Hola, mis amigos.

I haven't studied Spanish for a while, but I wanted to try how close I'd get by trying to translate this song from Spanish to Finnish. But first I must do it from Spanish to English because I need your help. Could you correct the parts where I went wrong, please? Thanks in advance.

Sonreír aunque tristeza sientas
To smile even if you feel sadness

Brinda un milagro alas para ti
It provides a miracle on your wings

Todos poseen una brillante estrella en su interior
Everyone holds a brilliant star inside

Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
You must never give up Sailor Yell

Sé que ya voy a atraparte Sailor Star
I know I'm going to capture you Sailor Star

Mi promesa se oirá en la galaxia
My promise will be heard through the galaxy

Desde el momento que desapareciste
From the moment you disappeared

Mi viaje para encontrarte pronto comenzó
My journey to find you started promptly

Sobre un viejo mapa está
On an old map is

Estampada la imagen de un ángel
stamped an image of angel

Indicando el camino a un oscuro
Indicating a route to a dark

Coliseo que aguarda por mí
Coliseum which waits for me

Tiembla el pecho al recordar
My chest quivers remembering

Aquel día el secreto beso
That day of the secret kiss

No importa cuán difícil
No matter how difficult

Sera el destino
The destiny will be

Seguiré hasta el final
I'll follow it to the end

Basta ya de arrepentirse Sailor Eyes
Now it's enough to regret it Sailor Eyes

Te voy a estar persiguiendo Sailor Wing
I will be pursuing you Sailor Wing

Esta canción es de las estrellas la señal
This song is a signal for the stars

Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
You must never give up Sailor Yell

Sé que ya voy a encontrarte Sailor Star
I know that I'm going to meet you Sailor Star

Con las alas de un ángel
With the wings of an angel

Emprendo el vuelo
I set of the flight

Por desconocida ruta sola yo corrí
To an unknown route I run alone

Hasta llegar aquí a esta fortaleza al fin
After arriving here, in this fortress, finally

En el fondo del frasco
In the bottom of the bottle

Quedó depositada una porción
Still a portion was left

De la estrella de la justicia
Of a star of justice

Que aguarda un mágico despertar
What awaits is awaking magic

Este ya es nuestro
Here it is, now, our

Milagroso destino
Miraculous destiny

Pasado y futuro
Past and future

Por ti cruzaré
To cross you

Volando te seguiré
I'm going to follow you by flying

Abandona la tristeza Sailor Eyes
Abandon the sadness Sailor Eyes

Y sucederán milagros Sailor Wing
And they will follow miracles Sailor Wing

Todos poseen una brillante estrella en su interior
Everyone holds a brilliant star inside

Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
You must never give up Sailor Yell

Sé que ya voy a atraparte Sailor Star
I know I'm going to capture you Sailor Star

Mi promesa se oirá en la galaxia
My promise will be heard through the galaxy

No mirar atrás si al frente estás
No looking back if you are in front of them

Esta canción es de las estrellas la señal
This song is a signal for the stars

Jamás hay que rendirse Sailor Yell
You must never give up Sailor Yell

Sé que ya voy a encontrarte Sailor Star
I know that I'm going to meet you Sailor Star

Con las alas de un ángel
With the wings of an angel

Emprendo el vuelo
I set off the flight