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Thread: <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

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  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    Yes, everyone congratulate me now >=) This calls for a celebration

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O


    1/. I think they suck. It isn't like you're going to gain more recognition from it, it just makes you look like a moron who doesn't have much better to do. Of course, i'm not going to have issues with people who do post them, since if that's what they really want to accomplish here (a high post count) then fine by me. I just think it's silly

    2/. When I was a n00b I wanted to get to master status quickly, so I replied alot. When time moved on it just became less and less important and yeah, now I don't care at all. To people who actually do care about post count, it rises more when you don't try to force yourself to post, but have fun doing it - Unless you're Ash_300

    3/. Pepper. Don't ask =P

  2. #2
    Sir Chris

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. I prolly will do it eveery 1000 cause I like roud numbers, but I will just mention is in a post, not make a whole big topic about it, thats just a bit pointless..

    2. I got ash_300 banned for that..oh god, that was the best moment in my modding career, I swear it, I dont care about my postcount, I respond to crap cause I feel like it, and I am insanely active now adays so I average plenty of posts per a day, but I guess that cant be helped.

    3. I like women more than both, spicy women,
    err......pepper =P!

    ~ Chris

  3. #3
    Elite Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    *wonders if this has to do with...another topic*
    *raises eyebrow*

    *cough* ^_^
    1.Well, unless they are like, 'This is my 30th post!!!!111' they're ok, like if they actually make an acheivement, like...2000 =o

    2. When I first joined I wanted as many posts as I could have...but now its like 'who cares? =/' I post when I post.

    3. Pepper. Too much sald is bad for your health

  4. #4
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    Originally posted by Crystal Mew
    *wonders if this has to do with...another topic*
    Two topics actually, but yeah, that sparked it

  5. #5

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?

    Don't really care. Post count can be a good excuse to make a poll or something, I don't know. I guess it makes a person feel good that they made a milestone or something o_o. Anyway...

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?

    As with Jay, I wanted to get as many posts as I could. I used to have 10+ posts a day x_x I posted everywhere, and anywhere x_x. But that just seemed to die out. I guess I exausted myself or something o_o.

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O


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  6. #6
    Elite Trainer
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    1. I don't make topics about my millionth step so why should someone make a topic about post count?

    2. I want my average higher than my total

    3. *Imagines pepper and vinegar chips* Yuk
    Deprived of a semi-colon.

  7. #7
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. I don't really care about them. As long as there are good polls with them, then it's fine.

    2. Yea, when I first joined, I wanted to get as many posts as I could so I replied to a lot of things. Now, I'm tired of that. I'm not even sure how many posts I have cause I'm too lazy to click profile, and it doesn't matter to me anymore. It's just fun posting .

    3. Pepper, salt can give you strokes :O. And pepper is good with most things .

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  8. #8

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) I don't really care *shrug*
    2) Right now I'm working on 1000, but that shouldn't take too long, so next is 2,000
    3) Salt I love salt, according to my parents, I like a little french fry with my salt 0_o

  9. #9
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. There aren't many anymore, so I don't really care. A few years ago, tho, the "I have 100 posts! woot!" topics all over misc were really annoying =/

    2. I wanted to be an advanced trainer, though I wasn't really inti it and it took me nearly a year. Now I don't care about postcount much and I post more often due to all of my adopted Pokemon responsibilities ;o

    3. Pepper. Salt is too salty if you use too much. And it can cause high blood pressure and crap. =/

  10. #10
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. Postcount topics are pointless. I don't care how many posts people have made.

    2. Nearly at 300 now. Aiming for 386.

    3. Usually neither but if I have to choose it'll be Salt. Pepper tastes nasty.

  11. #11

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    10+ posts a day WTF... that's like nothing, Ash and I could do 100+ a day back in 2001 ;/

    I used to <3 postcount, and I guess I still do... but I don't really post topics about it and stuff... I just like to post a lot when I'm bored, which is often...
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  12. #12

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. I think they're kinda pointless really...unless you have some great accomplishment like 10,000 posts maybe....or if you're a newbie and you get 1000.

    2. When I first joined I posted ALOT, getting probably 20 posts a day. Surprisingly, they actually had meaning. They were mostly RMTs....Now I just post when I feel like it, or if I really need to.

    3. Pepper. It's more...uh...flavorful.

    Btw....what happened to Ash 300? I don't know if it's illegal to ask why a member was banned...

