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Thread: The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

  1. #361

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98

    You smile up at the minun who hops down from you head onto your shoulder. Then you turn back to the masquerain. It looks at you curiously and when you challenge it to a flying race, it happily accepts. The minun offers to judge the race for you as your little group searches for a good spot to hold it. Soon, you come across a little clearing, that has a couple bellsprout and chikorita in it who decide to watch the race. What will you do now?
    Continue with the race!


  2. #362
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98

    Smiling at having finally captured rapidash, you continue your trek through the South Caverns. Occasionally making a splashing sound whenever you step into a puddle, things seem relatively quiet. Soon you emerge into a room, where you see a vulpix and poochyena playfully wrestling with each other laughing. A natu watches them curiously. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    Hm, tempting, but I'll move on.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  3. #363
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    Green Lanturn

    Though tempted by the vulpix, you continue your trek through the south caverns. You try not to make much noise as you hear your footsteps echoing through the caverns. Soon you spy another small room and, as you enter, you spy a natu sleeping on a poochyena's head. The poochyena looks like it needs to sneeze but is trying not to in order to not wake up the natu. There's also a torchic in a corner. You watch it a few minutes and realize that its practicing its attacks. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    Ill send out my Spheal (m) Lv.3 to use a yawn on the poochyena, putting it to sleep as well. Then I'll continue on.

    ...just call me G.L.

  4. #364
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98

    You notice a chill, as you enter into the southern caverns, and shiver instinctively. Noticing you, a cyndaquil curiously looks up as you as a poochyena chases its tail. There's also a beldum just floating starting into space. What will you do?

    South Caverns

    The Beldum and Poochyena seem very tempting, but I want the Cyndaquil. I'll ask if it wants to go with me. If it does, I'll capture it with a Great Ball.
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  5. #365
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    Sweatdropping, you begin backing away slowly, while trying to tell the Mightyena that it was an accident, but he doesn't believe you. You quickly send out Mystic and ask him to teleport you out of the room which he does immediately. It isn't a moment too soon, as the mightyena pounces on nothing but thin air. You sigh in relief as the two of you emerge into another room. As you look around, you see a Meditite and a Kirlia staring at something, awestruck. Cautiously inching forward, you peer around a corner and see that it is a metagross. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    I'll go on.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  6. #366
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    Having caught totodile, you continue on your search of the lake. You feel a small breeze behind you, and turn around to see a wingull and a surskit playing a game of tag. A lapras swims through the lake, enjoying herself. Its rather peaceful and you smile watching them. What will you do?
    A Lapras, cool. But I don't want to ruin her fun... hmm. I know, I'll let the Totodile play with her and maybe have him convince her to come with us so we can all have fun.

  7. #367
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Wild Eevee » Machop jogs over to the Geodude's and the Mankey's and starts to talk to them. Asking why they were making fun of poor Heracross, Geodude responds with "Ugh, he's really stupid, and he can't fight to save himself." Machop blinks, and asks him what he means. "I'm not even evolved and I totally wiped him out!!" Mankey pipes up. Nodding, Machop comes back to you and tells you the story whilst the Geodude and Mankey continue to snicker. What would you like to do?

    soggy_cardboard » Minun hops up onto a molehill and whistles - The race has begun! Masquerain and Ditto both flap their wings furiously, both eager to win their little competition. Suddenly they both give out a squeal as they can see the finishing line, and Minun hops up and down in anticipation. They're both neck and neck until Masquerain just squeezes into the lead, and eventually wins the race. Being a good sport, Ditto congratulates him. What would you like to do?

    Airen » As the two fire pokemon continue their game, you walk on past, Natu chirping as you go by. Slipping through a narrow passageway you come to a narrow room, and you look around, guided by dim light from torches on the wall. Then, you notice a little fire on the ground, which actually appears to be a Cyndaquil's tail. The little firey mole is curiously poking a Wobbuffet and watching him sway from side to side. What do you want to do?

    Green Lanturn » Just as Poochyena is about to let his nose blow, Spheal lets out a huge yawn and he falls asleep after just a few blinks. Then you continue on, and you see a couple of Natu sitting on what looks like an old stone shelf on the wall. There's a Lunatone straight ahead of you, and suddenly one of the Natu jump off the shelf and onto Lunatone's head. He gives out a little noise of surprise, and the Natu titters mischeviously. What would you like to do?

    classy_cat18 » The curious looking Cyndaquil ponders over coming with you for about 5 minutes, and then agrees to join you. You hold out the Great Ball and it pokes the button with its nose, sucking him up. The soft ping of your successful capture makes you smile happily. ~ Cyndaquil, M, Lv 9 ~ Congratulations! What would you like to do?

