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Thread: Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

  1. #1
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Terrible Events Turn Reality Into Syrup
    (Humour, Paradoies and Nonsense galore)
    But with a Plot!!!

    It's December 31st 2002, 11:55pm and your standing in a vast crowd of people. All round you, are the cries of happiness and excitement as you wait for midnight to strke and a new year to begin. You go to get another Burger, it's your fifth, strange, you've never eaten this many burgers in one night before. You put mustard on the burger. Very strange, you don't even like mustard.

    11:59pm, you begin to sing Aud Lang's Eye(?). Then the clock strikes Twelve, it's 2003. You party all night into the early morning. With a headache, a full stomach and bleary eyed you stumble home. You collapse into bed and sleep for the rest of the day.

    You wake up January 2nd, at 9:00am. You get out of bed, tidy yourself up and open your curtains to look out on a new year. The sky is a bright green, the grass a strong purple and chickens are running everywhere... WHAT? You rub your eyes, but still the chickens run about. You pinch yourself. No good. You find the heaviest thing in your house and drop it on your foot. It's no use, and now your confused, and in great pain.

    You decide to try to find out what's happening. You switch on the radio, but every station you try is churning out the same repetetive tune. You switch on the TV and there's a News Special.

    All over the world, strange events have been reported. From the portraits in French Galleries reciting nonsense to Animals performing famous dance routines in America. The number of disturbances is rising every minute, and everything is going insane.

    The events are attributed to the strange rock formations in space that were discovered late last night by NASA. These rocks are slowly approaching earth, and will reach our atmosphere in less than a month. So far Scientists have identified seven different shaped and coloured rocks...

    Your TV is suddenly cut off and that dreaded tune starts playing through the speakers. You get dressed, gather up some food and go out to try and find your friends, hoping one of them has some idea what's going on. As you step outside your house you stop and realise that your door has been turned into an 8-bit computerised image. You can't get back in. You look around and realise that many things are becoming 8-bit.

    As you try to find your firends, you realise that unless this mystery can be solved in time, the enitre world is going to be turned into an 8-bit computer game, where nothing is heard but that dreadful tune over and over and over again. You look up to the sky, determined to stop what ever's happening.

    Sign ups

    Name: Real
    Age: Within reason
    Gender: Shouldn't be too hard
    Description: Detail is not paramount
    Persona: Detail is not paramount
    Equipment: What have you got with you?
    Fav Colour: Optional
    Fav Comedy Movie: Optional
    Fav Computer Game: Optional
    Shoe Size: Optional
    Lucky Number: Optional
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Optional
    Half Empty or Half Full: Optional
    Can you spell Necessary: Optional
    How many fingers am i not holding up: Optional
    Other Nonsense: Optional (please list)


    * Parodies, spoofs, jokes, nonsense, etc are required. Parodies and spoofs can be of anything. TV, film, computer, etc.
    * The only things i'm not allowing is for this to turn into an anime wannabe rpg. You don't get to be anyting from a tv show, movie or game unless you spoof it.
    * The Tetris tune is the best, and anyone who says other wise is wrong.

  2. #2
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Mike
    Age: 17 to fit in
    Gender: Yes; man
    Description: He looks like your average dude. Brown hair, eyes, tall and lanky. Blah.
    Persona: If he's serious at the moment, you can guarantee you're all screwed
    Equipment: A machine gun, rocket launcher, and laser. But outside of Duke Nuken and Half Life all he has is a hockey stick.
    Fav Colour: Plaid
    Fav Comedy Movie: Showgirls
    Fav Computer Game: Diablo 2
    Shoe Size: Yes
    Lucky Number: The ones that won the lottery
    Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate vanilla
    Half Empty or Half Full: neither
    Can you spell Necessary: this isn't necisary?
    How many fingers am i not holding up: One Naughty boy
    Other Nonsense: "I open-mouth kissed a horse once" "What?" "That's something you don't know"

