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Thread: Mikachu's New Autobiography

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    I Finnished last Moderator
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    red apple Mikachu's New Autobiography

    This could well fit into Misc., but as this is going to be a lengthy one, why not FanFic. As I'm going to be 40 years old in 2025, I'd like to update my autobiography for you. So this is going to be my story, story of my drawing hobby, story of my studies, story of my obsession to beauty, story of Pokemon, story of TPM, story of videogames, story of anime.


    I was born in June 1985. There was a thunderstorm on the same day, as if to reflect the relationship between my real name and the electric rat Pikachu. Eventhough my mother gave me the name Mikael based on the new leader of U.S.S.R., Mikhail Gorbachev, she just couldn't dare to name me Mihail (the Finnish reading for the current General Secretary) because she was afraid that we would be even more persecuted then. Also, she sort of self-translated my name Mikael as Hebrew 'nobody loves like the God does'. She told me afterwards she had asked the priest who was christening me to write the name in Hebrew, but the priest had refused. Nevertheless, 'Nobody loves like the God does' was to persecute myself during my entire life, showing up as a passionate, yet often platonic and/or distant, love towards beautiful girls and women, and as a god complex in the videogame series called Civilization and creating and controlling my own worlds in my drawings and comics.

    What about my father? I doubt my father and mother ever lived together, although it was common for mother and father to live together in Finland back then. I think they even met each other in a mental hospital. I saw my dad like twice or thrice. The first occasion was when my mother called him to see the new-born infant to the hospital. My father had merely lifted me up and asked 'Now what should we just do with this' and suggested us to take a taxi, jokingly. The only memory of my father was when I went to see him with my mother in 1989 or so. The thing was, I didn't actually even remember my father from the event, I just remembered the traffic lights. That's because my father lived in Oulu, and it was the first time I saw traffic lights. I even recall myself saying that I didn't want any delays.

    Back to my earliest infancy, my mother didn't seem to be able to take care of me properly to start with, although she insisted that she loved me so much, so I was put into a child caring institute for one and half of year. My mother came to see me, however, once a week and every single time she would sing to me. But on Christmas Eve 1986, I was let home to live with my mother, grandmother and one of my 5 aunts in the countryside of a small rural village called Merijärvi.

    My early days in Merijärvi left a very peaceful memory. We roamed trough the forests and swamps of the countryside with my mother, and my mother also rode a bike around Merijärvi. I was on the backseat, and I remember the 4-year-old me wondering about existential questions 'I am me. I am nobody else. I really am me.'. That's right, always when my mother tells me about my early childhood, she stresses how clever I was. Eventhough I didn't learn to talk until the age of 2, my sentences were perfect. According to my mother, I could read at the age of 3. I myself remember being able to read at the age of 4 or 5. I read Donald Duck comics, Peanuts and the Bible. Yes, the Bible. I even had some sort of a God connection of my own. I remember opening the Bible frequently and saying 'I study thy holy scriptures.'. Also I must mention I could, according to my mother, calculate huge numbers.

    In 1989, I moved with my mother to the center of Merijärvi. I have a memory of my godfather letting me drive his car for a second and I was very afraid. We still visited grandmother in the countryside often, and what was still lacking, was an everyday interaction with other children. The only interaction might have been with the children of my other aunt, who came to visit us from Kokkola, a bigger city but not as big as Oulu. Later on, my mother declared that 'aunt' was not of my family at all, as she believed our grandmother had slept with our neighbour about whom my mother also talked always with a negative ring. However, the inreraction part was a subject to change soon.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 2nd November 2024 at 11:26 AM.

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    I Finnished last Moderator
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    So, 1990 came and me and my mother moved to a little bigger town called Kalajoki. It was located in the west coast of Finland. Back then, the town center wasn't very beautiful. I asked my mother on the first day whether she wanted to live here or dedicate her life to my happiness. I don't exactly remember what she replied, but I figured out she had to move because she wanted to study and become a wood artesan. Her education was to last for 3 years.

    Our new recidence was a two-floored row house right in front of later-abolished Jokisuu school and the Kalajoki hospital. I was put in a daycare located in the same yard. There I started to learn to play with other children and watch children's tv programs. Even in my early games, there was some strange 'plot' to follow and I don't know if the other children in the daycare understood everything. For instance, I recall myself swinging and singing about biblical events I had read, namely about Prophet Daniel and his three friends.

    At the age of 6, I was sent in a bigger kindergarten. There I read some Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles comics and watched anime for the first time! It was Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, Silver Fang, which for some odd reason reached Finland very early to become many Finns' favourite. Well I don't actually count it as my first anime becuase the contact was so short. I kinda liked it, eventhough, due to the biblical image of dogs as they were gods to some pagan nations and everything, I had to ask my mother if it was OK for me to like it.