    DarkPrince The Dark Knight » The Metagross shifts slightly uncomfortably as it isn't fond of being stared at with expressions such as those on the faces of Kirlia and Meditite. Walking past them to sort it out themselves, it's not long at all until you find a Houndoom and Arcanine snarling at each other viciously. "It was you! I know it was!" yells the ferocious Houndoom, baring his horiffically sharp teeth. "I didn't do a thing! It was Aretha!" Arcanine hisses back. You have no idea who Aretha happens to be, but you can tell that someone has done something to offend the Houndoom. What are you going to do?

    Sonic » Location, please. ^^;;

    The Lapras glances at you with her warm eyes, and then looks down at the happy little Totodile. After they talk for a little while, she's not entirely sure about it, but is willing to travel alongside you in the water until she's made up her mind. Then, thinking, she offers you a ride on her back through the Lake. Totodile hops on happily. What are you going to do?


    Though tempted, you leave without attempting to catch any of them. You cautiously head into the next room, not knowing what you will find. You soon here the sounds of a battle going on and as you cautiously creep closer you find a poochyena and a houndour battling a makuhita. At first you're not sure whether to help or not, but as you watch, you realize that they are helping the makuhita train. What will you do?
    East Caverns

    Well, given that they're helping and not annoying each other, I'll continue.

  8. #368
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Wild Eevee »DarkPrince The Dark Knight » The Metagross shifts slightly uncomfortably as it isn't fond of being stared at with expressions such as those on the faces of Kirlia and Meditite. Walking past them to sort it out themselves, it's not long at all until you find a Houndoom and Arcanine snarling at each other viciously. "It was you! I know it was!" yells the ferocious Houndoom, baring his horiffically sharp teeth. "I didn't do a thing! It was Aretha!" Arcanine hisses back. You have no idea who Aretha happens to be, but you can tell that someone has done something to offend the Houndoom. What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I am going to politely ask the Houndoom and Arcanine who this Aretha is, and also ask them if there is anything I can do to help them out with this problem.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  9. #369
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    classy_cat18 » The curious looking Cyndaquil ponders over coming with you for about 5 minutes, and then agrees to join you. You hold out the Great Ball and it pokes the button with its nose, sucking him up. The soft ping of your successful capture makes you smile happily. ~ Cyndaquil, M, Lv 9 ~ Congratulations! What would you like to do?

    South Caverns

    I'll call him Cinder and move on. His bred on move will be Sunny Day.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  10. #370
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Machop jogs over to the Geodude's and the Mankey's and starts to talk to them. Asking why they were making fun of poor Heracross, Geodude responds with "Ugh, he's really stupid, and he can't fight to save himself." Machop blinks, and asks him what he means. "I'm not even evolved and I totally wiped him out!!" Mankey pipes up. Nodding, Machop comes back to you and tells you the story whilst the Geodude and Mankey continue to snicker. What would you like to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll suggest that Heracross stay away from the Mankey and Geodude .

  11. #371
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    [B][size=1Sonic » Location, please. ^^;;

    The Lapras glances at you with her warm eyes, and then looks down at the happy little Totodile. After they talk for a little while, she's not entirely sure about it, but is willing to travel alongside you in the water until she's made up her mind. Then, thinking, she offers you a ride on her back through the Lake. Totodile hops on happily. What are you going to do?

    I'll get on her back, sure.

  12. #372

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    soggy_cardboard » Minun hops up onto a molehill and whistles - The race has begun! Masquerain and Ditto both flap their wings furiously, both eager to win their little competition. Suddenly they both give out a squeal as they can see the finishing line, and Minun hops up and down in anticipation. They're both neck and neck until Masquerain just squeezes into the lead, and eventually wins the race. Being a good sport, Ditto congratulates him. What would you like to do?
    I'll tell it:
    "Woah, your the fastest Pokemon I've ever seen! I could really use a Pokemon with your superior speed on my team.
    With your speed, and, we would win every race there is!
    So, what ya say? Wanna join me and my Pokemon?
    +I'll offer it a Pokeball


  13. #373
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Green Lanturn » Just as Poochyena is about to let his nose blow, Spheal lets out a huge yawn and he falls asleep after just a few blinks. Then you continue on, and you see a couple of Natu sitting on what looks like an old stone shelf on the wall. There's a Lunatone straight ahead of you, and suddenly one of the Natu jump off the shelf and onto Lunatone's head. He gives out a little noise of surprise, and the Natu titters mischeviously. What would you like to do?[/quote]

    South Caverns

    Ill send out my Venomoth(f) Lv.18 and have it use Silver Wind to knock the natu off. Then I'll approach the lunatone.