  3. #3
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Dennis
    description:brown blonde hair, paleish white skin blue eyes jeans and a black pocket tee also has a backpack full of stuff on his back as well as a katana being visible
    Persona:Cynical, anti social, goes against the flow on purpose, strives to be unpopular, etc. otherwise is fairly normal... except for his obsession with weapons
    Equipment:a semi automatic handgun 5 clips, shuriken hidden all over his person, a katana, several daggers and a large assortment of miscellaneous items in his backpack, rnging from gun parts to rope to legos.
    Fav color:blood red
    fav comedy movie:Blazing Saddles or Spaceballs, i really can't decide
    fav computer game:hmmm.... sam and max hit the road
    shoe size:around 9 or 10
    lucky number: the number of weapons he has
    it is neither half empty nor half full it contains matter to the halfway point on both sides(top&bottom)
    negative five
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  4. #4
    :3 Master Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Kylah
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Description: 5'8, blonde/brown hair that reaches four inches past shoulders and is straight but layered, icy blue eyes, usually wears dark blue, low-rise jeans with a icy blue tank top. It is summer. yay. lol
    Persona: Optimistic, cheery, yet smart and witty when needed. Loyal and respective, but she gets annoyed by too much stupidity and has many urges to 'forcefully' put people back in line.
    Equipment: A pink crayon and a blue crayon, a full set of prismacolored markers, a nice shiny silver sword with a diamond handle too- but that appeared outta no where.
    Fav Colour: Sky Blue
    Fav Comedy Movie: 8 Crazy Nights
    Fav Computer Game: n/a
    Shoe Size: 7
    Lucky Number: FOUR! All who appose the luckyness of four shall... become UNlucky!
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
    Half Empty or Half Full: Half FUUULL
    Can you spell Necessary: Neseccary ^^
    How many fingers am i not holding up: ALL OF THEM!!! ^^; it works in teh movies..
    Other Nonsense: She carries her pet, black kitten with her who can speak to her but no one else can hear it. ;p
    [Please Send Tell]
    Video Games, Life, and the Random Objects You Trip Over

  5. #5
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Amanda
    Age: 15... rawr. O-o;
    Gender: Female. Say otherwise and... I'll poke you.
    Description: 5'7", has long blonde-brown hair past her waist, silver-blue eyes. Wears a middle-sleeve black shirt, black trousers and black shoes. ^^; Usually wears her hair in a full braid.
    Persona: Sometimes nice, sometimes mean, sometimes... well, most of the time, scary. Only talks mainly if she has something to say; but sometimes refuses to shut up and talks about everything. Gets easily confused, too... e_e
    Equipment: Er... a spatula, and some socks. And a seabass!... goody.
    Fav Colour: Black! Indeed.
    Fav Comedy Movie: Er... *doesn't have one*
    Fav Computer Game: Dogz 5. ^^;;
    Shoe Size: I have no clue. I think eight.
    Lucky Number: 13
    Chocolate or Vanilla: ... both. Booyah.
    Half Empty or Half Full: Half full, I tell you, HALF FULL!
    Can you spell Necessary: Nec- nec- I dunno, this is hard. Can I spell... "cookie"?
    How many fingers am i not holding up: Fifteen. ^^
    Other Nonsense: ... likes to say "rawr" alot.

  6. #6
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Scott Cushman
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Description: Brown hair and eyes, medium build, mustache and beard, wears whatever he feels like
    Persona: Insane
    Equipment: Plunger, sword, laser blaster, morphine tablets, instant soup
    Fav Colour: Green
    Fav Comedy Movie: Orange County
    Fav Computer Game: Quake III: Team Arena
    Shoe Size: 12
    Lucky Number: 1337
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
    Half Empty or Half Full: Empty (I drank it all)
    Can you spell Necessary: N-e-c-e-s-s-a-r-y
    How many fingers am I not holding up: 9 or 8 depending on how many times you are flicking me off.
    Other Nonsense:
    Hormone driven
    Loves animé
    Thinks that Mario has better annoying tunes than Tetris

    Winner of the 2009 Zing, the 2010 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!, the 2011 Conventioneers, the 2012 Me loved ponies first, and the 2013 Cool Unown Awards

    "Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it." - A Softer World

  7. #7
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Dan
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Description: Tall, glasses, short hair, clothed
    Persona: Sarcastic, good to get along with
    Equipment: Pack of duracell batteries, Blanck CD, Dictionary missing all the vowels, roll of Edam, loaf of bread, Masking Tape
    Fav Colour: Black
    Fav Comedy Movie: South park
    Fav Computer Game: Tetris (!!!)
    Shoe Size: I forgot. Pretty big though
    Lucky Number: 7
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
    Half Empty or Half Full: Yes
    Can you spell Necessary: I can, i wrote the form
    How many fingers am i not holding up: None. I'm typing with them.
    Other Nonsense: Oh their'll be plenty time for that, let me assure you.

