the window..." Avery added, sliding off his stool and putting his ear to the door. After another minute of dead silence, they heard the tapping again.

    "I'm going to go investigate." Avery said, reaching slowly for the doorknob.

    "Wait!" Rue objected as quietly as she could, "You're just going to leave me here?"

    Avery stopped, and turned to Rue.

    "No, of course not. The office at the back of this hallway has an emergency exit. I want you to lock yourself in that office until I get back. If something happens to me, you can escape out the back and get away." he explained with seriousness. Rue did nothing at first, but reluctantly nodded after a moment. As Avery began to open the door again, Rue interjected.

    "How will I know if something happens?" she said.

    Instead of responding, Avery reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a small fossil. He held it near the candle and motioned for Rue to examine it. When she got close to it, the fossil abruptly changed color and sprang to life, causing her to jump back a little in surprise. What was a moment ago an ordinary fossil was now a vibrant and adorable little Omanyte.

    "What!?" she exclaimed quietly, "what's that??"

    Avery smiled, and answered "This is Izabella, an Omanyte I made friends with not too long ago."

    Rue examined the pokemon curiously, gently rubbing her fingertip on Izabella's shell. Izabella hopped a little bit and let out a quiet "Squeak!"

    "If I get into trouble, Izabella will flood this whole office. If you see water running under the door, that will be your cue to get out." Avery explained, with Rue finally understanding the plan.

    "Right." she agreed, slipping out the door and down to the end of the dark hallway. Once she had locked the door with a faint *click*, Avery began to crawl up toward the front, being careful to stay hidden behind the receptionist's desk...

    I'm tagging Kaze and/or Jevon with this post tentatively, because they were in the area and I figured one of them might have spotted us sneaking into the office.
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  21. #21
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokémon: Rise of Ghetsis. [Begins!]

    Finally have time to post.

    Kaze: Nimbasa City, Chruch St

    The darkened street did not deter the sullen figure from striding down its path, confidently avoiding prying eyes. He did not have a true heading, he was moreso wandering with the intent of learning something, anything that could help him.

    His mind began to lull-until he heard what sounded like a creak.

    Instantly, Kaze whirled around. Having walked to a point where the was no immediate cover, all he had was his wits. Before the shape that emerged out of the doorway could fully be investigated, Kaze shouted.

    "You should turn around and go back inside right now! I have Pokemon and I'm not afraid to use them, Plasma Punks!"

    Of course this was a major bluff, and it was losing integrity with every passing day. But he had to do something to keep up this false sense of bravado.

    At least, that's what he told himself, as he looked to and fro at the buildings. Despite his overactive imagination, Kaze realized that he saw nothing. No people, no Plasma grunts. Nothing. He had fully imagined it. Wiping his face to clear his mind, Kaze trotted over to the building that he swore had someone exit.

    "Get a grip man. Its only us two over here. All the other people are running around from the smoke..." he calmly reassured himself, leaning against the wall. He rested his head against the window, his left hand tapping the glass idly. After a few moments, he moved down the block, idly tapping the window again.

    His back shifted oddly, and Kaze stopped, to allow his passenger to adjust. "Sorry about that Vege. I'm ok, really. But we should find a place to sleep..."

    The being stayed hidden, but a reassuring "to" could be heard under the muffling shirt. Kaze looked at the building and then down back toward the smoke billowing in the sky.

    "Its burning. I don't see why people don't rise up against them with the forces we have >o"

    ((Short post, I apologize. But I wanted to respond to your tag so this thing could keep moving.))

    Last edited by DarkestLight; 14th July 2012 at 10:22 PM. Reason: Editing to make sense.

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    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

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  22. #22
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    It seems that Alakazam somehow didn't know I was on the run from Team Plasma right now. Either that or he wanted to mess with me, because he teleported me to an alley that was across the street from the gym!

    Curious to see what was happening, I decided to have a look outside of the alleyway.

    Unfortunately, there were a few cars parked in front of the gym, so that obscured my vision a bit. I did, however, see that the gym was still on fire. Either that gym takes a REALLY long time to burn, or I wasn't gone for as long as I thought.

    Considering I was probably still in hiding, I decided to just jump into an empty dumpster (rather clumbsily) that just happened to sit in this particular alley.


    Yeah, REALLY short post, but I just wanted a small post to place myself in Nimbasa again, just so someone can find me easier. Just gonna sit in this alleyway for a bit, k? xD
    Last edited by BTPoke; 20th July 2012 at 12:54 PM.

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    I stood in the empty office, eyes glued to the door that I had entered through, not able to bear the silence. My legs soon got wobbly so I found a swivel chair to sit in. Bandit busied herself with the nearby computers, looking disappointed when she found out that they were turned off and unplugged.

    A burst of light erupted from my bag, making me yelp in surprise. Dimitri materialized on the floor and glared at me. "Rose roserade," he grumbled.

    "Sorry," was all I could say back.

    He rolled his eyes and walked around the unfamiliar space. His steps abruptly stopped when he got to the large windows. "Roserade!" he shouted.

    I stood up and saw someone outside tapping on the glass. It was too late to hide, he already knew we were there. But he didn't do anything else. Dimitri raised an arm to the window, probably readying an attack. "Wait! He's probably safe!" I told him.

    I walked up to the glass and pointed in the direction of the emergency exit. The man cocked his head to the side. I walked along the window, and he followed me. He was on the other side of the door when I opened it. "Thanks," he said as he stepped inside.

    "Are you hiding from them too?" I asked him softly. Dimitri was standing beside me, his arm still pointing at him.

    "I don't get it. You have Pokemon, so why don't you fight back?" he questioned.

    I flinched and looked down at my feet. At one time I thought that, but that was before I saw the consequences of such a reckless action. "You haven't seen them in action," I said softly. "I've seen what happens when someone tries to fight back. Don't be reckless when you don't know the whole situation. We don't know who can fight back, what Pokemon they have. We'll just be risking ourselves and our Pokemon and I won't let that happen."
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    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Kaze: Nimbasa City, Chruch St

    As the emergency exit closed behind him, Kaze took a quiet look around. It was dark in here, save for the ambient light given off by the sign. Looking at this girl, she couldn't be more than 10. But her eyes told a different story. No need to worry about that now.

    She had a strange assortment of Pokemon. The green one was still pointing its arm out. Kaze immediately recognized it, but said nothing. Instead he held his arms up to show no malice.

    It was the other Pokemon that had his full attention. The one that looked like it was about to soak him down with a massive watergun. Kaze looked to the girl,and then back to the Omanyte.

    "Can you umm...tell him to NOT wet me. I'm not in a mood to be even the slightest bit damp. Vege hates it when we get unnecessarily wet too."

    "Vege?" she replied, unsure if he meant to abbreviate a word, or if it was a name. She held up both hands to the Omanyte, hoping to calm it down so it did not flood the office.

    Kaze nodded, and lowered one arm. To their amazement, his shirt began to move oddly, until a powdery blue mass slid out from his collar. It crept onto his head, where they could get a good look at it. It had no real form, just a big grin and tiny globules which one could assume were arms.

    "You have a Pokemon too! A small one at that." she pointed out, as Dimitri lowered his arm, perturbed by this glob's appearance.

    "This is Vegemite. Vege for short. He's only small when he needs to be. As for you other point earlier...yeah, I know what they can do. Heck they did more than their share..." He stopped himself, and changed his thought process. "Still, burns me up inside that we don't surgically strike them they way they struck us."

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

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