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Thread: Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

  1. #1

    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Out of curiousity, where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Me? After my incomplete trainer fic was left collecting dust, I somehow decided to revise it after I picked up an issue of Shonen Jump (a monthly translated manga anthology). It was the manga Naruto that got my creative juices flowing, especially about the part where the spirit of the demon fox was sealed inside a newborn baby. An episode of Yu-Gi-Oh also gave me an idea for vessels (spirits being held inside living beings). The idea of a Pokémon being a vessel never left my mind since.

  2. #2
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Well, my ideas come to me quite randomly sometimes... like I'll start writing something, and suddenly an idea will pop out of nowhere. Of course this usually causes me to write half of it over again, but that's okay.

    I think some of my best ideas are in my newest fic "Look to the Sky." I knew I wanted to write a story about four people searching for paradise. (The Wolf's Rain phase...heh heh) But then, on the other side, I had just got done reading doujinshi and wanted to write about Gakis. This caused me to do some major research on Japanese mythology. At first I just wrote down simple lines about two of the characters, thought it was idiotic, erased it, then got an idea about deformity. What if people of disabilities were searching for this "paradise"? So one of the characters became blind due the dark powers of his heart, guided only by an angel ornament given by his deceased lover. And it basically flowed from there. But then again, I have very odd ideas. ^^;;

  3. #3

    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    I just kind of sit there and wait for something really off the wall come tearing out of my brain.

    But really...

    What got me started on the gay Pokemon stories was I was thinking about Primape and Magmar having those shackles and how funny it'd be if there was a dominatrix Jynx who had them chained up (I dropped Primeape being in the story when I started it). Little Nicky was a huge inspiration for the final two chapters, with all this satirical heaven/hell stuff. Obviously, I got a ton of ideas for my second story from the Sailor Moon manga when the gay Pokemon become sailor scouts. And there's one part in the third one that parodies the exorcist

    You know what's weird? In the third chapter, Chopma the female Machop refers to Electabuzz as a giant kitty... and years later, Boo in "Monsters Inc" called Sulley a big kitty! Oh yeah, I wrote these stories in a span of 2000 to 2003.

    What got me started on "Wild Side of Bruno" was I made a sprite of a combo of Mightyena, Bruno, and the legs of a fat Team Aqua grunt (Bruno's muscular waist and the grunt's wide girth were a perfect match). Then Wild Female Machoke said something about Mightyena having a part Fighting werewolf evolution, and that got me started (you were part of the inspiration!).

    For "Guilty by Design"... ok, this one has a LONG history: back in summer of 2000, I was making up Pokemon. I was going to have these pitbull style blood sports involving my Fighting eon (then called Puncheon...awful name). I incorperated that idea for a trainer fic where the main character's moody Hitmonchan has a past history of being in blood matches... which is why he's moody . Anyway, I never got that far into the story, so I started making plans of just a Hitmonchan being abused story... 5% of the ideas were drawn on paper, 95% in my head. Anyway, the person who owned him was going to be just some bad dude, but it wasn't until this year I thought of that guy in "The Punchy Pokemon" episode and making him the antagonist. Yes, I had the basic idea for 4 years and just now started writing it. I got the title from a line in the Wallflowers song, "Empire of my Mind". I thought the "guilty by design" phrase could refer to Champ the Hitmonchan being the result of years of domestication and breeding to fight and kill against his will. And yes, there will be bloodsport in a future chapter if I can ever get off my lazy arse and defeat writer's block.

  4. #4

    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    [I know you're all tired of hearing about this piece of crap, but it's basically all I got!]
    I get ideas. That's just it. For every story I've written, on the net, I just sit here in this little chair and make it up as I go along. I got my inspiration for The MisAdventures of Hiro from Pokémon Gold, as you can tell if you've read it. Unfortunately, for the past 7 or 8 months I've been suffering hugely from writer's block, and can't seem to do a very decent chapter for it. Other times, for ideas for stories, things just pop into my head at school or elsewhere, and 96% of the time I forget them, then remember them when it's too late to use them, but in that 4% are such literary gems as:
    "Hiro: Are you lost, little boy?
    Boy: Yes, I've lost my Farfetch'd and I'm scared to go find it.
    Hiro: Well, TOO BAD! You shouldn't be scare, it'd just a forest...
    Suddenly a Spinarak jumped from a tree in front of Hiro
    Hiro: AAAahh!
    Boy: Don't be scared, that's just my Spinarak.
    Hiro: No, it's eating your Farfetch'd!
    Both: AAAAAHHH!"
    That is probably about .5% of the 4% of my good ideas that I can remember later. Oh well.
    Quote Originally Posted by PancaKe
    The decapitated mole is a fruit loop.

