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Thread: Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

  1. #1

    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    I am starting this now. Sorry I didn't do it any sooner. Here is a link to either pull your sign up form or make a late sign-up.

    Please include your sign-up form in your first post.

    [color]Name: Gant Phallen
    Age: 26
    Appearance: 6'3", lean athletic build, short red hair, pale blue eyes, wears t-shirt and jeans of varying colors but always wears the same dark beige vest
    Personality: confident, quirky, aggressive and a little impatient. he is the take charge kind of guy and he has little patience for listening to stupid ideas and because of that can become a bit short with people in a tight situation.
    Occupation: nature holographer(equivalent of a photographer)
    Reason for going to Vega: Gant is shooting all of the imagery for a section on Vega's wildlife in National Geographic
    History: At an early age Gant took interest in wild animals. He was fascinated by watching animals not tamed and not in captivity. He was captivated by their forms, their movements, their behavior. Unfortunately he was also somewhat squeemish about blood when he was a teenager which discouraged him from his original career goal of being a biologist. Instead he turned his focus towards just their behavior. He studied hard and started venturing out and take amateur photo's of them in the wild when he was 15. Seeing he had a natural talent for holography one of his teachers pushed him in the direction of nature holography and he has been content with it ever since. Right out of high school he found odd jobs taking holos for various publications. He couldn't have been happier with his life till he was 24. When he turned 24 though he realised that there weren't any challenges left in his field on earth. He had taken holos of lions, tigers, bears, sharks, just about every form of dangerous animal known on earth. He spent the next two years trying to arrange an expedition to Vega. It took much effort and scheming but he finally got national geographic to agree to fund an expedition to the wilds of Vega to capture holos of all of its animals in their natural environments. Before now few holos had ever been taken of Vegan animals outside of captivity. He was put on the flight to Vega with a a low exec from National Geographic and one of their prize writers.
    Inventory: laser imager(basically a 3D holographic camera), PVS(portable visual studio) which is a device that looks like a pda and is programmed for editing and compiling visual imagery, various lenses for his imager(night vision, zoom,etc), his trusty swiss army knife, lighter, half a pack of cigarettes
    Other: he got over his squeemishness of blood the first time he went to Africa when he observed a pride of lions on the hunt

    OOC: I'll make my first post later tonight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    Name: Lorelei

    Age: 20

    Appearance: Blonde hair to shoulders with gold highlights pulled up in two braids. Blue eyes. Slender, tall, pretty. Athletic, agile. Tanned skin. Wears a silver necklace with a horse on it. She has a small tatoo on her lower back of a yellow star in purple and blue flames. Wears khaki coloured boot-cut flares and a black halter top.

    Personality: Loves animals. Can get bitchy at times, and tends to often get sassy to someone when she gets a grudge against that person. Has an extremely strong streak of obstinacy, courageous, fun-loving. Often jumps to conclusions and has a short temper. Determined, outgoing. She can be a big flirt, but she knows how far she should go. She can sometimes push her luck, and never gives things a chance sometimes. Can be quite arrogant and smart alecky, but is usually pretty nice.

    Occupation: Horseback Riding Instructor

    Reason for going to Vega: She's taking a nice break from teaching little kids how to ride horses, just to relax and get away from all the hassle, though she misses her horses dearly.

    History: She grew up on a horse farm with her well off parents and two brothers and a sister. Instead of learning to knit and crochet like all her sister, she grew up more with her brothers, tomboyish and rough. She wanted nothing to do with tea parties, so she just hung out with the boys and the horses. She grew attached to them, and drifted off into a world of horses. Still like that today, she opened a horseback riding stable teaching lessons with five horses.

    Inventory: Chocolate bars, hoof pick, rubber ball and diary.

    Other: Nah…

    I'm just going to post this for now, and edit it when you put in your post.

