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Thread: Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    I was humming the theme tune to Titanic, then I realised something. Jack didn't get on the raft at the end because he wanted to speak to the dolphins at the bottom of the ocean (and because kate winslet is fugly).

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?

    1) it would be a love story. but of course, at the same time based on the protagonists longing for another penguin...a hotter, penguin...with a pink bow.
    2) Lion king. I cried. followed by finding nemo.
    3) hyena's. I'd ask what they found so funny *ba dum cha*
    4) .....giant eagle, from LOTR.
    5) I sense televisions. seriously. put me 20ft outside a room and ask me if a TV is switched on it the room (with no sound on) and I could sense it!
    6).....jaffa cakes.


  2. #2
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    Um... A Pokemon movie with all of the latest animation techniques.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    My favorite Disney movie would most likely have to be the Lion King, since it is just so good. It is one of the few Disney movies that I can still stand to watch.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    I would ask a dolphin how to understand their method of communication.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    I would be a chimera.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    My sixth sense? Don't have one. I have never been in a car accident.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g.
    chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    Must... Have... REESE'S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!!!!

  3. #3
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1.) Batman and the X-men take on Stormtroopers while trying to rescue Indiana Jones with the help of Worf.

    2.) The Black Cauldron, I loved that movie. It wasn't as kitschy as the Disney movies normally are, in fact sometimes even scary (for a young kid) and it had the medievil-fantasy setting I like.

    3.) I'd ask our neighbour's stupid dog why he's always barking at me for no apparant reason.

    4.) A dragon, sitting on a pile of gold and sleeping all day. Oh joy.

    5.) I sometimes have the feeling like someone is opening a door when I'm alone in the house. No idea what's causing that. It's an odd sense, heh.

    6.) Veggie soup.
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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  4. #4
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    A live action Legend of Zelda. Peter Jackson could direct...

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    I like so many! My Faves however are: Lion King, Little Mermaid, Nightmare Before Christmas, and Finding Nemo

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    A monkey. I'd ask it if it would be my friend.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    A bear or tiger (thinks back to playing Altered Beast...) Yeah, that'd be sweet.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    I can hear electricity. Like, if there's going to be a thunderstorm, I can hear it before hand. Never get any peace and quiet though, unless there's a power outage.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g.
    chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    Ravioli. And not Chef Boyarcrap... I mean, real-life, homemade Ravioli with home-made sauce and everything. Mmmm... just like-a my mama used to make!

  5. #5

    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    It would be a futuristic sci-fi comedy thriller written by Victoria Wood and starring Maureen Lipman as a 31st century part-time scientist who tries to prevent the apocalypse by travelling back in time and destroying Britain's stockpiles of candlewick pedestal mats.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    The Return Of Jafar. Much more original and with a better plot than Aladdin, with the brilliant Iago at the centre of things. Funnier script, better songs, less yawnsome numbers like "A Whole New World". Monsters Inc. was also really good, but I'll always prefer Jafar.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    I'd ask rabbits what's with all the carrots, what do they need such good eyesight for anyway? (^^ Feeling a bit Buffy-nostalgic at the moment, heh.)

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    I'd be a magpie, and spend my time flying around hoarding pretty things, picking through people's bins and teasing cats.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    I can smell books before they're written. And no, never been in a car accident, although once a Volvo did run over my hat.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g.
    chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?

    Those Dairy Lea lunchables. They're horrible, but after eternity you'd get pretty sick of anything, and at least with them you could alternate: five months of crackers, five months of cheese, five months of ham, then back to crackers again. By which time you'd probably have actually gone crackers.

  6. #6

    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1. I would make a horror/suspense film ala M. Night Shyamalan. I would probably have my friends help me. Reese and Em could write it, Em and I could do costume design, Milly and I could do set design, and Mars could do camera work.

