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Thread: The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

  1. #41
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey


    You watch the pokemon go by, and then Igglybuff lands on your head again. She's very much amused by this, and she goes up the tree to land on your head again, and bounce off. Bellsprout has now started making a weird honking sound, and Tangela is just staring at her. What on earth is wrong? There's no evidence of anything that it could be. o.o As you're looking at them a Chansey comes up behind you, and then it sits by your side. It doesn't even say a word, it just sits down there. What do you want to do?

    I'll throw my Master Ball at Chansey.

  2. #42
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    DarkPrince The Dark Knight

    You wave to the two pokemon before continuing on through the dark caves, and soon you see what looks like a bit of metal floating. Curious, you walk closer to the shining, metallic thing... And realise it's a Beldum. It just hover there, its single eye fixed on you. It doesn't really look threatening, just rather... startled? It's hard to tell. There's a Chimecho near the wall, looking at the pair of you - Its eyes seem to gleam much more than a normal Chimecho's would. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll go on again.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  3. #43

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    Kecleon uses Sunny Day, but as you're in a cave and the sun doesn't go through the roof it didn't really work. Kecleon tries again hopefully, but again it fails. Mumbling, you ask if Mojo wants to use its tail to attract the splashing thing. It looks at you with a rather 'o_o' sort of expression, before sighing and nodding. Dipping his tail in with a rather sheepish look on his face, he waits for the splashing thing to come closer... But nothing happens. However, the moving thing you saw on the other side of the room comes closer to you, and you can just make out two shining eyes, like jewels... It's a Sableye! Then it lets out a ghastly shriek - That was probably the noise you heard earlier, but there are quite possibly more ghosts about... Mojo is just sitting there, his tail in the water, a shaky expression directed at the Sableye.
    I'll tell Aipom to take his tail outa the water, And run up, and use Thunderpunch on the Sableye! and if he trys to attack back, ill use Counter!


  4. #44
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Shelgon doesn't want anything, it just enjoys your company. It falls to the floor and goes to sleep beside you and Tyrogue, and you decide to take a nap also. After a few hours, you awaken from your snooze and you find the Shelgon and Tyrogue gone. They must have awoken and went elsewhere, and you are left in an empty room. What will you do now?
    East cavern

    Saddened that the Tyrouge are gone I decide to see if they left a trail and if they did I'll follow it,if not I'll search for them anyways.

  5. #45
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Wow.. Long time no see. Well I got a new computer and I lost all the other pokemon I had. So i would like to restart with a Masterball and 5 stun balls. I would like to start in the Desert.

  6. #46
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally Posted by Cheesey
    Growlithe sits on your lap, breathing softly and happily. Torchic starts to pad about in your hair, and then it sits down again. Alakazam and Camerupt start talking about something else completely - How much they want to get to higher levels. Just as you start listening to them Sneasel darts over to you and pats you on the arm. You continue to stroke Growlithe whilst petting the Sneasel, your feet still in the water. Then a Staryu brushes against you foot, giving you quite a surprise. What do you want to do?
    I'll just continue petting Growlithe and Sneasle, because Staryu's don't really interest me. Oh, and I'll ask how they are as well (Growlithe and Sneasle).

  7. #47
    Elite Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA


    Bye Dixie. ^^

    You go to the Meadow, and it's a perfect day to search for pokemon. The sun is shining brightly, there isn't a cloud to be seen, and the greenery around you looks beautiful. You walk through the lush grasses and soon encounter a Dodrio sitting on the ground. Unsure if it's awake or not, you edge a little closer, and you see that its eyes are closed. It seems to be taking a nap in the sunshine. What do you want to do?

    Dark Dragonite

    The Porygon doesn't really feel like battling right now, as it just wants to enjoy the lovely weather whilst it's like it is. The Electrike, however, jumps up at the chance, and would like to know if he could battle one of your pokemon. His fur is bristling with electricity, because he's so excited. Porygon, however, starts to spin about in circles. It stops and wobbles dizzily, and repeats it again, greatly amused. What do you want to do?


