I'm very rarely in this forum nowadays. Mainly because RSBot just doesn't excite me anymore. The sweeper-days REALLY just killed any enthusiasm I had to battle. Netbattle, on the other hand, was ripe with both ends of the spectrum. Not just the best of the best. It had the less-than-amazing players, the average(where I put myself in GSC...) and the amazing. Netbattle used to be where I went when GSCs constant pasting of in-battle stupidity in the chat was getting annoying. Netbattle had little talk of battles, even in the battle window. The battle window had become reserved for mistakes made in gameplay, or light mid-battle banter.

But now...Look at what it has been reduced to! Constant pushed back releases(wasn't RS Netbattle coming out LONG before 9.what is it...5?), bugs galore(you'd think they'd have worked a BIT harder on finding bugs...), and absolutely no real enthusiasm to go out and make it the best they can. It's really gotten to the point where it seems the guys over at Netbattles programming team have really given up competing with RSBot, but just being happy when it's all done and out there. Hell, it's like they don't even care if it's COMPLETE! Just as long as something is out there! With all these fixes, bug fixes, etc., you'd think it'd be ready.
Guess again.

It really looks like they just want it DONE, not done right. So my question to all of you, including Masa:

Has Netbattle just become some big joke? Not just compared to RSBot, but in general. Do the programmers honestly dare call themselves "programmers"? Do they even EVER hope to do this as some sort of real job(Programming, not Pokemon Battle programs)? Perhaps they should get used to doing it right the FIRST time, only letting bugs that snuck by go, until they're found.


To the netbattle goers/programmers/etc....You should really be ashamed you're allowing such a shoddy program to go out there with your names on it...