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Thread: What's your addiction?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default What's your addiction?

    No, I don't mean drugs or alcohol or any of that kinda stuff...

    What are you guys addicted to? I used to be completely addicted to Diablo II, then my parents banned me from viedo games . Then I got addicted to Starcraft once the ban was over, playing for 7+ hours a day, even on school days. After that, it was Runescape, and a little bit of pokemon (160+ on blue, 150+ on gold, 100+ on sapphire). Now I'm just plain addicted to my computer, I can't get off it. I'm always on, even when there's nothing to do, and I've even started to try to learn how to program them, but its really hard. Anyway, what have you guys been addicted to?

  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    most of my addictions have died down.. ddr, neopets... my tpm one seems to be coming back, though =o I guess my biggest addiction right now would be AIM and the ummmm chat @_@;


  3. #3

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Right now it seems to be comics, I've spent about $160 on comics and comic reprints in the last 4 months.

  4. #4
    Cool Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    at the moment....
    -Pkmn Saphire
    -the band Oasis
    The human soul is an overrated commodity. I've bought sold, and traded them for pokemon cards"- Mr. Hell

  5. #5

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    The Internet. Although Pokemon Ruby is temorarily styming(sp?) it, it will be back. @_@
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  6. #6
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    internet yesterday 12 hours

  7. #7

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    I think this is more at home in PCG *moves*

    My addictions are: Ade, Chocolate and Neopets. I think I could live without anything else, but I couldn't quit those. I'm more addicted to those than even alcohol!

    ~-~-~-~ DON'T COVER MY GEM!! ~-~-~-~


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  8. #8
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Descent, Descent 2, Descent 3, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy 8, SSBM, Medal of Honor, Two Towers, and Warcraft 3 are some of my more recent addictions. Right now, it would have to be Descent 3, though.

  9. #9
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Hey! My thread was moved! It's in the right forum and everything, since its not a poll, club, or game. I was asking a legitamate question to which people could respond to and discuss. And why did one of you mods add "poll" to the title? At least tell me when you modify/move my posts/threads

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Consideing that your asking us questions, it is a poll. Hence movied from Misc to POLLS, Clubs, Games.

    I am not currently addicted. No. Nothing. I am not playing GameCube every waking moment. No. Wind Waker. Never. I am NOT addicted. Thank you and good day fellow addictees.

  11. #11
    Survivor of the Sheikah Cool Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    What I am currently addicted to:

    Dr. Pepper, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Metroid Prime, Pokemon Sapphire (only because I don't have G/S or R/B, which are the better games, IMO), Anime, drawing anime, and TPM.

    I used to be addicted to Starcraft, but that died down, along with Gauntlet: Dark Legacy.
    My Adopted Pokemon

    "I've been waiting for you...
    Hero of Time..."

    "The flow of time is always cruel...
    Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it...
    A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days..."

    "Time passes, people move...
    Like a river's flow, it never ends...
    A childish mind will turn to noble ambition...
    Young love will become deep affection...
    The clear water's surface reflects growth..."

  12. #12
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    AIM, TPM, TV, My new trampoline (:D), and the Lilo and Stitch Soundtrack.

  13. #13

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Originally posted by Venesectrix
    Hey! My thread was moved! It's in the right forum and everything, since its not a poll, club, or game. I was asking a legitamate question to which people could respond to and discuss. And why did one of you mods add "poll" to the title? At least tell me when you modify/move my posts/threads
    While this could be a discussion, usually questions like this where people can give straight forward answers are classed as polls. For example of misc worthy discussions see the likes of the abortion and pre-marital sex topics.

    Why not drugs and alcohol? Oh well, if I can't includ my beloved alcoholic beverages:

    I agree with you about Diablo 2! My friends and I all got it and for about a month we played from 12 midday to 5am only stopping to eat (even then we all ate at our computers). However, after completing it on every difficulty we were just burned out, we couldn't bare to look at it anymore! However, I'm going to dig out my copy soon and start playing again with a friend who missed out the last time.

    Neopets - Anyone who knows about my bank account on this game wont be suprised by me admitting i'm addicted. Cute animals and silly games, c'mon what more could I want?

    The Internet in general. Even when there's nothing going on, no one will talk to me, there's no new TPM posts and Neopets is down, I'm STILL trying to find something to do on here!

    Jiggling hamster

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Red Dwarf (yeah, the old TV series!), M:TG and Pokémon TCG, Excel Saga, Cowboy Bebop, playing "filldeputa"(a Spanish classical card game, also known as "uno"), Shadowrun, Legend of the Five Rings, Vampire: The Masquerade, Kubrick movies, and repairing old consoles and computers. I think that's all...

  15. #15
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    I was addicted to Diablo II, then my parents got mad and broke the CD and all other computer games .

    Now, I'm addicted to caffeine and maybe TPM as well~

    I still play a lil' starcraft btw, but its so boring now~

    I like to play the IRC on GSBOT but the server is having problems~ goes up and down and up and down... ie the addiction to it isn't stable. Some days I just hate to go there, and some days, its okay.

  16. #16
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    yes, AIM and Ummmm is VERY addicting o_x;
    I can say I'm addicted to that also to the tv, and video games...I was addicted to GTA III....btu then my brother got it taken away so no one gets to play it >_>; and I wont get it back until he 'behaves' HA! fat chance.... ;_; I'll never see that game again

    Now that I look at it...I dont have healthy addictions

    oh well

  17. #17
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    AIM and Ummmm == addiction. Also I'm adicted to many video games. Those include: All the Final Fantasy games, some form of zelda, and Kingdom Hearts at the moment. Plus porn/hentai is another addiction :O. And I don't know.. umm.. Neopets? I stay on there a lot of my time ._.

