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Thread: Weird Commercial

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    Surprise Weird Commercial

    Hello everyone. I was browsing YouTube, and I came across a weird Japanese Pokemon-related commercial. First of all, I must apologize I can't find the video again, because it was titled in Japanese and I don't remember the characters used in the name.

    However, the concept introduced was so weird that I must tell you what I do remember.

    The commercial started with a voice shouting something about choosing the trainer's gender and the trainer's name, and there were far more options than in a usual Pokemon game. However, you weren't allowed to enter your own name. There were hundreds of names for the trainer to choose from, all of them combinations of two Chinese characters. I presume they were code names. Among others, I could spot 宇流, 天不, and 加化. After choosing the character's name, I think it was 己止, the camera zoomed extremely quickly from the entire world map to something that looked like New Zealand while the the main Pokemon theme music from the games was playing. There was a man running in circles, and there was also a text, 私のバタフリー、何処?

    The game-esque scene changed suddenly to an anime, which I could guess was like a trailer of a related movie or series. There was this Pokemon trainer, watching Pokemon ice hockey from television. Suddenly, his telephone rang and immediately after picking up, he heard a hasty voice: 加流, 君ね? The panicking voice asked if '加流' was watching the same game, and said something about missing Pokemon. 加流 recognized the voice and first told 三流 to calm down, but then started stuttering himself about every Pokemon both in the rink and in the stand turning transparent, and then completely invisible. Then there was a loud, echoing noise of hockey sticks dropping on the ice as the Pokemon were entirely gone.

    Meanwhile, in South America, a female teacher trainer was apparently giving a lecture about her Ninetails and Dragonite to some children trainers, when she started yelling: あたしのカイリュー、あたしのキュウコン!And I saw her fingers trying to release them from their PokeBalls, but nothing happened, as if the Balls were broken! Then the scene switched a lot further back to the north, it was a desert that looked like Texas to me, and a girl dressed as Pikachu was driving a car there, talking something about wild Pokemon disappearing. Then there was a three-person squad entering a Team Flare hideout somewhere in central Europe. One of them, a girl shouting in British accent: '終わりよ、フレア団! 此の世界へポケモンを戻せ!'. However, one of the Grunts said, in an honest tone, to them something about Team Flare being as devastated as '部幾も阿寸も之良も'. Finally, there was a scene with a crying boy alone in Australia: 'フシギバナ。。。'

    Has anyone else heard or seen something about this weird new concept? I may seek more clues from the internet, but we are having some trouble with connections here in Finland. Maybe that's why my YouTube history and laptop aren't working properly.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 1st April 2020 at 06:23 AM.

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