    RaZoR LeAf - You are right.
    Modern Casualty - You are wrong
    Discothéque - Otherwise
    Bulbasaur4 - Good
    kalad1 - Less weapons, or make them novelties (ie, guns that shoot flags saying BANG!)
    The Muffin Man - Horses. Odd

  8. #8
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Originally posted by RaZoR LeAf
    RaZoR LeAf - You are right.
    Modern Casualty - You are wrong
    I am right because it is a matter of opinion. Besides....I like the Tetris tune. Okay...then you can play the Tetris one since I like it.

    So, PMM2, you like Austin Powers? Did you ever see the several different versions of that scene. I don't remember where they showed it but it was hilarious. Mike Myers wasn't actually given a line to say in that scene so they just taped him saying several different things and picked their favorite. They never knew what he was going to say and that is what made it so damn funny.

    Winner of the 2009 Zing, the 2010 Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!, the 2011 Conventioneers, the 2012 Me loved ponies first, and the 2013 Cool Unown Awards

    "Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it." - A Softer World

  9. #9
    nananananananana BATFLEA! Elite Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Well, I was gonna make my character itself a parody, but maybe I'll do that later...

    Name: James
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Description: Tall and lean. Last time I checked I was 6'1" at close to 190 lbs. I usually like to loaf around in my baggy blue jeans and dark gray hooded "Quicksilver" sweatshirt. I'll either be wearing slippers or black loafers.
    Persona: Laid back and easy going, likes to talk alot and is very friendly. Can understand pretty much any sense of humor, so he knows a good joke when he hears one. Likes to play sports and lift weights.
    Equipment: A basketball, college textbooks, Sanosuke Sagara costume, a foot long Meatball sub on Hearty italian bread with cheese (GOD I love Subway), and the pair of long Sai he picked up at Otakon last year.
    Fav Colour: Silver
    Fav Comedy Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail or Some Like it Hot
    Fav Computer Game: Nexus: Kingdom of the Winds
    Shoe Size: 15 -_-
    Lucky Number: 2
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
    Half Empty or Half Full: I always finish my drinks, so neither. (I actually have a theory on this eternal question that I'll share with you later)
    Can you spell Necessary: Can YOU spell "Color" >=(
    How many fingers am I not holding up: I like buttered toast
    Other Nonsense: Donkey Kong owns BOTH Mario and Tetris as far as annoying tunes go!
    "A closed mouth gathers no feet."
    -Benjamin Franklin

  10. #10
    Just Too White & Nerdy Advanced Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Ooooh.....mesa likes the funnies!

    Name: Sarah
    Age: 16
    Gender: Hold on I think about this.................ok ok! I got it! I'm.....wait...I lost it..........*30 minutes later* FEMALE!!
    Description: about 5'6 and 1/2 feet tall, shoulder-length medium brown hair, hazel eyes and a constantly insane look on her face. Usually wears baggy blue jeans and an anime T-shirt (currently a shirt with the logo from Otakon 2002 on it!)
    Persona: generally cheerful but will become violent and psychotic when triggered. Kind of scary at times but otherwise easy to get along with. Also has a tendency to be kind of naive but makes up for it in common sense. Has a screwed up...errr....GOOD sense of humor!
    Equipment: A bookbag with 70 lbs of school books in it, a lasar pointer, random anime periphanelia, A giant mallet (from her hammerspace), a pencil and about 32 cents in change.
    Fav Color: Blue! (No! Yell-AHHHHH!)
    Fav Comedy Movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
    Fav Computer Game: erm...RPG
    Shoe Size: 8 1/2 (^^
    Lucky Number: 0
    Chocolate or Vanilla: both if the option is open.
    Half Empty or Half Full: *brain fizzles out*
    Can you spell Necessary: Neh-seh-seh-ri
    How many fingers am I not holding up: All of the ones that aren't down
    Other Nonsense:
    -Absolutly anime obsessed and will randomly break out into japanese anime theme songs for no apparent reason.
    -Talks the imaginary bishies in her pocket
    -Will give anything for a pet dragon.

