Dream C - 6
-based on my dreams-

In Charles’ house there was an elevator which he entered alone. The sound waves displayed on his computer were too soft. His mother made it extremely loud, and it crashed it. Charles came out of the bathroom and dried his pants which had been soaked by the recent rain. There was a photograph of Charles, with a Peanuts® border, and Charles’ friends left him to go back into the elevator alone.

There was a trunk on the motor-scooter, but it didn’t fit on it very well. Ants covered the ground, and Wilson saw Mark from the local driving range restaurant. He also saw another man working at the restaurant, and Wilson recognized him. He went into the restaurant, which Wilson had previously eaten at. He lost lots of weight, quit smoking, gave his son his own haircut, and the son's hair stuck up: colorful tie hair!

Inside the bathroom, which was styled as a P.E. locker room, Charles left and got his organizer from a table with many calculators on it. He went into an office which had recently been built on the grounds of the old French room, but the secretary had no stamps left. Someone had spelled the vocabulary words wrong anyway, so Charles left. He licked the top of the toothpick in order to wear it down, and he realized that his finger was painted yellow.

There were ants swarming under the sideways car, and Wilson entered the library to return the books. The candy was expensive, and there was a computer program. You had to type fast to win, which Wilson's father did. In the white school room, Wilson thought he was in a dream so he walked over and laughingly asked people to slap him so he could wake up, but they just ignored him and looked uncomfortable/annoyed.

The person told Charles that they didn’t like the cavern level because it was too puzzle based, but Charles said he would probably like it. He ended up hating it.

After his wrestle with the wall at the outside of the school, Wilson spotted the titanic. His friend Paul climbed over wall, and the big bus came. Charles went without Wilson, but that was the way it was meant to be.

That night, a Peter pan type woman terrorized Wilson in his bedroom.

A person laid their head on Charles' lap in a big auditorium with a pool in the middle, similar to auditoriums at sea world, except inndoors. Charles ran up and down the stairs with a towel over his head, which disabled his sight. He crashed, but he beat his friend Dean to the top. The Auditorium was in ABC order. Charles went to the top. A young girl there bet Charles couldn’t hit her, even though he had no reason to. He tried anyway, just to humor her. This led him to the airplane, where he went to a huge ski place. He got off the ski lift, still chasing the person.

Charles went at a ‘9’ instead of ‘5’ in order to go faster, and he passed the electronic store where he turned into a big snowman. He met Barney in the snow during his high-speed chase, the super people-person wanted to be shot, but the people had bad aim. It was an emergency. There was a picture of Charles with no hands, but it was only becauese his hands were behind his head. People found where he was, with the bird A mail it was easy to find me. Against his will, Charles was dragged off never to be seen again.

Body sledding was too dangerous, but two P.E. teachers encouraged Wilson to try it. There was a lot of grass and hills and houses. Running. Hundreds of humongous houses all in a row with huge grassy plains in between. There was a Satellite replacement for Wilson's new house, he was on his scooter on the grass for some reason, and he knew that he should get off. There was a playground with Ropes and trees, and Wilson climbed on them. He made it to the Atlantis Disney tour. (note: this dream was had way before commercials for Atlantis, the cartoon Disney movie, was released, which I never saw, the weird thing is the only parts making up the tour were from a commercial for Atlantis that I saw months later) Wilson was underwater but he could breathe. There was an Evil lady, and sponges were sucking on the glass. Wilson left through the gift shop, angry at his mother, so she took him on the strange roller coaster.

There were many different ways to ride this roller coaster, including the RPG coaster. It had poster of it, which I didn’t understand at the time, but I now know that it was an advertisement for Final Fantasy X.

In his grandfather's house, Paul turned on the tape recorder which Mr. Williams heard. There was a movie with cowboys in it, which Paul was watching downstairs at his grandpa’s house. Suddenly he was on a high-rise balconey of someone elses house, in the open air, but still watching it. 400$ was probably not enough money for Charles, and Paul's mother said that he will probably be sad when he finds out that we can’t pay him back our debt to him. In that place, Paul was with Dean and another friend watching the movie. The other friend stopped it and there was their English teacher's snake, a toilet, a grill, and a humidifier that Dean had made when he was three out of foamy building material. There were up behind me, and there was also a book about the Cowboy movie with mainly pictures. After a long time through flipping through the book, Paul began to watch TV again, but to my sorrow, Dean changed the show to the "Acme hour". They were making teeth on the "Acme hour", babies were held by these teeth on giant machine line with river under. Charles was one of them. The babies were being dropped into a river with games floating in it, all the games were extremely easy except one.

Charles found another intellectual baby like himself, dropped into the water on a game, most other young people were too stupid, and the people were to selfish to give us new teeth as they claimed that there were only two. But Charles knew the truth about the selfish manufacturers. Charles partner was a bit too smart, and had chosen the hard game and made the game twice as hard to play.

A guy threw a kite at a car but it bounced off.

In Okinawa Kadena school there was a one way escalator, and Paul turned the faucet which spray painted two colors. His Grandpa was there, along with Wilson on the computer, on which he started RegEdit. There was Spy Kids 2 and 3 on DVD, with a special “pem” feature hidden in crdits!

The P.E. locker-styled bathroom had the middle partition of lockers removed, and shoes were scattered all around the old partition. Wilson couldn’t find his shoes/sandals, so he wore someone else’s flip-flops. They were too small, but he ran to P.E. anyway. People caught up with him, and the teacher said that they could either do the usual 10 minute ropes course, the cross country, or go to the back of the school in the swamp to be licked by a cow and have our picture taken for the news. After looking at the cow disgustedly for a few moments, Wilson decided on ropes course, and suddenly the pathway that ran along the outdoor gym and tennis courts became river rapids. Wilson traveled upstream somehow up the rocky mountain river (on a mountain that had suddenly grown in the tennis court and soccer field) and he entered a cave. There were many mirrors, but it was nearly pitch-black. Wilson got out, not climbing out but suddenly the river disappeared along with the boat. Wilson had no flashlight, but he did have a laser pointer which was effective when teamed with the many mirrors. It was similar to a Disney World ride. Wilson shined the laser pointer and different animals lit up, each giving him and the group of “friends” with him that had suddenly appeared, different reactions. When he pointed it at a squirrel, everybody (how did they get there?) screamed and they went out into the mall. The “friends” wanted to ride this elevator car, and they did, as the mother/chaperones didn’t care. “That’s nice honey.” They left, and they passed a virtual-reality-car-smashing store, which they entered. They saw a model of the environment used to create the program; the model was from a show called TV Champion, which makes it ALL MAKE SENSE! They appeared to be in Japan, but when they left in a taxi, and they all crashed into a lady shaking maracas while someone from the church praise team sang inside, and the lady continued to shake the maracas even though she was stuck on the windshield like a fly, therefore they realized that they MUST be in Cambodia! The singing man reached through the glass (???) and took the maracas away because they went with the music. They pulled up to a shanty shop, and the man and Wilson got out. There was a dead person, and they all drove off again, and Wilson sang a very clever song that rhymed about finding dead people in Cambodia. (note: when waking, I remembered how the song went, but I forgot it before I could write it down…)

I’m tired now. I think I’ll sleep…*dreams of Jell-O*