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Thread: ASB in our Memories

  1. #1
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Sad ASB in our Memories

    What was your ASB history?
    What/who do you miss from ASB?
    What do you think made the subforum so great?
    What do you think made it fall?
    What would you do if you were a 16-year old, fresh TPMer n00b, and it was something like 2001-2004, and you saw ASB?

    I might post my answers later. Maybe even double-post since the Postcount doesn't rise.

  2. #2
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Honestly, I've never done ASB on TPM.

    But for the short time that I ran my own Pokémon forum (two years or so), I was pretty active in ASB. It was a fancy kind of RPG in the end, giving you a lot of freedom to describe battles. The downside was that it was a lot of work.
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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  3. #3
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    I remember AVMA's PokéPage!!

    As for myself, I didn't get what ASB was until 2008 or so. I knew it would be time-consuming, but as it rose to one of the most notable subforums, I decided to join it as I started to have more time from my mental rehabilitation, meaning spring 2009. I didn't even have an internet connection of my own with my laptop back then!

    I became extremely addicted, although it was really rare for me to win any of those matches. For instance, I won Ayeun once by using Rollout. My arch rival was probably MeLoVeGhOsTs, I faced him like thrice and even was by his side in one Double Battle! My biggest achievement was that I invented ASB Name Rater.

    I really would like to see TPM ASB back, but for now, it seems unrealistic. First of all, there are no active users, second of all, there are the glitches, third of all, the BB Code has changed multiple times so table reffing has become difficult, and so on.

  4. #4
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    I have plenty of memories of ASB...I remember being in the first ASB (which had signature moves, and back then I was a ref and a battler, though my battling skills weren't as good as they eventually became in the current ASB), and in the current one too. In the current one I eventually decided to give reffing another shot, and for a time I reffed in the current ASB. I liked being a strong and fierce battler; I thought with my skill, I might be strong enough to become a gym leader or even take my "rightful" place among the strongest of this ASB's battlers. While I am sad that ASB is pretty much no more, I am proud of my accomplishments there (including winning the We're Not Dead contest, which was both a tryout and an unexpected win where I didn't know my own strength, and coming a close second in the Mega Evolution tournament after coming sooo close to defeating Oslo, who was my opponent in that tournament's final round).

    I have actually thought of bringing ASB to the people of another forum they frequent to see if there might be some interest, but even then, considering I never was a moderator here on TPM, not to mention that the only moderator of the current ASB I have contact with is DarkestLight, I'm not so sure if bringing the idea to another forum will even be feasible. Even if it happens, I'm probably going to be the only veteran there.
    Knight of Time

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  5. #5
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Quote Originally Posted by Austrian ViceMaster Alex View Post
    But for the short time that I ran my own Pokémon forum (two years or so),
    Wait... ? Was that PokéRealm? I remember at least you and Silver Ledian from there. I did Pokemon anime episode preview translations from Japanese to English for your forum!

    Back on TPM ASB, I must mention a special battle where I challenged my favourite Legendary Pokemon, Blademaster's Articuno. I was lucky and managed to beat the god of ice once with my Bronzor.

    Here's the entire glorious battle.

  6. #6
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    I tried ASB twice. The first time, when I was still rather new to the forums, I made a team with signature moves which was never approved because I couldn't explain the sig moves well enough. Then, years later, when signature moves were no longer a thing, I tried starting a new team. I had a couple of battles. I just couldn't stand the system, sorry. In my experience, it was all about waiting for days at a time just to see what the ref came up with, and the outcome of the battle was decided by the ref, so basically I was just giving the ref some writing cues. I didn't like it, so I left again.

    There was also a time when AC/CC was closed by Little Pikachu, and when I tried to defend it she said it was the same thing as ASB. I had to carefully explain the differences and why I found AC/CC fun, and not ASB, and in the end she finally understood and let us return to our activities.

    However, what I did like a lot was Lune, the ASB-inspired fanfic written by Karin, a.k.a. Charizard04621. I wish she had finished it. And I also liked some of the conversations in the cafe subforum.

    So... that's my ASB history. I can't say what made the forum great, nor what made it fall - althugh I would bet its fall, like that of most other forums, is closely related to the massive exodus of members from TPM.

    As for what I would have done if I had been 16 in the early 2000's and found ASB... I would have probably tried to come up with a team and got it rejected like I did when I was in my early 20's.

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  7. #7
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    Wait... ? Was that PokéRealm? I
    I think that's what it was called. It's been so long I barely remember.
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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  8. #8
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    So that's it you're just going to let the ASB Die?

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

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  9. #9
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Legend View Post
    So that's it you're just going to let the ASB Die?

