Hello RPG!
So as you may know, National Novel Writing Month is coming up very soon. I thought "hey, I'd love to take part in this, but there's no way I have time to do it on my own..."
I had a novel idea (pun totally intended).
Lets see if we can reach 50,000 words collectively, in all different RPGs, in the month of November 
Here's the rules/guidelines:
- The show begins at Midnight GMT on the 1st of November and ends at 23:59 GMT on the 30th of November (cos my timezone rules all). Any posts submitted before or after this time will not be counted.
- You must post a link to your post in this topic, along with a word count. This will be added to the total at the end of each week.
- Only RPG posts will be counted. No posts from lounge topics, sign ups or OOC chatter can count towards word count.
- If you are unable to get a word count, I will check it for you. But it is preferred if everyone can do it themselves.
- Don't feel that you have to write massive uber posts all the time! Every word counts!
- You don't have to participate, I guess... But it'll be fun 
Alright, so, we've got... 5 more days (my time) until we can start! Come on guys, lets hit 50,000 words! 
There may even be some little rewards at the end for whoever writes the most words. But don't get all competitive! It's for fun.
RPG NaNoWriMo 2011 begins in:
Week One Total: 9,763
Week Two Total: 4,978
Week Three Total: 7,825
Week Four (and a day) Total: 8,853
So... Get plotting 8D