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Thread: {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

  1. #41
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Plague » Ignoring the little lovebirds and the Absol who is looking increasingly queasy, you wander on through to the next room, brushing past the side of the doorway as you do so. You can't see very much in here, so you venture into the center of the room and get quite a shock when you step into a puddle! Then you hear splashing sounds, and as you focus your eyes, you can see a Starmie in a small body of water in front of you. Her crystalline gem is gleaming several different colours in the dim light. What would you like to do?
    South Caverns

    I'll continue on...

  2. #42

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    Soggy – I think releasing a captee is free.
    You send out your newly captured Squirtle and hand him a pair of sparkling sunglasses. The turtle gladly accepts them and strikes a fancy pose to show off. Then he approaches his Mudkip friend and waves goodbye. Not wanting the Mudkip to feel lonely, you release your Togetic and tell it to keep the Mudkip company. The Mudkip rejoices at having a cheerful new friend and they both hug and wave goodbye at you.
    What will you do next?
    Continue searching in the Meadow...


  3. #43
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    [QUOTE]Gasping, Machop turns and begins to explain to the Meditite just what was going on; she gasps in amazmenet, then turns and stares at you. She can’t seem to believe what she’s just heard. Machop looks at you in confusion-he didn’t think it was such a great battle.
    Suddenly, you hear an angry roar behind you- you look up and see Geodude and Mankey stick their heads back into the room, smirk…then jump back as an angry Breloom runs in. Looks like they decided to get one of their friends to help them out. Meditite gasps, but then runs over to where she was origionally standing and yells at you to follow her.
    What are you going to do? [QUOTE]

    East Cavern

    I'll follow her

  4. #44
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Question, do I still have the same pokemon as before I requested to be banned? Lol, I should be able to answer that on my own but can't.

    If so I won't come back here.. Congrats on the new workers.

  5. #45
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    Aquatic Fury~ Remember the location please.

    You scramble out of the water and pat the eager Quagsire- who promptly yells out in delight and goes to headbutt you again, but stops in its tracks when the Totodile shoots a Water Gun at him. It then dives down, leaving Quagsire soaked and confused, which Spheal seems to find even funnier.
    You shake your head and ask the Quagsire if he will help you find Lapras and then Spheals' mother; he thinks for a second, then smiles and nods, before diving into the water.
    You sit down, expecting there to be a long wait, when his head suddenly pops out of the water, and he’s smiling. Next second, Lapras’ head emerges from the water-she’s smiling too, and indicates that you should climb on her back.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: River

    I'll slowly climb onto the Lapras's back and let it swim to where it wants to take me. If it finds Spheal's mother, I'll pat it on the head and grin widely at it. Then, I'll ask Lapras and Quagsire if they want to come with me. If they do, I'll catch them in two Pokeballs. After that, I'll go over to Spheal and escort it too its mother, and then I'll give them some time alone to reunite.

  6. #46
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    classy_cat18 – Cinders steps up and confronts the two Sableyes. You tell it to use Sunny Day to drive them off and the Cyndaquil complies. He ignites the flames on his back and his entire body glows with an orange light. Though there is no sun in the caverns, the bright light itself is enough to make the Sableyes run away. After the dark Pokemon have fled, the light fades. The Girafarig trots up happily to you and licks your cheek in affection.
    What will you do next?

    Green Lanturn – You decide to move on, with your Lunatone following you. The Porygon doesn’t follow, but merely stays still, floating in midair. You march on forward until you come across a large round hill. Climbing up, you realize the hill’s surface is extremely smooth, sort of like rubber. Now standing up high, you get a wide new view of the meadows. Red and yellow flowers dot the green grass and in the distance, you spot a Chansey playing with a Chikorita. Suddenly, the hill begins to budge and heave. Startled, you jump off and realize you’ve been standing on a sleeping Snorlax! The Snorlax yawns and scratches its belly, but then immediately falls asleep again.
    What will you do next?

    Kyle – You wave and say hi to the Mr. Mime. Being a mime, the humanoid Pokemon cannot speak and merely waves to you. Walking away in search of some more Pokemon, you round the corner and enter a large chamber with a subterranean lake in the middle. Near the shore of the lake sits a Slowpoke, just staring off into the distance, with its tailed dipped in the water. Suddenly, you hear the sound of heavy footsteps drawing closer. From the opposite end of the room, a large Metagross ambles in, its four powerful legs crushing every rock that it steps on. But the Slowpoke doesn’t budge, and doesn’t even seem to notice.
    What will you do next?

    Plague – Backing away from the water, you walk around the water’s edge until you reach the opposite side. Here, you see a massive and bulky Crawdaunt surfacing from underwater. Just then, a Vulpix enters the room and walks casually forward, waving its multiple tails. Turning your head, you discover a narrow passage way where the Vulpix came from, leading deeper into the caverns. Another fire dog Pokemon walks in behind the Vulpix, a small, but menacing Houndour.
    What will you do next?