    ...just call me G.L.

  14. #374
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    DarkPrince The Dark Knight » Asking them a polite question, Arcanine responds with "She's a Magmar" but gets cut off by Houndoom, who sneers. "You're honestly going to bother telling a complete stranger about this problem? I really don't know what on earth is going on through your tiny little brain." Arcanine narrows his eyes, before shouting "I'm not the stupid one. You just cornered me accusing me of taking it with no proof at all. It was Aretha - You know what a sneaky little worm she is." You blink, and softly ask if there's anything you can do to resolve the conflict. "Hell no. Leave yourself out of it." replies the Houndoom, in more restrained tones. What would you like to do?

    classy_cat18 » Wandering on through the caverns, you feel a little body bump into your leg. You look down, and see the small blue face of a Wynaut looking back up at you. It apologises for walking into you, but suddenly a couple of Smoochum appear out of the door directly ahead of you and start to chase the poor little Wynaut about the room! They pout in a very scary manner, and Wynaut squeals whilst running away. What would you like to do?

    Wild Eevee » Suggesting to Heracross that it should stay away from the two mean spirited fighters, it blinks and says "But that's what I've tried to do." It seems that even though he stays his distance from the two, they follow him about and tease him even more. What would you like to do?

    Sonic » Clambering up onto the Lapras' back, Totodile can hardly continue his excitement as they start to move into the centre of the lake. She drifts through the waters very smoothly and swiftly, and before long a couple of Poliwag are tagging along at the back. Lapras hums softly, and it seems to attract a Golduck over. She swims alongside you, enjoying the sunny day. What would you like to do?

    soggy_cardboard » Smiling at the thoughts of winning every race there could be, Masquerain ponders for a while before deciding that it would indeed like to come along with you on your journey. ~ Masquerain, M, Lv 12 ~ Congratulations! What would you like to do?

    Green Lanturn » Venomoth appears out of her pokeball with a burst, and flapping her wings powerfully she whips up a sparkling silver wind. It blows Natu off of Lunatone, who bounces back onto the ground as if she has springs in her feet. Then, approaching the Lunatone side-on, the eye that is facing you pings into you direction, and the crescent-shaped pokemon glares are you in a piercing way. You stop dead in your tracks, your heart pounding. What would you like to do?

  15. #375

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    soggy_cardboard » Smiling at the thoughts of winning every race there could be, Masquerain ponders for a while before deciding that it would indeed like to come along with you on your journey. ~ Masquerain, M, Lv 12 ~ Congratulations! What would you like to do?
    YAY! ^^

    Um...I'll go to the Lake i guess...


  16. #376
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Airen » As the two fire pokemon continue their game, you walk on past, Natu chirping as you go by. Slipping through a narrow passageway you come to a narrow room, and you look around, guided by dim light from torches on the wall. Then, you notice a little fire on the ground, which actually appears to be a Cyndaquil's tail. The little firey mole is curiously poking a Wobbuffet and watching him sway from side to side. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll tell Cyndaquil I might catch it and see what it does.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  17. #377
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    classy_cat18 » Wandering on through the caverns, you feel a little body bump into your leg. You look down, and see the small blue face of a Wynaut looking back up at you. It apologises for walking into you, but suddenly a couple of Smoochum appear out of the door directly ahead of you and start to chase the poor little Wynaut about the room! They pout in a very scary manner, and Wynaut squeals whilst running away. What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll let out Cinder and get him to Tackle the Smoochum
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  18. #378
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    soggy_cardboard » Grinning about your new capture, you travel to the lake with a beaming smile. A Luvdisc pops up by the side of the bank and eyes you curiously - It seems to be wondering why you look so happy. Then, just a few seconds later, another Luvdisc pops up! They both look at you with the same curious gaze, making you shift uncomfortably. Then something large and blue catches your eye - You can see a Poliwrath jogging towards you! You can't make out its expression from here, though. What do you want to do?

    Airen » Telling the Cyndaquil that you might capture her, she immediately runs up to your foot and bites it! Then she looks up at you, her face a bit scrunched up in irritation. Your foot is stinging painfully, and you rub it to try and soothe it a little. The Cyndaquil softens her face a little and says "Sorry I did that, but I really don't wish to be caught." Then Wobbuffet gives out a large wail, which makes both you and Cyndaquil jump in surprise! What do you want to do?

    classy_cat18 » Sending out your feisty little Cyndaquil, he runs up to the Smoochum and smacks them in the side with a rough Tackle! The little kissing pokemon turn around with a look of fire in their icy eyes, and then set their sights on your poor little Cyndaquil! Then he ends up being chased around the room, and Wynaut hops up and down in unhappiness - He didn't want that to happen! What are you going to do?