    You immediately throw the Master Ball at Chansey, and it clonks the poor little pokémon on the head before sucking her in. It works without fail, and you smile when the ball makes a soft pinging sound. Chansey, F, Lv 13 Congratulations! As you sit, the ball in your hand, the Bellsprout continues to run around, honking. Youd have thought you'd have a clue as to why it was doing this by now, but nope... What do you want to do?

    DarkPrince The Dark Knight

    You walk on through the South Caverns, but the light seems to dim slightly. Slowing your pace cautiously, you notice five pairs of eyes looking at you curiously. It's an Exeggcute, and there's a Magby coming up to talk to them. Just as she starts to chatter, you notice one large eye slowly coming down from the ceiling of the cavern - It's a G shaped Unown. It looks at you for a few minutes, before exploring the area a little. What do you want to do?


    Aren't you in the North Caverns, and not the Lake? o_O

    Mojo is still a little nervous around Sableye, but nevertheless it loyally follows your command, and it runs up and powerfully strikes Sableye with a Thunderpunch! Sableye is not amused, and tries to punch back, but Mojo successfully Counters it. Sableye flies to the side of the cavern and hits a wall. It gets up, rubbing its back in pain. What do you want to do?

    Wild Eevee

    The Shelgon and Tyrogue don't seem to have left any sort of trail, so you just walk on through the East Caverns, looking for any sign of them. As you look ahead into the tunnel to the next room an Absol comes into view, its evil eyes gleaming. It's walking towards you, but it doesn't seem to have its eyes fixed on you... It seems to be looking at something else, but you don't know what. What do you want to do?

    Interpol HQ

    Welcome back to the CCCC. You used to be called The_Ledgendary_Himo, didn't you? o.O

    You walk into the Desert, and you're rather surprised at the drastic change in temperature when you arrive. Just as you're about to start walking, a Diglett pops up in front of you and looks up at you, with a somewhat confused expression. You look at it for a bit, and as it continues to look at you, you look up and see a Sudowoodo desperately trying to look like a tree. But it isn't doing very well. A Lunatone is examining it curiously nearby, as it doesn't have any idea what it's trying to do. What do you want to do?


    You ask Growlithe how it's doing, but its expression tells you everything anyway. It's very comfortable, and very content with sitting on your lap. Then you ask Sneasel, and it seems happy enough. After sitting there for a while, something starts to clamber up your arm o_o. It look at your arm and see a Magby trying to get up to talk to Torchic. Then Torchic hops off your head to talk to the Magby anyway, because it seems easier than Magby climbing up your arm =P. What do you want to do?

    I still want to go to the North Caverns...

  8. #48
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey


    You make sure the Skarmory isn't intent on attacking you, and you just stand watching it for a while. It's just circling the area with no intention of disturbing you, so you turn around and see Donphan sitting behind you. You hold out a Crystal Ball and it gives a little triumphant grunt before pushing the button and getting itself sucked in. Donphan, M, Lv 17 Congratulations! Just as you're about to get up and walk on a little further a Sandslash comes up to you, and cocks its head at you curiously. Then it sneezes - It seems to have a cold. What do you want to do?

    Yay, he'll have Earthquake as his bred-on move, and Hyper Beam as his L10 TM^_^

    Aww. I'll send out Houndoom and get him to use Ember near the Sandslahs to help warm it up a bit.

  9. #49
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    DarkPrince The Dark Knight

    You walk on through the South Caverns, but the light seems to dim slightly. Slowing your pace cautiously, you notice five pairs of eyes looking at you curiously. It's an Exeggcute, and there's a Magby coming up to talk to them. Just as she starts to chatter, you notice one large eye slowly coming down from the ceiling of the cavern - It's a G shaped Unown. It looks at you for a few minutes, before exploring the area a little. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    'sigh' It could take quite a while before I find what I am looking for, so I'll keep going.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #50

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    Aren't you in the North Caverns, and not the Lake? o_O

    Mojo is still a little nervous around Sableye, but nevertheless it loyally follows your command, and it runs up and powerfully strikes Sableye with a Thunderpunch! Sableye is not amused, and tries to punch back, but Mojo successfully Counters it. Sableye flies to the side of the cavern and hits a wall. It gets up, rubbing its back in pain. What do you want to do?
    I'll throw a Great-ball at the Sableye !