    Soggy – You give one final goodbye to the Togetic and Mudkip before you both turn around and go your separate ways. You continue walking for a while, not seeing anything besides miles and miles of tall grass and flowers. Suddenly, an energetic Doduo crosses your path. Turning left to see where it came from, you discover a small green hill with a large tree growing atop it. A Miltank was sleeping peacefully underneath its shade and is now yawning as she wakes up. In the branches of the tree itself, you spot several small blue shapes. It seems a flock of Swablu are perched amongst the branches and leaves.
    What will you do next?

    Wild Eevee – The Meditite quickly runs off and you and your Machop immediately follow her. You can hear the footsteps of the angry Breloom as it runs after you as well. The Meditite leads you up a flight of rough, rocky stairs into a ledge far above the ground. Machop is panting and your legs feel sore, but you keep on running or else the Breloom will catch you. The Meditite rounds a corner and dashes into another room. You follow as well and suddenly come to a halt as you discover a large Xatu staring at you. The Breloom enters the room but immediately stops as well. The Geodude and Mankey also appear. The Meditite quickly tells the Xatu how the three Pokemon who just arrived were trying to fight you. The Xatu doesn’t respond, but his eyes glow bright blue as he unleashes a psychic blast upon your opponents, knocking them backwards. Frightened of Psychic attacks, they quickly run off.
    What will you do next?

    Jay – Well, I don’t know if I have the final say on this, but I guess if you remember all the Pokemon you’ve caught, you can use them here. Hopefully, it won’t be a problem for the other workers/mods.

    Kelly – You gather the two water Pokemon onto the Lapras’s back and then climb aboard as well. The Lapras begins the ride and floats leisurely downstream. You keep a sharp lookout for any sign of the Spheal’s mother. As you round the riverbend, you spot a large Walrein on the shore. The Spheal cries out, indicating that this Walrein is indeed its mother. But she seems to be in the middle of a battle right now against a speedy Sneasel. She tries to attack, but the Sneasel is extremely fast and dodges most of her moves as it scratches the Walrein with its sharp claws.
    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  7. #47

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbirdSoggy – You give one final goodbye to the Togetic and Mudkip before you both turn around and go your separate ways. You continue walking for a while, not seeing anything besides miles and miles of tall grass and flowers. Suddenly, an energetic Doduo crosses your path. Turning left to see where it came from, you discover a small green hill with a large tree growing atop it. A Miltank was sleeping peacefully underneath its shade and is now yawning as she wakes up. In the branches of the tree itself, you spot several small blue shapes. It seems a flock of Swablu are perched amongst the branches and leaves.
    I'll continue on pls.


  8. #48
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    classy_cat18 – Cinders steps up and confronts the two Sableyes. You tell it to use Sunny Day to drive them off and the Cyndaquil complies. He ignites the flames on his back and his entire body glows with an orange light. Though there is no sun in the caverns, the bright light itself is enough to make the Sableyes run away. After the dark Pokemon have fled, the light fades. The Girafarig trots up happily to you and licks your cheek in affection.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    I'll ask if it wants to come with me.
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  9. #49
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    Kyle – You wave and say hi to the Mr. Mime. Being a mime, the humanoid Pokemon cannot speak and merely waves to you. Walking away in search of some more Pokemon, you round the corner and enter a large chamber with a subterranean lake in the middle. Near the shore of the lake sits a Slowpoke, just staring off into the distance, with its tailed dipped in the water. Suddenly, you hear the sound of heavy footsteps drawing closer. From the opposite end of the room, a large Metagross ambles in, its four powerful legs crushing every rock that it steps on. But the Slowpoke doesn’t budge, and doesn’t even seem to notice.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    I'll keep going.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #50
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Kelly – You gather the two water Pokemon onto the Lapras’s back and then climb aboard as well. The Lapras begins the ride and floats leisurely downstream. You keep a sharp lookout for any sign of the Spheal’s mother. As you round the riverbend, you spot a large Walrein on the shore. The Spheal cries out, indicating that this Walrein is indeed its mother. But she seems to be in the middle of a battle right now against a speedy Sneasel. She tries to attack, but the Sneasel is extremely fast and dodges most of her moves as it scratches the Walrein with its sharp claws.
    What will you do next?
    I'll help out Walrein by sending out my level 8 Diglett and pulverizing Sneasel with Rock Slide. Then, while the Sneasel is weakened, I'll ask Walrein to quickly get in the water and swim away with its baby Spheal.
    Then, going over to Lapras and Quagsire, I will ask them if they would be willing to come with me. If they are, I'll capture them in a Pokeball!
    Then, if Sneasel has recovered and is chasing after Walrein again, I'll hit it with another Rock Slide. If it's weakened again, I'll throw a Great Ball at it.
    (note: Diglett's bred-on TM move is Rock Slide, I bought a Great Ball at the Kiosk before, I'm pretty sure you start out with 5 Pokeballs and I bought 4 at the Kiosk also.)

  11. #51
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Ignoring the first few Pokémon you see, you press on eagerly into the Meadow.
    As you walk, the grass begins to gradually grow longer..and longer..and longer..until eventually you’re totally enclosed. Pausing for a second to try and catch your bearings, you suddenly hear a sound of munching nearby-you edge over to the source of the sound and see a Stantler busy grazing in a small opening. It looks up as you step out of the shade, but then returns to its meal.
    Glancing round, you hear a small laugh from behind you; suddenly, an Azurill leaps out from behind you, lands on your shoulder and dives back into the grass.
    What are you going to do?

