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Thread: Poll: The rewards of work?

  1. #1

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    When you work, what is the one thing you look foward to the most?
    Is it...
    -satisfaction (the feeling that you've done a good deed)
    -meeting new people
    -knowledge and experience
    -enjoyment in doing work
    -fame (if you are a politician, club manager, or celebrity)
    -any other?
    Now you may say I'm a greedy boy, but what I look forward to is the money. I'm being really honest.

    It may seem obvious what most people will answer, but I figured that maybe some interesting responses may come up.

    Mr. Snorlax1986

  2. #2
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work? first, I thought money. Because money is good. Not to mention with money I can buy most other things.
    But then after I thought a bit, I came to the conclusion that my reward of work is's done! I mean, if it's some big hulking nasty bit of work that you dread doing, when you're done, you don't have to worry about it any more. This could branch off of the good deed selection, but I think it's more about my own selfish wants.

    Oh, and when it's done...nobody will yell at me about doing it.
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  3. #3
    Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    2 things for me mainly..

    1. Money - c'mon, it has to be money I work for money...I work to provide for my family in years to come. I work to spend money on things I can enjoy or things I need.

    2. Knowledge/learning new things - in College for example, I'm learning things all the time and I feel that that is really important part of being in college for me. I mean, I could just not take interest in anything, learn it, revise it, pass the tests, and get a degree. Although, I actually enjoy learning new things and becoming more knowledgable.


  4. #4
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    Er, well, it has to be money, cos I've got my bills to pay, etc. Unfortunately, I don't get any perks and get very taken for granted. If I didn't have to go to work, I wouldn't. I'd love to stay at home and do what I wanted to do and look after millions of animals, have time for creative pursuits, etc.

  5. #5
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    When you work, what is the one thing you look forward to the most?
    Is it...
    -satisfaction (the feeling that you've done a good deed)
    -meeting new people
    -knowledge and experience
    -enjoyment in doing work
    -fame (if you are a politician, club manager, or celebrity)
    -any other?

    Um...all apply to me but fame. I guess the number one thing I look forward to when working is being beside my fiancé (she works with me).

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  6. #6

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    For me, the rewards are tangible (i.e, money) and intangible (i.e., knowing I've done a good job and being proud of myself). I don't often get to meet new people at my job but I love what I do and I'm good at it.

  7. #7
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    Hmm. . .come to think of it, do like the feeling of getting a good day's work in. The good sense of satisfaction is nice.

    And of's what I want.

  8. #8

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    I'll be honest, the only reason I ever work at all is the pursuit of money, I'm a total materialist, and a lazy one at that. The only way you can get me to work is by major financial incentives, I'm the closest to Ranma's Nabiki as you can get when it comes to cash.... ^_^;;;;;

    The 21st Century Manachu Boy

    I'm not even angry; I'm being so sincere right now
    Even though you broke my heart and killed me
    And tore me to pieces and threw every piece into a fire
    As they burned it hurt because I was so happy for you!
    Now these points of data make a beautiful line
    And we're out of beta, we're releasing on time
    So I'm GLaD I got burned, think of all the things we learned for the people that are still alive!

  9. #9

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    Money. Honestly, if I wasn't being paid I wouldn't work, so I'm in it all for the money. Although now I work at the Arena some times I look forward to seeing parts of the events that are on there, they do some cool concerts and stuff.

  10. #10
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    I mostly work for the
    I seriously would never babysit,unless I got money..I guess I do it for perks too...satilite tv >=)
    I dont do it for too many other

  11. #11
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    I always looked forward to meeting new people 'cause meeting new ppl means getting new experience and knowledge~

  12. #12
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    Uhhh... I don't work, but when I do it will be for...

    1. Money! CHA-CHING! Money Makes the World Go Round

    2. Fame! Come on... Who wouldn't want to be famous?

    3. Power! MWA HA HA HA HA!

  13. #13

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?


  14. #14
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    Originally posted by DRD1812
    You bumped an 11 month thread with a one word reply ;o
    Deprived of a semi-colon.

  15. #15

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    -perks "no:
    -satisfaction (the feeling that you've done a good deed)
    -meeting new people
    -knowledge and experience
    -enjoyment in doing work
    -fame (if you are a politician, club manager, or celebrity)
    -any other?
    For satisfaction, kicking Archies butt in Sapphire!

  16. #16
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    i will be famous starbucks stockboy, go me

  17. #17

    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    sorry i didnt know i couldnt reply to threads i hadnt posted on before cos they are old. ive learn't my lesson and wont do it again do you forgive me?

  18. #18
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default Poll: The rewards of work?

    ;o Money is the only good thing of work.
    Parents who don't give allowance on time, eh that's a pain.
    But A job, you get pay day!

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