View Poll Results: Which one do you prefer? Glasses or contact lens?

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  • Glasses

    8 42.11%
  • Contact Lens

    11 57.89%
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Thread: Poll: Glasses or contacts?

  1. #1

    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Okay, I know it's a little stupid, but...

    Which ones do you prefer to wear glasses or contact lens?

    I do wear glasses, but I preferred wearing contacts because I wanted to look professional, especially if I am working or in a formal occasion. My pair of glasses are somewhat big, clunky, and outta style. Man, my brother won't even stop nagging me to update my style of glasses although I had told him I wear contacts now.

    BTW when I wore contacts to school, many of my classmates didn't seem to recognize me. I remembered one even said that I look different without glasses.

  2. #2
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?


    Pretty thick ones too. Had them since 3rd grade. And I've never tried contacts before, so I don't have an opinion about those. Besides, glasses make me look smart, even though everyone says I'm smart anyways.

    And yeah, people hardly recognize me without my glasses on. But someday, I'll get laser eye surgery just like my mom and my history teacher.

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  3. #3
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Contact Lenses for me.

    Let's just say I look like the Elephant Woman with glasses.. yes, I look hideous. >_< And they're annoying. If I get hit in the face with a ball, they break. Greatness? HELL NO. Glasses are not my kind of thing, sorry, lol. ^^" Besides, I can't feel contact lenses when I put them on, they're comfortable, and I look 10x better with them on. And you can get them in different colors.. :P

  4. #4

    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I've had glasses since I was 10. I actually tried to get contact lenses when I was 12 or so, but the doctor couldn't put them in. I've always had extremely sensitive eyes. I don't know if I could stand contacts because I have horrible allergy problems with my eyes, so I'd have to take them out a lot.
    Anyway, I like glasses, and think I look scary without them, so yay for me. I picked these out in 4th grade though, and I want a new pair. I want a different style.. and my kitty bit them when she was little. XD


  5. #5
    kainashi's Avatar
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    i used to wear contacts but now i wear glasses. contacts were just too much trouble for me.

  6. #6
    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Bah, neither cause I have never worn glasses nor contacts. I have had perfect vision all my life.
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  7. #7
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Neither. I have perfect vision :p. But if I would have to make a choice I would want a contacts.

  8. #8
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I prefer contacts glasses..well, I hate wearing them >>; so contacts are better even though, i look way different either way, lol. My brother said before not to get contacts cause I look weird..... I look different, not weird :p and he wasn't used to me wearing them..but oh well

    I think I look better with contacts =/

  9. #9
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Contacts :D

    I hate glasses :<. I've had to wear glasses since I was in the 1st grade >> (In 9th now -_-). Luckily I got my contacts when I was 12 :}. I guess my parents trust me enough to get contacts but not enough to do anything else *sigh* Oh well, I look better in contacts anyway :o When I wear glasses I look like a geek >> (more than I already do :o)

  10. #10
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I would be the perfect candidate for laser eye surgery if I had the money. I can't stand wearing glasses. I'm suppose to wear them all of the time but I don't since they annoy me a lot. I don't like contacts because I can't bring myself to stick stuff in my eyes. So basically of the two I would have to go with glasses.
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  11. #11
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I very much prefer contacts over glasses. Although I have both, I almost always wear contacts. Only on rare cases do I wear my glasses.

  12. #12
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I'll give a brief history about my eyes (from what I can gather from my mom and eyedoctor x_o I was busy playing with the bendy-glasses while they were talking, heh):
    I was born crosseyed, and had surgery when I was 1. I started to get a lazy eye (left one) when I was about 7 or so. I could see long distance with my left eye and close-up stuff with my right. I developed a dominant eye (left) and barely used my right one. because it isn't being used it's started to... uh, stop working? I don't know, all I know is that it's 20/200, which is really bad :| in 6th grade I got glasses, but only wore them 2 times until 8th grade when I got contacts (well. contact. I only need one, for my right non-dominant one). they said that if I evened out the good-ness (XD) of both eyes then neither would be dominant, and I wouldn't go blind in my right eye o_x;; so yeah. I guess that's good?
    answer to poll:
    I like contacts better, they look better. although I wear glasses at night while online because I like to be able to take them off, brush my teeth and briefly wash my face and then go to bed. no cleaning-contacts-ritual at 2 in the morning for me >_o


  13. #13
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I've always had perfect eyes thankyou very much...except over summer holidays cos they get fried by me looking at the computer screen non stop. I'd say overall though, I'd prefer contacts if I had pooey eyes. This is because...well they're smaller and less noticeable; and unless glasses are stylish, they can look kinda horrible but then again, like I said, I've never had eye, lets party!


  14. #14
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I've had glesses since 4th grade, and I've liked them ever since I got used to them. I look good in my glasses. I've never had any that were big and clunky, tho my mom and dad wera ones like that. My mom's so used to em that when she tried to get new ones that were a bit smaller, she felt weird and said she couldn't see as well. ^_^ I currently have a pair with lenses that are sort of oval, and i just got lenses that are made of a kind of plexiglass material so they're about half as thin as they would be otherwise.

    And I'd never want contacts. I wouldn't want to stick anything in my eyes.
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  15. #15

    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Right now I am wearing my glasses, but most of the time I wear contact leanses. I have to wear one or the other b/c my eyes are extremely bad. I can't see past 2 inches.

  16. #16
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Well I need glasses(near sighted) but I didn't get them last time I was at the eye doctor cause my eyesight is still pretty good. But if I had to get them I'd get glasses. I rather not be sticking stuff in my eyes thank you. I like my eye colour anyway.

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  17. #17
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Well, I don't wear either, unless wearing sunglasses while driving counts. But if I had to choose, I'd prefer glasses. My eyes are very sensitive and I don't thing getting an object to touch them directly would be a good idea.

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  18. #18

    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I used to wear glasses but now I wear contacts. I'd prefer them over glasses anyday because they are comfortable to wear and don't make me look geeky. >.< They also make it easier to move around, IMO. I'm not used to wearing glasses.
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  19. #19
    Cool Trainer
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    If my vision deteriated all of a sudden, I would choose glasses. I may look like a stereotyped computer geek with them on (I know because I've tried an old pair of my mum's.....I was, but there's less faffing about with glasses.

    But, I have perfect vision. Well, I can only assume that. It's not as if I can yoink someone else's eyes out and see what it looks like through theirs. lol
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  20. #20
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    Contacts, but they tire me very quickly.

    I prefer wearing glasses when I'm at home though.

  21. #21
    The cult of personality..... Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: Glasses or contacts?

    I prefer glasses mainly because it's less hassle. Someone like me would lose a contact in this mess I call a room within a matter of hours. Besides I believe that with the right frames glasses don't look too bad.
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