    Smiling, you ask the Girafarig if it wants to come with you-it doesn’t need to be asked twice and happily nuzzles you.

    Girafarig F L14

    What are you going to do now?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Leaving the two Pokémon alone, you walk into the next cave.
    As you walk, you begin to feel strangely light-headed; you continue on anyways and next second, you’re face to face with an Exeggutor. It’s dancing around, letting off clouds of different coloured powder.
    You back hastily out of range and ponder what you’re going to do next. A slight movement behind signals the arrival of an Absol, which looks at the Exeggutor and snarls angrily.
    What are you going to do?

    Aquatic Fury~Remember the location please.

    You throw a Poké Ball, releasing your Diglett. With a quick command, you order it to use Rock Slide on the Sneasel.
    It complies and begins launching a barrage of rocks at the Dark cat, which howls and slinks off, hissing angrily.
    Quickly, you turn to Walrein and tell it and Spheal to go. It nods and motions for Spheal, who looks at you sadly before diving into the water after its mother.
    Now that Spheal's returned to its mother, you go over to Lapras and Quagsire and ask them if they want to come with you; Quagsire smiles and eagerly jumps inside the Poké Ball.

    Quagsire M L15

    Lapras is less eager. She frowns, then asks you to wait a second before diving under the water.
    What are you going to do while you wait?

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Hannah –
    With a great feeling of sadness, you release your two Sneasels. Li and Ralex wave goodbye to you before they dart off into the wilderness.

    With two less Pokemon in your collection, you decide to head into the Forest to encounter some more. The area is sunny, although the large masses of trees and bushes provide plenty of shade. You scan the area and spot a Treecko pressed against the trunk of a tree. Down below, a bundle of leaves shake and you discover an Oddish with its face buried in the ground. They seem to be scared of something… Suddenly, a shadow passes overhead and you realize what they’re hiding from - a large Skarmory is swooping overhead!
    What will you do next?

    I'll continue on.

  12. #52
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    Aquatic Fury~Remember the location please.

    You throw a Poké Ball, releasing your Diglett. With a quick command, you order it to use Rock Slide on the Sneasel.
    It complies and begins launching a barrage of rocks at the Dark cat, which howls and slinks off, hissing angrily.
    Quickly, you turn to Walrein and tell it and Spheal to go. It nods and motions for Spheal, who looks at you sadly before diving into the water after its mother.
    Now that Spheal's returned to its mother, you go over to Lapras and Quagsire and ask them if they want to come with you; Quagsire smiles and eagerly jumps inside the Poké Ball.

    Quagsire M L15

    Lapras is less eager. She frowns, then asks you to wait a second before diving under the water.
    What are you going to do while you wait?
    Location: River

    I'll send out Quagsire, and let it play in the water for a while as I wait for Lapras to resurface. Then, I'll ask Diglett if it wants a drink out of the river. If it doesn't I'll call it back into my Pokeball.

  13. #53
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    Jay – Well, I don’t know if I have the final say on this, but I guess if you remember all the Pokemon you’ve caught, you can use them here. Hopefully, it won’t be a problem for the other workers/mods.
    I talked about it with the mods and they said I could.

    Thanks anyway.

  14. #54
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Green Lanturn – You decide to move on, with your Lunatone following you. The Porygon doesn’t follow, but merely stays still, floating in midair. You march on forward until you come across a large round hill. Climbing up, you realize the hill’s surface is extremely smooth, sort of like rubber. Now standing up high, you get a wide new view of the meadows. Red and yellow flowers dot the green grass and in the distance, you spot a Chansey playing with a Chikorita. Suddenly, the hill begins to budge and heave. Startled, you jump off and realize you’ve been standing on a sleeping Snorlax! The Snorlax yawns and scratches its belly, but then immediately falls asleep again.
    What will you do next?

    Oh my! Ill sarcastically thank the snorlax for the warning and then ill just continue on.

    ...just call me G.L.

  15. #55
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Sneasel(h)Obsessive » Walking on through the greenery that is the Forest, you hear a vicious tweeting noise. Pressing through a bush, you peer over at the source of the sound and see a Doduo in a small clearing. Its two heads seem to be having a disagreement, and they're pecking at each other fiercely, as they both believe they're in the right. After a while, their necks get tangled and they end up giggling. What do you want to do?

    Aquatic Fury » Are you sure you're in the Desert? O_o

    You send out Quagsire to play in the water, and he does so happily. Bursting out, he lands in the drink with a plonk. Swimming about happily, you look at your reflection whilst waiting for Lapras to come back up. Pondering over what she's doing down there, you then decide to ask Diglett if he'd like a drink. He nods his head - Well, his whole body. What you can see, anyway. But that's beside the point. He said yes, and so hemakes his way across to the waters edge, and starts lapping it up.

    I'm unsure whether to update more, because I don't know if you're at an oasis or something.