    You heard it here first, folks!

    3-time winner of Fanfic's "Oddest Writer" award!

    Knight of I.N.D.E.E.D.

  5. #5
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    I guess since I deal with a train outline, then the inspiration isn't hard to come across. However, what happens can often be determined by real life issues. Like i based one scene off an expirience off mine...I wrote chapter five of 'The Indigo Road' after my first kiss...that's how i get inspiration, really. My life.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  6. #6
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Beleive it or not, PADS! was just an experiment..... an experiment that grew and grew until it went horribly wrong. And for those of you who do read PADS!, you know just how wrong that experiment became became.

    MEgaman Reborn came to me while on summer vacation in British Columbia a year or two ago. My brother rested Megaman Legends 2 for my cousin's PS1, and it just so happened that was when i was still faithfully woking on RotRMs. One thing led to another, an dbefore you knew it, another twisted idea from the Asylum of the Damned.

    On the original fiction side....

    Bloody Sword: 3050 A.D. came to me when I watched Escaflowne. That got me thinking of writing a neo-medival fic, but I couldn't figure out what to do with it. Then I decided to go for a super-warrior type anime groove, and behold, Bloody Sword.

    PRoject: ZERO was originally intended to be a side-story of my Dragonball fic, DB:The Missing Chapters, featuring Dr. Gero's protoype android. That fic never met production, but since Anrdoid 0 looked so cool to me, I figured, what the hell, original fic time!

    Galaxy War I've had in me since 1996. The original Galaxy War, which you can now find in Completed Fiction, was actually based on Math Blaster: Search for Spot. Okay, laugh if you must, but it's true. I swear it. That, however, was the original Galaxy War's plot. As for Galaxy War X(Which is GalaxyWar2), I sorta' just winged it outta nowhere. As for the "other" many sequels I have planned for the Galaxy war Series....[SPOILERS! Highlight to read]

    The idea for Galaxy War: Phantom Moon(which will be GalaxyWar5) came shortly after I bought Metroid Prime/Fusion. The idea of havign a mysterious character roaming around kind of got to me, so I decided to incorporate it into GW. Galaxy War: Hero/Outlaw(which will be GalaxyWar6), I got the idea from an old Sonic the Hedgehog comic from the Archie comics brand. You know, after Sonic gets set-up for "murdering" Sally in cold blood, and I'll leave it at that.

    Reckless Micky came to me as sort of a cross-influence from SOnic the Hedgehog again and some old cop movies. You can guess what happened then.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
    Over his impressive 9-year ficcing career he has won 5
    Silver Pencils and 3 Golden Pen awards, and currently holds
    the record for most times won Most Evil Fanficcer (3)

    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  7. #7
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Though I have yet to post my fanfic, I have been working on it for two years, trying to get it right.

    It was originally going to be a trainer fic, with a sword-wielding, badass hero toting around a small band of girls he'd probably do better without.

    Then, my fic evolved into something better. The hero lost the sword, gained a younger sister, a more irritable attitude, and an immunity to female persuasion.

    After that, he's also gained a curse and a fiance, all of which he'd rather not have.

    My character now has no desire to be a pokemon master at all, he'd rather be left alone.

    The idea first came, obviously, from playing Pokemon Silver and Crystal. Then, the sister idea came from Love Hina, the curse came out of nowhere, and the fiance came from a Shonen Jump comic called Shaman King as well as Ranma 1/2.

    My character, unfortunately, leaves a lot of women in his wake. (Tenchi Muyo) Some are lovesick over him, while some are merely after him for their own ideals (Not Tenchi Muyo...)

    All in all, many things came from other places (There are even Cameo appearances by Beavis and Butthead as well as the Crocidile hunter!! I was thinking of adding Ryoga Hibiki, but soon dropped the idea.)

