I'm gonna wait until everyones Zones calm down (You already have 4 Ay xD) before I ask someone to help finish mine. I'm getting the Sword lancers damnit!
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
I'm gonna wait until everyones Zones calm down (You already have 4 Ay xD) before I ask someone to help finish mine. I'm getting the Sword lancers damnit!
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
You could ask Oslo. He's only got mine at the moment.
Just let me know what's happening with your quest, Darkly, and I've got you covered.
alright, I think it's been, like, a year since I've had a safari adventure, not quite sure on that, but now seems like a good time to start up again.
I will be purchasing 3 ultra balls, and I shall bring these pokemon 3:
@Water Absorb
*Knows Quiver Dance
yeah for some reason the only gardevoir gif I could find was a big one, so whoever refs doesn't have to use gifs if they don't want to xD
bank post
I'll take your adventcha, BTPoke. I liked how quickly we rolled through your quest for Latios last time.
I'll have something up either tomorrow or Monday.
Last edited by Oslo; 29th November 2014 at 10:47 PM.
sounds good, thanks!![]()
Accepting the ultra ball from puma, and buying two of my own great balls! I'mma be going with him to Crush Quarry in search of a mega stone (and possibly an aggron and some fossils), and I'll be taking:
Warren [M] Delphox @ Blaze
Freya [F] Garchomp @ Sand Veil
Falconzord [M] Pidgeot @ Keen Eye (tutored Aeroblast)
Hey Ayeun, sorry to ask and be a bother, but the safari adventure I'm in with you hasn't progressed in about a month. Can we move along now? If you don't have time, I understand and if that's the case I can always ask someone else to take up my adventure.
So since I'm an approved ASB ref I can become a safari ref. If that's true than I can take your quest up Greiger, I think this will be faster since theres not as much code and calculations that go into I think that's what was really stopped me from being fast. So if you want I can take it, that is if you want me to and if Ayeun is cool with that
Well, when I first posted that request I didn't realize that Ayeun had stepped out yesterday to go on vacation. I say... probably I should wait for Ayeun. I would feel bad if she comes back and sees I already moved on without so much as waiting for her to give me the go ahead.
Buying 3 Ultra Balls and a Great Ball for a gift
EDIT:Bank Post
I just got these three Ultra Balls from Emerald_Gen.3 at the ASB 2014 Holiday Tree to use at his Safari Zone, so I'd like to take the following Pokemon with me to the Graveyard, please:
-Sabre, my male Absol w/ Pressure (I presume I can take him here even though he's in the Mega Tournament, right?)
-Emerald, my shiny female Espeon w/ Magic Bounce
-Cackletta, my female Mismagius w/ Levitate
Knight of Time
Legend of Zelda fan for life.
Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)
Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253
Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020
Alright I'll start it up ASAP
Oslo has something to bring up!
So Perfect Chaos and I were chatting on Facebook and we concluded that we have been in the Safari Zone an insane amount of time: me since May 23rd, 2012 and him since June 26th, 2012. We're both approaching the three-year mark. That's maybe a little long, right? The quests are inventive and imaginative and all that good stuff, so there have been some fun times along the way, but we want to make sure we don't continue to let Safari Zone quests snowball over crazy long periods.
Anyway, we thought it might be helpful to institute some more specific recommendations about how long these quests should last. Right now, the only guideline we have is that these things should go on for a minimum of 50 rounds. At some point, refs started to stretch these out into 150+ round extravaganzas, which can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. However, those super-involved quests only work when the ref has enough time and motivation to really commit. For example, some Safari Zone refs can only commit to one round a week, and that's totally fine, in which case these refs probably should perhaps consider capping their adventures at 50-something rounds, resulting in roughly a year-long quest. If the ref can average two rounds a week, broadening the quest into the 50-100 round range would be fitting, as that would last six months to a year. And if the ref can average three rounds a week for the entire quest, maybe then they can feel comfortable entering 150 round territory—but otherwise, there's no need to set your sights this high.
I hope that makes sense. Again, we love our quests, but we see a number of people who have been stuck in the Safari Zone for a while and that's probably worth avoiding if at all possible.![]()
Last edited by Oslo; 3rd January 2015 at 05:30 PM.
There's no problem with that. I guess that it's our fault for not stating that you do not need to make them huge ordeals. As long as you pass the 50 post benchmark, you can do whatever you'd like to finish said quest so there is faster turnover. I apologize for the excessively long turns you both have had-and I'm willing to pick up the slack and reopen my Zone just to finish you guys off so you can actually go back in and get some other folks.