    Green Lanturn » With sarcasm obviously oozing from your voice, you thank the Snorlax, but it doesn't make any difference. He's fast asleep. Giving a little sigh, you walk on through the Meadow. After walking for about 10 minutes you feel static electricity in the air. You stand there uncomfortably, unsure what is making the air like this. Then, taking a few steps, you see an Electabuzz giving off this power, as he's charging up a Thunderpunch! What are you going to do?

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Cheesey - You ask the Bagon if it would like the follow you. The tired Bagon remains silent for a while, but finally tries to get up on its legs. He staggers for a bit, but suddenly collapses back down, groaning in pain. Saddened by the sight, you release your Vaporeon out to its aid. Azure glows bright blue and a forms twinkling star-shaped orb in the air. The orb descends upon the Bagon and covers it in a blue light. After the Wish fades, you see that most of the Bagon's wounds have healed and it is feeling refreshed again. It happily follows you as you continue around the East Caverns. As you round a corner, you begin to approach a dead-end. But on the rocky wall in front of you is a Sableye staring back at you with it's gleaming diamond eyes.
    What will you do next?
    East Caverns

    I'll backtrack.

  16. #56
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Oops, no, I'm in the River. Sorry. Location mistake.
    I won't post what I want to do just in case you want to change anything because of the location mix-up.

  17. #57
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Leaving the two Pokémon alone, you walk into the next cave.
    As you walk, you begin to feel strangely light-headed; you continue on anyways and next second, you’re face to face with an Exeggutor. It’s dancing around, letting off clouds of different coloured powder.
    You back hastily out of range and ponder what you’re going to do next. A slight movement behind signals the arrival of an Absol, which looks at the Exeggutor and snarls angrily.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    I'm not really interested in an Exeggutor, not to mention I have an adopted Absol, so I'll move on.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  18. #58
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    Smiling, you ask the Girafarig if it wants to come with you-it doesn’t need to be asked twice and happily nuzzles you.

    Girafarig F L14

    What are you going to do now?
    South Caverns

    Kawaii! Hey, I'll name her that. I'll put her in a pokeball and move to the Forest.
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  19. #59
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    The Meditite quickly runs off and you and your Machop immediately follow her. You can hear the footsteps of the angry Breloom as it runs after you as well. The Meditite leads you up a flight of rough, rocky stairs into a ledge far above the ground. Machop is panting and your legs feel sore, but you keep on running or else the Breloom will catch you. The Meditite rounds a corner and dashes into another room. You follow as well and suddenly come to a halt as you discover a large Xatu staring at you. The Breloom enters the room but immediately stops as well. The Geodude and Mankey also appear. The Meditite quickly tells the Xatu how the three Pokemon who just arrived were trying to fight you. The Xatu doesn’t respond, but his eyes glow bright blue as he unleashes a psychic blast upon your opponents, knocking them backwards. Frightened of Psychic attacks, they quickly run off.
    East cavern

    I'll thank Meditite and Xatu.

  20. #60

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    Ignoring the first few Pokémon you see, you press on eagerly into the Meadow.
    As you walk, the grass begins to gradually grow longer..and longer..and longer..until eventually you’re totally enclosed. Pausing for a second to try and catch your bearings, you suddenly hear a sound of munching nearby-you edge over to the source of the sound and see a Stantler busy grazing in a small opening. It looks up as you step out of the shade, but then returns to its meal.
    Glancing round, you hear a small laugh from behind you; suddenly, an Azurill leaps out from behind you, lands on your shoulder and dives back into the grass.
    What are you going to do?
    Hmm, I think I'll change, and go to the East Caverns and search for some Pokemon there

    >East Caverns<

  21. #61
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Aquatic Fury
    Oops, no, I'm in the River. Sorry. Location mistake.
    I won't post what I want to do just in case you want to change anything because of the location mix-up.
    Then you'll have to requote what you wanted to do (at the River) if you want to be updated, then. Workers obliged not to update anyone without a quote.

    Also considering you've forgotten the location last time, and now you've forgotten the quote, and you're quite known with the rules, I'd be surprised if the workers updated you. Not a grudge, but that's the way I would work with someone breaking different requirements gradually.

  22. #62
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Aquatic Fury

    Location: River

    I'll send out Quagsire, and let it play in the water for a while as I wait for Lapras to resurface. Then, I'll ask Diglett if it wants a drink out of the river. If it doesn't I'll call it back into my Pokeball.

    If I was "always" supposed to have a quote, then why didn't Cheesey tell me that? I told him I was posting again to tell him that I was in the River, not the Desert, and he was online at the time and I didn't even have to post- I told him in IM.

    You're treating me like I know the rules as a worker, I actually quite rarely post here if you calculate my posts and then compare it to another's postcount in this thread
    I had figured he would edit his post if he wanted to change something, shoot me for using common sense ._.; either

  23. #63
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Cheesey should know better. He may not be as strict, but it does say a quote is required each time -- It's quite obvious. I don't know why he'd let you off, but okay.

    I'm just telling people where they're going wrong... You don't need to tell me off for that. It's known as 'helping'.

    By the way, did the workers get bored of working here already? It's working towards a week that this place hasn't been updated..