    2. I am a huuuuuuuuuuuge fan of Mulan. It has been my absolute favorite for a very long time.

    3. I would ask my cat why he has a hair fetish for only my hair. I have always wondered that. Even now that I have short hair he still rubs his face in it...

    4. I would be a cat or a fox. Any kind of animal that could be included in mythology or medevial times is great with me.

    5. I can predict who is on the other end of the phone when it rings.

    6. Crunchy Chicken Strips with lots of ketchup.

  7. #7
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    A darker Pokemon movie. That doesn't star Ash.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    It would be a tie between Aladdin and The Lion King. They both had songs I still sing in the shower. Aladdin had Robin Williams as Genie and The Lion King had Whoopie Goldberg as Shenzi.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    I would ask my dog Sassy why she sometimes drags all of her toys inside and whines when someone takes one of them.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    Dragon. Flying, fire breathing, ripping and tearing creatures. Probably like Draco from Dragonheart.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    I can sense if my brother's trying to sneak in my room while I'm sleeping.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
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  8. #8
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1. Hm... I dunno, maybe a romantic/comedy XP

    2. Hmmm I like Mulan, Tarzan, Bug's Life, Finding Nemo...and as old 'classics' I like aladdin, lion king, and sleeping beauty I have a lot of favorites...hehe

    3. I would ask my ferret where he hid all of my stuff =< he steals everything and hides it somewhere....sometimes its been months before I find any of it again

    4. I think it would be awesome to be a fell beast from lotr =P I dunno, they seem cool 8D

    5. I can sense if something bads about to happen...I hate that feeling

    6. ehm....spaghetti

  9. #9

    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    - A romance...

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    -Beauty and the beast... Because it's a sweet story...

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    - I would talk to a chicken and ask it why it really crossed the road... Lol... No, umm.. I'd probably ask my dog something, but I don't know what...

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    - I guess I'd be a unicorn so I could fly where ever I want with someone on my back...

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    I have all different sixth senses... I dunno I usually know what someone is going to say before they say it and such...

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    - Hmmmmmmm.... Samosas! lol... Even though I have only had them once... Nah.. maybe pizza...

  10. #10
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?


    1. A dark, depressive romance movie with where a teenage girl is separated from her boyfriend after his death, and she realizes she has powers to communicate with the dead, and spends as much time as possible with him, and everybody learns about her secret because of her loud-mouthed, narcisscistic, prep sister, and tries to get to communicate with their loved ones...and goes on from there...

    2. Mulan because it's Ancient China...I've always liked it...

    3. My neighbor's dog. I'd ask it why whenever he sees this prep in our neighborhood, why he has to run over and h**p her leg....o.O

    4. I'd be one of those wolf-dragons like Haku in Spirited pretty....

    5. I can sense when somebody is about to ask me something and what it's about, and answer them/give them what they want/etc.

    6. Potato and Leek Soup....yum.....

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  11. #11
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    It'd be an adventure, with penguins. They'd be like 'oo arr, I be a piratey farmer penguin of sorts and I'm out on an adventure. Lets drink rum with the cows, ye scurvy dogs! Or pirate/farmer penguins as the case may be.' ^_^ It'd be the best movie ever. With action, adventure, comedy and romance, all with penguins. It's just the perfect combination and you know it.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    The Lion King, because the story and the music and the characters all rocked my socks. After seeing the musical when I went to London it just reminded me of how good it is. I really love it all... It's all simply great and I need to watch it again. X_x;

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    Penguins!! ^_^ And I'd ask them 'Why do we hear stories as to why you fall over backwards when a plane flies overhead' and I expect they'd be like 'o.o' because a hyper scottish boy had just asked them something totally stupid.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    A dragon, because they're beautiful and powerful and usually very mysterious with very exciting lives and such. Only problem is that men try to slay you, which is bad. Either that or a penguin because I have a weird obsession with them right now ^_^

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    Like Luthien, I can often tell who will be on the other end of the phone when somebody calls.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    Grapes, because they're sweet and tasty and healthy. It helps if you eat something healthy if you're eating it forever - On the other hand I'd still end up with rickets or something regardless, so it'd still result in badness. Bah. O_o;

  12. #12
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    I dunno...animated?

