And now you can't Access TPM if you use the same browser as you use for Facebook. Is that my fault?

Quote Originally Posted by Mr.E View Post
While I'm not against the idea of this place becoming a bustling place of Pokémon discussion once more, I'm also completely okay with it being a relic of the past and not convinced that even otherwise effective advertising can ever bring TPM back to its former glory. What is TPM's niche in the world of online mons these days? ASB and AC/CC? I don't think just revitalizing as a generic news site would pull in much traffic, at least nothing I would consider much of a revival by the numbers. Maybe I'm also wrong.
Yes, isolation and fading away is an option itself, as I said. It's already happening. Following TPM doesn't require being online 24/7 as it did in the past, and even I'm actually quite confortable with this. But this is where my 'TPM needs me' way of thinking comes to play. I feel we need every single active user to keep this board alive.