    ~Charles Legend
    Charles, as much as I hate to say this (and as painful as it is for me to say it in the first place), you're gonna have to face the facts; you, Mikachu, and I may be the only ASBers left these days, but without Greyfox around (or Ayeun for that matter), ASB may never be revived, considering it's been a ghost town for several months now. There is more to TPM than ASB, and with only a small number of people left on TPM these days, you're gonna be in for a lot of disappointment if you're expecting ASB to be brought back someday (you never know if or when Greyfox will return, for one thing).
    Knight of Time

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  10. #10
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    lol I like the Piccolo meme
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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  11. #11
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    What a lovable character.

    This might be the nightfall of TPM, and what's absurd might be that we are the last moderators.

  12. #12
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Really Knight of Time how hard would have it been for Lady Vulpix to make you and Mikachu the new mods of the ASB?

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

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  13. #13
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Actually, I dreamt about you last night, Charles Legend. In the dream, you did a mock reffing for ASB.

    However, there can't be a battle if there's no referee.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Quote Originally Posted by Charles Legend View Post
    Really Knight of Time how hard would have it been for Lady Vulpix to make you and Mikachu the new mods of the ASB?

    ~Charles Legend
    It wouldn't have been hard, but would that have changed anything? Mods or not, it's up to you all whether you choose to keep playing. If the need arises, a new mod will be appointed, but right now, it feels pointless to designate a mod for a forum that's not getting any posts.

    In fact, what keeps a forum alive is the community as a whole. In other words, its members. If members aren't posting, no mods will be able to change that.

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  15. #15
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    Actually, I dreamt about you last night, Charles Legend. In the dream, you did a mock reffing for ASB.

    However, there can't be a battle if there's no referee.
    Truth be told I did think of reffing your match with Knight of Time however I was not sure if you wanted to continue it, mind you I'm fairly rusty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    It wouldn't have been hard, but would that have changed anything? Mods or not, it's up to you all whether you choose to keep playing. If the need arises, a new mod will be appointed, but right now, it feels pointless to designate a mod for a forum that's not getting any posts.

    In fact, what keeps a forum alive is the community as a whole. In other words, its members. If members aren't posting, no mods will be able to change that.
    I apologize if that came of as being rude Lady Vulpix, I know it would not been hard my point however is that it seemed like you all were ignoring an obvious solution, in regards to new posts I was thinking about posting some updated version of important threads for example the Bank the only real reason I have not done so is I didn't want to get yelled at incase anyone disagreed with some of the changes I would make for example having it so that the customers of the bank could only have a single post.

    2nd January 2010| Charles Legend VS. Houndom_Lover (ref:Crazy Elf Boy)|+3 points|Deposit
    2nd January 2010| Evolved Karai Kricketot to Kricketune|-3 points|Withdraw
    11th January 2010| I Challenge Darkestlight to a rematch!|+4 Points|Deposit
    11th January 2010| Caught a Growlithe and Kangaskhan-4 Points|Withdraw
    Mind you this is just an example of what I had in mind with the idea of the platers having their bank balances be in a single post not only oy better organized but it cuts down on the number of post the banker would have to look through in order to update the bank s record.

    Also I think what really killed our ASB was the fact the the mods basically controlled all the Businesses thus making eather battling or reffing the onlt vible option for earing points.

    To be honest I really dislike calling the currency the ASB uses Points I much rather we go back to using Yen, now while to be fair while I can understand why it happened in a way it feels like it crippled the economy of the ASB, I men in my mine the final nail was greyfox's plan of not having to pay for evolutions when EXP Candy could have been used to pay for evolutions instead.

    The idea comes mainly Pokémon Go which along with ides from Pokémon lets Go and Pokémon Sword and Shield is kind of the direction I think the ASB should go in, along with the idea it takes place a Post Apocalyptic dystopia based world and the trainers would have to work together to rebuild the society, while battles would still be a large part of it I was thing instead of straight up buying pokémon from the approval tower they would instead have to find Pokémon in the Safari Zone wich would now act more like a single player campaign, mind you I was thinking of setting up my own take on the ASB Safari Zone and calling it Firestorm Industries which would hopefully pay honot to the legacy of the whole history of the ASB.

    Now one of the things that drove me up the wall was the pathetic excuse given to why NYPC Moves and other regional exclusive moves are banned, I mean what was so hard about letting them learn them as a Move Tutor move? and Paying using Armorite Ore.

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

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  16. #16
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Dis not general discussion of Pokemon
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

    Watch my YouTube to support my drug habit

  17. #17
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB in our Memories

    Quote Originally Posted by Drago View Post
    This not general discussion of Pokemon
    To be fair this topic probably should have been made in the ASB or the The PokéMasters Website and Forums.

    ~Charles Legend
    ASB VS Seeker Profile

    “If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

    "The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham

    "To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

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