  24. #64
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Quickly edging back the way you came, you almost stumble over the Bagon, who looks at you oddly but continues to follow you as you head down a different passage.
    Soon, you begin to hear a slight splashing-you round the corner and see a massive pool of water stretching across the floor of the next cave. As you look at it, there's another splash and a Carvanha bursts out; next second, more and more begin to emerge, until the whole pool is a mass of churning water and snarling Pokémon. This is obviously their territory, and they don't like intruders.
    What are you going to do?

    Aquatic Fury~ Hmm, seeing as Cheesey already updated the first part, I'll just add a part onto his.

    You send out Quagsire to play in the water, and he does so happily. Bursting out, he lands in the drink with a plonk. Swimming about happily, you look at your reflection whilst waiting for Lapras to come back up. Pondering over what she's doing down there, you then decide to ask Diglett if he'd like a drink. He nods his head - Well, his whole body. What you can see, anyway. But that's beside the point. He said yes, and so hemakes his way across to the waters edge, and starts lapping it up.
    You watch your two Pokémon for a while, when you notice the water rippling; then with a splash, Lapras bursts out of the water, along with a Remoraid. She looks at you and anounces that she will come with you if you can beat her in a battle, and that Remoraid will ref the battle, if you agree.
    What are you going to do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Edging quickly around Exeggutor, you hurry on into the next cavern.
    As you walk, you gradually become aware of something crying softly in front of you. Wondering what it is, you step closer and see a small Numel crouched on the floor, tears streaming down its face. It looks up as you approach, but suddenly snaps its head round; it’s heard something behind it.
    Next second, a couple of Ponyta’s come galloping into the cavern; they skid to a halt when they see Numel and instantly burst out laughing.
    What are you going to do?

    You tell your new Girafarig her new name, and she happily squeals, before jumping inside the Poké Ball.
    Excited with your new capture, you decide to head to the Forest.
    Large trees loom above your head, cutting out nearly all the light. Unsure where to go, you notice a movement in the shadows underneath one of the trees; you see a flash of light- then a Venonat jumps out and stares at you.
    As it does, you hear a rustle from above; a flock of Spearow are perched in the tree above you, and they’re now looking at the Venonat with nasty looks in their eyes.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    You thank Meditite and the Xatu; Xatu simply nods, then takes flight, swooping out of the cavern and out of sight. The Meditite looks at you and smiles- she really seems to have taken a liking to you.
    You look around, partly because you’re slightly unsure what to do next, and partly to ignore Meditite, who looks slightly disappointed.
    A swishing of wings suddenly comes from the direction Xatu went in-then stops; but you can’t see what it was.
    What are you going to do?

    You decide to try your luck elsewhere, and leave the Meadow and enter the East Caverns.
    After the brightness of the Meadow, you find yourself nearly blinded by the darkness, which only lifts slightly as your eyes adjust.
    Realising that you’re not going to find anything just standing there, you press on eagerly and eventually find a tiny little Tyrogue squaring off against a Heracross. It’s shouting and charging at the larger Pokémon, which gently knocks it aside; it promptly jumps up again and tries again. Looks like you’ve just stumbled into a training session.
    A Sneasel is sitting on a high rock, overlooking the area, watching the training with interest.
    What are you going to do?

    Originally posted by Cheesey
    Sneasel(h)Obsessive » Walking on through the greenery that is the Forest, you hear a vicious tweeting noise. Pressing through a bush, you peer over at the source of the sound and see a Doduo in a small clearing. Its two heads seem to be having a disagreement, and they're pecking at each other fiercely, as they both believe they're in the right. After a while, their necks get tangled and they end up giggling. What do you want to do?

    I'll ignore it and continue on.

  25. #65
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Edging quickly around Exeggutor, you hurry on into the next cavern.
    As you walk, you gradually become aware of something crying softly in front of you. Wondering what it is, you step closer and see a small Numel crouched on the floor, tears streaming down its face. It looks up as you approach, but suddenly snaps its head round; it’s heard something behind it.
    Next second, a couple of Ponyta’s come galloping into the cavern; they skid to a halt when they see Numel and instantly burst out laughing.
    What are you going to do?[/B]
    South Caverns

    Hmm, another one of these teasing situations... o_O

    I'm going to ask both Ponyta if they were bothering this Numel. If they (or the Numel) tell(s) me they have, I am going to strictly order the Ponyta to leave the Numel alone. If they refuse, I am going to send out Mystic (my male Abra) and Ariana (my female Vaporeon) and have them use a Psychic and a Bubblebeam on the Ponyta respectively.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  26. #66
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    [i]Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    Aquatic Fury~ Hmm, seeing as Cheesey already updated the first part, I'll just add a part onto his.

    You send out Quagsire to play in the water, and he does so happily. Bursting out, he lands in the drink with a plonk. Swimming about happily, you look at your reflection whilst waiting for Lapras to come back up. Pondering over what she's doing down there, you then decide to ask Diglett if he'd like a drink. He nods his head - Well, his whole body. What you can see, anyway. But that's beside the point. He said yes, and so hemakes his way across to the waters edge, and starts lapping it up.
    You watch your two Pokémon for a while, when you notice the water rippling; then with a splash, Lapras bursts out of the water, along with a Remoraid. She looks at you and anounces that she will come with you if you can beat her in a battle, and that Remoraid will ref the battle, if you agree.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: River

    I'll accept the Lapras's challenge. I'll send out my newly acquired Quagsire, LV15, male.
    I'll wait for battle scenario to choose my first attack towards it.