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    Snow White, for historical reasons.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question, which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    "How did the Wild Thonberries get on TV?"

    Doubt even the animals could answer that one.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    A shapeshifter. Now I can be them all.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'?
    I see dead threads.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    White bread. Plain ol' white bread.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?

    1. some sports film

    2. i think Miracle counts

    3. i'd ask a tiger something very random, like why so many sports teams have "Tigers" as their nickname

    4. dolphin, since i don't know anything about mythology

    5. never been in an accident... my sixth sense: either predicting when something bad will happen to me, or forseeing what will happen every time I play Mario Golf Toadstool Tour

    6. fried chicken

  14. #14
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    ~An action flick in the vein of DBZ X) Light on plot(not really lol), and heavy on explosions and fights. Well it'd have a rich plot to keep you interested too.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    ~Disney? Easy. Pirates of the Carribean.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    ~I'd speak to a dog and ask either - "Why do you sniff other dogs butts?" Or "Are females as crazy for your species as they are for mine?"

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    ~Some kind of dinosaur. Or a Griffen. Then I'd change my name to Peter. X) I'd be Peter Griffen.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    ~o.o ESP.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    ~Boat materials. Then I'd build a boat and go get more food. I win.

  15. #15
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    It would probably be a comedy. I really love comedy films and I guess it would be really cool to make my own one. I probably wouldn't be able to write up the funniest lines but I could emply people to do that. Another possibility would be an event in history, I think historical films like Titanic and Troy and stuff are all very interesting. Braveheart is a world classic IMO.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    I really can't just pick one. I've really loved all the Disney/Pixar ones, 'Finding Nemo' was just fantastic and so hilarious. I've always liked 'Sleeping Beauty' because the three faeries are funny and the storyline is really good. Plus their dresses are colourful, lol.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    God this is a hard selection of questions. I'd probably ask it about animal rights/cruelty or something. I might be something as dumb as 'favourite food li'l bunny?'

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    Ock I don't know! Too many options. It would be good to be something that could live in land, sea AND air...dunno if there is any creature of that sort though. Perhaps a giant tortoise, because they live to like 200 years old. I'd like to see what changes in such a long period of time.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    Thankfully I've never been in a car accident. Sixth sense, I seem to know when people like/don't like me, heh.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETE[RNITY?
    Probably crisps. I'm addicted.
    Silver Ledian
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  16. #16
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    Default Re: Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?

    A live-action Hamtaro film.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)

    Eh... dunno.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?

    I'd ask a chicken what came first, it or the egg.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?

    Anything as long as its fluffy and poisonous.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?

    Yeah, I've ben in a minor car accident... someone rear-ended the car.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?

    Eh... toughie. Wait... mandarin oranges. Those thing are > everything.

  17. #17
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    Default blue peter

    lol, it's funny you should mention oranges..I'm eating one now our family is addicted to them...we have like 8 in our fruit bowl atm x.o;;;

    I've been in a car accident in Spain btw (to answer my unanswered poll question) - we were in a taxi, and a little boy ran into the road infront of the car infront of we kinda stopped late, and went into the car infront. nothing major though.


  18. #18
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    The movie I make would be a three hour long action comedy starring Jackie Chan, Chris Rock, Will Ferrel, and Jabba the Hutt that is based on Mars during the middle ages.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    Finding Nemo, it was the first animated Disney movie in forever that didn't suck. I don't pay much mind to the live Disney movies.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    I would ask a cat if they could control time. It is from a book I read a long time ago, called Time Cat.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    I would be a unicorn. I don't know why...

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    I don't think I have one. I have been in three accidents that I can recall.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    I would choose lasagna with spinach.

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  19. #19
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1. Sci-fi/fantasy most likely, perhaps based on an Anne McCaffrey or Mercedes Lackey book (if they'd let me).