  3. #3
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    Apr 2002

    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    Name: Silver Klyph
    Age: 18
    Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, well built. Wears a long-sleeve green shirt under a black t-shirt. Jeans and sneakers are his style, he never gets dressed up for anything.
    Personality: Very intelligent, but treats everyone differently. He has many enemies and few friends, but he honors his friends more than anything else. Not so much outgoing as respectful, however; he rarely ever smiles.
    Occupation: Unemployed, but publishes Hypercomplex number theories and Quantum Physical discoveries for a living.
    Reason for Going to Vega: He has no family left. Father went to fight in a war, mother died giving birth to him. No siblings. 3 months ago, his girlfriend died in an accident on the way to Vega with her family and this month being their anniversary, he decided to travel and remember her.
    History: Had a lot of problems growing up. Very intelligent, very independant and cunning. ^See Reason^
    Inventory: Titan-Chromate Knife, lighter (he doesn't smoke)
    Other: The knife is a super-strong metal, as Outlaw phrased it: ALMOST unbreakable

    I woke up a long time after I'd gone to sleep, it must've been as we'd already landed. Or had we? I glanced outside the window.
    "That isn't... Vega... Where the hell am I?"
    I observed my surroundings and headed for the door.
    "Damnit, locked. There ain't no way I'm opening this piece of metallic crap. Even if I could, where am I? Is the atmosphere breatheable, acidic? What about the pressure? This isn't going to work."
    I saw a half-open door to my left and tried to get through, but my body was too big. I grabbed the door and was able to pull it another inch open, and even though it wasn't much, it was enough for me to get through. When I saw what room was next to me, I was both ecstatic and shocked.
    "The power room! This place is a mess, there's no way I'm gonna figure out how to get the energy back to the ship..."
    I glanced around the room again, looking at every small connection in the area.
    "All fried, except this one, and all I've got is a lighter and a pocket knife. I wonder how that could work. STUPID PIECE OF CRAP!"
    I kicked the machine in frustration, there was NO way I was going to be able to restart the ship...

  4. #4

    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    OOC: my apologies for not posting to get this under way. I've had a lot on my mind since the new year started. I am posting now though so feel free to jump in and get things rolling. Opening posts should just get your character and those travelling with them oriented to their situation(ie crashing on an alien planet) Not everyone will have been in the same sections of the ship so don't everyone be in the same place. Have fun with the terrain. There are lots of swamps, forrests and fields here.

    Gant Phallen

    "oooo........bloody hell," Gant mumbled as he slowly sat up.
    His hand swept across his forehead, wiping away the trickle of blood trailing down his face. Nothing was quite clear. He remembered being woken up by a massive jolt. Then the AG(artificial gravity) went out and he was floating in the center of his room, spinning helplessly. There had been a smaller jolt which stopped the spinning but it didn't last. Minutes later there had been another massive jolt and he had blacked out.
    Gant's body ached as he pulled himself to his feet. He went for the door but in his dizziness he tripped over a chair. This time he took a moment before trying to get back up. He shook his head and focused on the chair, letting his vision clear. As he looked up he noticed that the door was no longer attached to what he thought of as the floor. It seems that his room was turned on it's side so that the door came out of the wall. He tried using the access panel to open the door but it didn't respond.
    He took another look around and something else occurred to him. The room wasn't being lit by the ships power but by light pouring in through his porthole. Immediately he went over to take a look outside. The porthole was cracked and charred and he could only see through the very top of it. Unfortunately that didn't reveal much. All he could see was sunlight.
    "Great," Gant thought aloud, wiping away another trickle of blood. "Can anyone hear me?"
    He stood there, waiting for an answer. He waited for several minutes but no one answered him. Gant sighed and sat back down, looking around for any signs of life or a way out. If the ship was on its nose and out of power that means it had to have crashed. The question was, where? They were still a couple weeks away from Vega and everyone knew there was nothing between Earth and Vega. So where were they? All he knew was he wouldn't get any answers while he was still trapped in his own room.

    OOC: no one try to get him out. he will get his own way out. take the example though and realize the only way to get off the ship is by using force and creative thinking since everything is operated by power and there is no power

  5. #5
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    Finally we know how to start!