  27. #67
    ***SLARTIBARTFAST*** Elite Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Sorry, I was kinda busy this week, but I’ll be able to make more updates during the weekend.

    Hannah – Ignoring the awkward bird, you amble past them and continue deeper into the forest. All is quiet except for the rustle of the leaves below you and the melodious chirping of songbirds in the treetops. Suddenly, a series of loud caws pierce through the forest and you turn your head up to see a flock of Murkrows flying by. Where are they going? You jog a few paces until you see a massive Tropius in front of you. The crow Pokemon are pecking at the Tropius’s neck, trying to reach some of its tasty bananas that it has.
    What will you do next?

    Kyle – You ask the Ponytas if they were bothering the poor Numel, and they both shake their heads. One of them steps up and points to something behind the Numel. There is a figure hidden in the shadows and it suddenly steps up to become more visible. You discover that a Sableye has been behind all this. It suddenly leaps up, yelling and making a scary face. The Ponytas trot away in fright and the Numel bursts out in tears once more.
    What will you do next?

    Kelly – Tossing a PokeBall into the air, your newly captured Quagsire pops out onto the shore. He wags his tail like a dog and is eager to battle the Lapras. The Remoraid splashes about to catch everyone’s attention and lays out the rules. The battle will take place in the River and neither Pokemon can go on dry land. If the Quagsire manages to defeat the Lapras, you are free to throw a Ball to capture her. The Quagsire nods and leaps into the water, swimming until he is opposite of the Lapras and ready to fight.
    What will you do next?

    ~* - Pokemon art and game info!

  28. #68
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Kelly – Tossing a PokeBall into the air, your newly captured Quagsire pops out onto the shore. He wags his tail like a dog and is eager to battle the Lapras. The Remoraid splashes about to catch everyone’s attention and lays out the rules. The battle will take place in the River and neither Pokemon can go on dry land. If the Quagsire manages to defeat the Lapras, you are free to throw a Ball to capture her. The Quagsire nods and leaps into the water, swimming until he is opposite of the Lapras and ready to fight.
    What will you do next?
    Location: River

    First, I'll tell Quagsire to jump out of the water and use Slam on Lapras. After that, pulverize it with Water Gun. Then, use Slam again.
    Keep using moves in that pattern until Lapras either defeats Quagsire or gives in.

  29. #69
    Yes, I am green! Advanced Trainer
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9


    Ive decided to end my capture streak for now. As you can see, im a bit inactive as of late, so i figure, im good with what i have for now.

    Thanks to Cheesey, Aragornbird, and Sneasel for all the updates!

    Pokes: Venomoth, Steelix, Charmander, Trapinch, Rhyhorn, Lunatone, Spheal, and Skiploom

    ...just call me G.L.

  30. #70
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    You thank Meditite and the Xatu; Xatu simply nods, then takes flight, swooping out of the cavern and out of sight. The Meditite looks at you and smiles- she really seems to have taken a liking to you. You look around, partly because you’re slightly unsure what to do next, and partly to ignore Meditite, who looks slightly disappointed.
    A swishing of wings suddenly comes from the direction Xatu went in-then stops; but you can’t see what it was.
    What are you going to do?
    East cavern

    I'll ask Meditite if she want's to stay with me then go see what it is.

  31. #71

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    You decide to try your luck elsewhere, and leave the Meadow and enter the East Caverns.
    After the brightness of the Meadow, you find yourself nearly blinded by the darkness, which only lifts slightly as your eyes adjust.
    Realising that you’re not going to find anything just standing there, you press on eagerly and eventually find a tiny little Tyrogue squaring off against a Heracross. It’s shouting and charging at the larger Pokémon, which gently knocks it aside; it promptly jumps up again and tries again. Looks like you’ve just stumbled into a training session.
    A Sneasel is sitting on a high rock, overlooking the area, watching the training with interest.
    What are you going to do?
    Ignore them, and continue searching.

    >East Caverns<

  32. #72
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Aquatic Fury~
    Hastily giving, your orders to your Pokémon, Quagsire nods and ducks into the water-only to burst out a second later, and comes crashing down onto Lapras’s back, causing it to cry out in alarm. Not waiting a second, Quagsire shoots out a fast stream of water…which misses as Lapras dives under water.
    Startled, Quagsire lands back in the water and tries to locate its foe, so it can perform another Slam. A ripple from the left seems to signal Lapras’s return, and Quagsire shoots straight for it, but is knocked aside as Lapras suddenly surfaces beneath it. Gasping, it tries to turn round to attack, but Lapras keeps on diving, then re-emerging. She is gradually driving Quagsire towards the land-when Quagsire breaks free and smacks into her head. She howls and lurches away, moaning and shaking her head. You’re unsure if this means that she accepts her loss, or if she’s just preparing to resume the battle.
    What are you going to do?