    >North Caverns< ;o opps...hehe...

  11. #51
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    Bye Dixie. ^^

    You go to the Meadow, and it's a perfect day to search for pokemon. The sun is shining brightly, there isn't a cloud to be seen, and the greenery around you looks beautiful. You walk through the lush grasses and soon encounter a Dodrio sitting on the ground. Unsure if it's awake or not, you edge a little closer, and you see that its eyes are closed. It seems to be taking a nap in the sunshine. What do you want to do?

    I'll leave it alone and carefully sneak past it and continue to look around.


    You head to the North Caverns. After a couple of footsteps that echo, you begin to hear yips. As you get closer to the source of the sound, you see a sneasel chasing a poochyena. After a while the poochyena chases the sneasel and a sealeo watches on wistfully. What will you do?


    You send out your houndoom and ask him to create a little fire using his ember. He nodds and gets to work. Soon, a nice warm fire is burning and the sandslash scoots close to it and sneezes once more before smilig. After a few minutes a small sandshrew sneaks up and settles down next to the sandslash (it looks obvious that they must be kin). After a few minues the sandshrew craws over to you and gives you a hug before returning to the sandslash. What will you do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    As you continue on through the Southern Caverns the light continues to dim as you get deeper into the caves. However, a flickering light causes you to blink. When you draw closer, you see a ponyta with an injured front leg lying down against a wall. To the left , you see a baltoy teasing a houndour by lowering itself to the ground then hovering just above the houndour's reach. What will you do?


    You toss a great ball at the Sableye, and it is sucked in. The ball rolls around a few minutes before the Sableye breaks free. Uh-oh. It doesn't look too pleased. In fact, it looks angry. What will you do?
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

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    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  12. #52
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Jay
    Green Lanturn
    After desperately waiting for the Spheal controversy to end, you continue onwards in the North Caverns. In the following room, it appears to be all icy and cold. You see a frozen pond with a few Spheal (XD) swimming around inside, as well as a couple of nearby Snorunt trying to sleep. What will you do?
    North Caverns~Spheal

    More spheal , um, ignore the snorunt and spheal and move on.

    ...just call me G.L.

  13. #53
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    As you continue on through the Southern Caverns the light continues to dim as you get deeper into the caves. However, a flickering light causes you to blink. When you draw closer, you see a ponyta with an injured front leg lying down against a wall. To the left , you see a baltoy teasing a houndour by lowering itself to the ground then hovering just above the houndour's reach. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    Hmmm, it looks like that Ponyta needs help, so I am going to go over and see if I can help its leg heal before saying goodbye and going in one of the directions behind me (that is, if I can help it).
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  14. #54

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Dark Dragonite

    The Porygon doesn't really feel like battling right now, as it just wants to enjoy the lovely weather whilst it's like it is. The Electrike, however, jumps up at the chance, and would like to know if he could battle one of your pokemon. His fur is bristling with electricity, because he's so excited. Porygon, however, starts to spin about in circles. It stops and wobbles dizzily, and repeats it again, greatly amused. What do you want to do?

    SHOW TIME...
    I will first offer a little info, so it is a fair fight, ask Electrike if it wants to fight:
    ~Ninetails(Lv.16) F
    While I await it's decision, I will toss Porygon a piece of food, see if it will jump for it.
    ~The Real Crystal Articuno~
    Looking for AC/CC battles, PM me...
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    ASB Team

    Thanks Saffire Persian for the rad banner!!

  15. #55
    Join Date
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98

    You toss a Great ball at the weakened Kingler and it is immediately sucked in. It barely even wobbles before the ding is heard signaling that it was caught. Congrats Kingler L.12 (M) What will you do?[/center]

    I'll have Odd Eye use Sweet Scent to distract the other angry pokes and run to the North Caverns.

