Sorry, BPT, I'll send you a PM with the details...
sorry to double post this, but do I need some sort of approval to be a SZ ref besides needing to be an official ref? Or do I just get started and make a ref thread?
Sorry, BPT, I'll send you a PM with the details...
so if we're looking for an egg (manaphy) can we just take a pokeball and do a speed thing? if so taking a pokeball and speedrunning this with leo
I don't think that's how it goes. I'm pretty sure you have to find a legendary (egg or otherwise) in classic before speed-running to get it.
BT is correct. You can't speedrun for an egg, since you have to hatch said egg. So the egg itself wouldn't be elusive.
However, with Rayquaza and Latias, since it has been stated they have been spotted in the zone, one could feasibly speed run one of those two Pokemon only, in hopes of catching them.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
so, ash, if you're willing to go into classic for the egg (I'm assuming there's more than one egg, so I can still get one), i'll ref it for ya.
I'd like to take a trek in the safari zone.
Goin' to Skyline Terrace with Cinamon, my Buneary♀ with Klutz. Gonna be chasing Rayquaza. Preferably on speed, but, since I believe at some point there was some requirement for speed, normal will work as well. Buneary can learn Foresight, which I would think can be used for tracking.
1 pokeball (bank)
Last edited by Gigya; 10th June 2012 at 08:13 PM. Reason: updating details on my pokepartner
Gigya, if you're planning on getting Rayquaza, I believe you're gonna need an ultra ball, not a pokeball.
States that pokeball can be used to catch non-evolving.
No info is shown on a specific ball for catching legendaries. Ultraball is just a better idea since it would catch it sooner
I've noticed that a lot of information pertaining to Legendary Pokemon hasn't been posted in this iteration the Safari Zone. You're right that there's no mention of whether an Ultra Ball is needed to catch a Legendary Pokemon, but that definitely used to be the case. I'm not sure whether it still is.
It also used to be the case that same same person had to catch both Kyogre/Groudon in order to nab Rayquaza, but I don't see this information anywhere either, so I'm not sure if it's current anymore.
Last edited by Oslo; 10th June 2012 at 09:15 PM.
>.x My bad. Legends =ultraball only.
As for the needing of Kyogre/groudon to catch Rayq, that's still valid. a seperate entity, they can (and will be) rare sightings of these types of Pokemon that allow people to bypass that rule. As an incentive though, those people Speedzoning have much less chance of catching said Pokemon due to the limiting criteria. Think of this as a one-of. Seperate opportunity will still exist for said person that has Kyo/groudon.
Either that...or I quickly change Rayq to another legend that does not fall into the "gather x and y to release z" category. Hurry and call now!
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Fair enough.
Request still stands, minus speed rayquaza.
ok then I'm going for a egg nonspeed (unless someone is willing to let me borrow a point)
also is a poke ball ok? its an egg-baby pokemon, soooo
Gigya, you may wanna wait on that one. Or at least use more than one (unevolved) pokemon to hunt down Rayquaza.
It is a legendary dragon, after all.
yeah, ash, a pokeball should be fine for a baby pokemon.
Anyway, I'll take your adventure. I'll set it up sometime today.
Also, where are you starting for this?
Last edited by BTPoke; 11th June 2012 at 06:37 AM.
Tranquil Shores probably and with leo
Last edited by Ash0011; 11th June 2012 at 09:17 AM.
Still interested in doing a safari zone trek.
Since I have the points now, chasing Rayquaza in Skyline Terrace with an ultra ball and pokeball.
Takin' Cinamon, the Buneary♀ with Klutz, and Kitus, the Absol♀ with Pressure. Since, you know, Absols can detect changes in weather and forewarn against natural disasters. Since Rayquaza is a pocket of non-weather (weather lock), it should be possible for Kitus to track it with some difficulty.
Last edited by Gigya; 16th June 2012 at 06:42 PM.
hold up on that, Gigya. I gotta do something first (not saying i'm gonna ref it, but you should wait a second)
EDIT: don't waste my points now ;D
Last edited by BTPoke; 16th June 2012 at 06:44 PM.
Oh my. Thank you BT.
Editing previous post.
I'll take ya!
Have it up in a bit.
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
Goin' right back in the Zone with a ball of each flavor (same as last time): -9pts.
This time, I'm going in with...
Perseus / Zyuu / Animikii
M - @Steadfast / M - @Sand Veil / @Lightningrod
Persie's got Judgment, Blaze Kick, and Quiver Dance; Mikii's got Judgment, Aeroblast, and Volt Tackle.
However, since both Perseus and Animikii are being tutored right now, the adventure can't officially begin until the 24th, which is perfect, because it gives me time to figure out what I'm going after.
Any takers?
Sounds good. As for a heading, I'm going to Skyline Terrace. I'm hoping the residents there know of the legend of Terrakion.
Hello there! I`d like to go on a trip to The Old Village.
Taking two Pokeballs and a Great ball.
I`d like to bring
Slothella - Slowking (f) Regenerator / Carter - Riolu (m) Inner Focus / Soak - Buizel (f) Swift swim
Last edited by EraGam; 21st June 2012 at 10:24 AM.
I'll take ya, Era, if you want. If so, I'll have it up in a bit.
with, umm... the addition of a whole bunch of points (and a few freakouts and self-slapping), I've decided to go into the safari zone to find the elusive Raikou.
I will be buying 3 ultra balls for the occasion, and I will be bringing along the following:
Bank Post
I shall take you.
Although you might want to link where the 150 came from, just as a precaution.
EDIT: Woop. Never mind. I see the post before it.
Last edited by Gigya; 23rd June 2012 at 11:13 PM.
Don't worry, that was in a previous bank post. We're all set to go, then, I assume?
D: Someone go on an adventure... I'm getting bored!
i don't mind paying
lol you could've taken mine, but Gigya beat ya to it xD
also, this is what happens when more people become refs.... xD
My creativity is waning and I need to fix that...
Plus, my other adventurers seemed to have completely fell off the face of the planet.
I'm sorely tempted to take up your offer Grey, mayhaps I know what you be offering?
You can have up to three balls (of any flavor) to do with what you want, and I'll pay for them and ref your adventure.
Just lemme know where you're going and what'cher after.
Oh sweet good deal then, I just need to do some evolutions in the Approval Tower and we can start!
Hmmm...I'm actually interested in pursuing Zekrom but how would that work since Cynder's currently handling both in trying to capture Reshiram?
We'll cross that bridge upon coming to it, Chaos. Just lemme know when you're ready and I'll meanwhile be brainstorming some ideas.
Alright now all my evo's have been taken care of, let's start trekking!
I'll be taking 3 Ultra Balls and will bring the following Pogermons:
I guess I'd like to start off at Skyline Terrace!
don't worry, Razor. Once I'm done with my current adventure, I'll be coming back to Grave's Yard in your SZ![]()
I feel like I should also start trying to do some SZ reffings as well...but I'm feeling a bit self-concious on making an epic trip like some of the other refs here *coughoslocough*
EDIT: Holy friggin shit, I just became an Elite Trainer![]()
Last edited by Perfect Chaos; 28th June 2012 at 02:14 PM.