  13. #13

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?

    they are teh stupid! no one cares, put it in your sig or osmething! Unless its a massive number like 5000 o.O

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?

    uhm..nothing, ive been here for long enough I think and I still dont have 1000 posts yet 8) Im more of a lurker, reading stuff, but never actually really posting.. 8)

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O

    Salt.. I can't stand pepper! Sure, too much salt probably isnt good for your mouth, but can alot of pepper be either? : 0 )

  14. #14

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. I didn't really mind back when we had the ranking system back in the day, because people were excited over new ranks and stuff, it was a big thing! But now when you can't even see your post count without looking in your profile it seems a bit pointless.

    2. I never really cared about my post count, I was just posting "yay new rank" along with everyone else, I didn't really care.

    3. A bit of both is good.

  15. #15
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    WOW, congrats :O

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?

    I think they are quite pointless. Those games here in PCG before the new rules were set were total postcount++ topics. Everyone went there and spammed a lot :O. I don't see why anyone would want more postcount now since the postcount doesn't show up under the names anymore :>

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?

    I wanted to get the higher ranks a while ago, but now that I'm Advanced Trainer rank, it's not cool anymore since I already reached my goal :O!

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O

    Pepper! Salt=n.

  16. #16
    Cool Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) I dunno. I only like the ones that celebrate something like..the first 100 or the first 1000

    2) what? Do you get to save all of India by reaching 20000000 posts or something? Large posts counts don't count for crap. It's what IN your posts that matter. I used to consider large post counts in higgh regard, because it ment that they'd been here longer, untill I realized at Ranklists that in some cases the posts may be two words with no depth whatsoever..but I'm over-anylizing this too much.

    3) Depends on the food....but for the most part, I like salt. It's pretty if nothing else
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  17. #17
    Elite Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    Originally posted by Little_Pikachu
    back when we had the ranking system back in the day, because people were excited over new ranks and stuff, it was a big thing! But now when you can't even see your post count without looking in your profile it seems a bit pointless.
    I miss that I thought someone was someone else for the longest time then I saw their profile and they only had 24 posts >( wtf, wrong person :<

    1. they're fine with me, as long as they have a decent poll, who cares? I post one when I hit something special, like a new rank or round number .-.
    2. elite trainer is close, if I keep posting like I have been, I should get to it by my 2 year anniversary .-. 8 or 9 posts a day isn't that bad, is it? >.>;;
    3. salt, I like it on a couple things. I don't like pepper on anything


  18. #18
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    Congrats, I did not know that it was allowed to try to discredit another member of a board like that but I guess you have proved me wrong Jay.

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?

    I don't really care. I have better things to do than to boost my own post count by posting a one line reply to ***** about someone else's topic.

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?

    When I first posted I wanted to gain a lot of posts simple as that. As for you Jay, have you been around in the last year or so? I've barely posted in the last year so I think you need to get your facts right.

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O

    Salt, I prefer salty foods.

    I got ash_300 banned for that..oh god, that was the best moment in my modding career, I swear it
    Please read the question in future, it said what did you want to accomplish with your post count. It did not say what did you want/ed to accomplish by bitching about someone else's post count. I cannot blame you I guess, your exceptionally poor grammar is indicative of your ability to interpret information. Oh and I really do not know how low your self esteem would need to be for you to be proud of getting me banned for a non spam post. Lol come to think of, it is only when a banning involves me that it is justified to ban someone for making a non spam post. To refresh your memory the post I got banned for was the one I made in vidgamer's post topic. I replied to his topic and poll and someone loser decided that it was a spam post and somehow convinced one of the admins that it was spam even though it covered everything that needed to be covered.

    Dark Trainer - Nothing happened, been back for a while.

  19. #19
    Master Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    Originally posted by Ash_300
    Congrats, I did not know that it was allowed to try to discredit another member of a board like that but I guess you have proved me wrong Jay.
    So you'd like me to credit on your 30000+ posts? Mm hmm. If you read my answers to the polls properly, if all you care about is a high post count then seriously I don't give a damn. It's you, not me

    As for you Jay, have you been around in the last year or so? I've barely posted in the last year so I think you need to get your facts right.
    In fact I was talking about past predicaments that occured with you. I can't remember a single post back then above three lines, but that's just me. Of course people alter their methods of posting, such as you, and it's an improvement. I can't see how you took my post as an offense, as it was simply a joke

  20. #20
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) Bah, they don't really mean much nowadays, especially if you're someone that has an enormous post count.

    2) Nothing, really...I don't really care much about post counts - I'm more into making big, long posts that people probably never bothered to read. As a trivial fact, I believe I'm the vet who is active (within the last 30 days) with the lowest post count per day (0.49!) that says a lot about who I am XD
    I haven't seen any other active vet go below 0.50 yet

    3) I like salty foods (no, not foods that completely taste like salt), and I like spicy foods I can't decide.