  16. #56
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesy
    Interpol HQ

    Welcome back to the CCCC. You used to be called The_Ledgendary_Himo, didn't you? o.O

    You walk into the Desert, and you're rather surprised at the drastic change in temperature when you arrive. Just as you're about to start walking, a Diglett pops up in front of you and looks up at you, with a somewhat confused expression. You look at it for a bit, and as it continues to look at you, you look up and see a Sudowoodo desperately trying to look like a tree. But it isn't doing very well. A Lunatone is examining it curiously nearby, as it doesn't have any idea what it's trying to do. What do you want to do?
    Yea, i changed my name about a month before i left.


    Ill throw a Great ball at the Diglett.

  17. #57
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey


    You say hello to the Shedinja, and it looks at you with that glazed expression. Since it's technically dead, it's quite hard to make expressions... Then it starts to wander the area, but it still stays within a few metres of you. You try to help Banshee, but she says that the pain will probably only go away if you let it run its course. You give her a little hug anyway, just to make her feel better, at you sit down for a moment because you still feel slightly dizzy. Shedinja comes up to you and taps you on the shoulder, whilst a big pair of eyes stare at you from the ceiling. You look at them for a while before realising it's a Gastly. It hovers there, looking at you. What do you want to do?

    North Caverns

    I'll say hello to the ghastly, and hope that it's freindly.

  18. #58

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98 soggy_cardboard

    You toss a great ball at the Sableye, and it is sucked in. The ball rolls around a few minutes before the Sableye breaks free. Uh-oh. It doesn't look too pleased. In fact, it looks angry. What will you do?

    I'll get Aipom to use his new technique: Double Team and surround the Sableye, and keep using Thunder Punch on it!

    After that, ill send out.......dundundun, Spinda!
    I'll get it to use Calm Mind to power-up, then unleash a powerful Water Pulse attack ! arrrrhhhhh!

    >North Caverns<

  19. #59
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    The Shelgon and Tyrogue don't seem to have left any sort of trail, so you just walk on through the East Caverns, looking for any sign of them. As you look ahead into the tunnel to the next room an Absol comes into view, its evil eyes gleaming. It's walking towards you, but it doesn't seem to have its eyes fixed on you... It seems to be looking at something else, but you don't know what. What do you want to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll watch it and try to figure out what it's looking at ,and let out Machop just in case
    and keep him out of his ball.

  20. #60
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    by cheese

    Mrs. Virtual Reality

    You wander on along the river bank in search of stronger pokemon, and you see a couple of Corphish having a playful battle. They're bonking each other with their claws, but not so as it would actually hurt one another. They notice you, but they seem to think that if they leave you alone you'll stay away. Then you notice a large splash to your right, and you see a Mantine that has leapt out of the water! Then it dives back in, and it swims around elegantly through the crystal blue waters. What do you want to do?


    i take out pikachu and shock 'em all (thundershock)
    and move on continuing along the river..

  21. #61
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally Posted by Cheesey
    You ask Growlithe how it's doing, but its expression tells you everything anyway. It's very comfortable, and very content with sitting on your lap. Then you ask Sneasel, and it seems happy enough. After sitting there for a while, something starts to clamber up your arm o_o. It look at your arm and see a Magby trying to get up to talk to Torchic. Then Torchic hops off your head to talk to the Magby anyway, because it seems easier than Magby climbing up your arm =P. What do you want to do?
    Umm...I'll ask if any of them want to join my team. If so, I'll hold out a Pokeball...If not, I'll just carry on sitting there, enjoying the company!

  22. #62
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98


    You send out your houndoom and ask him to create a little fire using his ember. He nodds and gets to work. Soon, a nice warm fire is burning and the sandslash scoots close to it and sneezes once more before smilig. After a few minutes a small sandshrew sneaks up and settles down next to the sandslash (it looks obvious that they must be kin). After a few minues the sandshrew craws over to you and gives you a hug before returning to the sandslash. What will you do?

    I'll smile at the two of them, and tell the Sandslash that I hope it gets better soon.
    I'll then recall all of my Pokémon and head off to the West Caverns please.

