In the beginning, the gods took the ten elements that made up the earth, and from them bore ten entities of light, the Scions. These beings possessed greater strength and magicks beyond that of the fledgling race known as Humanity. In fact, the Scions were created to act as the caretakers of humanity. These divine beings would nurture the race, help them grow and thrive in the world that was formed for them.

However, where there is light, there must be darkness. When the Scions were born, from their shadows arose another set of beings, entities of darkness that shared the strength and power of the Scions. As the originals were the Scions of Light, these new beings were the Scoins of Darkness.

The gods did not know what to do with their dark children at first. But then, a task was devised. While the Scions of Light would nurture Humanity, the Scions of Darkness would protect them from the evils of the world, taking them into themselves so spare their siblings of light and Humanity from them. And for that, they would be admired and praised for their sacrifice.

However, feared by Humanity, and scorned by the Scions of Light for their impurity, the Scions of Darkness looked to the gods with vengeful eyes, feeling betrayed and tormented, after their ‘noble’ sacrifice. Seeking revenge, the children of darkness raged war against their creators, only to be stopped and subdued by their light brethren.

After the battle was one, the Scions of Light felt pity on their mistreated brethren. Instead of killing them, they contained their spirits in the bodies of humans, so that they could experience the nurturing care that they brought to humanity. However, to the children of darkness, this was an act of humiliation, to force them to be lower than then, to be lorded over by them. And so, despite their human forms, they waged a second rebellion against the gods. The Scions of Light vanquished their dark brethren, only realising soon after their destruction, they their souls will continue on, being reborn into humans over and over again. In order to prevent this, the Scions of Light too took to human bodies, and throughout the centuries were reborn again and again, keeping an ever watchful eye on their condemned siblings.

Now, years later. In the modern day of man, a bright comit soared over the skies of man. This comet, while bringing a pleasant sight to all those that see it, also brought something else. One by one, the memories and powers of the entrapped Scions of Darkness were unlocked. The rage and hatred that they had long since forgotten was rekindled

The war that had occurred at the dawn of humanity, was about to begin again.


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+==The Beginning==+

It was a calm, peaceful night in the city of Saint Tesara. The streets were bustling with the people of the night life, but over all it was a nice, calm evening. No major catastrophes or anything. It was just an average night in the bustling in the island city.

However, things would take a very interesting turn tonight, when the sky was lit up by a bright light. Normally the bright city lights prevented the stars from being visible, butthey didn't have any effect on this. A bright, magnificent comet soared through the sky, leaving a dazling trail behind it. People stopped and looked skyward, marvelling the rare lightshow that the night was giving them. Truly something they never expected to see here in this bustling metropolis.

However, little did the people know, this comet brought more than just a beautiful sight to the city. It would bring back a conflict that began at the dawn of their existance. A conflict that would shake this city, and perhaps the entire world, down to its very core.

+==Xavier Fynch==+

The sickly young man tossed and turned in his bed. Unlike most of the city, he wasn't watching the comet, having retired early due to his illness. However, as the comet soared overheard, Xavier's mind suddenly found itself under terrible assault.

His eyes clenched shut, his grabbed his head as his mind was bombarded with images. Visions of sickness and death, over and over again. Memories of lives past that were not his own. Or were they? They came through so clearly, seemed so familiar. The pain of these memories wracked at his mind and body.

Then he remembered back even further. To a time of conflict, against creatures not of this world. Fire, lightning, darkess, light, among many others flashing across the sky. Yet over this, pain, poison, and illness pervayed. The terrible illness. He remembered it ravaging his body, twisting him into a hideous monstrosity, one reviled and despised. Tears of misery leacked from Xavier's eyes as his teeth clenched in an undying rage.

What is this? What is all this? Why am I seeing these thing? WHY!?

Finally, he saw them, beings of great divinity. Yet when these beings appeared in his mind, Xavier felt only rage and hatred, a hatred that could shatter the very world itself.

And with that final explosion of memory, Xavier's eyes flew open. Everything was now clear to him. He knew exactly who he was, who he REALLY was.

Zedonas the Plague...

Alrighty folks, time to get this thing rolling. All the Scions of Darkness, start regaining your memories. All the Scions of Light...carry on with what you're doing. Sorry the openning's so short.