  21. #21
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. They make me wonder what's with postcount and why so many people care about it. Never found an answer, though.
    2. Hmm... make it go away so that Postcount++ SPAMmers would do the same?
    3. It depends on what I'm eating. Sometimes both, sometimes only one of them, sometimes neither.

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  22. #22
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?
    Originally posted by Little_Pikachu
    back when we had the ranking system back in the day, because people were excited over new ranks and stuff, it was a big thing! But now when you can't even see your post count without looking in your profile it seems a bit pointless.
    I remember those... that was back before the avatars, where instead there was a certain number of Pokeballs displaying your rank. Really cool.

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?
    I want to get recognition. ^_^ No, really. Back in my first 1 1/2 years, about the only people who knew me were in RPGs I joined, and we met in those a lot. Then, the board went to the EZ board. >.< those times stunk. When I suddenly realized that this wasn't just a bunch of messages, but actual people actually typing these messages (I think it was about the time I joined PCG. That was shortly after BB2 started. Slow, aren't I?) I started getting noticed. I guess it was because I finally got the IM to work on AOL. Whatever. Now, I just use it as a nice little reminder to some people I've been around longer and I've seen more here than they have. I'm starting to sound like a jerk now. Moving on...

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O
    Salt. Pepper tastes terrible. I have no idea why, but it does. Salt all the way!
    Because college has finally stopped gnawing on my soul.

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  23. #23
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) I don't care

    2) I want t hit 100 before my birthday(3/10/2003 and for anyone who doesn't do it like that, you know what I mean ), but it isn't exactly an ambition, since I'm probably going to do it anyway.

    3) Salt! Salt on my chips, yum (or fries, whatever )

  24. #24

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) I think it's sorta pointless, but I don't care as long as it has a good poll.

    2) I used to get excited when I got to 2,000 or whatever, but that was quite a while ago. I haven't even checked my post count since I've been here.

    3) Pepper. Don't ask.


  25. #25
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. Dont see the point, but I guesss people like to show off!

    2. 1857 at the moment, guess Im heading for 2000!

    3. Salt, defiantly!

  26. #26
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1. Some of the topics about postcounts were interesting since people also posted their history and memorable moments. Others were insanely retarded and had no point whatsoever.

    2. I've never cared about my postcount, so nothing. I don't even think I've gotten to a 1000 yet.

    3. Salt.

    On an unrelated note, I miss the postcounts and member number underneath your name from the UBB days. And the pokeballs, whatever happened to them?

  27. #27

    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    Originally posted by FlareonX
    On an unrelated note, I miss the postcounts and member number underneath your name from the UBB days. And the pokeballs, whatever happened to them?
    The vB does not support this functionality, sadly.
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  28. #28
    Elite Trainer
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1) What do you think about topics mainly related to postcount?

    2) What's something you want/ed to accomplish with your post count?

    3) Salt or Pepper? :O


    1) I don't mind topics related to any postcount actually, even 1 post, as long as there is an original poll or set of polls to go with the announcement. But if you mean like polls totally dedicated to talking about postcounts and asking about them, they are becoming more unoriginal since I've seen a fair lot of them lately. That can get annoying, no offence ^^;;;

    2) I guess I wanted to have a decent postcount by my first and second anniversary...which has happened but now I don't realy pay attention to postcounts because I'm too lazy to look in my profile. If it was under my username in my replies I admit I'd probably still have somewhat of an obsession though

    I didn't realise laziness was such a blessing, lol. But yeah, postcount doesn't bother me anymore, I just enjoy replying to stuff. People who spam for postcount ++ irritates me at times though. It's their problem though :-/

    EDIT: Sugar, I forgot the best poll! I prefer salt over pepper because salt tastes nice with basically anything and although I am likely to die of a heart attack or something when I'm older - for taking so much - pepper is too, well, not nice. To powdery for me
    Silver Ledian
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  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Default <Poll> My 4290th Post!!!

    1)Whatever. As long as the polls in them have some meaning, its okay. But when someone is like "omg I have 620 posts" for no reason, yeah, its annoying.

    2)When I first regged in december 2000, I wanted to increase my post count, and I admit for the first few months before I knew anything I was a spammer.


    Also, the whole thing about making fun of ash died a few years ago once fp stopped posting the "screw ash_300" topics. Also, he isn't even close to the biggest spammer if he even is one. The biggest one I remember was pokemonmasterh(if anyone of you have any recolletion of him, I dunno).

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