  23. #63
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    I'm banning Steve and Kyle (DarkPrince) from here. Until further notice and when I can talk to other workers you may no longer post here.

    Please resume at Avengers, thank you.

    EDIT: Nevermind Kyle, thanks.

  24. #64
    Elite Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA


    You quietly and cautiously nip past the snoozing Dodrio, and continue to look about yourself. Then, something bumps into the back of your leg. You turn around and see a clumsy little Tangela standing there sheepishly, looking up at you. A Plusle edges out from behind a nearby bush to see what's going on. Then you hear a faint trotting which gets gradually louder - A Stantler comes into view. It walks over to the nearest patch of the nicest grass, and starts munching. What do you want to do?

    Green Lanturn

    You ignore the icy pokemon and continue to look around the chilly caverns. You hear a birds cry from the ceiling, and when you look up you see a Delibird, flapping its wings whilst carrying a large sack of food. It flutters down to you, and studies you fro a while. Then it decides you don't look very lost, so it flies up again and starts to explore the room. What do you want to do?

    DarkPrince The Dark Knight

    You walk over to the injured Ponyta and examine its leg for a little while. You start to rub it to see if it helps, and it seems to make Ponyta feel more relaxed. You can't heal her leg, but she thanks you for your help and you continue on through the caverns. Then you come to a fork. One passage has light that gets dimmer and dimmer, and the other passage gets lighter and lighter. There's a Torchic sitting in between the two, gazing at you, wondering what your desicion will be. What do you want to do?

    Dark Dragonite

    The Electrike thinks about it carefully before deciding that it would like to battle Lotad, because battling either of the other two would be difficult. You hold out some food, and it zips toward you and chomps it down. You stand there and gawp at it for a minute before turning round to Electrike. Then you send out Lotad, ready to do battle. What do you want to do?


    Odd Eye uses Sweet Scent which distracts the pokemon for long enough for you to make your getaway. You arrive at the North Caverns after a tiring trek, and you enter the (fairly) cold doorway. It isn't at all long until you encounter a Misdreavus drifting along the breeze in front of you. A nearby Mightyena is blind to how beautiful it looks, and it starts to bark loudly. What do you want to do?

    Interpol HQ

    You throw a Great Ball down at the Diglett and it bonks him on the head before sucking the mole in. It shakes worryingly, but then it stops and you know you've had a successful capture. ~ Diglett, M, Lv 10 ~ Congratulations! What do you want to do now?


    You say hello to the Gastly in a friendly fashion, and it just looks at you with its big, white eyes. Then it comes down a bit, and starts to circle the room for some reason. You watch it, and you're sure that it doesn't have any intention of interfering with your journey. Shedinja taps you on the shoulder again, harder this time, and you turn to look at him. He doesn't seem to actually want anything, so you just sit, looking at him. o_o Then he goes over to Gastly, curious as to what he's doing. What do you want to do?


    Aipom suddenly splits into many different clones, and he surrounds Sableye. He looks around himself in panic, and beads of sweat start to slide down his forehead. Then the real Aipom leaps forward and strikes him with a Thunderpunch. Sableye lets out a cry of shock and falls to the ground, clutching his arm where Aipom's fist struck. Spinda takes this chance to power up a decent deal, and lets out a Water Pulse right at the back of Sableyes head. He flies a few metres away, and lies on the ground, clutching his arm and trying desperately to get the headache that the Water Pulse attack gave him to go away. What do you want to do?

    Wild Eevee

    Absol strides closer, and you look into its eyes in the hope that you'll get some clue of what it's gazing at. You don't really figure anything out, and you let Machop out in case Absol has any intentions of messing with you in any way. Absol gets nearer and nearer, and your muscles grow tenser and tenser. Then it just brushes past you without further ado, still looking at whatever its looking at. You turn around to get a clue of what its eyes are fixed on, and then you see a shining jewel stuck in the wall! That must have been what Absol was looking at. It's beautiful... It gleams several different colours in the light. What do you want to do?