  8. #8
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    I don't know where my ideas come from, really. I was inspired to take up Fan Fiction again by Nanaki's The Origin/Aftermath of Mount Woe, Cain's Chrono Continuum, ZealPropht's The Story of Magus, and Glasshard's The Poetry in Blood (Don't bother looking for them here, they're all offsite, I'm not advertizing for the sites: contains the works of all the above *in the Chrono Trigger section* except for Glasshard's, which can be found on, but I just get the ideas from spacing out anywhere possible.

  9. #9
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Well, let's just say that inspiration doesn't hit me that often, but when it does, it caves in my skull.

    I got inspiration for my current fic, Final Encounter, after watching Mewtwo Returns, the only pokemon movie that went directly to video .

  10. #10
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Hmmm I sometimes see something and I really like the concept, so I take a little of the theme. Most of what I write is taken deep from the bowels of my mind

    Sometimes I'll think up an idea and be determined to remember it. When I write the next chapter it can usually fit.

  11. #11
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    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    Um I got insperation from SHiny Marril, reading his fic, which encourage me to write my own. Then my parents would take me and my bro's out on ATV trails, and since I have ADD, while I was supposed to be focusing on the trail, I conctrated on random acts of pokemon. LEts see, teh Regi steel came for immortality of gods sorta thing.
    Killer Spinda from Soggy, god how the kid drove me insane with the confused bear.
    Deoxys, every story has a bad ars chacter.
    Being almost killed, video games of all sorts
    getting attacked by mobs of pokemon, Green day's song Minority and Ha ha your dead.
    Also the boy having a femine chansey, um all the girl power signs and equalivity toward males and females
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  12. #12

    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?


    Ones that have been on TPM:

    The Eeveelution Kid... I have no idea where the idea came from since that was two years ago and my memory is terrible. For those who remember it, they can say they have no idea where I got it either.

    Wild Horses Just Stay Wild was from the fact I never saw any disabled Trainers. I drew this up in my mind of having a Trainer who couldn't walk and decided to let it happen. Those who remember it can also say that it was a bit random.

    Through Blind Eyes came after I lost WHJSW and from watching the Daredevil commercials. Decided to try another disabled fic and the thought of being blind popped up with the said movie. Also since I hadn't seen any disabled fics in a while.

    Mako's Family is the newest one I've made up. Really, I believe I got the idea from Leann Rimes' song Suddenly. Have no idea why but beggars can't be choosers.

    Ones not on TPM:

    Moro's Tribe is on another site but is basically a teenager girl flung from her world into the Pokemon World but she doesn't know it until the creatures look wierd. She can still go from world to world and has adventures in both worlds. Came from the fact I had written stories in first person about her but hadn't really explained about them.

    Nine Spheres of the Moon isn't the catchiest title but came from a mix of DB and DBZ and a lot of other junk I thought of. Don't ask.

    Not Ever came possibly after watching the first eppie Yu Yu Hakusho but I'm not entirely sure.

    The Assassin is a bit of a random thought that I won't go into detail at the moment.

    The Time Protector and The Random Protector is something that was also random but is my number one most continuing story.

    Tournament probably came from watching the tournament eppies of Yu Yu Hakusho and is a pretty good though it's a chapter long.

  13. #13

    Default Where did you get your ideas for your fanfic?

    I usually start stories with one idea. That's just something that popped up inside my head, sometimes inspired by another story, sometimes not. The rest of the ideas are of all kinds. Some just pop up like the first idea. Some are scenes from books or fanfics I've read and liked, and I take everything off it until I'm left with the exact thing I liked about it, then add my ideas around it instead. Some, and more than you'd expect, came into my head for pure chance. I write a boring chapter just to calm a little down between two action chapters, and then suddenly it becomes the start of a plot twist that spans over 11 chapters. I write a chapter with some new character, and then when I read it later, I find that what he says really sounds like he's not telling the whole truth. So I made him not being telling the whole truth, along with fitting perfectly with a sentence another character said out of nowhere long ago. It's like a puzzle that has some missing pieces, and then I find them buried somewhere.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
    Now concluded with chapter fourteen!

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