  19. #379
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    DarkPrince The Dark Knight » Asking them a polite question, Arcanine responds with "She's a Magmar" but gets cut off by Houndoom, who sneers. "You're honestly going to bother telling a complete stranger about this problem? I really don't know what on earth is going on through your tiny little brain." Arcanine narrows his eyes, before shouting "I'm not the stupid one. You just cornered me accusing me of taking it with no proof at all. It was Aretha - You know what a sneaky little worm she is." You blink, and softly ask if there's anything you can do to resolve the conflict. "Hell no. Leave yourself out of it." replies the Houndoom, in more restrained tones. What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll say "It's okay, I understand." to the Houndoom as I wave to both him and the Arcanine before going on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  20. #380
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98

    Telling the numel that you hope he feels better, he nodds and thanks you. As you continue on, you come to another small room where you find a pair of poochyena's nuzzling each other. There's also an absol that looks as if he might get sick watching the pair. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    I'll move on.

  21. #381
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    classy_cat18 » Sending out your feisty little Cyndaquil, he runs up to the Smoochum and smacks them in the side with a rough Tackle! The little kissing pokemon turn around with a look of fire in their icy eyes, and then set their sights on your poor little Cyndaquil! Then he ends up being chased around the room, and Wynaut hops up and down in unhappiness - He didn't want that to happen! What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    Grab the Wynaut, tell Cinder to use Smokescreen, and get the heck out of here!
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

    Vote for your favorite fanmade video game lyricshere!

  22. #382

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Amy has decided that her captured Umbreon, Gloria, isn't fitting in with her team, so I offered to take care of her ^_^ Amy told me to post it here and she'd be along to confirm, so... yeah.

  23. #383
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA


    Not wanting to bother the training pokemon, you continue on. As you continue through the caverns. At first it is quiet, but not long after, you can hear footsteps behind you. You turn around and see the makuhita that you had just left. Turns out that he just finished training and decided to follow you to curb his curosity. You shrug and continue on, coming across a Bagon cowering in fear as a heracross and mankey converging on him. What will you do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    You tell them that you understand, and wave at them. The arcanine nodds, as the houndoom just snorts. As you continue through the caverns, you come across an Exeggcute that is sleeping in a corner. Pausing, you look around and see a baltoy trying to get away from a magby. What will you do?


    *confirms* Take care of her and enjoy the earring as well. Hope she fits in better on your team than she did on mine.

    Franks should be updating the rest
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  24. #384
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Suggesting to Heracross that it should stay away from the two mean spirited fighters, it blinks and says "But that's what I've tried to do." It seems that even though he stays his distance from the two, they follow him about and tease him even more. What would you like to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll have Machop tell Mankey and Geodude to leave Heracross alone.

  25. #385
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Green Lanturn » Venomoth appears out of her pokeball with a burst, and flapping her wings powerfully she whips up a sparkling silver wind. It blows Natu off of Lunatone, who bounces back onto the ground as if she has springs in her feet. Then, approaching the Lunatone side-on, the eye that is facing you pings into you direction, and the crescent-shaped pokemon glares are you in a piercing way. You stop dead in your tracks, your heart pounding. What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    Ill say hi to the lunatone and try to get it, venomoth, and i into friendly conversation.

    ...just call me G.L.

  26. #386

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    soggy_cardboard » Grinning about your new capture, you travel to the lake with a beaming smile. A Luvdisc pops up by the side of the bank and eyes you curiously - It seems to be wondering why you look so happy. Then, just a few seconds later, another Luvdisc pops up! They both look at you with the same curious gaze, making you shift uncomfortably. Then something large and blue catches your eye - You can see a Poliwrath jogging towards you! You can't make out its expression from here, though. What do you want to do?
    Arh! continue on pls


  27. #387
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Airen » Telling the Cyndaquil that you might capture her, she immediately runs up to your foot and bites it! Then she looks up at you, her face a bit scrunched up in irritation. Your foot is stinging painfully, and you rub it to try and soothe it a little. The Cyndaquil softens her face a little and says "Sorry I did that, but I really don't wish to be caught." Then Wobbuffet gives out a large wail, which makes both you and Cyndaquil jump in surprise! What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll tell her that's okay and move on.8)
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  28. #388
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    You tell them that you understand, and wave at them. The arcanine nodds, as the houndoom just snorts. As you continue through the caverns, you come across an Exeggcute that is sleeping in a corner. Pausing, you look around and see a baltoy trying to get away from a magby. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    I'll keep going.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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