    Mrs Virtual Reality

    The Mantine is under the water by the time Pikachu unleashes its attack, so only the Corphish get hit. When the attack stops, they are so shocked that they just fall to the ground. You wander along the River some more, and then a Luvdisc pops up out of the flowing waters. It swims over near the side, and then squirts you with a Water Gun! What do you want to do?


    Before you even finish asking the pokemon if any of them would like to join your team Growlithe is on your chest licking your face. I think that just might be a yes. Sneasel is more reluctant, but enjoys your company. Growlithe then leaps up onto your shoulder and starts to nuzzle your ear affectionately. He seems to have taken a great liking to you. What do you want to do?


    Kindly saying to Sandslash that you hope he gets well soon, you walk onto the West Caverns. Nobody's been here in ages... It's not that hard to tell - There's not the slightest bit of human evidence anywhere. You walk into the West Caverns carefully, as there seems to be some poison from the pokemon here dotted about. When you're in the caverns you see a Parasect scuttling around, seemingly trying to find something. There's a horrible smell coming from the next room - You take a sneaky peek and you see a Weezing... well, wheezing. o_O What do you want to do?

    Originally posted by Nala98


    You head to the North Caverns. After a couple of footsteps that echo, you begin to hear yips. As you get closer to the source of the sound, you see a sneasel chasing a poochyena. After a while the poochyena chases the sneasel and a sealeo watches on wistfully. What will you do?
    North Caverns

    I'll leave them be, and carry on.

  25. #65
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    DarkPrince The Dark Knight

    You walk over to the injured Ponyta and examine its leg for a little while. You start to rub it to see if it helps, and it seems to make Ponyta feel more relaxed. You can't heal her leg, but she thanks you for your help and you continue on through the caverns. Then you come to a fork. One passage has light that gets dimmer and dimmer, and the other passage gets lighter and lighter. There's a Torchic sitting in between the two, gazing at you, wondering what your desicion will be. What do you want to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll take the passage where the light is stronger.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  26. #66
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    Odd Eye uses Sweet Scent which distracts the pokemon for long enough for you to make your getaway. You arrive at the North Caverns after a tiring trek, and you enter the (fairly) cold doorway. It isn't at all long until you encounter a Misdreavus drifting along the breeze in front of you. A nearby Mightyena is blind to how beautiful it looks, and it starts to bark loudly. What do you want to do?
    North Caves

    I'll thwap the Mightyena over the head and run. [accent=evil]mwahaha!!![/accent]

  27. #67
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey


    Kindly saying to Sandslash that you hope he gets well soon, you walk onto the West Caverns. Nobody's been here in ages... It's not that hard to tell - There's not the slightest bit of human evidence anywhere. You walk into the West Caverns carefully, as there seems to be some poison from the pokemon here dotted about. When you're in the caverns you see a Parasect scuttling around, seemingly trying to find something. There's a horrible smell coming from the next room - You take a sneaky peek and you see a Weezing... well, wheezing. o_O What do you want to do?

    West caverns

    I'll ignore the Parasect, then hold my breath and run as fast as I can through the room with Weezing in. Neither of those Pokémon interest me much.

  28. #68
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Origianlly Posted by Cheesey
    Before you even finish asking the pokemon if any of them would like to join your team Growlithe is on your chest licking your face. I think that just might be a yes. Sneasel is more reluctant, but enjoys your company. Growlithe then leaps up onto your shoulder and starts to nuzzle your ear affectionately. He seems to have taken a great liking to you. What do you want to do?
    I'll ask Sneasle if it wants to walk along with me for a while...So I'll walk along for a while! Hopefully the Growlithe won't nuzzle my arm off, or something...Oh, and I'll recall Alakazam and Camerupt, then let Torchic sit on my shoulder as I'm walking along.

  29. #69
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    You quietly and cautiously nip past the snoozing Dodrio, and continue to look about yourself. Then, something bumps into the back of your leg. You turn around and see a clumsy little Tangela standing there sheepishly, looking up at you. A Plusle edges out from behind a nearby bush to see what's going on. Then you hear a faint trotting which gets gradually louder - A Stantler comes into view. It walks over to the nearest patch of the nicest grass, and starts munching. What do you want to do?