    Green Lanturn~
    Ok, it’s been nice having you here

    Wild Eevee~
    You ask Meditite is she wants to come with you, and she squeals, delighted that you’ve got the point at last.

    Meditite F L8

    Wondering what the sound of wings was from, you head off in the direction and as you do, you’re aware of something flying above-but it doesn’t bother you, and before long, a Heracross comes into view-with one of its wings badly torn. It must have been trying to get away from something but couldn’t continue flying. It looks up as you approach and starts to motion about wildly, indicating that there’s something ahead.
    What are you going to do?

    Leaving the Pokémon to their training, you walk on eagerly.
    As you continue, you hear what sounds like a cheer coming from the direction you’re heading in-and as you enter the large cavern, you see what it is.
    A Makuhita is bouncing up and down, punching its fists in the air as a Meditite sprints from one end of the cave to the other. Suddenly, it skids to a stop….and starts glowing! Next second, to your surprise, it evolves into a Medicham.
    Makuhita instantly starts to cheer and applaud loudly, and begins happily dancing round the other Pokémon.
    What are you going to do?

    Originally posted by aragornbird

    Hannah – Ignoring the awkward bird, you amble past them and continue deeper into the forest. All is quiet except for the rustle of the leaves below you and the melodious chirping of songbirds in the treetops. Suddenly, a series of loud caws pierce through the forest and you turn your head up to see a flock of Murkrows flying by. Where are they going? You jog a few paces until you see a massive Tropius in front of you. The crow Pokemon are pecking at the Tropius’s neck, trying to reach some of its tasty bananas that it has.
    What will you do next?

    I'll send out Deveus(Houndoom M L17) and have him use Roar on the Murkrow to drive the Murkrow away, then, if Tropius is hurt in anyway, send out Hlepand(Umbreon M L9) and have him use Wish.
    Once Tropius is ok, I'll return my two Pokemon and continue on.

  33. #73
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    Aquatic Fury~
    Hastily giving, your orders to your Pokémon, Quagsire nods and ducks into the water-only to burst out a second later, and comes crashing down onto Lapras’s back, causing it to cry out in alarm. Not waiting a second, Quagsire shoots out a fast stream of water…which misses as Lapras dives under water.
    Startled, Quagsire lands back in the water and tries to locate its foe, so it can perform another Slam. A ripple from the left seems to signal Lapras’s return, and Quagsire shoots straight for it, but is knocked aside as Lapras suddenly surfaces beneath it. Gasping, it tries to turn round to attack, but Lapras keeps on diving, then re-emerging. She is gradually driving Quagsire towards the land-when Quagsire breaks free and smacks into her head. She howls and lurches away, moaning and shaking her head. You’re unsure if this means that she accepts her loss, or if she’s just preparing to resume the battle.
    What are you going to do?
    Location: River

    I'll ask Lapras if it has given in and will allow me to catch it. If so, I'll throw a Pokeball at it and continue on. However, if it's not going to give in, I'll ask Splash to continue its assault until it gives up.

  34. #74

    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessivesoggy_cardboard~
    Leaving the Pokémon to their training, you walk on eagerly.
    As you continue, you hear what sounds like a cheer coming from the direction you’re heading in-and as you enter the large cavern, you see what it is.
    A Makuhita is bouncing up and down, punching its fists in the air as a Meditite sprints from one end of the cave to the other. Suddenly, it skids to a stop….and starts glowing! Next second, to your surprise, it evolves into a Medicham.
    Makuhita instantly starts to cheer and applaud loudly, and begins happily dancing round the other Pokémon.
    What are you going to do?
    Continue searching pls

    >East Caverns<

  35. #75
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by aragornbird
    Kyle – You ask the Ponytas if they were bothering the poor Numel, and they both shake their heads. One of them steps up and points to something behind the Numel. There is a figure hidden in the shadows and it suddenly steps up to become more visible. You discover that a Sableye has been behind all this. It suddenly leaps up, yelling and making a scary face. The Ponytas trot away in fright and the Numel bursts out in tears once more.
    What will you do next?
    South Caverns

    I am going to shout angrily to the Sableye to leave the Numel alone (while telling the Numel I want to try and help it before I go for the Sableye). Incase the Sableye goes after me, I am going to send out Mystic and have him Teleport me and the Numel to a different room.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  36. #76
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive

    You tell your new Girafarig her new name, and she happily squeals, before jumping inside the Poké Ball.
    Excited with your new capture, you decide to head to the Forest.
    Large trees loom above your head, cutting out nearly all the light. Unsure where to go, you notice a movement in the shadows underneath one of the trees; you see a flash of light- then a Venonat jumps out and stares at you.
    As it does, you hear a rustle from above; a flock of Spearow are perched in the tree above you, and they’re now looking at the Venonat with nasty looks in their eyes.
    What are you going to do?
    Let out Kawaii and get her to tell the Spearow to leave the Venonat alone.
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

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  37. #77
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    You ask Meditite is she wants to come with you, and she squeals, delighted that you’ve got the point at last.
    Meditite F L8
    Wondering what the sound of wings was from, you head off in the direction and as you do, you’re aware of something flying above-but it doesn’t bother you, and before long, a Heracross comes into view-with one of its wings badly torn. It must have been trying to get away from something but couldn’t continue flying. It looks up as you approach and starts to motion about wildly, indicating that there’s something ahead.
    What are you going to do?
    East Cavern

    I'll have Meditite go see if he's OK and ask whats over there.

