bonus links! who doesn't love bonus links.
Pokemon 4Ever was released in 2002.
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[quote]There are always those who seek to contain...
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bonus links! who doesn't love bonus links.
winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
(q)ueenly (2012), (y)ara sofia with Oslo (2012), (l)egalized (2014), (d)ream (2015), (a)ctive (2019), and (e)ighth generation unown awards! thanks TPM!
member since day 1
TPMNoVA12 ~ Hopes and Dreams ~ Team Birdo
TPMUK12 ~ Drink the Pounds Away ~ Groceries
3DS Code: 3325-3072-6715
GO Code: 1336-7550-2201
You Are Awesome.