    I'll wave at the plusle, stantler, and tagela, before continuing on. I'll also send out my Jolteon Steve for company, but motion for hime ot be quiet.


    You leave the playing pokes be, and continue on your trek through the North Caverns. As you walk, your footsteps echo. When you enter the next room, you see a absol and a houndour snuggled close together asleep. As you blink getting used to the dimming light, you make out a snorunt and a Glalie sneaking up behind them. What will you do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    You decide to take the passage that gets lighter and lighter. Almost as soon as you enter, you narrowly escape getting toasted by flames. As you look around, you see a typhlosion, torkoal, and a growlithe seemingly in the middle of a fire breathing contest. There is also a sableye, and a ralts who appear to be the judges. What will you do?


    You thwap the mightyena over hte head then run as if you life depended on it. You can hear the Mightyena's howl echo through the caverns and soon you come to a halt. O.O There in front of you is a whole pack of poochyenas and Mightyena's. They do not look very happy. It seems that the mightyen that you thwaped on hte head was their alpha. Also a few sneasels seem to join with the poochyenas and Mightyenas. What will you do now?


    You take a deep breath and begin to run through the room with the reason. However, the looks as to the deistance were deceiving and soon you need to take a breath. You take a small one and soon feel slightly ill, but make it safley into the next room, albeit a little on the woozey side. You sit down to rest for a few minutes and soon you start to feel better. When you stand up you realize that you are not alone. You spy a charmander sleeping comfortably next to your right foot. As you glance around the room, you see an oddish running around in circles with its leaves on fire, seems it got to close to the charmander's tail flame. You hear splashing and look towards the source of the sound. There, you see a seaking splashing around in hte water trying to get the attention of a beautiful goldeen. What will you do?


    State your location please.

    You ask the sneasel if it would rather tag along with you and your pokemon. It reluctantly agrees. Growlithe whines and you pick it up as your torchic perches on your arm. As you continue through the caerns, you footsteps echoing, you hear the sounds of a scuffle. As you draw closer to the sources of the sounds, you come across a torchic and a Meditite battling. A ralts is trying unsuccessfully to get them to stop. What will you do?
    Silver Wolf
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  30. #70
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    You decide to take the passage that gets lighter and lighter. Almost as soon as you enter, you narrowly escape getting toasted by flames. As you look around, you see a typhlosion, torkoal, and a growlithe seemingly in the middle of a fire breathing contest. There is also a sableye, and a ralts who appear to be the judges. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    I'll go further along the lighted passage.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  31. #71
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    I can't perform tedious work in extreme heat (6 updates or more I lose track). Sorry for being inactive.

    The Stantler appears to notice you for the first time and doesn't like your presence here. You bring out Steve for a bit of company, but at that moment Steve is sent flying into the distant meadow! He yelps as he is swung very high and fast out of reach. The Stantler shows itself right next to you and looks at you seriously. What are you going to do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight
    You move onwards in the lit passageway, and along the way you encounter a Charmeleon squad coming directly your way. They appear to be quite happy and they wouldn't want to harm anything. What will you do?

  32. #72
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Jay
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight
    You move onwards in the lit passageway, and along the way you encounter a Charmeleon squad coming directly your way. They appear to be quite happy and they wouldn't want to harm anything. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    I'll wave to the Charmeleon squad as I continue.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  33. #73
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Jay
    The Stantler appears to notice you for the first time and doesn't like your presence here. You bring out Steve for a bit of company, but at that moment Steve is sent flying into the distant meadow! He yelps as he is swung very high and fast out of reach. The Stantler shows itself right next to you and looks at you seriously. What are you going to do?

    Not good. I'll try to recall Steve if i can. I'll try telling it i mean no harm. IUf that doesn't work, then i'll send out my two strongest pokemon Ranec (L.30 umbreon) and Flare (L.20 Ninetales). I'll have Flare use roar in hopes of of scaring it away. If that doesn';t work. Have Flare and Ranec both use Confuse tay on it. Then recall them and run! If i was unable to recall steve, i'll head in the direction that he went.

