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Thread: ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    mmk....thought of this poll at dinner =}

    ~*1. How often do you take vacations?

    ~*2. When was the last time you took a vacation?

    ~*3. What was the best vacation you've ever had?

    ~*4. What is the worst vacation you've ever had?

    1. we hardly ever take vacations... :/ We have pets to deal with, and its 'too expensive' to put them in a kenal...meh!

    2. about....3 years ago We went to Ohio, for a reunion. It was really fun, I got to see my cousin again, and it was nice to go to Ohio for the first time in my life =o

    3. When I went to a family reunion in was really a suprise anniversary party for my grandparents, lol I was only 8 then...but it was a blast still..Ijust remember going to a party, and going to my aunts house on a lake :>

    4. Once we went on a vacation, and our car broke down, and my brother got really sick, and we had to turn around and come all the way home again... :/ that deffinantey was no fun :<

    oh well... I really want to go to Ohio this year... but it doesnt loook like were going to :|

  2. #2
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    1. About every 7-10 months

    2. 2 months ago

    3. When we rented this Beach House down in Sanibel

    4. This trip to Hershey Park when I was much younger. All we did was use the arcade and get lost and order about 10 PPV's and then didn't watch them ... Waste of a hell of a lot of money.

  3. #3
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    Hey Sam

    1. I'd say approximately 6 months. I usually (not always) take at least one vacation during the summer. And, I also usually take one in the middle of the year... if you count the couple weekend trips I took to New York and met up with Julina (BlastoiseFan), Tyler (Avian Freeze), and Will (DragonairRider). Man, its been ages since I spoke with one of them...

    2. See above. That is, if you'd count the trip to New York... but the real *VACATION* trip I took last was when I went to China last summer... Well, to be honest I found some stuff boring... but I saw alot of stuff I was looking forward to see in Beijing... where my Aunt lives. They have the BEST public swimming pool in her neighborhood... and luckily I still had internet, lol, can't live without it.

    3. Probably the summer of 2000, when I went to Israel alone for a little over a month, and got to be independent and do whatever the hell I want... I love my Aunt and Uncle.
    I also got to spend the time with my cousin Ariel.... He was like my BEST friend back when we lived in Israel... yes, he may be my cousin, but he can still be a close friend... especially since he's just about my age and shares alot of interests... I remember back in first and second grade we used to go to each other's houses after school.... and pretty much watch movies, play games, play with Legos.... ah, the memories.... *cries* ;-;
    Oh yeah, on that trip, I also got to see my ex! God I missed her....

    4. Probably the China one. I said a bunch of positive stuff about it above to show that I had spirit . However, ALOT of it I found pretty boring... Most of it was hikes, and looking at stone sculptures... X_X I'm not into stuff like that... However, going downtown was fun. It reminded me alot of New York... hehe. Those of you that have been to or live in NYC may not believe me.... but I've been there too about three times recently, and IMO Beijing is a bit more active and wild than NYC . I swear, I'm not lying... ^^ Now I just wanna go to Tokyo........ Who knows when that'll happen... >_>;;

    Btw, nice poll

    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    ~*1. Rarely. Never go in christmas'll get sick >< and also... like my father always say... "everywhere is the same" so I rather stay home.

    ~*2. Graduate Gr.12... that was 2 years ago.

    ~*3. To DisneyLand. (yes, thats in California.)

    ~*4. To Las Vegas... because I got sick (flu).

  5. #5

    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    1. How often do you take vacations?
    Not very. o_o My family drags me along on a vacation every... 6 months maybe? And then there are little "trips" in between sometimes.

    2. When was the last time you took a vacation?
    Um... we went to... the USA. I can't remember which state (Pennsylvania or something). XP My dad met a bunch of online friends who like this band and we went to this one band members' party. I only liked that vacation because I got chocolate (Hershey.. mmm...) and a free Micheal Crichton book (I'm forever in my Dad's friend's debt +_+)

    3. What was the best vacation you've ever had?
    Um... last year when I went to Halifax by myself, maybe. That was so much fun.. but now I miss all my friends. ;_; Or maybe it was going to Mt. Tremblant in Quebec... >_>

    4. What is the worst vacation you've ever had?
    One of the many vacations to Saskatoon... X_X I always seem to get sick when I go there. Maybe it's the air. =\ (Or my uncle's green St. Patrick's Day pancakes.. either one x.x)


  6. #6
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    1. We take quite a few vacations compared to the average american family..

    2. July, to the USA

    3. Goin' to the US

    4. Oh, we've had plenty

    I'm going to the Netherlands today actually adieu!