    **Winner of the "Most Mysterious Character" Award (2009)**
    Sanya Halvacor - Kingdom Heartless

    Kuro's quote fav:
    "Take whatever you want, just don't headbutt me." - Bear

  11. #11
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Daria Halo
    Age: 17
    Gender: F
    Description: long blue hair tied into two buns on top of her head with a long braid dangling from each. Blue eyes, khaki shorts, sandals, white tank-top, and a red Hawaiian shirt.
    Persona: Sometimes quiet, sometimes hyper. Can be annoying sometimes. Doesn't mind arguing.
    Equipment: Bag of misc. items, a giant staff that shrinks to a convenient handheld size, a discount card for a bookstore, and a copy of the manga Wish volume three.
    Fav Colour: That color the sky gets on days that it just rains forever. That and blue
    Fav Comedy Movie: I'll just say Austin Powers.
    Fav Computer Game: All the Myst series.
    Shoe Size: 8 1/2
    Lucky Number: 5
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate!!!!
    Half Empty or Half Full: *drinks contents of glass* Empty!
    Can you spell Necessary: yes
    How many fingers am i not holding up: I don't know. I can't see them!! Oh, there they are.
    Other Nonsense:
    -Like giant staffs
    -Loves Oreos
    -Has a halo floating above her head (usually tilted)
    -Loves Chibi-Kokuyo
    -Actually knows someone named Daria

  12. #12
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    IT IS SPELT AULD LANG SYNE! Sorry, but, being Scottish, I feel that injustice has been done

    Name: EDITTED.
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Description: Is six feet tall, a little stocky around the mid-section but a muscular upper body. 'Has tree trunk legs' according to his friends.
    Persona: A gentle giant, but he isn't afraid to get dirty. He is very frank and honest, if a little insane. Has an unusal fixation with melons. His favourite
    Equipment: Watermelon seeds and magic water that makes the seeds grow instantly. And an admantanium 6 foot quarterstaff that can be shortened into a 1 foot stick.
    Fav Colour: Green.
    Fav Comedy Movie: Austin Powers (all 3)
    Fav Computer Game: Jedi Outcast
    Shoe Size: 13
    Lucky Number: Pi
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
    Half Empty or Half Full: Half Full
    Can you spell Necessary: Nescafé.
    How many fingers am I not holding up: Pi
    Other Nonsense: When he eats a slice of melon, he turns into Senor Melon for a brief time. He claims to have super-powers, but the only thing that seems to be consistent is a terrible Mexican accent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  13. #13

    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Alexandra Annmarie Merges (Nicknamed Alex)
    Age: 14
    Gender: Hmmm... Eenie, meenie, miney, moe... Nah, Female
    Description: What's paramount? Anyway... She's somewhat lanky, she's got blonde hair with blonder streaks, and she wears her fire pajamas all of the time.
    Persona: Kinda lazy, good video gamer (with exception of Shooter games), yet still quite cheery. Of course, you can't call her pessimistic. She's just ignorant and apathetic about the abilities to succeed.
    Equipment: A Gamecube controller, a .45 Magnum that Alex likes to hit people with, a sketchpad, and a pencil.
    Fav Colour: Blue Eyes... Blue! (Scary J-Pop song! *runs away*)
    Fav Comedy Movie: Monty Python And the Quest For the Holy Grail, tied with Robin Hood: Men in Tights
    Fav Computer Game: Roller Coaster Tycoon, but she enjoys Sam and Max Hit the Road as well.
    Shoe Size: 8
    Lucky Number: 14, cuz it sounds funny if you say it enough.
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Peanut Butter
    Half Empty or Half Full: It's obviously--- *knocks over the glass* Umm... Oops?
    Can you spell Necessary: Ehn-ee-see-ee-ess-ess-ai-are-why
    How many fingers am i not holding up: I don't know. *holds up middle finger* How many fingers am I holding up?
    Other Nonsense:
    ~She actually enjoys J-Pop more than American music, and will sing it if needed.
    ~She is a rabid Animè fan. She knows a ton of shtuff about the series she has watched. Her personal favorites are Yu-Gi-Oh! and Fushigi Yûgi, and Yu Yu Hakusho is second. See a 'Yu' pattern?
    ~Alex draws stuff GOOOOOOOOOOD. She tries to make humorous sprite comics, but they suck.
    ~Alex never seemed to have the common sense to buy bullets for her gun, so she likes to throw it at stuff anf hit people with it.

    Will this work, honorable master of this RPG?