The RPG side of everyone took off-that's what happened. I'm guilty of it too :/ But yeah, if you want me to finish your Zones in a applicable time frame, I can definitely do so (I mean, it still might be 20 posts or so, but it would end your quest with some sort of resolution.)
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
I'm perfectly fine with whoever wants to pick up our quests so that I can finally get on for another adventure.
I apologize for how long I've been taking to get to your posts, gents. It's not fair to you all having to wait on me, but I'll definitely work on bringing your adventures about more consistently. Most of my ASB time was absorbed by the new project, but now that it's (almost) complete, I can devote more of my time to the forum proper.
Puma, lemme know when you are ready to take my next quest. I'm going after Terrkaion. I plan on bringing Marauder, my Staraptor....Cobalion (Now called Excellence) and Xenos me Metagross. And we're gonna start in the Crush Quarry. Oh and Im grabbing two more Ultra Balls...with the ball I claimed for your quest. This way I can catch a few more Pokemonz. Link coming tonight for casheses.
Oh and if you wanna attempt a Speed Zone, Id be down for that for Terrakion. But ill let you pick what you are more confortable with reffing.
Last edited by DarkestLight; 6th January 2015 at 09:26 AM.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Im gonna drop Xenos from the lineup. Cobal and Maraud it is
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
I'd like to buy 1 Great Ball and 2 Ultra Balls please. Starting at Trolgar Mountain Classic with Kirlia (M Trace), Aggron (M Rock Head), and Machop (M No Guard).
If all the refs are still loaded, I can wait for a while.
I can take it I'll get it started up ASAP unless you want a different ref
Alright sorry to double post but I'm buying some great balls and an ultra ball to take on an adventure I'll be taking Lloyd Irving the Gallade with Justified who knows Blaze Kick, Coral the Swampert with Torrent and Seze the Salamence with Intimidate. I'm starting in Shinsuke Volcano
EDIT: Can I do a classic looking for a legendary or do I absolutely have to meet the legendary in Classic and then do a speed adventure for it?
Bank Post
Last edited by Emerald_Gen.3; 20th January 2015 at 10:19 PM.
I've got you covered, Em! Expect something in my thread for you tomorrow.
I want to start an adventure in Tranquil Shores. I'll take these Pokemon with me:
Nefernefernefer (Female Ampharos) Static
Mukashi (Male Aerodactyl) Rock Head (knows Draco Meteor and Head Charge)
Visqeux (Male Frillish) Cursed Body
Paid 10 points for 1 Ultra Ball and 2 Great Balls at the Financial Tower.
Could anyone tell me if it's possible to go after Rayquaza at the moment? I'm not really sure with all the posts anymore.. I mean, Groudon was caught, and Kyogre soon will be, so is it possible for me to go after Rayquaza as of now? CALLIN DIPS ON THAT THING. x)
NU-UH! >O I'mma take my Groudon and Kyogre to go after Rayquaza as soon as Grey ends my quest!
*is totes gonna be the first one to get primal kyogre* >:T
Once you're done with rayquaza, oslo, you know I'mma be coming after groudon. Do we need both of the weather duo to get rayquaza then?
Despite the changes to the Safari zone, some legendary pokemon still have requirements to unlock. Rayquaza is one such pokemon.
It is up to the trainers to figure out how to unlock them. Some are pretty obvious - Catch all 3 Regi's, and bring them before Regigigas; Tame the three dogs and take them before Ho-oh.
For arguments sake, several of the pokemon with unlock requirements (ones that you sill have to meet) are:
* Ho-oh
* Lugia
* Regigigas
* Rayquaza
This list may change in the future.
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
Thanks for the reply Ayeun. Wasn't sure which Pokémon needed these prerequisites. ^-^
Still, I'm feeling adventurous today!
Taking 3 Ultra Balls for a super-Mega Stone + according Pokémon (hopefully) chase through Dysfunction Land! (http://www.pokemasters.net/forums/sh...l=1#post607370)
The following three Pokémon will be keeping me company:
Choji, Swinub (M), @Snow Cloak
Rufus, Litwick (M), @Shadow Tag
Erandal'e, Murkrow (F), @Super Luck
Ignore that, apparently, Erandal'e is still fighting in the fourway... totally forgot that! I'll be taking Bananarama, Tropius, M, @Harvest with me instead!
I'll grab ya, Puma! Gimme a sec to put something together~
Puma has agreed to ref my next SZ quest. He gave me an Ultra Ball at the most recent Tree and I've purchased two more here. I'll be bringing Seascape the genderless Kyogre with Drizzle, Tweety the shiny female Swellow with Guts and Landscape the genderless Groudon with Drought.