    Name: Mike Rampart
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Tall, around 6'2", short brown hair, deep green eyes, slightly tanned peach skin; not very muscular, mostly because he's a gamer; wears whatever's casual and comfortable.
    Personality: The kind of guy you'd really like to make friends with: smart, honest, hard-working, and nice; doesn't like to see his friends hurt; doesn't like graphic violence/killing, even in video games (think of SSB:M as close to the limit: fighting, but no blood/killing)
    Occupation: Going into college soon; worked part-time as a video game tester.
    Reason for going to Vega: Going on a half-year vacation with a bunch of friends before they all went to college
    History: He and his friends saved up to go to Vega in between high school and college; very into video games, and as a result has heightened hand-eye coordination and improved reaction time (not superhuman…just better than average)
    Inventory: Laptop and bunches of games on CD, plus other Computer accessories; small bag of toiletries. Oh, and money…but that'll be useless…

    "Ooooof…" I slowly pushed myself up and looked around the cabin. It looked kinda okay, except I was on the ceiling and everything was flipped over.

    "Whee…" I said, still not completely focused. I managed to stumble over to the now upside down door and push the panel to open the door. It didn't open, though. Figured: utterly confused and trapped as well.

    "Soo…how to get out…" I mumbled, looking around at the complete mess of a room. I decided the first step would be to get my head to stop spinning. So I sat down on the floor (ceiling) and suported my head in my hand as I tried to think of a way out. I couldn't very well bust open the door; I was far too weak to do anything like that. I'm just a hacker, not a Jock. And hackers can't do anything without electricity…

    I was stuck, plain and simple. Unless someone else came and broke down the door. I looked at the cot still attached to what was now the ceiling, and realized how tired I really was. Sitting against the wall, I started to take a little snooze…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    Wow? that hurt.

    I opened my eyes groggily, sitting up and propping myself up on my elbows. The room definatly was the definition of a tornado going through the room.

    Testing out my legs, I stood up shakily, wiping the sweat from my forehead, I located the door hidden behind a table and shoved at it.

    Didn't budge.

    Knowing it was obviously useless to keep forcing at a blocked door, I reached into my bag and dug around. Only four things were in it, and it was opened, so I assumed everything else had rolled away.

    Forgetting to look for the rest of my stuff which might have come in handy, I pulled out a hoof pick. Being a horseback riding instructor, it was pretty helpful. It was a curved piece of steel used to pick rocks from horses' hooves.

    With a strong thwack, I brought it down against the door, leaving a dent. Digging it in the crack between the doorframe and the door, I started twisting and wrenching into it.

  7. #7

    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    Took a while but im here...

    Name: Gavin Wynder
    Age: 19
    Appearance: 6ft 2, wears Blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Quite muscular but not obvious (not some hulking jock). Blue eyed, brown haired athlete.
    Personality: Modest, likes to joke around and underrates himself even if he knows his capabilities.
    Occupation: Proffessional Rugby League Player (American Football but Faster and without the Safety Gear) Quite an outstanding young player but doesnt like to brag.
    Reason for going to Vega: Promoting the sport on Vega. It took many years for it to become popular even in the country of its origin (England by the way) so the ruling bodies decided to get a head start on the Vegan population.
    History: Grew up in a small english mining town, began playing at an early age and turned a few heads which made him go pro. Never liked the fake 'celebrity' image but agreed to do this promotional tour.
    Inventory: His Rugby Gear (including ball, boots, shorts and team Jersey) he was due to do a photo shoot as he left the Ship 'Rugby reaches Vega'. Also his suit with his team crest on the breast pocket. Couple of Pepsi's.
    Other: *Kills other*

    Lets Go!!!

    Gavin Wynder

    "Damn, My Head" i groaned as i pulled myself up. "What the hell happened" i said to noone in particular as i tried to get my thoughts together. I was initially confused since the Door was now horizontal on the wall instead of the usual vertical position. "This cant be good" i sighed to myself and tried the switches on the panel. Nothing worked, the door switch, communications it was all toast. I turned and Kicked a cushion that had been thrown to the floor...or wall whichever side this damn thing was on. It hit the back wall, just above the Window and i noticed that there was something outside other than the black backdrop of space.
    "Right" i decided, " if the door wont work then the window will have to do". I switched my shoes, looking for my playing boots since the 6, inch long metal studs in the bottom would be more usefull than soft rubber soles. I knew this window was going to be tough, designed to resist impact in space, i just hoped it wasnt as strong from the inside. I jammed a piece of broken metal from the door into the seals around the window, attempting to pry out the seals before taking a few steps back and kicking violently at the Window. Nothing Much happened, maybe a slight scratch.....this was going to be hard work.