    "You hold the answers deep within your own mind.
    Consciously, you've forgotten it.
    That's the way the human mind works.
    Whenever something is too unpleasant, too shameful for us
    to entertain, we reject it.
    We erase it from our memories.
    But the imprint is always there."

  7. #7
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    ~*1. How often do you take vacations?
    I hardly ever take vacations ;_; I've only gone on two; 1 was to California like when I was 7, and the other was to Pennsalvania and BORING

    ~*2. When was the last time you took a vacation?
    I think I was 12...

    ~*3. What was the best vacation you've ever had?
    Neither was fun ;_;

    ~*4. What is the worst vacation you've ever had?
    Both of them ;_;

  8. #8
    Cool Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    ~*1. Hmmmmm, I guess every other year or so

    ~*2. The year before last

    ~*3. Probably the vacation we took in '97. We drove to Georgia to visit my Grandoparent, to Flordia to see my other relitives on mom's side, then flew to Jersey to see the reletives on Dad's side. It was pretty fun, I met a bunch of cousins ( I hyave a LOT of cousins, I think it's to make up for me being an only child)

    ~*4. That's easy, the trip I took to Gergia in December when I was 5 and when going back we got stuck in the Dallas airprt for what seemed like eternity. I don't remember it very well...but I do remember that I hated that trip so much that I never evern watched the show"Dallas" ever again.
    The human soul is an overrated commodity. I've bought sold, and traded them for pokemon cards&quot;- Mr. Hell

  9. #9
    Cool Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    ~*1. Hmmmmm, I guess every other year or so

    ~*2. The year before last

    ~*3. Probably the vacation we took in '97. We drove to Georgia to visit my Grandparents, then drove to Flordia (with my grandparents) to see my other relitives on mom's side, then flew to Jersey to see the reletives on Dad's side. It was pretty fun, I met a bunch of cousins ( I have a LOT of cousins, I think it's to make up for me being an only child) Plus, we got to take my turtle Dibble with us and on that trip I got my very first gameing device. Twas a Gameboy Pocket.

    ~*4. That's easy, the trip I took to Gergia in December when I was 5 and when going back we got stuck in the Dallas airprt for what seemed like eternity. I don't remember it very well...but I do remember that I hated that trip so much that I never evern watched the show"Dallas" ever again.
    The human soul is an overrated commodity. I've bought sold, and traded them for pokemon cards&quot;- Mr. Hell

  10. #10

    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    ~*1. How often do you take vacations?

    Not too often... once every three or four years, I'd say.

    ~*2. When was the last time you took a vacation?

    The summer before seventh grade (I'm in ninth now). We drove to Idaho and camped in Cour D'Alane, Idaho. We stayed there for three days and on our last day we went to Silverland, which has a really fun roller coaster called Tremors.

    ~*3. What was the best vacation you've ever had?

    I went to California when I was eight I loved it. We went to Disneyland, Knottsberry Farm, and Universal Studios. We're actually going back this summer.

    ~*4. What is the worst vacation you've ever had?

    Does camp count as a vacation? Because I went to camp last summer and I hated it. My mom forced me into it, and then it sucked and I was miserable. Ugh.

  11. #11
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    ~*1. How often do you take vacations?
    Not very often; about 2 or 3 times a year.

    ~*2. When was the last time you took a vacation?
    In April. My mom, my dad, and I went to San Fransisco. It wasn't a very good vacation -_-

    ~*3. What was the best vacation you've ever had?
    Hm.. I don't really know of a "best" vacation. I guess I would have to say about 4 or 5 years ago when me and my family went to Florida for a week or two. We went to Universal Studios. That was really fun, but it isn't anymore since I'm a teenager, lol.

    ~*4. What is the worst vacation you've ever had?
    The one to San Fransisco!! That was the worst ever! My dad was being very ebarrassing. He would make comments about everything, greet everyone we walked by, dance to music in stores, acted like he knew every video game, etc. Then he made me go into almost every store. That was the worst one ever in my book >_>

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default ~*Poll: Man...I REALLY want to go on a vacation this year... ._.;

    1. It depends...there isnt like a real time amount between when i take them...some years i do and some years i dont.

    2. Like last year. I went to the British Virgin Islands.

    3. My first trip to disneyworld...u see all those crappy commercials about remembering it and stuff...but you really do...its a heck of a lot of fun there.

    4. A trip to Spain. Althogh it wuz interesting and I got to see my relatives, it wuz so different and stuff it wuz hard to enjoy it. We kept getting gipped by gypsies and the food wuz so different I had trouble swallowing it. But it had some fun but the least fun int total.

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