1) Have you had a boyfriend/girlfriend before? Do you have one right now?

2) What is the funniest typo you have made?

3) What is the funniest typo you have seen?

4) What is your first name? Do you like it?

5) If you could change your first name, would you? If so, what would it be?

6) What is your favorite and your least favorite ice cream flavor?


1. Yes, I have had a few. ^.^''' Yes and I also have one right now. I love you, Haoie! ^.^ Hehe.

2. Probably when I said your my bestfriend and my boyfriend to my sister by accident. x_x

3. I've seen many funny typo's. I can't choose. lol

4. My first name is Whitney. I guess it's okay.

5. Probably something weird because I want my kids to have freakishly weird names. lol

6. My favorite kind of icecream varies. My least favorite though is the minty kind. x.x