    2. Have to say Lion King 1 1/2.

    3. My mother's pomeranian. I'd ask him why he's so annoying.

    4. Either a tan or silver dragon (MAYBE gold, but unlikely).

    5. I can sense when electronics are on even if the volume is way down.

    6. Tuna casserole. Or pizza rolls. Either one is good.

  20. #20
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?

    Probably a film involving a lot of real animals (sorta like 101 dalmations live action, babe, etc.) only not those particular movies. Possibly maybe a live action lion king or somethign.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)

    The Lion King. Original plot, great voice talent, amazing artwork, great songs. I also saw the musical when it came to Memphis and it was amazing as well

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?

    Probably a wolf, and ask it what they think about humans

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?

    A wolf no question. Amazing creatures. Beautiful, have great endurance, and some take care of each other in the pack.

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?

    Well i have a tendency of havign deja vu (sp? quite frequently) tough not as much as when i was in high school. Anyway, I've also been in three car accidents, and the worst was when my ex best freind was driving. We were turninginto the slow lane and after we got hit the car spun in circles several times (not sure how many) and ended up facing the wrong way in the fast lane of the side of the street we were turning into

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?

    Probably Papa John's cheesesticks
    Silver Wolf
    Amy's Links

    Adoptees, Captees, Expedia, & Plushies
    Recent Success: Christopher Redman (12-16-11)

    Got CSI?
    Thanks to froggy_freek at lj for the icon

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2001

    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?
    I would choose to make a comedy movie. Something really funny, but not too obscene. I wouldn't want it to be like American Pie or it's sequels, or like Scary Movie, geez. XD

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)
    My favorite Disney movie is The Lion King. ^^ It is really cute, the animation is great, and the storyline is very enjoyable. Maybe it is a little sad, but it is a nice movie. Although Finding Nemo and various other popular Disney movies are cute & funny, they really can't compare to The Lion King.

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question (like that Eliza Thornberry, although she can speak to all animals), which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?
    I know someone has already said this, but it would be interesting to be able to ask a Hyena what they're laughing about. I would probably end up in the hospital if I went up to a vicious animal, though. :P

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?
    Maybe a dolphin. They're really cute, intelligent, and they can swim. ^^ If not, I would choose to be some kind of large bird, since they can fly around to great heights. It would be nice to look over the land from way up there, hehe. ^^;

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?
    Like Eamon, I can sense when someone doesn't like me, whether they pretend to be my friend or not. It has been that way for years. I think its cool, so then I won't fall for a fake person.

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?
    I would choose to eat those chocolates with the raspberry filling for eternity. I can never get tired of them, they're so nice and sweet. ^^ Of course, I would be in terrible condition after I eat so much candy.. I'll be so fat and chunky! XD

  22. #22

    Default Poll: I see dead tv's, lions, film directors, turnips, eagles, eliza thornberry's..

    1) If you had an unlimited amount of money to produce and direct your own film, what kinda film would it be?

    Some extremely epic movie thats based in prehistoric times. Since it would have an unlimited budget it would try to be as non-cheesey as possible.

    2) What's your favourite disney movie and why? (e.g. the lion king, finding nemo)

    Aladdin, why? It absoloutely rules thats why. The monkey rocks

    3) If you had the power to speak to one animal and ask ONE question which kinda animal would you choose to speak to and what would the question be?

    It would be to my 1 eyed dog, I would ask it if it likes me.

    4) If you had to be an animal or beast (lets including mythology here) which animal or beast would you choose to be?

    the griffon

    5) What's your 'sixth sense'? if you dont have one then answer this instead: have you ever been in a car accident?

    Im sort of like you, Jay. I can sense when electronics are on from far away

    6) If you were on an island, forever, and had unlimited water supplies, but you could only ever eat one item of food (e.g. chocolate, turnips) what would you choose to eat for ETERNITY?

    Lo Mein

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