  18. #18

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    I'm MEGA addicted to Cosplay. I have like 7 costumes in progress. XD Poor me~! It's fun though. Sewing is really fun.. but often frustrating. heh

  19. #19

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?


    i love it. i go over my friend's house just to play it. o_O yay!!!

  20. #20

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Somebody smack me, my current addiction is Golden Sun. It's all I ever think about, it's all I ever talk about, and I'm even currently hooked on playing Super Smash Bros. Melee! (Just got a Gamecube today, w0000000t! )

  21. #21

    Default This time the predator's me...

    My number one obsession?

    Jekyll and Hyde. All over... Nyah! A while ago I bought the two-disc collection of music from it. Recenlty, I bought/received '97 cast recording, a vocal book of music from it, and the DVD of the musical, as well as Stevenson's book. Birthdays are luffly. Saw a nice theme with mine, er-hem. Also now have quite a collection of images from the internet (anyone know any good sites? *twitch* more...?) and made a backgroudn I'm using, and sing songs all time, and talk about, and sig is dedicated to it...

    Other obessions? Many. Interview With the Vampire currently strong. Lollipop Lust Kill and Our Lady Peace, Dream Theater, possibly Type O Negative. Matrix. And Harry Potter is growing again due to book...

    I mean...

    ...I'm not obsessed with anything...

  22. #22

    Default *drools all over FotR extended DVD*

    Do you even have to ask? I am addicted to Lord of the Rings all the way baby!!! My other addictions are Pokemon (duh!), packaged ramen noodles, Saint Tail manga, ER, aaaaaaand that's about it. My family is getting pretty pissed at me because of my LotR obsession. I'm afraid Mom may take away my scrapbook.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    im addicted to pot... that and rusa batstrat

  24. #24
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Nice poll,

    The everlasting food that I am addicted to is crisps. At least, I eat 3 packets a day and that's very rare - I normally have at least four in a day. I know it's really unhealthy and there are other healthier addictions but it's the truth (*thinks it's impossible to be addicted to anything good in this world, like exercise*). I'm also addicted, in terms of television, to Big Brother in the UK. It's just over halfway through BB4 and like every year I can't seem to stop watching it - this is perhaps my biggest addiction.

    In terms of video games, I'm not addicted and although I'm on AIM and in 'Ummmm' chat everyday, I wouldn't say I'm addicted because I'm not always very talkative in it...I'm a big lagger. But I'm addicted to the NET simply because my life is pretty boring and I don't really do anything else except come online to talk. *sigh*
    Silver Ledian
    - Former Moderator of Polls, Clubs and Games -
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  25. #25
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Addictions? Harry Potter! It's been since 3 years ago, a little before the fourth book came out. Just been reading the latest one... Man, it rocks!!

  26. #26
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    I know how you feel L_P, Saturday mornings are always dead on here! Its very boring you know!

    Im addicted to my boyfriend Luke and the love he gives me.

    But Ive just got over my harry potter addiction, just couldnt put that danm book down! Was dissapointed though at the ending..

  27. #27
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    My Addictions: Video Games of nearly every kind. TPM

    I really need help. I play Ruby until about 4 in the morning before I decide I'm too tired to play anymore.

  28. #28
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    My addiction is I have 61 posts/day there...

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Default weeeeeeeee!

    My addictions are:

    Caffene. I got addicted when I bought Order of the Phoenix. Me and my friends had this little competition going, whoever read the book quickest got to raid my fridge!

    Order of the Phoenix. I've just finished it for the 2nd time.

    Robinsons Fruit Shoot. I drink one when I wake up, one before I go to school, one at lunchtime, one when I get back from school, one while i'm doing my homework and one before I go to bed. That's.......6 Fruit Shoots a day! That cannot be healthy.

    This thing here. I'm doing quite well on this, but it's so addictive I have to be dragged away from it.

  30. #30
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    TPM, TPM, TPM, Big Bro 4 in UK, TPM, TPM, chocolate, TPM, TPM...


  31. #31

    Default Addiction...

    I'm addicted to RPG games they're the ONLY games I play ask any of my friends because I only play these because they're great and Pokemon Sapphire that I have is one of the greatest.


  32. #32
    The Great and Powerful Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    I am addicted to slurpees, the delicious icy-freeze drink that you can get only at your local 7-11 stores.

    Remember, 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so if you're ever craving a late night snack do it right, do it 7-11... just a little closer to Heaven.

    And watch out, don't make 7-11 angry, or you'll be dealin with the Sevs Hulk, one nasty green powered machine. Get your Hulk merchandise there today, including wicked cold changing slurpee cups.

    Note: This is not a commercial nor an advertisement for 7-11... but you want to go there, go now!

    Proud Creator of Pokemon Avengers
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  33. #33
    Sir Chris

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    Internet/my sword collection..;/ Also, if I start playing fft I will be playing for days ~_~

    ~ Chris

  34. #34

    Default Poll: What's your addiction?

    I would have to say my addictions are DBZ, I haven't watched it in forever but still day dream about it. Alice in Chains is another of my addictions. Greatest band ever.

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