I know most of you have read my fics and don't know who the heck Steve and Peri are; this fan fic will clear up everything. (hopefully) I’ve separated them in sagas. The Steve saga and The Peri saga. They’ll be in the same thread though. Anyway, to make sure you don’t fall asleep, here’s the fic.

We find our heroes in pallet town, and Ash is playing pokemon yellow in Prof oaks computer. Tha've been though allot, The indigo league, The orange league, The jhoto league, Misty leaving, Haruka joining, The houin league, Misty coming back and Haruka leaving to become a gym leader.

"Nice game, but I can't seem to play it right, I think I'm better at pokemon training in real life than on pokemon yellow," said Ash.

"I can certainly see that," said Prof. Oak.

“So, are there any more pokemon leagues for me to beat?” Said Ash, being cocky.

“Well, there is one,” said Prof. Oak. “It’s called, The Fire Ball league, it’s one of the toughest pokemon leagues ever. But that’s never stopped you has it?” Said Prof. Oak.

“Nope,” said Ash.

“Another journey, already? But we just recently got here!” Complained Misty.

“Don’t worry, Misty, we’ll set off tomorrow,” said Ash.

“Oh, ok,” said Misty.

End chapter. Steve isn’t in it yet cuz this is just the beginning.