  14. #14
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    Name: Hannah Rose
    Age: 15
    Gender: Oooh....i know this one! It''s female!
    Description: Shoulder length red hair, A white Nike tee-shirt, dark blue surfing shorts, her favorite white and blue Sketchers, and a smile. Always with a smile.
    Persona: Very very funny. Specilises in toilet humour. Energetic and sometimes hyper.
    Equipment: A frying pan. For hitting people and falling in love with sausages.
    Fav Colour: Dark red and black
    Fav Comedy Movie: Bend it Like Beckham
    Fav Computer Game: StarFox Adventures.
    Shoe Size: 7
    Lucky Number: 7
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla flavoured chocolate.
    Half Empty or Half Full: *Runs to the tap and fills the glass up* Yuck! This lemonade's gone all watery!.......this is lemonade, isn't it?
    Can you spell Necessary: It's! There.
    How many fingers am i not holding up: I don't know! How many then? *Muffled reply* Nine? HEY! Stop that!
    Other Nonsense: The glittering smile. Always with the smile.

  15. #15
    Blame of Absence: Cancer Honorary Moderator
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    If everyone here is playing themselves then I'm a youngin'...
    Ooo... what can I spoof?... hmm... I know! I'll be a Star Wars fanatic, since as soon as I think of spoof I think of the short fat people dressed up as Yoda at the theatres on the premiere...

    I hope we don't have to play our own personalities, I'm only using my real name, age and gender... or else its just not very funny...

    Name: Zachary Brent Hunter (don't diss ma real name, foo) But likes to be more commonly called: Jedi Master Hunter
    Age: Thirteen
    Gender: Male, although his parents think hes gay (lol)
    Equipment: -A small Jedi Robe
    -A limited edition fully optional model of Obi Wans lightsaber from Episode 1
    Fav Colour: *makes lightsaber sounds* Blueee
    Fav Comedy Movie: I know not of a comedy, unless your tongue refers to outside of the force... of which I would not know, emotions aren't my best, being a jedi master and all (sarcasm is NOT an emotion... I hope...)
    Fav Computer Game: Anything by Lucasarts
    Shoe Size: 5.5 (... lol, that is nothing like me)
    Lucky Number: 11 (thats actually like me!)
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Whichever is more fattening
    Half Empty or Half Full: Half Full, sounds more... fattening
    Can you spell Necessary: It is not necessary to spell necessary
    How many fingers am i not holding up: Your middle one, I presume
    Other Nonsense:

    crap, I g2g... I'll be back on to finish this later

  16. #16
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Terrible Events - Sign ups - Rated H for Humor

    I'm sorry to everyone who signed up for this, but i'm not sure if i can start it. I've started back to college, and the work load is going to be heavier this time around, with more stuff to have to do. I'd hate to see this go to nothing though, so if anyone else wants to start it and take over please do.

    Sorry again folks, but i didn't fit college in the equation when i was writing this.

  17. #17
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Can I join anyway? PWEASE?

    Name: Kayla
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Description: Blonde hair, blue eyes, white t-shirt, jeans...
    Persona: Random very.
    Equipment: My GBA, a lunch I snuck off my brother (EEW!) and *digs in pockets* OOOOOH! A PAPERCLIP!
    Fav Colour: Pink! Or magenta! Both are cool!
    Fav Comedy Movie: Billy Maddison
    Fav Computer Game: Card Hunter Sakura 2! WHEE! *bops random people with wand*
    Shoe Size: I can't read the little numbers...
    Lucky Number: 15! Or 9! Or 2! Or 40!
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate rules, but it's harder to hide in the freezer.
    Half Empty or Half Full: Totally empty! *drinks*
    Can you spell Necessary: If "copy" and "paste" is working...
    How many fingers am i not holding up: Um... 12?
    Other Nonsense: Randomness!
    * Likes anime and manga
    * Roleplays *notices everyone sweatdropping*
    * No, I mean the animanga chars!
    * Has 12 anime boyfriends
    * Talks to them (around other people, too! Look at all the funny faces!)
    * Will sing j-pop for food
    * Will sing j-pop for fun
    * Will sing j-pop to stop annoying brother from singing
    * Will stop singing j-pop for money
    Because college has finally stopped gnawing on my soul.

    Joined 10/18/00
    Junior Trainer 11/24/00
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    Modded into OA 1/12/04
    Elite Trainer (#185) 11/14/05

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