    I entered school in 1992 at the age of seven. The first 6 grades of the elementary school are called ala-aste or alakoulu and the second level is yläaste or yläkoulu. I was bullied since the very first day at school. As for the first things I was to learn, I learned the Finnish slang for 'having sex', 'nussia' and the word for the thing between woman's legs, 'vittu'. The latter is actually surprisingly common in Finnish, because it's the stem of the verb 'vituttaa', to be 'pissed off', although I never learned to be pissed off in the Finnish way. I had never heard such words before! I noticed I liked school itself though, and I was a good student. I also found more comic books to take example from, like Tintin and Asterix.

    Yes, the comics. I actually had a brief friendship with a boy who had to learn our class early. I still don't know exaclty what happened, but before that, he saw my early Donald Duck copies and something told me he shouldn't have seen them. I regarded them as my secrets back there. I doubt I foresaw any reason related to copyright laws, but nevertheless, I was angry. We brought the dispute to school the following day, and even our teacher tried to make sense of it. The teacher said that only a little baby keeps on shouting everybody 'I have secrets! You are not allowed to tell everybody my secrets!'.

    However, I was to miss the ending ceremony of the first grade because something happened with my mother and the teacher in the artesan school. There was probably some drama and we had to escape to my mother's friend who lived in the southern Finland. I couldn't sing 'suvivirsi', the traditional religious summer hymn in Kalajoki church because I was already in the south that day.

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    Summer 1993, I learned how to ride the bike and I also began to draw comics more seriously. Before this, I did draw some comics based mainly on some teddy bears we owned (although in my drawings they didn't look like teddy bears) but now was the time for a main character called Kari Kukko (Kari the Rooster) and his wife Kaisu. I also experimented some other adventures, but was only able to finish several Kari's stories.

    Or perhaps I should be more accurate. I was able to finish other stories. Actually, from 8 to 10 years old, I was full of stories. I started 'playing programs', monologues, short movies where I played every role. I only stopped doing those thing after I accidentially run into a door glass and nearly killed myself. In this case, fortunately the hospital was near.

    Another quick way to finish stories was to play them with LEGO figures. I carefully structured and arranged the houses, castles and ships and some LEGO figures even had their own names and traits. I wasn't completely alone there with the LEGOs though, I had one close friend from the same school and sometimes my cousins. But we three never had a chance to play as a threesome, and even when there were two of us playing, there usually were two different plots and almost no interraction.

    At the same time, I began to notice something was wrong with my mother. Policemen sometimes came to my house looking for her. She had to spend time in the same mental hospital, Visala, I visited later. Meanwhile, I stayed either at my grandmother's place or in substitute families. Latter occasions exposed me 24/7 to typical pop culture, for instance Looney Tunes and The Simpsons. Those were the substitute families in Kalajoki.

    Autumn and winter 1994 came, bringing on a long-lasting character, Belsa Babylonialainen (Belsa the Babylonian), who was to live in the seventh and sixth century BCE. The Bible was a vast source of inspiration, as well as other events in the ancient world. The first adventure of Belsa took place during Nebuchadnezzar II's sack of Jerusalem. The second was about Nebuchadnezzar II's image of gold, and although it ended up unfinished, I was able to continue Belsa's adventures for a total of 20 complete 'albums' or 'books', if you will, even after being separated from my mother for good. I also read Mika Waltari's book 'Sinuhe the Egyptian' very quickly when I was 11 years old.

    Other late-Kalajoki era comics were Lammen Väki (Folk of the Pond), Ukko, and Heppu Humanoidi (Heppu the Humanoid). Lammen Väki and Ukko were about talking animals and their interraction with hunters and peasants, respectively, while Heppu Humanoidi was sci-fi, of course.

    Meanwhile, school went quite well, but looking back to it now, I knew many things already. I was picky about what I wanted to learn, and also, it was easy to blame the new teacher who started to teach at that school in 1995. The new teacher was into gymnastics and sports more than the one we had for the first 2 years and six months. I had an impression he ignored teaching world history, concentrating more on local history, too. But then the most practical thing I managed to learn at the age of 10 or 11. To tell the time using a normal clock, not a digital one like before.

  4. #4
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    The same summer when I turned 12 years old brought on another big change. I was directed to a permanent substitute family in Haapavesi. There I finally had to make food and clean places since my mother hadn't taught me. Of course, I had hard time accepting this arrangement at first, but there were several factors that derived my attention, sort of. 1) A chance to play videogames on a daily basis 2) Taking care of animals and plants in the new place 3) I could start fresh at a new school 4) I easily fell for certain girls 5) Pokemon anime.