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    You wave hello at the charmeleon who nodd in acknowledgement. As you continue down the passage way, you come across a wobbuffet who is babysitting a smoochum. The smoochum toddles over to you and hugs your leg. You try to walk on but she wont let go. The wobbuffet starts to get worried about the smoochum as a bouncing spoink adds to its worries. What will you do?
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  34. #74
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    [i]Originally posted by Cheesey[i]
    Green Lanturn

    You ignore the icy pokemon and continue to look around the chilly caverns. You hear a birds cry from the ceiling, and when you look up you see a Delibird, flapping its wings whilst carrying a large sack of food. It flutters down to you, and studies you fro a while. Then it decides you don't look very lost, so it flies up again and starts to explore the room. What do you want to do?
    North Caverns

    Um, ill ignore the delibird. Is there any way to switch places to the Desert? Just asking. If not, keep on walking.

    ...just call me G.L.

  35. #75
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    You say hello to the Gastly in a friendly fashion, and it just looks at you with its big, white eyes. Then it comes down a bit, and starts to circle the room for some reason. You watch it, and you're sure that it doesn't have any intention of interfering with your journey. Shedinja taps you on the shoulder again, harder this time, and you turn to look at him. He doesn't seem to actually want anything, so you just sit, looking at him. o_o Then he goes over to Gastly, curious as to what he's doing. What do you want to do?

    North Caverns

    I'll say goodbye to the Ghastly and Shedinja, then continue on.

  36. #76
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Absol strides closer, and you look into its eyes in the hope that you'll get some clue of what it's gazing at. You don't really figure anything out, and you let Machop out in case Absol has any intentions of messing with you in any way. Absol gets nearer and nearer, and your muscles grow tenser and tenser. Then it just brushes past you without further ado, still looking at whatever its looking at. You turn around to get a clue of what its eyes are fixed on, and then you see a shining jewel stuck in the wall! That must have been what Absol was looking at. It's beautiful... It gleams several different colours in the light. What do you want to do?

    East cavern

    I'll go over to the jewel and try to pull it out so I can look at it.

  37. #77

    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesey

    Aipom suddenly splits into many different clones, and he surrounds Sableye. He looks around himself in panic, and beads of sweat start to slide down his forehead. Then the real Aipom leaps forward and strikes him with a Thunderpunch. Sableye lets out a cry of shock and falls to the ground, clutching his arm where Aipom's fist struck. Spinda takes this chance to power up a decent deal, and lets out a Water Pulse right at the back of Sableyes head. He flies a few metres away, and lies on the ground, clutching his arm and trying desperately to get the headache that the Water Pulse attack gave him to go away. What do you want to do?
    Woo, Ill try another GreatBall now

    >North Caverns<

  38. #78
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Cheesy
    Interpol HQ

    You throw a Great Ball down at the Diglett and it bonks him on the head before sucking the mole in. It shakes worryingly, but then it stops and you know you've had a successful capture. ~ Diglett, M, Lv 10 ~ Congratulations! What do you want to do now?

    I'll journey farther into the desert.

  39. #79
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally posted by Nala98
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight

    You wave hello at the charmeleon who nodd in acknowledgement. As you continue down the passage way, you come across a wobbuffet who is babysitting a smoochum. The smoochum toddles over to you and hugs your leg. You try to walk on but she wont let go. The wobbuffet starts to get worried about the smoochum as a bouncing spoink adds to its worries. What will you do?
    South Caverns

    I'm going to tell the Smoochum that I have an adopted Smoochum of my own, apologizing to her as I go further into the light.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  40. #80
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    Default The Crystal Caves Capture Center :: Version 8 :: MA

    Originally Posted by Nala98
    You ask the sneasel if it would rather tag along with you and your pokemon. It reluctantly agrees. Growlithe whines and you pick it up as your torchic perches on your arm. As you continue through the caerns, you footsteps echoing, you hear the sounds of a scuffle. As you draw closer to the sources of the sounds, you come across a torchic and a Meditite battling. A ralts is trying unsuccessfully to get them to stop. What will you do?
    I'll continue on down the river.

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