A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



The Galactic Civil War continues as the Rebel forces join in space with Calamari Cruisers. Secretly, the Empire has begun laying the building blocks above the forest moon of Endor as construciton on the second DEATH STAR begins, a space station much more deadly than the first. Meanwhile, in another part of the galaxy in the Nar Shaddaa system, a new form of hand-held weapon has begun to be manufactured by the Rodians in order to protect their smugglers from the Empire, a weapon capable of disintegrating an organism in one charged shot. Although such technology was available before, the New Republic placed a ban on them and enforced it. However, thanks to the Rebellion, the Empire has turned a blind eye to this. However, the weapon is not built and needs certain parts. Thus, two Rodians were sent to Nar Shaddaa to collect parts to this weapon in an arranged deal. However, it went awry and a bounty hunter sent to intercept the deal interfered. As the Rodians fled, the Bounty Hunter shot the one holding the case holding the blueprints and battery for the gun whilst on the streets. He dropped the case and it fell into a cargo crate of a leaving ship. The cargo was loaded onto the ship which flew out of the planet. The Rodians and the Bounty Hunter pursued the ship but recklessly attracted the attention of an Imperial convoy that policed that area of the galaxy. The ship with the case made the jump to hyper space whilst the bounty hunter escaped. The Rodians were captured and taken aboard the Star Destroyer, whre they gave up the information that they were chasing a ship which had the new weapon inside. Both angered and intrigued, the Admiral offered the Rodians a lot of money for capturing the case and becoming bounty hunters for the Empire. They accepted. Meanwhile, the bounty hunter returned to Tatooine and suffered the wrath of Jabba. Soon the Rebels found out about this information, and would do their best to find the weapon before the Empire. The chase is on...

The Form

Okay, there are 3 people you can be : Imperial, Rebel or Bounty Hunter. No Jedis/Siths. No light sabers and no force powers. The closest thing we'll get to any of those is a message from Lord Vader.

Name :
Gender :
Age :
Species : (remember that Imperials are all human)(Star Wars species only. No made-ups)
Allegiance : (Imperial, Rebel or Bounty Hunter. If Bounty, choose whether you are either employed by Imperials, Rebels, A Third-Person (e.g. Jabba) or a free agent)
Personality :
Looks :
Weapon : (this is your main weapon. Don't have anything extraordinary)
Ship : (usually a Starfighter if Rebel, Shuttle if Imperial or Customised if Bounty Hunter, but can differ)
Inventory : (stuff for Bounty Hunters but can be for Rebels and Imperials)
Other :

I'll do mine later. I'm having the Imperial Admiral of the Nar Shaddaa Imperial Convoy, though. Up to 3 characters each.