  38. #78
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Aquatic Fury~
    Eagerly, you ask the Lapras if she is going to give which she responds with an angry cry and immediately dives at Splash, who gets the hint and gets back into a battle position.
    Commanding your Pokémon to continue as he was doing, you watch as Splash begins to frenziedly thrash about in the water, alternating his Slam and Water Gun attacks with ease. Looks like he really wants to get back at Lapras-though she is fighting back just as strongly.
    Remoraid has to quickly dash out of the way as Splash is knocked towards it…but the Quagsire promptly jumps up and performs a Slam attack on Lapras’s back.
    She cries out..then collapses!
    Splash proudly paddles back to you as Remoraid declares him the winner, as Lapras lifts her head and smiles sheepishly at you.
    What are you going to do?

    Leaving the newly evolved Pokémon and his friend behind you, you continue on and suddenly find yourself facing what looks the like the result of some sort of natural disaster-the ceiling of the cave has collapsed onto the floor, along which large cracks wind their way through the earth.
    Pausing to se if you can figure out how to cross the destroyed cavern, you spot a Machop climbing up over a large pile of rubble to your left. It’s looking down at the ground slightly apprehensively, and suddenly you realise why-a small pack of Houndour are sniffing around on the floor.
    What are you going to do?

    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Numel glances up anxiously as you approach the Sableye, but then calms down slightly when you whisper that you’re trying to help it.
    Taking a deep breath, you face the small figure and shout at it to leave Numel alone. It doesn’t react, just continues staring at you. You gulp and repeat what you said.
    It remains silent-then emits the smallest of growls. Numel lets out a whine and hides its head, but you react quickly and throw out the Poké Ball containing Mystic.
    However, the appearance of the other Pokémon suddenly materialising in front of it startles the Sableye, and it lets out a squeak and darts away.
    You watch it going feeling slightly confused, while behind Numel lets out a happy cheer.
    What are you going to do?

    Deciding to deal with the Spearows, you quickly send out your new Girafarig and whisper to her to tell the Spearow to leave the Venonat alone.
    She nods and trots over until she is directly between the Spearow and Venonat and orders them to leave it alone.
    After she speaks, the majority of the flock just shrug and turn their attention away, but a couple just glare harder and swoop down off their perches to flutter round Kawaii’s head. She takes a step back, but they just close in on her and begin to screech and caw, telling her to mind her own business.
    She stamps her foot nervously, and backs up again, before looking over at you for reassurance.
    What are you going to do?

    Wild Eevee~
    At your command Meditite skips over to Heracross and begins to ask what happened and what sort of creature is ahead.
    It gasps, and staggers to its feet, then shakily begins to whisper rapidly, all the while gesturing frantically. After a couple of minutes Meditite nods and comes running back over to you, followed by the Heracross.
    Apparently there’s a large and very territorial Crawdaunt in the next cavern that attacks anyone an instant after they step into the cavern.
    Heracross nods then adds that in order to continue on in the direction you’re going is to cross through the cavern.
    Your heart sinks when you hear this, but then rises again as Heracross says that he’d be willing to help you cross, so he could face off against the Crawdaunt again.
    What are you going to do?

  39. #79
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Deciding to deal with the Spearows, you quickly send out your new Girafarig and whisper to her to tell the Spearow to leave the Venonat alone.
    She nods and trots over until she is directly between the Spearow and Venonat and orders them to leave it alone.
    After she speaks, the majority of the flock just shrug and turn their attention away, but a couple just glare harder and swoop down off their perches to flutter round Kawaii’s head. She takes a step back, but they just close in on her and begin to screech and caw, telling her to mind her own business.
    She stamps her foot nervously, and backs up again, before looking over at you for reassurance.
    What are you going to do?

    Kawaii, use Confusion!
    Random Quote:
    "Well-behaved women seldom make history." ~ Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

    My XBox Live gamertag is gleameyes26. Feel free to add me!

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  40. #80
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default {Game} The Crystal Caves Capture Center [MA] Version 9

    Originally posted by Sneasel(h)Obsessive
    DarkPrince the Dark Knight~
    Numel glances up anxiously as you approach the Sableye, but then calms down slightly when you whisper that you’re trying to help it.
    Taking a deep breath, you face the small figure and shout at it to leave Numel alone. It doesn’t react, just continues staring at you. You gulp and repeat what you said.
    It remains silent-then emits the smallest of growls. Numel lets out a whine and hides its head, but you react quickly and throw out the Poké Ball containing Mystic.
    However, the appearance of the other Pokémon suddenly materialising in front of it startles the Sableye, and it lets out a squeak and darts away.
    You watch it going feeling slightly confused, while behind Numel lets out a happy cheer.
    What are you going to do?
    South Caverns

    o_O what a strange way to make a pest go away...

    I'm going to say "You're welcome" to the Numel before I say goodbye to it as I move on.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

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