
My watch quietly beeps to represent the turning of midnight as I slowly walk up to the eharbour.As I arrive I see a few ghostly figures but I decide not to mingle right now.About 5 minutes later the boat pulls in and we all start to board as we board we get given a number that tells us which cabin we are assinged.When I arerive at my room I don't bother to look around I just go and lie on my bed hoping to get some sleep before we arrive then a huge beeping soundstarts ringing and a mysterious person starts to speak "Welcome aboard the I am your captain for this journey,"He started "while we are shipping off I would to tell you what will happen when you arrive at the next harbour,first opf all you will all gwt off the boat and board the hover bus that will then take you to campus, once you arrive at campus will you all wait in the main lobby and sit down and wait for Jerry,once Jerry comes he will tell each which room you are then you will all go straight to bed where all your stuff will be waiting for you.Thankyou that is all." The captain finally finishes.