    Ok wether he makes it through or not ill leave up to JT, im not sure how advanced and Hi Tech this ship is meant to be so the windows may not have a high stress Tolerance. Either way anyone in proximity to his room will be able to hear the continuous thuds as he kicks at it.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
    W-12 ~ D-2 ~ L-2

  8. #8

    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    Gant Phallen

    "Almost," Gant said, wiping the sweat off his brow.
    He took a deep breath and then rammed the metal rod forward again. With a satisfying clank the dent in his door grew just slightly. He had been at it for almost an hour now. Fortunately the metal rod used to place hangars on in his closet aboard ship was removeable. He had been slamming it into the door for sometime now trying to create a big enough dent for him to wedge the rod into so he could pry the door open.
    It had not been a fun hour but it was finally paying off. He slid the rod neatly into the groove he had created and pushed up with all his might. At first, nothing happened but after a minute the door started sliding open a little bit. Gant kept pushing until he could finally see into the corridor a little bit. He pushed even harder and finally the door gave way and it slid open all the way.
    Gant sank down to his knees to catch his breath. He had been up for several hours now trying to think of a way out of his room. It felt good to rest for a minute before moving on. Next he had to find a way to the front of the ship. He did not enjoy that thought because it meant climbing straight up through a corridor which was not built with ascension in mind. He took a look into the corridor and could barely see anything he could use as footholds.
    "Joyful," he thought aloud.
    Gant took one last good look around the mess that was his room. He decided he had better go prepared and quickly through as much of his things as he could into a backpack. He then picked the metal rod back up and climbed out into the corridor.
    Gant looked up and started scanning for footholds. His first step was a banister next to his door. Maybe he could use that to climb up........ With a sigh Gant grabbed onto the banister and began trying to hoist himself upward.

    OOC: its time people started finding ways out of their rooms and trying to find ways our of their section of the ship. technically inclined characters might think of using a personal possesion with battery power to operate the doors. Characters that are not technically inclined can think of methods similar to Gants to get out of their rooms.

  9. #9
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
    Elite Trainer
    VirtualPlay's Avatar
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    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    I'm assuming that the passenger section is actually more than one section…

    I looked at what I could find of my stuff. My laptop and about 10 batteries, my CD case full of games, quite a few wires, other computer accessories…

    I looked carefully at some wires and one of the batteries. Pulling out a screwdriver from my bag, I pried open the battery case, then went over and pried the door panel open. It didn't take long to find and rip out the power wires. Taking the naked battery, I connected the ends with the door contacts.

    FWISH! The door suddenly opened. revealing the upside-down hallway. I went back in, packed my backpack, then went back out. "Well, best to find a way out of here…" I said, before walking towards where the front should be.

    OOC: if anyone wants, then you can get Mike to help with the door, if you're somewhere on the upside-down passenger section. Just get the door open a crack and have Mike hand you the wires through. Then do the same thing to the door panel.
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default Rogue: Survivors in the Unknown {starts} ~MATURE~ LSU's welcome

    I found a major outlet on the ships engine. At least I hoped it was an engine, it was some sort of power supply. I knew I can't get the ship to fly again, but I might be able to restore enough power to get the hell outta here.
    I poured some of the lighter fluid on the circuit and sparked a small flame. BOOM!!!
    "Oops. That wasn't supposed to happen. Ok, so I really don't know, but I didn't THINK it would have happened," I said to myself. I turned around, and to both my surprise and delight, the engine was reacting with a light glow.
    "That's a shock... hey! It's a Matter-AntiMatter Reactor! This should definitely restore power, at least enough to get anyone else out who survived.
    At this point, I had forgotten in my rejoicing the problem that lay ahead of me.

    Where would we go? What's outside the ship, WHERE ARE WE?!

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