    So, I'd better start from the first factor that I mentioned. In fact, I WAS able to play videogames and computer games before 1997. However, those were rare occasions at my friends' house. I could track the first video game I played back to Aladdin for the NES. I kinda liked it, but there was something that didn't make me believe in love at first sight when it came to videogames. The point is that playing against the clock made me worry about Super Mario Bros. 3 at first, but it eventually became one of my favourite games. However, the former substitute families weren't into gaming, while the new one was.

    As expected, the first game that really hooked me was probably Super Mario Bros. 3. Others were Civilization and Stunts for the PC. Both of those two PC games were about worldbuilding. We also borrowed Nintendo 64 from a friend, which had something brand new when it came to me and videogames. 3D. Soon enough, I had to wonder why we had to 'leave Nintendo for Sony' when we got a Playstation for Christmas. I used to be a bit console-sensitive even back there, at least of my friends was a SEGA fanboy! I forgot about this for a while, however, when Crash Bandicoot 2, Abe's Oddysee and especially Final Fantasy VII blew my mind. Still, I noticed I always had difficulties to finish all those games, probably due to the fact that I had started playing later than my mates.

    Taking care of plants and animals was another thing. I used to love animals and I still do, but I soon realized it was harder than I thought. Already in June 1997, I had to witness death of an innocent sheep. It was quite traumatizing because the lamb was strangled by its collar to a three. The sheep was still alive when I saw this, but I didn't figure out I could have freed it using scissors. But that wasn't the end. Having heard mallard was one of my favourite animals, we bought geese and ducks. One after another, they died. There was always the smallest one in the flock who didn't make it. Only one goose survived after a few months, though the ducks lasted longer. That's why taking care of animals might even have had an opposite effect to me. It made me sad. I even developed a series of speech where I greeted the ducks and said how no one of them had died as far as I could see. I also said goodbye to them l each time I walked out of the barn to the field and the substitute family thought I was saying goodbye to my mother.

    I also have to talk about the cats and dogs. Easier to take care of, especially when they really weren't my cats and dogs. I didn't have the responsibility to give them the nutrition, so the relationship was rather simple. The dog, Titi-Uu, was always asking me for scratchings and like our cat Ruusu, slept often in my bed.

    Plants were my best friend and the worst enemy. I had to take care of the huge garden we had back there. The work seemed endless and I tried to bribe my substitute parents so that I wouldn't have to do it. We also went to marshes, forests and lakes to pick berries and go fishing and I had to notice I didn't like it at all. I would have so much rather wanted to stay indoors playing Playstation. It wasn't until 2003 I was able to enjoy planting potatoes and hoeing the garden.

    My first day at school in Haapavesi was somemthing completely different compared to one in Kalajoki! Instead of getting bullied since day 1, all the pupils gathered around me when they noticed I was drawing something on my notebook. 'The dude is quite good at drawing' one of them praised. 'Is that our class?' asked another, since I had drawn a group of lively children and an angry teacher yelling them. My new classmates started asking me to draw things for both myself and them and told me it was art. I even inspired them to draw pictures an comics of their own. My friends Oan and An started drawing more than before. AM, on the other hand, independenty created a character of his own. The character's name was Arska Aivovaurio (Arnie the Brain-Damaged), what, in turn, inspired me to copy him and draw Älykääpiö (Mind-Retard, or something) whose presonality was quite similar.

    Since my teenage years were starting, girls began to interest me. Until this, I had adoted a negative attitude against sexuality from the Bible and my mother. Now, after living half a year in a new house, a girl of my own age group moved to us with his little brother. The girl's nickname was Lapio in our future school's internet message board. Lapio became my first love. Spring 1998, she and the substitute family's own child, Little E, were asking whom I liked most in Haapavesi. They were going trough every girl of my age, but I said no. Then Little E metioned Lapio's name and I had to confess. The first time I confessed my love to a girl. It was unrequited love. Also, my substitute parents said I shouldn't fall in love in the first place, Lapio was like a sister to me. Not a biological one though. The following summer was filled with surviving the sensation, also when we went to Northern Sweden and Norway by car, which was my first trip abroad. Fortunately the second year at Haapavesi school began in Autumn, called ylä-aste, classes from 7 to 9 namely. At school I was able to see other girls of my age and that made me forget Lapio for a while.

    Yläaste brought along with it new school subjects to study. Compulsory Swedish, Housekeeping, at least. The latter became not my cup of tea, I scored 4 ½ from a test where the lowest score would be 4 and the highest would be 10! At class eight we even get to choose our own subjects to study. I continued housekeeping although my grades weren't good there, and because Swedish was to end after 8th class, I chose to continue it to get ready for lukio, a Finnish version of high school, as well as additional mathematics. I also started learning German, Computing and later Astronomy. For I read Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy and loved it!

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